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Everything posted by HeyYou
A discussion of racism + racist rhetoric + quoting debunked racial science + justifying racial stereotypes + denial of proven genetic science = racist. That is why. Your arguments fall flat. You don't have clue what you are talking about, and make generalizations based on information that you don't understand, that are NOT supported by the facts of the matter. Then refute my arguments with facts. Leave out the racist rhetoric and the racist stereotypes and the science that was debunked in the 1950's. Prove that we are not the same species. Prove that 'race' exists. Prove that racism is not based on superficial characteristics. We have. Where have you been?
A discussion of racism + racist rhetoric + quoting debunked racial science + justifying racial stereotypes + denial of proven genetic science = racist. That is why. Your arguments fall flat. You don't have clue what you are talking about, and make generalizations based on information that you don't understand, that are NOT supported by the facts of the matter.
Try telling that to the Chihuahua...chuckles. :laugh: However on topic. The Tibetans have retained some genes from their Denisovan ancestors which makes them high altitude adaptive. Inuits retained the cold adaptive genes of Neanderthals. I cannot see anything reprehensible about retaining superior climate adaptive genes from alternate hominid lineages. We are all homo sapiens but given man's basic nature I tend to think that they were not overly picky when they found a woman that would have them given the dearth of choices in prehistory. It is not a case of superior or inferior it's a matter of what is the most useful to the indigenous population. Evolution tends to sort out what works and what doesn't over the millennia. I would never argue with a Chihuahua....... You will never convince them they are NOT the superior species. Or sub species for that matter..... :D
Humans are all of the same species. There are, however, different subspecies, all with some distinct differences. A lot like and Great Dane, and a Chihuahua are both dogs, but, no one would ever argue they are both 'the same'.....
Thank You. :)
Owwie. And I bet you hit your limit for the month as well....... Data caps SUCK. Fortunately, the year after I moved out here to the sticks. (I think "nowhere" is about half a mile away.) the local telco installed DSL. The equipment pad is about three feet from my property line. :) I pay for 15mb/s... 25 is available, but, for what I use the internet for, I can't justify the additional cost.
Another facetious argument. And it is not my reasoning. I presented scientific evidence. Go debate against the science. Not facetious. It is a direct relationship based on your reasoning. Let me guess, you AREN'T a geneticist......
well, lets see here.... the only "difference" between male and female, is one chromosome, therefore by your reasoning Male=Female..... Right.
DNA is only part of the story though. Much as some folks like to deny it, there ARE differences between groups of people. Granted, a fair few of them are cultural, or heavily influenced by their culture, but, we are most certainly NOT all the same.
SSE Somewhere to put a powerful spell
HeyYou replied to Deleted23027814User's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Could always put it in a chest in one of the Giant camps. :) -
Which SCOTUS decisions are you referring to in your first paragraph? I've yet to read one that outlawed criticism of minorities or anyone else, whether it's private or public. As for racism, studies consistently indicate it's one of the most accurate indicators of low intelligence in humans. What differs among countries and among minorities within a country is cultural conditioning and very close to nothing else. The courts labeled it "hate speech". Saying anything 'bad' about someone that is not white, no matter if it is true or not, is consider 'hate speech'. I think that all this PC nonsense started back in the 60's, and has since morphed into something far more sinister, and developed a LOT more momentum in the late 80s', and has been humming along just fine since then. Please note all the organizations out there in the world SPECIFICALLY to aid minorities, be it religious, or racial. If a white, or christian group formed, with the express purpose of furthering the wants/needs/desires of white folks, they would be labeled as discriminatory, or even, terrorists..... (KKK, Skinheads.... granted, they ARE extremists, but, isn't BLM extremist as well?) Of course, you can call 'whitey' anything you like, true or not, blame them for all the worlds problems, and everyone else just nods and agrees with you...... There are laws in place that FORCE corporations to have a workforce that 'reflects the indigenous makeup of the area'...... so, they are forced to hire not on merit, or qualifications, but by race. This is a LEGAL form of discrimination, as it only discriminates against white folks, which, apparently, is just fine.....
It's already been proven that negotiations are a never-ending circle jerk with NK. Sure, we could 'negotiate' with them some more, and they might be good for a year or two, after they get some concessions, but then, they go right back to the same old behavior of belligerence, and grandstanding. So, why should we even bother? Shall we kick the can down the road another couple years? Give NK more time to develop their nuclear and missile programs? Do we wait for them to have deliverable nukes before the shooting starts? After all, war appears to be all but inevitable. It is not a question of "if", but, "when".
Because stating that some stereotypes are actually accurate, racial profiling, etc, isn't politically correct. And we all know that PC is what seems to be the most important consideration these days. Heaven forbid that our views offend anyone....
