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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. You should also have "when vampires attack", and "run for your lives" installed then too... so they will at least run for shelter when the truly-bad bad guys show up. :D
  2. 40 years ago...... It actually WAS possible to start from poverty, and work your way into the middle class, and it really didn't take all that much effort...... but then, with 'globalization'...... all too many of our jobs moved to third world countries, where wages were a tiny fraction of what workers here had gotten used to. That was all well and good for the upper management on up in the typical corporation..... costs were down, profits went up, and the lies they told americans about how 'good' this would be for them were either forgotten, or ignored by the mainstream media. Makes me curious when 'corporate profits going up' became equivalent to 'the economy is improving'. For some it was improving, a tiny minority... for the rest, its still in the dolldrums. And getting worse. Today, 'upward mobility' is severely limited, simply because the jobs that people used to 'move up' into, aren't here anymore. (and this is why you see more adults working at McDonalds these days, than teenagers, whom the jobs were originally targeted at.) I wonder when corporate america is going to realize they are disenfrancising their target market...... (or maybe I should wonder IF they are going to figure that out...... how far will profits have to fall?) In any event, "globalization" is the great equalizer. It has enabled china to dramatically boost its economy, given them the money to radically expand military spending.... (that was kind of us.....) and brought far too many americans down to a third-world lifestyle. We are ending up with a plutocracy...... Society is becoming more and more stratified, with the tiny minority of haves, and the vast majority of have-nots......
  3. Because some 'morality police' type organization would have had fits...... and made life hell for Beth.
  4. Biggest problem, as I see it, no matter which way you go, is those in power tend to abuse their power...... Just human nature. The more power they have, the more likely they are to abuse it. One of the reasons the world is in such sad shape that we see today.
  5. Go far enough left, and you end up with communism. A system that does NOT reward individual acheivement/industry. You end up with a society of mediocre drones, doing what they do, just to pass the time.... A "happy medium" would be best.... trouble is, I think that is a mythical beast. :)
  6. Someone that cannot (will not?) care for themselves is a drain on the state....... But then, you get into "who is worthy of support"...... A whole new can of worms. Consider Steven Hawking. He most certainly cannot care for himself.... but, is he 'worth' supporting?? One could argue that he does indeed contribute...... But, what about all those folks in nursing homes? Those that for one reason or another, can no longer live on their own. They are no longer contributing...... but, that does NOT imply that they haven't contributed over the course of their lives.. Did they "earn" the right to be supported in their twilight years? Or, should the state just write them off, and let them fend for themselves? (I.E. kill them. Either through direct action, or inaction...) And what about those that are born with some variety of disablity, that will likely never contribute? Should they be allowed to die as well? Who makes that choice? Ah, Eugenics. If ever there was an industrial sized can of worms, you are it. :D
  7. They are rather annoying clutter..... The only kids that AREN'T obnoxious brats are the ones you adopt...... all the kids with parents seem to be spoiled brats, with no respect for their elders...... Makes me wonder what Beth REALLY had in mind here..... Also, keep in mind, there are not only 'killable children' mods, there are also PLAYABLE children mods.......
  8. Turn off "automatically restart" Start -> Right click "computer", select "properties" -> Advanced System Settings -> Clicke the "Settings" button under "Startup and Recovery", UNselect "automatically restart". Click OK all the way back out. Next time you play, if a bluescreen is your problem, you will actually get to see the info, and what the system is whining about. Crashes of that nature are generally hardware related....... Skyrim tends to seriously beat up your system, more so than most other games.
  9. I guess I would have to say "centre". (center? scenter?) You need a balance of both, as there are going to be those individuals that are unable to care for themselves. Trouble is, with such a system in place, there are those that will take advantage of it because they simply don't WANT to take care of themselves.
  10. :laugh: Yeah, there are times when I would just LOVE to slap Braith around. You afraid of me NOW little girl? Maybe you will learn to keep that big yap shut. She once followed me into Breezehome, with her "I'm not afraid of you." speech. I smacked her twice with my Ebony daggers, and all she did was cower, and whine. Wonder if someone has a spanking animation yet...... :) THAT would be soul satisfying. (and the kid in dragonsreach as well.... "Another wanderer come to lick my fathers boots." He could stand a good beat down too.... or, maybe I should just kill his father.....) I think Beth made the kids immortal, to prevent YouTube being flooded with characters going on child-killing campaigns. The overly-sensitive progressives here in the states would all have strokes...... and the game would get some truly vile rating, and would be banned from various consoles. :)
  11. It's where al the pretty little icons sit there next to the clock. :) If you mouse over the icons, they should tell you what they are. Might be an arrow to show more as well. Be sure and check those. Thinks like Desktop composition (compositing?), and the windows sidebar can cause issues as well. have you made any changes to your system since the last time the games worked?
