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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I would be interested to see the sites balance sheet....... Currently, we have no information about how well the site is/is not doing. Dark0ne may be raking in a hundred grand a year in salary for all we know.
  2. This is kinda what worries me... its that X factor again. These guys aren't the first to pull this particular stunt. Won't be the last either.
  3. The folks that are willing to pony up the dollars to have their ads unblocked are the ones that are approved.
  4. No. There is zero reason to have some third-party software also running while I am trying to play my SINGLE player game. Steam would be far more acceptable if it were a verify and terminate application. Why do they REQUIRE me to burn machine resources for 'features' I will never, ever, use? Lets go back to the days of the disk check, or, a single use installation key, or some variant thereof. Or the same model that Microsoft uses.... You set up your profile, enter your key, download/install your game, and that's it. You are done. NO third party software running whatsoever. Seems to work great of MS Office. (even the non-subscription versions.) Steam doesn't do squat for preventing piracy, but it sure as hell kill the secondary market for used games.
  5. Of course it's DRM, CEG stops you sharing your games with others and retail encryption stops the game leaking early. GOG is DRM free, not Steam. changing out ONE file defeats steam completely. It isn't drm.
  6. Steam is a digital distribution source. It is by no stretch of the imagination any variety of DRM, as it doesn't do anything at all to protect digital rights. And yeah, I have real objections to being FORCED to install third-party software, to play my games.
  7. Sometimes it scares me to read your posts..... I have to recheck the name, to make sure I didn't write it..... :D
  8. New game? Or old save? Is there a skill requirement? Button assignment? Non-english keyboard?
  9. Not like threads discussing the LBGT issues are known for their even-tempered, rational discourse. :D
  10. Very good points. Also, I suspect not wanting to stir the pot, so to speak, of those that would object to such a character being in-game, and causing some trouble...... Although, that seems to be a lot less of an issue today, than it has been in the past.
  11. 5 or 6 years. I think.... AMD 965 Black quad core. 12 gb RAM AMD HD 6840 Vid card. (originally 4890, but, that died) 256 gb SSD 320gb SATA 7200RPM data drive. (terrabyte external drive) MSI system board. All in all, it runs Skyrim on ultra (with AA and AF turned down) without a problem. Same for FO:NV. Two main "demanding" games that I play. Nothing else even makes it sweat.
  12. Why does it matter? You can marry either gender, and it just doesn't matter.
  13. How about an automatic backup, and an option to 'revert to previous version' in the debugger? Or some such?
  14. The A-10 is more survivable in the event of damage/accident...... Were I a pilot, that would be rather important to me.....
  15. And who are you to decide for Egyptians? An American? Pfft, deal with your problems first before spreading corruption around. This whole military rule thing is starting to be bulls***. Israel was always military led except for 1 president. I can't speak for that president though. No idea if he was good or not. Egypt was always military led except for 1 [corrupt] president. And people are actually more happy with Sisi more than Morsi.... Which country of these 2 gets all the attention for having a military president? Is-.. oh wait. You should really do something about that chip on your shoulder. In case you hadn't noticed, I am AGAINST american intervention in the middle east. WE are the ones that precipitated most of the problems there, simply because we didn't understand the basic issues with the population. Invading Iraq was a MAJOR mistake. There was ZERO reason to do so. We went into Afghanistan to get ONE guy....... That seems just a tad excessive to me. Nope. The arrogance of the american government has led us to where we are today. Unfortunately, they seem to be incapable of learning from past mistakes, and continue to repeat them. Why? Because it makes some folks HUGE piles of money, and they then apply that money to buying the government. It has worked great for them so far, and I don't see that changing any time soon. So, expect more stupidity from the US government, and even more instability in the ME.
