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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Might also consider Pack Attack. It tweaks AI, making enemies a bit more dangerous (intelligent....) and also allows you to custom configure additional spawns. I have been using it for several months now, and it lends a whole new aspect to combat, and wandering the commonwealth. Check it out, watch some of the videos. I REALLY like it. :D
  2. Don't you have the option to set the evacuation signal before setting the self-destruct??
  3. :D Always enjoy a hug and kiss. :) I'm a guy though...... Ah well. Glad it worked for ya.
  4. Which i7? In all reality, your machine should run Oblivion without difficulty...... You should bump the frame-rate cap reliably. What operating system? What else is running in the background? Any ASUS apps?
  5. Can you Alt-Tab to shift focus? Or maybe, cue up a menu that actually gives you a mouse cursor, can you then access the second screen? (I only have one, so, I am shooting in the dark here.)
  6. Aaaaaah, dammit I suspect it simply vaporware in any event. They keep expanding the scope of the game, each time technology moves forward..... have already spent about 250 million bucks (mostly crowdfunded.....) and they still haven't even made it to a beta release yet........
  7. Yeah, it looks a LOT like Privateer. :) Just a female main character, and a slightly different story. Mechanics look pretty much the same, with some polishing. I loved Privateer. That was a FUN game. I was really looking forward to Star Citizen, until they decided it would be pretty much ONLY an MMO.
  8. Q: Why should I play your game?A: If you don't think Spaceships, Biker Gangs, Decaying Blue-Collar Americana, Machine Guns and a complete disregard for accurate space physics go together, then there's probably not a good reason. LOLOL. Yep, looks interesting. Coming out on steam next year???? Hhhmmm......... I *might* wait for that.... :D I loved the Wing Commander Franchise. (I think I still have all of those games too.....)
  9. Might try a dual-boot...... Windows for gaming, Linux for everything else....... Trouble is, you have too many layers running games under linux, instability is the result.
  10. It's in there, and if you kill off Amren, and his wife, that is supposed to trigger it. (or, they get dead in some other fashion..... dragons, vampires, whathaveyou) Occasionally, Braith will whine about dead parents, even though they aren't dead.....
  11. It think its more about if your hardware is capable of pushing resolutions that high.
  12. Known bug. Does the Unofficial Skyrim Patch address that??? Braith is one of the reasons for child killing mods.......
  13. Won't happen. At least not China vs USA over a trade disagreement. Having grown up in the middle of the cold war the Iron Curtain just 20 miles removed from my home, I've grown a pretty thick skin when it comes to the danger of nuclear confrontations. Too much to lose for both sides. As far as Fallout goes, you have to suspend disbelief in many instances. 200 years since the bombs fell and they can't even manufacture a set of clean cloths? Living in Shanties instead of solid houses, music stil the same old records from centuries ago and nothing resembling public order outside of small pockets of borderline civilization. No international travelling, but we still have Russians with a thick accent or an Irish Cait as a companion. Vegetation still rotten grass and trees, no green. If you look at places like the irradiated surrounding of chernobyl, everything's green an lush and also the fauna seems to prosper. True, we haven't seen the NCR territory or the main base of power of the BOS, but everything else just screams for suspending disbelief. Not to mention that after 200 and change years of zero upkeep, 99% of the buildings in downtown boston would simply be gone. The area would revert to what it once was, forest. You would barely be able to tell that mankind was ever there, without digging a bit, and finding refined steel, and concrete, etc. There is a LOT to the FO universe that is inaccurate...... but, that's the nature of the beast. It's a game, there are no rules. Any rules applied to one game, may or may not apply in subsequent games.
  14. You don't. Beth isn't supporting it yet, and tend to ban those folks they find using them. (to the best of my knowledge, haven't been on the beth forums for some time now.)
  15. That's actually pretty funny, considering its the dems generally using emotional appeal in an attempt to 'prove' their point.
