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If you had to place a new hold and capital in Skyrim, where would you
HeyYou replied to KeCap's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Don't you think the respective Jarl's would have some real issues with giving up a large chunk of their territory though? Ever consider going south of the border??? Into the mountains? -
Excellent video, it's sums up exactly why I don't like the game. Nothing you do makes the slightest bit of difference to anyone or anything, the characters are bland, the quests are dull and the story is tired. I never felt part of anything, I felt like my character was nothing more than a camera watching some not very interesting events unfold. The game looks stunning and there's very good artistic design in there but that's it. Bethesda really need to start investing in writers, an awful lot of the issues with their games can traced back to the appalling writing and a staggering lack of imagination, it's hard to believe this is the same company that bought us Morrowind. Yee Haa!! Someone gets it. :D I see the major problem being Beth going mainstream. They are appealing to the casual gamers, so the games get more and more simplified. Unfortunately, that's where the big money is..... Don't expect it to change. TESVI will have three skills..... combat, stealth, and magic....... and a boatload of perks.....
So, suddenly providing sourced evidence and requesting decent argument formatting is a bad thing? Excuse me while i alert the media, the Trolls have finally won. Sajuukkar is argueing that everything you do has an impact, and changes the way characters react to you. But it does so in a way that isn't as flashy or forces as... well... Every guild quest im Oblivion (lets face it, the game was a test to see how many world-ending events they could cram into one game. Between Undead, Daedra, Hist-junkies and flaming dogs, Cyrodiil was practically a write off). The woman running a Sawmill sends you to look for her deadbeat husband, and when you find out he was murdered trying to provide for his family, from then on she thanks you for avenging him and for releaving the scorn she felt. When you complete the Civil War questline, supporters of the opposing faction resent you for your choice every time you walk by. People comment on your acheivements and your affiliations every time you run into them, with the obvious exception of the main quest, which has been dealt with before. Most people had no clue Alduin had returned, or what exactly was happening. Dragons were comming back, that's all they knew. Even when you do Season Unending, you're only talking to the LEADERS of Skyrim, not the general public. No one in their right mind would stand infront of the general populace and shout "Ok, the World Eater is back, this guy is going to try to save us, but if he fails, we're all gonna die". It would incite panic. And when the deed is done, it's best to sweep it under the rug rather than tell those same panicy morons that you kept something that big from them. That's why there is very little recognition for defeating Alduin, because the entire situation was kept on a very need-to-know basis, and was in fact the type of situation where you could keep it low key. Absolutely, totally unlike the battle for New Vegas. I will admit, the quest lines in Skyrim are rushed, but no more than they were in Oblivion. Oblivion's only advantage was the fact that you got a lot of the Morrowind-esque filler as padding. How many missions in hte Fighters Guild actually involved the Blackwood Company? 4? How about Necromancers? 3 or 4 there. The Theives Guild was probably the most well rounded in Oblivion, and again it's actually a good chain in Skyrim, working to build the trust of the guild and your station therin before being trusted with very serious, important information. The point of this isn't that Sajuukkar (and myself, really) refuse to accept the validity of other arguements, its that other arguements are failing to dispute the facts we present. If you can't present proof, definitive, subjective or otherwise, that nothing you do in Skyrim affects how NPC's react, you aren't even making an arguement. You get more reactions, in a more realistic manner, out of people in Skyrim, than you ever did in Oblivion. All Oblivion had was end of the day hero worship. And Farengar keeps telling me to go the college at Winterhold if I have any aptitude for magic. As I stand there in my Arch Mages robes...... Also, one of the points of contention here (and the major one, in my opinion) is his definition of "choice" on accepting, or not... quests. His contention that you can't get quests just walking past folks is wrong, even though he still maintains that you can 'avoid it'....... You seem to be in agreement with him here... in that it isn't a 'journal' per se, but a log.... I am not entirely sure just what the difference there is..... either way, you get a list of things to do, not all of which you have any interest in doing, but, you have no option to clear them from the log, as completed quests are cleared. Yes, some of your actions do indeed have an impact on the world around you, and folks reactions to you change accordingly. Unfortunately, those are in the minority.... You can be the head of a guild, and folks, including members, still treat you as if you have never joined, or, are still the low man on the totem pole.
He didn't have sufficient criminal history to merit revoking his gun rights. (no felony convictions) Nor did he have any mental health history that was verifiable by any gun sellers, to preclude them from selling him a weapon. Not to mention no word on just how long he had owned his guns..... He was supposed to go to court last week for the firearm charges. (at least, the most recent ones.) Instead, he kidnapped a child... In any event, the child is safe, he is dead, and this issue is solved.
Just human nature taking its standard course. The strong will always try and rule over the weak. Even in a society where that isn't 'supposed' to happen. It still does. I am not saying that it is flat out impossible, I am just sayin' that if humans are involved, it is highly unlikely to work.