  16. Meh, the A-10 is overrated. I think the SU-25 is overall a better platform. Though the primary cannon it has is not as good as the GAU-8, but the cannon it has is also practical, unlike the extremely huge GAU-8. The penetration of the GAU-8 is not really useful much when you have all those ATGMs and bombs. You can support a side, just.. don't over do it. Examples of over doing it: "UKRAINE ARE A BUNCH OF NEO NAZIS. THEY HELPED NAZI GERMANY IN WW2" "RUSSIA IS AGGRESSIVE. THEY WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. WE SHOULD NUKE THEM ALL" etc. --- Sources @ OP claims: - T-90A here - Worn T-90A here - Ukrainian VDV T-80BV Training here (notice the VDV emblem) - Azov Battalion using 1944 BS-3 Field gun here - Ukrainian refurbished T-80BV from July 15 2015 here, before being sent to VDV unit Close Air Support disagrees with you. Bigger, meaner, and safer to fly.
  17. Well, rumor has it that Russia is sending in troops as well as equipment. Not sure how much truth there is to that....... In all reality, this is turning into a proxy war between NATO, and Russia...... The US is sending in A-10s....... which should make the Rebels/Russians a tad nervous..... They are extremely good at taking out tanks.......
  18. Contradiction in terms when it comes to politicians. :D
  19. They might be 'the most powerful people in the world', but, that does not give them any super-powers, or any more intelligence, or any additional insight. They are just as flawed as the next man. They are human, after all. Well, at least, they pretend to be..... Quite honestly, sometimes I believe that they are actually LESS intelligent than your average teenager..... given some of the stupid stuff they do.
  20. "mess" is an understatement. :) And I seriously doubt will we end up with anything approaching Rome when all is said and done. Yeah, Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize when he hadn't even been in office six months. All that proved to me was that it was a political decision, not based on anything he had actually done. (as, he hadn't done anything......) I think the major reason we went there was exactly what you say. Oil. Various mega-corporations saw a land ripe for the picking, and a 'new' government would be more interested in getting some money, than in just what they were selling off for said money. I found it absolutely hilarious that when the time came to start bidding on oil rights, not a single american company was to be seen. Too many 'security concerns' for them, apparently. Talk about 'not according to plan'...... there is the very picture of a plan gone wrong.
  21. Going to windows 10 probably wasn't the best idea. If you still have the install media for win 7, reinstall it. Much more stable, and easier to get along with. Win 10 has only been out for a month... and Microsoft is notorious for the new O/S having some growing pains. Use some tool other than the windows installer to make sure your harddrive has NO partitions left on it. (some varieties of virus will put a hidden partition on the drive that the windows disk manager can't see.) Reinstall Win7, get all your drivers updated, reinstall skyrim. Should work perfectly.
  22. I disagree. President Bush had absolutely no idea what he was getting himself in for when he went into Iraq, and Afghanistan. As you will recall, Bush sr. was also in a position to oust Saddam. He was within sight of Baghdad, had all the equipment necessary to boot him right the hell out, yet, he did not. Why? "No Viable exit strategy." Exactly what we are seeing today. Sure, we left, for a while..... but, we left because they wanted our soldiers subject to their Sharia law, and we weren't willing to go there. And what we left was a mess. Its still a mess, and it isn't getting better, it's getting worse. Not only are there more terrorists in Iraq now, than when Saddam was in charge, but, they also have real americans to shoot at. We turned Iraq from a non-entity, into a terrorist training ground. Al-qaeda/ISIS wet dream. Afghanistan is now one of THE most corrupt nations in the world. Libya is still in the midst of civil war. Egypt was once again taken over by the Military. Etc. No. It wasn't anything as easy as 'things not going according to plan', though that does play a role. It was simply stupid from the word go. We had NO idea what we were getting ourselves into, we had no idea what the people that lived there actually wanted. (and apparently, it sure wasn't 'democracy'......) The whole region would have been MUCH better off, and more stable..... had we kept our noses out of business we knew absolutely nothing about. The thought that everyone in the world wants the same things americans do, is the height of arrogance. Or, the depth of stupidity........ Either way, the results are the same.
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