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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. A 5400 RPM internal drive? Really? Why? If you try and run games off that, you aren't going to like the performance.....
  2. http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2014/01/police-emptying-kegs-P.jpeg You are just not old enough..... :teehee: I don't have a problem with that. :D
  3. Really?? Maybe cause they ain't gettin busted? Maybe they supply a product that the government regulated product can't match? Again, answer my question,,,,why does the black market exist? To supply a product that is either over-regulated, or simply illegal, in the location where it is sold. Basically, folks making money supplying what folks want, not necessarily at a lower cost. Gotta get paid for the risk factor involved with doing something inherently illegal. I don't remember EVER seeing an article about a 'massive alcohol bust'....... Why do you think that is?
  4. Bit of both I should think. The government likes it when the media grabs a bone, and shakes it to death. All the while, they are drawing attention away from some of the stupidity our government perpetrates.
  5. Sorry, don't follow your logic there. If the black market can supply a product cheaper than the legal version, why do we not see huge quantities of black market alcohol on the streets? Why do we not hear about "thousands of gallons" of illegal booze being seized? One would think that simple market dynamics would have the black market replacing the legit market.
  6. Nah. Too much work to get bent out of shape about how stupid the media has become. it's more about ratings than telling the REAL story any more. Look what happened to Tom Brokaw..... and then there are the idiots that bought into the made-up names for the pilots of the Air Asia plan that had a 'short' landing. I mean, seriously, "we tu low", Sum Ting Wong..... That didn't ring any alarm bells for any of the editors or proof readers??? They don't call it the "media circus" for nothing.......
  7. Please show me a politician that has any integrity left. :) Bet ya can't. :D
  8. HeyYou

    Forum Policies

    Disallowing proxies altogether would make it even more interesting. :D
  9. If your FPS is higher than your refresh rate, you can run into problems like this. Try using ENB to limit framerate. See if that doesn't help.
  10. No. Not ever. Not even talk to them about it, other than to say: "We will treat our prisoners of war, the same as you treat yours." If they behead a prisoner, we should shoot one. No payments of ransom. No exchanges. No nothing. If you start down that road, all you are doing is letting them know that capturing folks can get you something you want, and the whole idea here is to NOT give them what they want. Certainly not money.... that's flat out stupid. (here, let me hand you a fat wad of bills, so you can go out and buy weapons, and use them to capture yet more folks you can hold for ransom......) I think Obama is going to find that his 'negotiations' to get Bowe Berghdal released is really going to bit him in the ass when Bowe is charged with desertion, and possibly treason.......
  11. Bad for you. Good for me if I can make money off of it........ Yep, typical. :D
  12. A lot of that is markup for insurance purposes..... With "medical" marijuana, it seems that gouging the insurance companies is standard. (just like most other health care costs....) Most of the folks I know that actually use MM, get it for free.....
  13. Reagan at least had some political experience as Governor of California....... (though it amazes me that folks elected a friggin ACTOR to public office..... no accounting for the stupidity of people I guess.)
  14. Government regulation DOES have it's good points..... (and I will now go and wash my mouth out with soap.......) It has prevented a fair few hazardous products from making it to market, (or, removed them from the market.... lead-based paint, for instance.) Having the drug market regulated would pretty much assure a 'standard' for the quality/potency of said product. This in itself would reduce overdoses of various drugs. (as on the black market, you never know how many times a product has been cut.) As for the black market, and tax thing, your example really doesn't dissuade me in the least, as you are talking about a product that is currently legal.... yet shows up on the black market due to local conditions. That's nothing new either. I would point out, however, that the alcohol, and tobacco industries still pay billions in taxes every year..... (from corporate profits, to various sales taxes.) Something the government is NOT getting off of recreational drugs. Quite the opposite, they are SPENDING billions on prohibition, when they know for a fact that it simply does not work. But then, our government is notorious for doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.......