  16. Considering that the Republicans STOLE a SCOTUS seat should mean something to you. They also refuse to bring election security bills to vote. McConnell knows that that any Russian interference will help the Republicans. Republicans are too damned dirty to run this government Well that's just it though. The dems aren't any cleaner. Both sides have their issues. In all reality, NONE of them should be in government... but, the way our system has been working of late, (if you want to call it that) you get a choice, and you pick the lesser of two evils. For me, that is the Republicans. For others, it's the Dems....... We pick our own personal poison. And for a lot of folks, I think think they are voting FOR someone, so much as they are voting AGAINST someone else.......
  17. All of the M-16's I carried in the service were selective fire. Semi auto, or full auto. There was no burst mode. If you had it in full auto, and held the trigger down, it would keep firing until the magazine was empty..... You can still purchase full-auto weapons today, but, it is EXTREMELY difficult. Lots of licensing and background checks to go through. (and it ain't cheap either.....) Semi-Auto weapons were never banned in the US. So-called 'assault weapons' were banned. Rifles that had three or more specific COSMETIC features, were considered 'assault rifles'...... What's rather funny is, weapons that were more powerful, but didn't have a bayonet lug..... (but, still semi-auto, with 'large' capacity magazines) were still perfectly legal. (and still are today.) And if you look at crime statistics, and a few studies that have been done, you would discover that the assault weapons ban did NOTHING to reduce gun crime. Nothing. Long guns in general, of which, 'assault rifles' are a subset, account for less than 3% of gun crime. That's not just homicides, thats ANY crime where a gun is involved. Banning them won't make any difference whatsoever. Most mass-shooters use pistols, or shotguns in any event. It's just the media likes to continuously run stories about the ones where an 'assault rifle' was used.... The others, you don't hear about them as often, or as long. It doesn't fit with the picture they are trying to paint. Something else the left just can't seem to figure out is, Gun Free zones are simply advertisements for a target-rich environment, where no one is going to be able to shoot back. Mass shooters, by their very nature, are cowards. Please notice that most of them take their own lives, or surrender as soon as the cops show up. Most of them blow their own brains out as soon as they hear the sirens....... So, lets remove their safety blanket of 'gun free' zones..... You will find them a LOT less willing to walk into an environment where ANY adult could possibly be armed. And it wouldn't matter how many of there were armed, or even none at all.... It's that POSSIBILITY that would serve as the deterrent. And that's all you really need for these types of killings anyway. Besides, doesn't matter what you ban, someone bent on doing ill, will simply find another way. Pressure cooker bombs, truck bombs, pipe bombs, home-made chemical weapons, (look it up, it's easy, if somewhat hazardous.....) folks have even used cars/trucks as weapons. (Hello Europe, remember those???) Something else you gotta consider is, the gun culture here in the US. Guns have ALWAYS been fairly available. After all, that's what our founding fathers INTENDED, to the point that they wrote it into the constitution, and that whole 'SHALL NOT be infringed' thing..... even though our government has been infringing on our constitutional rights pretty casually these last few decades....... (patriot act, anyone?) There is always going to be folks that want to do harm, they are the tiny minority, but, lets punish MILLIONS of law abiding citizens, for the acts of a few....... Yeah, that makes perfect sense..... Somewhere...... Maybe......
  18. I find it amusing that they call it 'all access', and then require a subscription for it..... To me, that sounds a lot more like 'controlled access', or, in my case, "no access", as I outright refuse to pay them for something that has always been free. (aside from having to tolerate commercials.)
