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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Leonardo posted the solution. You don't use SKSE64 with Skyrim, Legendary Edition. (oldrim) You just need SKSE. SKSE64 is for Skyrim Second Edition. (or special edition, whatever.)
  2. I think you have to tell vortex that you also have skse...... I just have a shortcut to my skse_loader.exe on my desktop. Everything else just automagically starts in the background then.
  3. Hhhmmm.... That's not missing textures... maybe corrupt? Try redownloading/reinstalling the mod, see if anything changes.
  4. Yeah, just removing his immortality is going to be inadequate to the task. Too many things going on around him, that need him to be around. You would need to find all the quests that he is associated with, and insert some code to terminate/complete them, else the game would likely be really borked. :D
  5. Is that a windows error??? If so, might try this: 1. Click Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, then right-click Command Prompt, in the right click menu, please click Run as administrator. 2. Type the following commands, press Enter after each line. regsvr32 atl.dll cd C:\WINDOWS\eHome ehSched /unregServer ehSched /service ehRecvr /unregServer ehRecvr /service ehRec.exe /unregServer ehRec.exe /regserver ehmsas.exe /unregServer ehmsas.exe /regserver The type in exit, and hit enter. Try MGE again.
  6. There are a couple folks over on the beth forums that are VERY good with load orders on XBox. May have better results posting there as well. :) Posting your current load order wouldn't hurt either. :D
  7. I wasn't even aware you could do that on your phone...... (or tablet....) but, have a look here. Some suggestions for ya.
  8. HeyYou


    That particular black market existed long before Iran/Contra happened. It's been there just this side of forever. (late 1920's or so.) And really got going in the late 30's, after various 'imported' drugs were made illegal. Our culpability extends to the fact that we are pretty much their biggest market. But again, that's been the case for quite some time. It's supply and demand. Just because you ban something, doesn't make it go away, nor does it eliminate the market for said product. In fact, making it illegal actually INCREASES it's value for those willing to take the risk. Hence, why the war on drugs was an abject failure before it was even declared. (but, we knew that at the time in any event.) Want to eliminate, or dramatically reduce the demand for the black market side of things? Legalize it, regulate it, tax it. Provide a LEGAL product, that is better, and cheaper, than the black market stuff, and you will be able to watch the black market dry up, and blow away. Of course, that isn't likely to happen for much beyond pot. I don't see the US government legalizing coke, or heroin any time soon...... so, there will always be a black market for those products. And then, of course, the way the government is going about regulating pot....... I suspect there will always be a black market demand for it as well......
  9. Our schools seem to have issues with figuring out just what the 'truth' is...... and it varies from school to school. For the most part though, they like to call it 'socialism', not communism, as that has less negative connotations....... And you are correct, the folks espousing communism/socialism as a 'better way of life', have never lived in a communist/socialist country......
  10. Do you have all three DLC's??
  11. It's already on Beth. Ported by Tarshana. Do you also have the requirements installed?
  12. The xbox version is already on Beth.net, the ONLY place you can get mods for xbox. You would be better off posting in the comments on the mod page, but, you are going to have to provide a LOT more detail than "it don't really work"......