For those of us that do not wish to buy and read Weiner's book, how about a precis version the salient points. Secondly, are not all foreign and domestic lobbyists influence peddlers?..it's actually the definition of their job. Is it that they are foreign as opposed to the run of the mill sleazy domestic ones? Lastly, If the federal government could unilaterally fix this then why in your view have they not done so? Our federal government hasn't fixed it because it isn't in the best interests of the sleazy influence peddlers. :)
Strange bug on vanilla grenades please help
HeyYou replied to Recon209's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
So what changed between when the worked, and when they didn't? Change any mods? Change your load order? -
Fallout For Real - Could You Handle It?
HeyYou replied to Fkemman11's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Earth Abides was an excellent book, and even though it was written quite some time ago, still, I think it gave a pretty accurate picture of how things would go over the course of a couple generations. In that book, 99% of the human race was wiped out by a plague. So, no radiation to worry about. -
Strange bug on vanilla grenades please help
HeyYou replied to Recon209's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
What platform, what mods are you using? -
SkyUI? Morrowind port? erm...... in Fallout???? I fail to see how that could even remotely work.
Fallout For Real - Could You Handle It?
HeyYou replied to Fkemman11's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Survival in a post-nuclear war setting would depend a LOT on the scale of the war. And the problem with that boils down to the "use it or lose it." philosophy..... Should any state actor launch a nuclear attack, that targeted state WILL have some advance warning, (around 30 minutes or so) They then have to decide how to respond, and when they do, the original side would then need to decide how THEY are going to respond. The likelihood of a nuclear war escalating to a full-scale strategic attack, is pretty good. (assuming that the original state actor is one of the major nuclear powers.) So, it won't be JUST military targets, ANY (every?) large population center will also be a target. Any city that has any industrial capacity at all will be a target. Some military installations WON'T be, as by the time the weapons get there, the reason for sending them will be gone. (Missile bases, strategic bomber bases, places of that nature.) Even the city I live outside of, population of about 30K, is a target... Why? Because we have industrial capacity here, that during WWII, built tanks. Given that I am bracketed by large population centers, Chicago, Detroit, Toledo, Lansing, Jackson, etc, there is ZERO chance I would survive. If the bomb didn't get me, fallout from the nearby cities would. Wouldn't matter which direction the wind was blowing, fallout from at least a couple targets would blanket the area. As for the Southern Hemisphere...... The 'barrier' created by wind currents would not be proof against the fate of the Norther Hemisphere crossing over, and also affecting the rest of the world. Wind and weather patterns would be disrupted by the war, and fallout would eventually creep south. It may not be as profound of an affect, but, affect there would be. Not to mention all the refugees fleeing south...... From what I have learned over time, a strategic nuclear war would indeed spell the end of humanity. It might take a decade or three, but, in the end, no one would survive. -
I would point out, that he was elected BECAUSE of his policies....... Please note, that Hilary, and her policies, lost....... Just what were Hillary's policies? If I remember correctly her campaign was largely divide and conquer , bi-coastal identity politics , don't elect him, Trump supporters are racist Troglodytes and it's my turn because I'm a woman. Yup, that was bound to sway the mid western states :facepalm: Things like major gun-control legislation. (the libs version thereof. To me, gun control is the ability to hit your target......) Increasingly stringent regulations on fuel economy, and vehicle exhaust emissions. Making the illegals feel more at home. Etc. The usual lib hot-button issues.....
I would point out, that he was elected BECAUSE of his policies....... Please note, that Hilary, and her policies, lost.......
If only they would, we would all be better off...... China and Russia are the folks that have the power to neutralize lil kim, without endangering millions in SK...... Question becomes, will they?
Yup. And therein lies the problem. There is simply no defense against all those artillery pieces. Some 8000 of which are within range of Seoul....... We don't have a prayer of taking out all of them before NK could do some serious damage.
So far, I think the best he has done is sub-10 kilotons.... not even as big as the smallest bomb we dropped on Japan. Still, it would make a pretty serious mess. And you are correct, he doesn't have a missile that will carry one. Yet. But, even old tech can get the job done...... Drop one on Seoul, and the picture will change dramatically. Do I think kim would be so stupid? No, not really... But, better to be prepared, than caught with your pants down. Even better to nip the problem in the bud before it even becomes an issue...... How becomes the big question. Negotiations/agreements are quite obviously worthless... So, we need to get China to reign in their little dog.
New computer causing internet to slow down
HeyYou replied to TritonEXE's topic in Hardware and software discussion
I have pinpointed it to being the computer itself. It slows down the connection no matter if it's either ethernet or Wi-Fi. Some of the updates for win 10 are rather large... so, just manually check for updates, let it do it's think overnight, or whatever, and it should settle down.