  19. Most folks already know that 'trickle down' economics simply doesn't work. There is only one thing that trickles down..... and normal folks DON'T WANT IT....... But then, our government is famous for doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results...... I still won't be voting Dem though. They have too many ideas of how to spend other peoples money, that I simply do not agree with. They also seem to be unable to understand english, and supreme court decisions. They also recently started thinking they could threaten the Supreme court into doing what they wanted....... Terribly sorry, but, the platform that most of them are running on just strikes me as flat out idiotic. It doesn't take a genius to understand that they have no idea how they are going to pay for ANY of their programs. Green New Deal? Estimated cost of 97 TRILLION dollars over 10 years...... I am REAL curious just where they think that money is going to come from. Free college? How do they expect to pay for that???? The staff at those colleges still need to be paid...... Student loan forgiveness? Ok, theres another 1.5 trillion dollars that isn't just going to magically appear. Do they think the banks are just doing to absorb that loss? Do they plan to compensate the RESPONSIBLE people that actually managed their debt, and paid off their loans? 15 dollar an hour minimum wage??? Several cities have already discovered that that isn't the boon they tried to convince themselves it would be. In fact, it was an unmitigated disaster, for the folks they were ostensibly trying to 'help'....... Is Donny a 'good' president?? No. Not really. However, I would much rather see another 4 years of trump, than ANY of the current crop of dem candidates.......
  20. Don't install Games/Steam in the Programs Files directory. Save yourself a LOT of headaches.
  21. Yeah, I don't know of any sites that allow multiple accounts. None of the forums that I am mod/admin in will...... Beth has the same policy on their forums.
  22. Availability of guns hasn't changed much in the last several decades, however, the number of mass shootings HAS. So, what has changed in the last couple decades? Society has. We now teach our kids in schools that 'everyone wins, everyone gets a trophy'. They are not held accountable for their actions, it is always someone elses fault. They won't fail kids that don't/won't do the work, as it 'may be bad for their self-esteem'. We have set up 'safe spaces' for kids that are too tender to face anything remotely resembling reality. Bullies are allowed free reign. There is no discipline in schools. The staff CAN'T discipline kids, without the parents filing a lawsuit. The kids have the power, staff does not, and the kids are well aware of it. So, after 12 years of that, they get out into the real world, and discover that none of that is actually the way life works. Only the winner gets a trophy, and there is only ONE winner. If you slack off at work, you don't get promoted, in most cases, you get fired, and they find someone that DOES want to work. These generations have no idea how to deal with adversity, or conflict, and there isn't a 'safe space' at work for them to go hide in. Add to that, that most families today have both parents working, so raising the kids is left to the television, or game console, etc. The government has regulated parents so much, that even at home, the kids have more power than the parents. (for those parents that are actually even interested in raising their kids......) So this is what we end up with. Shooters that feel the world owes them a good living, with zero effort on their part, and when they don't get it, they want revenge. Or kids that were bullied all through school, and now have access to firearms, and have an axe to grind. For far too many of these shooters, all the warning signs were there. Nobody paid attention to them, and a bunch of folks get dead. One of the issues is, mental health. Ronnie Reagan pretty much dismantled mental health care back in the 80', and all those folks are now on the streets, along with the folks that SHOULD be institutionalized, but, their are no longer any institutions to put them in..... According to theory, if you have 'mental issues', you should be disallowed from purchasing/owning firearms. Trouble is, no doctors are willing to make that call, except in REALLY extreme circumstances. Start talking about how little Johnny is a potential threat to society, and the army of lawyers descend on you, and you spend the rest of your life in a courtroom, not your office. When I was in high school, the student parking let was 70% pickup trucks, 90% of which had gun racks, and 80% of those had guns in them. No one was ever shot at school. Not one. (back in the 70's.) We didn't have metal detectors, we didn't have armed guards at the doors, and ALL the doors were unlocked during the school day. Sure, we had fights, regularly, but, only a tiny percentage of those involved any sort of weapon, and those were usually knives.
  23. I'm in the US, and the link, and first video don't work..... Second video does though. COOL!!!! I'll be seein' that one when it comes out. :D
  24. Nexus Site forums, Fallout 3, Fallout 3 Geck forum. :D They will have a clue.
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