If you had to place a new hold and capital in Skyrim, where would you
HeyYou replied to KeCap's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Or at convenient travel locations... Whiterun really could be a capitol as well. Central location, good for trade. -
The point is, he doesn't WANT to accept your argument. He will talk the same point to death, arguing in circles, reiterating the same tired arguments, until folks just give up. It gives him the illusion of 'winning'. He/She has his/her view of 'the way things are', and everyone else is simply wrong.
What's running in the background while playing? Various anti-malware apps? Etc....
I think it's hard-coded.....
Go back to a previous save, and see if that fixes anything. I am still rather unclear on just what the problem is though... are you saying the houses are gone? Or, they are still there, but, you don't own them any more??
Check your skyrim.ini for InvalidateOlderFiles, or some such. Should be enabled. (set to 1) Not 100% sure that setting is even in there.
Steam doesn't appear to think so...... wonder what kind of connection it requires to believe that it IS connected. Can you go someplace that offers a hot spot, get things started that way, and then just put steam in to off-line mode?
And mixing politics with money is NEVER a good plan...... The V-22 Osprey is a fine example of a project that should have been killed, as it was NOT going to meet design criteria that was finalized while still in the design stage..... Folks TRIED to kill the project several times, as yet another 'design change' came along, and STILL it wouldn't meet the original criteria. But, since some congressman wanted to keep his job, and killing the project would mean a loss of jobs in his state...... the project lived on, and now they are in service. Granted, some folks still like it, but, they haven't had to auto-rotate below 1500 feet yet either. (the osprey can't. which was one of the criteria it failed to meet.....) Not to mention the loss of any forward firing ordinance.... (again, it went away because it compromised the cargo capacity......) One thing I am sure we can count on though, our government, taken collectively, is stupid. It isn't THEIR money, so they spend it freely. Even when they don't HAVE any. Not like they are going to get hurt when the bottom falls out, they will just move to their vacation house in the cayman islands, and watch the fireworks, as society slowly (quickly?) collapses.
Both parties are responsible for where we are today. For the longest time, the dem police was "tax and spend", and the republican party was "borrow and spend", the commonality there being "spend".... Our government wastes billions every year, there are billions more in fraud. Obama had the bright idea he could finance part of his health care plan with 'savings' from decreased medicare fraud. The mere concept of the government being able to reduce fraud is laughable. That is a pipe dream, that will never be realized. So, more in debt we go. Even as it stands, the federal budget is operating with a deficit of over 1 TRILLION dollars per year. That is a fair chunk of change, and is going to be difficult to excise. One thing is for sure, it's gonna be painful for everyone.
Dick Cheney was the one that said "deficits don't matter".... and there are folks that flatly state that debt is a GOOD thing.... I agree though, that the scale of the national debt is getting (has gotten) seriously out of hand. There is going to come a time when our creditors are going to start wondering not "when" we are going to pay them back, but "if we CAN pay them back". China has already made motions in this direction, though that was a few years ago, and I haven't heard a peep about it since then. I see the US going the way of Greece..... coming to a point where no one will give them any more money, as they can't afford to service the debt they already have. At that point...... I suspect economic collapse is going to be the end result, making the recession of 2008 look like a walk in the park. LOTS of bad things will happen..... As I depend on the government or a majority of my income, (disability) I will be screwed.
He killed the bus driver because the driver wasn't going to willingly hand over some child to him. Simple as that. WHY he decided to kidnap some child in the first place is well beyond me.....
If a man speaks in the forest, and there isn't a woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
Another tidbit of information that I think should be out there.... He is a Vietnam veteran. They didn't exactly getting the nicest treatment from their government, or their fellow citizens, upon their return to civilization. For the longest time, the fed just wanted them all to disappear... and treated them as such. I can understand why he is pissed..... and also that his past experience has shaped the person he is today. Now, I don't agree with him kidnapping some random child from a bus, nor do I condone him shooting the bus driver that was only trying to protect his charges. I have no clue just what motivated him to think that was a good idea, but, he IS gonna have to face judgement for his actions, and if anything happens to the child, he can look forward to a needle in the arm, if a bullet in the head doesn't get him first.
6770M, so, you are playing on a laptop? Seems that most folks experiencing this problem, it turned out to be a hardware issue..... or inadequate power supply, or simply overheating. Could try making sure the vents for the cooling fan on your laptop are clear, and the fan is actually running.... probably about all you can do.
Grab BOSS, install, update, run.
Women defy logic....... Next time, ask her: What would you like me to call you? :D
Ronnie didn't do so bad..... aside from starting us out on our downward spiral as a debtor nation.......
Consider we elected an actor president once..... and governor of our most populous state a couple times.....