  13. Start by turning off your extensions, (except the ad-blocker) and see if things improve.
  14. HeyYou


    You're right. Deny other human beings their humanity, simply because they are different. It's okay to let them die on our doorstep, they're different. It's okay to return them to be killed by their government, they're different. It's okay to summarily put them in prison without trial, they're different. It's okay to take their children from them, they're different. Sounds eerily familiar. It's okay to put them in prison camps, they're different. It's okay to take their property, they're different. It's okay to kill them, they're different. So please tell me, how is what you are saying we are doing, any different from what their own government is doing? Do you think being held in a federal facility is all fun and games? Should we just let in anyone that wants to come here, without finding out WHY they are coming here? Do you think it would be wise to just open our borders to anyone?? Most of those 'refugees' are passing thru several other countries on their way here. Why don't they stay in one of THOSE countries? They are better than what they left behind. (supposedly) Maybe they wanna come here because of all the free handouts the democrats think we should give them...... Why work hard for a living, and barely make it, when you can come here, and get free housing, free food, free health care, and even some spending money?? A standard of living FAR superior to what they left behind, and all for free. What's not to like??? And you wonder why we are some 22 TRILLION dollars in debt?? I don't...... Those entitlements make up better than 25% of the TOTAL federal budget. Have a look at the chart Here. Please note the SPIKE in immigration starting in about 1975...... Now, how long do you think current policy is sustainable? Shouldn't america before for americans FIRST??? Shouldn't we address our own issues with homeless, and lack of affordable healthcare for our citizens FIRST? Why should we put these johnny-come-latelys ahead of citizens? Let's see. What happened in the early 1970s. Oh, I remember, Tricky Dick declared a "War on Drugs" and sent armed troops into Central and South America. And that invasion from the north sparked 'tribal' infighting to keep control of the drug manufacturing sources. Imagine that, The United States precipitated the crisis that started the refugees fleeing north. And we have continued pumping money and equipment into Central and Southern America for the last forty five years. Maybe, just maybe now, the United States has a responsibility to those who were, and are, directly impacted by the actions of the United States. Or are you saying the United States should write off the victims of their war on drugs as collateral damage and pretend they don't exist? In spite of your hyperbole, nobody is putting the refugees above American citizens. And according to the commitments the United States made in 1954. we are not supposed to treat refugees as subhuman either. But what Trump is doing with his policies is treating refugees as subhumans who can be tortured, imprisoned, starved and denied their basic human rights just for seeking asylum. And what you are doing by your comments justifying Trump's mistreatment of refugees is to further dehumanize the victims of a true human tragedy. And that is abhorrent. Quite frankly, I would rather befriend a thousand refugees than one United States citizen who would participate in the deliberate dehumanization of even one other human being, especially when their reason is "they're different, they're not like us". But alas, that "they're different, they're not like us" logic is quite popular. It put into power the greatest Fascist regime ever to exist. And the way things are progressing, Trump and his sycophant ideologues might just succeed in creating another. And with that, I am done with this discussion. I am out of pearls for casting. Leaving? Good. The veiled insults, (poorly, at that) and holier-than-thou attitude get old pretty quick. I would also point out that the various countries we are getting 'refugees' from are not due to just the war on drugs. Those countries have issues all their own, that have been ongoing for decades. I would point out that the cartel wars in Mexico are far more violent than other contributors to our 'refugee crisis', yet most of them are NOT Mexicans. Would you care to explain that? Oh, that's right, you just drop your insults and run. You also seem to assume a great deal about me.... Most of which is an invention of your own mind. Please point out where I have ever so much as implied the 'they are different' justification? I don't recall reading anything about the current admin applying that either...... I also suspect that you toss insults to the current administration out there to justify your own position. The whole 'fascist' thing is fraught with innuendo, and is a convenient label to apply to an administration you simply don't like, even though the economy is doing well, (for the most part) and life in general seems to be improving. I will grant you the pres really isn't 'presidential', in the old-school definition of things, but, he is getting the job done. I don't agree with all of his actions, but, that applies to EVERY past administration as well. I also note that you didn't bother to address the financial impact of the sheer number of 'refugees' currently showing up on our doorstep. Here's an idea, if you think those folks are so much better than your fellow citizens, why don't you have them move in with you? You can support them on your own dime, not on my tax dollars. I would MUCH prefer my tax dollars go to supporting our veterans, and actual american citizens. Wouldn't that be novel? I did address it. But it seems you are so wrapped up in your personal little poor me pity party that you never bothered to read the posts. Now, you can whine and cry about my posts and my "veiled insults" all you want. Reality is that you cannot deal with a little truth and facts, especially when the facts contradict you ill informed opinions. As for "holier than thou", that is simply one consequence of using documented facts to contradict your "alternate facts" and baseless opinions. It is a sad truth, but science and documented facts have a distinctive liberal bias. As for Fascism, there is a plaque in the Holocaust Museum that lists the warning signs of Fascism. Trump and his sycophants (including you, from what I read) tick every box. Written for legibility, and a photo of the plaque. Now, take you tantrums and your self indulgent pity parade and get lost. I have no patience nor tolerance for petulant children, and your last post clearly demonstrates you to be one. Wow. We went from veiled insults, and holier than though, to straight up insults, and arrogance. That's a nice combination. I also see that you are firmly instilled with the democrat creed. So that means that any argument that disagrees with yours, is obviously a lie, or based on 'alternate facts', or, you seek to disparage the character of your opponent. Congrats, you tick every box. Welcome to my ignore list. :) I have to deal with too many folks that have inflated opinions of themselves on a daily basis, I really don't need it here. You most certainly fall into that category. I have no use for egotistical narcissists, so, Goodbye.