  12. Skyrim mods will have nothing to do with your other games. I suspect it's a background process giving you fits. See what's running in your system tray. Thinks like ASUS Smart Doctor, and Some OSD (on-screen display) software tends to mess with games.
  13. Random chance? I liked how they did it in Morrowind. The DB would indeed come after you, singly at first, and if you survived those, more of them would start showing up at a time. That got REAL interesting..... Of course, with my Selective Fire Crossbow....... Even the DB sanctuary was a breeze...... Walked into a room with a half-dozen or more DB assassins, switched to full auto, and just sprayed the room. They all died without even getting close enough to hit me. That was a SURPRISE, as I didn't think the crossbow was THAT effective. :D
  14. Didn't test the harddrive? Hhhhmmm...... Download a copy of the Ultimate Boot CD. Burn it to a disk, and then boot from the disk, go to memory, and run memtest86..... Let it run for one full pass. After that, run MHDD, (latest version.) Or, if there is one, use the specific Toshiba utility on the disk. (toshiba drives are not really known for their longevity....) For MHDD to see your drive. you may have to go in to bios, and change your SATA operation from RAID, or AHCI, to legacy, or ATA mode. (varies by bios) If MHDD doesn't see the drive initially, that is likely your problem.
  15. HeyYou

    Car mods

    Now there is an expensive hobby. :) Been working on cars since I was 14. (40 years) Have done everything from just basic maintenance, to total ground up restorations. Built a few fun hot rods. (72 Challenger was my fav..... big block 440 conservatively rated at 650 horseys, that one was a tire shredder.) I was always more into the 'sleepers' though. Looks plain jane on the outside, but, under the hood..... watch out. :) My 78 Caprice was a fine example..... From the outside, looked like the family grocery getter, aside from the slightly larger tires, and 3" dual exahust..... didn't sound like a family car either..... The 454 under the hood most certainly did not belong in a family car. :) Many a Mustang was left wondering what the hell just happened, when they got their doors blown off by a Caprice.......
  16. Pay people to contribute to a product you plan to give away for free? Sure, if you have the money.......
  17. Paid mods would be fine, IF (and that's a mighty big IF) Beth/Valve would actually put some effort into impementing it in a workable form, rather than just slap the paywall on something..... Also, the line "bring out more creative mods" I think was just a hook, hoping the community would swallow it. As it was, all paid mods were going to do was generate controversy, and bad feelings. Valve figgered that one out pretty quick, and dropped the project, for now..... Trouble is, I don't see either Valve, or Beth actually wanting to invest in this properly, to make it work. All we will see is half-measures, and propaganda, telling us what a great idea it is, but, implementation will still be terrible, and we will end up with the same results we got this time around.
  18. Think you need to unpack the .bsa file to find them.
  19. Back in the days of morrowind, you didn't get a choice. :) I think Oblivion mod manager was the first to start doing installs, and then, scripted installs..... 99% of the time, I install mods manually. There are instances though, when there are a lot of choices, and some of them critical, (installing FCOM, for instance) I will use what's available.
  20. Ya just never know. :) Went thru my settings..... and wonder if I have it sorted now.... guess time will tell.
  21. Run your laptops onboard diagnostics. Have it do thorough testing. See what it thinks.
  22. Get a lap board to set your computer on when gaming. You can convince your laptop to use whatever monitor you want, in fact, there is probably a function key for just such an occasion. KB/M: Keyboard and mouse.
  23. The .skse files are just 'companion' saves, that contain SKSE info. That gets loaded right along with the .ess file.... You won't see the .skse files in your load list..... but, you should see the .ess files with the same name there.
  24. That's havoc creating.... welll.... havoc. :) Its actually to be expected for objects that are affected by physics. (most clutter.) I find the fireballs tend to scatter things to the four winds as well. I think about the only option you would have there, is to remove collision from most every-day objects.
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