  15. Why would anyone take someone that plays various roles in movies and such seriously? They don't have any training in the various 'causes' that they support. Take a look at who is writing the checks to them for their 'opinions'. It explains a lot. Personally, I don't pay any attention to what the various Hollywood 'celebs' have to say. I am not sure if there is a single one that has the faintest idea of what they are talking about, regardless of the subject matter.
  16. In the case of Mike Brown, and the officer in question... consider this: When seconds count, backup is only minutes away. Sure, he could have called for backup, but, had he waited for them to show up, we would be seeing an entirely different outcome.... Darren Wilson would be dead, and Mike Brown would be wanted for murder. I WAS a cop. Given the information available, Officer Wilson acted in accordance with his training. He saw a real threat, and reacted in the best way possible. Neutralize the threat. He had zero hope of subduing Mike by any other physical means, he was the only one there, (no backup) and did not have time to wait for anyone else to show up. He did what he had to do, and the legal system agreed with him.
  17. Now we just need them to defend the republic from its leaders..... I think THEY are a bigger threat to this nation than damn near anything else.
  18. That's a good point. I doubt the state of these places in Detroit can be blamed on islamic extremism and sharia law. Just like in the US, we have derelict/miserable neighborhoods in France. Most of the Sensitive Urban Zones in France are not even that dangerous, they're just very poor. I know some of these neighborhoods very well, and they're certainly not "no go zones." Nope, no terrorists there, (don't think there are many muslims either..) Just incredibly high crime rate. I think Flint Michigan is the winner....body armor optional. :ermm: It's a pretty close race. :) I don't think Detroit is the murder capitol of the US any more.... of course, the population dropping more than 50% probably had more than a bit to do with that......
  19. And washington is aware of that, so, they chose to be all things to corporate america, and to hell with the rest of us...... Good for the rich folks, not really all that good for the rest of the population. Trouble is, it's those with the money that can buy the influence. And they do.
  20. That's a good point. I doubt the state of these places in Detroit can be blamed on islamic extremism and sharia law. Just like in the US, we have derelict/miserable neighborhoods in France. Most of the Sensitive Urban Zones in France are not even that dangerous, they're just very poor. I know some of these neighborhoods very well, and they're certainly not "no go zones." Nope, no terrorists there, (don't think there are many muslims either..) Just incredibly high crime rate.
  21. There are places in Detroit I wouldn't consider walking into, even in powered armor, with an anti-material rifle.......
  22. I suspect it has more to do with how candidates are chosen, than anything else. We need to incorporate a 'none of the above' box on the ballot, and if NOTA wins, all candidates go home, and we start over again.
  23. And on that, I can completely agree with you. :D We are going to have our own cultures subsumed by the Muslim way of life all in the name of political correctness, and not wishing to be seen as "discriminating" against some specific religion. Personally, I think its idiotic.
  24. What's your point? Studies on the long term effects of alcohol and tobacco use aren't precisely good either, yet they are both legal...... We tried to ban alcohol once, and we see how effective that was. It actually generated MORE crime, and death, than alcohol use did. Even with government taxes involved, prices will STILL be cheaper than black market. Not to mention significantly safer. Will there still be a market? Yep, but, somewhere along the lines, someone still has to pay for that product, and 95% of the time, they will pay taxes on it as well. (sure, there will still be theft, and folks selling under the table, but, that is in no way even remotely going to be on the scale of what we have today.) There are going to be lobbies, politicians, and all that jazz involved in any event. Just like any other commodity. Look at the farm lobby...... So far, none of your reasoning is applicable, as it already exists on many other products on the market today. The only difference will be the government will be MAKING money on it, instead of spending billions trying to put their proverbial finger in the dike. Prohibition has never worked in the past, what leads you to believe it will work today? Are you happy with the status quo?
  25. If anyone has the stomach to vote for anybody outside of Howdy Dowdy or Bugs Bunny. I think disillusionment will be the downfall of our Democracy. Why do you think voter turnout was so low in 2014......
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