  15. The only thing I can think of just off hand, aside from what you are already doing, is never overwrite an existing save. Always create a new one, and just clean out the folder every now and again. (mine regularly gets to triple digits before I clear 'em, and I have never had a corrupt save.)
  16. What does an Epson printer error code have to do with a performance issue running a game? (for the rest of you folks, do NOT click the link. I highly suspect malware.)
  17. HeyYou


    You're right. Deny other human beings their humanity, simply because they are different. It's okay to let them die on our doorstep, they're different. It's okay to return them to be killed by their government, they're different. It's okay to summarily put them in prison without trial, they're different. It's okay to take their children from them, they're different. Sounds eerily familiar. It's okay to put them in prison camps, they're different. It's okay to take their property, they're different. It's okay to kill them, they're different. So please tell me, how is what you are saying we are doing, any different from what their own government is doing? Do you think being held in a federal facility is all fun and games? Should we just let in anyone that wants to come here, without finding out WHY they are coming here? Do you think it would be wise to just open our borders to anyone?? Most of those 'refugees' are passing thru several other countries on their way here. Why don't they stay in one of THOSE countries? They are better than what they left behind. (supposedly) Maybe they wanna come here because of all the free handouts the democrats think we should give them...... Why work hard for a living, and barely make it, when you can come here, and get free housing, free food, free health care, and even some spending money?? A standard of living FAR superior to what they left behind, and all for free. What's not to like??? And you wonder why we are some 22 TRILLION dollars in debt?? I don't...... Those entitlements make up better than 25% of the TOTAL federal budget. Have a look at the chart Here. Please note the SPIKE in immigration starting in about 1975...... Now, how long do you think current policy is sustainable? Shouldn't america before for americans FIRST??? Shouldn't we address our own issues with homeless, and lack of affordable healthcare for our citizens FIRST? Why should we put these johnny-come-latelys ahead of citizens? Let's see. What happened in the early 1970s. Oh, I remember, Tricky Dick declared a "War on Drugs" and sent armed troops into Central and South America. And that invasion from the north sparked 'tribal' infighting to keep control of the drug manufacturing sources. Imagine that, The United States precipitated the crisis that started the refugees fleeing north. And we have continued pumping money and equipment into Central and Southern America for the last forty five years. Maybe, just maybe now, the United States has a responsibility to those who were, and are, directly impacted by the actions of the United States. Or are you saying the United States should write off the victims of their war on drugs as collateral damage and pretend they don't exist? In spite of your hyperbole, nobody is putting the refugees above American citizens. And according to the commitments the United States made in 1954. we are not supposed to treat refugees as subhuman either. But what Trump is doing with his policies is treating refugees as subhumans who can be tortured, imprisoned, starved and denied their basic human rights just for seeking asylum. And what you are doing by your comments justifying Trump's mistreatment of refugees is to further dehumanize the victims of a true human tragedy. And that is abhorrent. Quite frankly, I would rather befriend a thousand refugees than one United States citizen who would participate in the deliberate dehumanization of even one other human being, especially when their reason is "they're different, they're not like us". But alas, that "they're different, they're not like us" logic is quite popular. It put into power the greatest Fascist regime ever to exist. And the way things are progressing, Trump and his sycophant ideologues might just succeed in creating another. And with that, I am done with this discussion. I am out of pearls for casting. Leaving? Good. The veiled insults, (poorly, at that) and holier-than-thou attitude get old pretty quick. I would also point out that the various countries we are getting 'refugees' from are not due to just the war on drugs. Those countries have issues all their own, that have been ongoing for decades. I would point out that the cartel