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Everything posted by HeyYou
Ya just never know. :) Went thru my settings..... and wonder if I have it sorted now.... guess time will tell.
A very wierd and odd main menu CTD (not missing master!)
HeyYou replied to GiantSweetroll's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Run your laptops onboard diagnostics. Have it do thorough testing. See what it thinks. -
frame rate drops. completely stumped. suggestions?
HeyYou replied to Morvack's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Get a lap board to set your computer on when gaming. You can convince your laptop to use whatever monitor you want, in fact, there is probably a function key for just such an occasion. KB/M: Keyboard and mouse. -
The .skse files are just 'companion' saves, that contain SKSE info. That gets loaded right along with the .ess file.... You won't see the .skse files in your load list..... but, you should see the .ess files with the same name there.
LE Pls need help finding a mod that accords with the description
HeyYou replied to aitor1skater's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
That's havoc creating.... welll.... havoc. :) Its actually to be expected for objects that are affected by physics. (most clutter.) I find the fireballs tend to scatter things to the four winds as well. I think about the only option you would have there, is to remove collision from most every-day objects. -
I get zero notifications. I am subscribed to one thread, set for immediate notification. I get nothing at all. (the thread is for advanced magecraft, an oblivion mod, created by site bot.) Edit: Verified that my email address here is correct as well.
Feature Request: Search for Mods that Require a Specific Mod
HeyYou replied to UhuruNUru's topic in Site Support
That would require that all mods are tagged with their requirements....... there are a LOT of mods..... and some have been here for quite some time, and their authors have pretty much fallen off the face of the planet.. Little likelihood of the tage being updated.... Keep in mind, for it to work, somone (or a collection of someones) would have to set up every mod to be able to search on 'requirements'. -
I think you could make a case for unfairness starting at conception..... where you are born determines what your chances are for being born healthy, or even, at all......
"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?
HeyYou replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
I asked a few questions. Is that now considered an attack? I question your "facts", especially when you ignore my requests where it is coming from, and who is providing it. But then, you are always correct, and we are wrong. So, I will concede this 'debate' to you. The 'terrorists' are only misunderstood freedom fighters, whom we should give the middle east to, and then they will be happy, and stop being terrorists. I am out. You have a nice life. (is that an attack too?) -
"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?
HeyYou replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
So because Osama only commented on spreading islam throughout the world a couple times, and is only a small percenatge of his words, that means it doesn't count, and isn't one of his goals. Got it. Right. Uh huh. Just out of idle curiosity, why do you take the side of the islamists? Do you sympathize with their cause? Think they are "right"? Think we should concede that part of the world to them? Just looking to give your cheering section some more material to work with? -
Life is indeed unfair. Pretty much an accident of birth. WHERE you are born makes a MAJOR difference in how your life goes. (consider, being born in Somalia, vs. the USA.... for instance.)
It's the console manufacturers that do not allow mods on their systems. (sure some games allow it, but, nothing even remotely as complex as Skyrim.)
"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?
HeyYou replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
Have a look Here. These are Osama's own words, taken directly from various interviews. His goal was to spread islam, one way or another, world wide. Who conducted the analysis? -
"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?
HeyYou replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
Osama stated in several interviews that his goal was to spread islam thoughout the world. (couched in pretty phrases.) And he did not mean just the 'muslim' world. -
"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?
HeyYou replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
Right, depends on who you ask, who is the terrorist, and who is not. In some circles, the US of A is considered terrorists. Also, they are left off some folks lists for political reasons. That doesn't make them any less of a terrorist organization. -
"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?
HeyYou replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
Muslim Brotherhood. -
"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?
HeyYou replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
al qaeda is only one of many extremist groups. Some of which do indeed want to impose their values on the rest of the world. (I would also point out the the US is the country that created al qaeda in the first place..... oooops.) -
"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?
HeyYou replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
So, because the terrorists want to impose their religious views, and their religion, on everyone, that makes them secular? I must be missing something here...... Islam is also a political system, not just a religion. -
And if your mod is stolen, how do you prove that you are the original author? If someone goes thru and edits the readme, and whatever else, replacing the real authors name, with thiers, and change nothing else, how is steam to determine who the 'rightful' owner is? The person that uploaded it first? If its a popular mod, generating money for Steam, what motivation will they have to take it down? Can the typical mod author afford to hire a legal team to take on valve? Especially if they are in a different country?
Depends on your perspective. "Truth" to one person, may be a lie to another...... There may be no facts involved in either "truth". It's pretty much relative. Just ask any politician.
Maybe. Will you tell us the truth? :D
Initially, maybe. But since we're talking about a group who already has an axe to grind with the West, and who isn't tied to any singular country, nationality, or really ideal, it becomes an entirely different matter. Taking a hardline stance with fanatics only makes them become more emboldened, fanatical, and spiteful, but it also makes them more prone to hiding deeper and easier to bolster their numbers with those who are newly threatened by the West. Have to remember, not all those who are living near these groups are particularly tied to those ideals beyond being geologically confined and needing to coexist. By threatening them just the same as actual terrorists, you force them to pick a side. And then we have to include the actual governments... Who happen to be sitting pretty on most of the world's oil supply. Governments who currently allow terrorist groups within their respective countries because these groups are tied to core social groups and are "benefactors" of those governments. They cannot suddenly disavow these groups since it would cause civil wars and political backlash. Nor could they ignore the West bombing their cities or launching strikes within their territory just to kill a few terrorists. All the while, they have the world's oil supply hostage, making the push to alternative energy seem like a better and better idea as time goes by. Good Point. But, what's the alternative? There is no common ground for negotiation, there is no compromise to be reached. They will do as they will regardless. So, what should our response be?
Yeah, now, war-fighting has to be politically correct too..... In WWII, the allies (yes, that would be the 'good' guys) PURPOSELY targeted a city with little to no military values, with the express purpose of killing civilians, to see how it would affect enemy morale..... thousands died in the fire-bombing of Dresden. No one here at home batted an eye. But today, you could kill 50 known terrorists, but, if ONE woman, or child is also killed, there is a public uproar. My how times have changed. I suspect, that if the US took a zero-tolerance to terrorists, and states that support them, went in and blew the crap out of the terrorists, where ever they happen to be found, regardless of territorial borders, and then DIDN'T throw billions down the toilet rebuilding said damage...... after a while, terrorism might lose some of its appeal. It would certainly lose some appeal for the states whose territory they were found in.... they might get a different idea about allowing them to remain, or giving them money..... But, that would be horribly politically INcorrect, and would never get approved as a policy.
Yeah, the video of the cop shooting the guy running AWAY from him in the back, (which, by the way, contradicts his story.....) is pretty damning evidence against him. Though I am curious, how he would explain putting so many shots into a mans' BACK, at range..... as the autopsy most certainly would discover that inconvenient little fact......
You have zero understanding of that of which you speak. The police ARE trained..... to aim for center mass. Given that he cranked out six or eight shots in quick succession, it's a wonder that as many of them hit as did. Take a look at what happened in New York City. The police all started banging away at the guy with the gun, and NINE bystanders were hit. (that was just stupid, I don't think the actually target had even pulled his gun.... but, I may be wrong there.) In the situation the officer found himself in with Mr. Brown, he did EXACTLY as he was trained. The ONLY thing Mr. Brown would have had to do to survive this experience, would have been to not walk down the middle of the road, when the officer told him. That would have ended the situation. The cop wasn't aware that the 'gentle giant' had just forcibly robbed a store...... Michael Brown got PRECISELY what he deserved. He was stupid, and it got him dead. So much the better for the gene pool.