wars in Mexico are far more violent than other contributors to our 'refugee crisis', yet most of them are NOT Mexicans. Would you care to explain that? Oh, that's right, you just drop your insults and run. You also seem to assume a great deal about me.... Most of which is an invention of your own mind. Please point out where I have ever so much as implied the 'they are different' justification? I don't recall reading anything about the current admin applying that either...... I also suspect that you toss insults to the current administration out there to justify your own position. The whole 'fascist' thing is fraught with innuendo, and is a convenient label to apply to an administration you simply don't like, even though the economy is doing well, (for the most part) and life in general seems to be improving. I will grant you the pres really isn't 'presidential', in the old-school definition of things, but, he is getting the job done. I don't agree with all of his actions, but, that applies to EVERY past administration as well. I also note that you didn't bother to address the financial impact of the sheer number of 'refugees' currently showing up on our doorstep. Here's an idea, if you think those folks are so much better than your fellow citizens, why don't you have them move in with you? You can support them on your own dime, not on my tax dollars. I would MUCH prefer my tax dollars go to supporting our veterans, and actual american citizens. Wouldn't that be novel?
  18. HeyYou


    You're right. Deny other human beings their humanity, simply because they are different. It's okay to let them die on our doorstep, they're different. It's okay to return them to be killed by their government, they're different. It's okay to summarily put them in prison without trial, they're different. It's okay to take their children from them, they're different. Sounds eerily familiar. It's okay to put them in prison camps, they're different. It's okay to take their property, they're different. It's okay to kill them, they're different. So please tell me, how is what you are saying we are doing, any different from what their own government is doing? Do you think being held in a federal facility is all fun and games? Should we just let in anyone that wants to come here, without finding out WHY they are coming here? Do you think it would be wise to just open our borders to anyone?? Most of those 'refugees' are passing thru several other countries on their way here. Why don't they stay in one of THOSE countries? They are better than what they left behind. (supposedly) Maybe they wanna come here because of all the free handouts the democrats think we should give them...... Why work hard for a living, and barely make it, when you can come here, and get free housing, free food, free health care, and even some spending money?? A standard of living FAR superior to what they left behind, and all for free. What's not to like??? And you wonder why we are some 22 TRILLION dollars in debt?? I don't...... Those entitlements make up better than 25% of the TOTAL federal budget. Have a look at the chart Here. Please note the SPIKE in immigration starting in about 1975...... Now, how long do you think current policy is sustainable? Shouldn't america before for americans FIRST??? Shouldn't we address our own issues with homeless, and lack of affordable healthcare for our citizens FIRST? Why should we put these johnny-come-latelys ahead of citizens?
  19. HeyYou


    Refugees? Perhaps. They may call themselves that, but, what are they running from? A third world country, with a corrupt government? Gee, plenty of those around. (plenty of FIRST world countries with corrupt governments as well) Some of them may have a legitimate beef, but, on average, 4500 of them PER DAY?????? That MAKES it a national security issue. We simply don't have the facilities/staff/ability to hold and process that many folks. We don't even have the ability to warehouse them while they are waiting to be processed. But, according to you, we MUST accept them???? I think that is a treaty we need to pull out of as well. It is NOT our problem that their country of origin sucks. WE don't make it that way. Them leaving isn't going to change anything. Why don't THEY FIX THEIR OWN COUNTRY?
  20. You should post this in the New Vegas mod troubleshooting forum. :)
  21. LOLOL. I need to brush up on my remedial reading skills. I read your other post as "it didn't work'........ I need more coffee......
  22. Wait, you mean, they AREN'T doing that NOW???? :D
  23. Are you getting an error? Does the download ever actually start?
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