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This is the huge problem about videos games these days since almost every nation has different Video game content rating system standards. http://en.wikipedia....t_rating_system If you look over this you can see some Videogames can be marketed in one nation to be "T" for Teen and yet in another would restricted to an older audience unless accompanied by an adult for the same game. Entertainment Software Rating Board has very mild standards for western societies in my opinion because You can own an xbox 360 and play an online shooter game that would be rated "M" for mature and endup some how finding yourself in a random game lobby playing with some 10 year old kid that has a problem cursing every other world that comes out of their mouth. I kinda agree with Bben here... Video gaming in western societies has evolved to a more adult audience, just like other media outlets have in the past... Parrents these days have a big responsibility to monitor thier children playing games just like a parrent would to restrict them from watching certain TV shows or movies. If you have a child that you let play games like "Oblivion" or "skyrim" etc... You should ask yourself do you let them freely watch adult TV and Pornography in your living room? And therein lies the rub. The problem is, a significant percentage of parents DON'T monitor their children, don't pay any attention at all to game ratings. (or any other ratings for that matter) and if a game can capture the kids attention for several hours at a stretch, so much the better. Then THEY don't have to deal with him/her. I think the major difference in game ratings from country to country is a reflection of their social mores. In some places, sex isn't an issue, but, violence is. In others, it's the opposite....
I wondered about anime/manga in the past.... as most of it that I see is young girls in dresses so short you can see their undies when standing upright... boys carrying absurdly large swords...... I mean, seriously, is "anime" japanese for "Porn"? I will grant though, that I have seen some really good anime, that wasn't quite so overtly sexual..... Grave of the Fireflys, et al. As for sexuality in mods... Well, give someone the ability to mod a game, and you can bet sex mods will soon be coming out...... Just human nature.
There are entire communities dedicated to erotic mods..... Some even go so far as rape, and slavery.... (I am looking at YOU, *site not allowed*.....) These are not sites populated by pubescent teens either.... these are adults writing mods.... of a somewhat less than savory nature.... I was quite surprised when I stumbled across them. Although, in retrospect, I suppose I shouldn't be.... On a side note, something I WOULD like to see, is a mod that lets me tell Braith where she can stick it, or allow me to casually backhand the little snot that keeps mumbling about boot-lickers, and such.... Why are the children in skyrim so annoying?? Especially in Whiterun.
How much ram do you have now? What processor? The 6790 is no slouch...... it should actually do what you want......
As I recall, that is indeed a bug introduced by one of the DLC's, don't remember which one, but, I think it was dawnguard..... If you play on PC, the USKP fixes this error.
Skyrim Crashes on load up for unknown reasons
HeyYou replied to malasafilo's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Go to your My Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder, and rename your skyrimprefs.ini, and skyrim.ini. Restart the launcher, and let it re-detect your hardware. Also, if you had ini edits to make some of your mods work, or, if you had changed Ugridstoload previously.... that may be part of the problem as well. (they aren't there any more.) -
Hadvar was to my left as I came out of the inn after jumping thru the hole in the tower wall. he even had a quest marker above his head. If you continue around to the keep, you will run in to Ralof? just as you are about to go inside.....
Erm, what ever gave you the impression that I "don't get that"? And you complain about me not reading YOUR posts?????? Seriously? Our government spends more money than it takes in. That is indeed a fact. Our government doesn't seem to recognize the fact that they can't do that forever.... There is going to come a time when folks start wondering when/if they are going to get repaid. China has already brought it up once, in the not-so-distant past. If you or I tried to run a household budget in the same manner, we would be in prison in short order. The fed keeps talking that they are reducing the deficit. That's just political-speak for "We are still spending more than we get, just not quite as much." The national debt continues to go up, and the percentage of the national budget that goes toward servicing that debt (JUST paying the interest, doing NOTHING toward the principle) also continues to increase. In all reality, the republicans might be doing us a FAVOR by not expanding the debt ceiling, putting us into default, and shutting off the foreign money pipeline. It IS going to happen at some point, (pipeline being shut off.) I suspect the crash would be more bearable now, than it will be in 10 or 20 years. Quite frankly, I don't think we are even going to last that long. My guess is, that within ten years, we are going to experience economic collapse, when the various countries we owe money to want it back. Japan is already devaluing their currency (again) in order to increase exports/draw more business. China has been doing that trick since Nixon. (you remember him, don't you?) One of the side effects of them doing so is, Japan buys less american debt.... I.E. we can't borrow as much money from them..... As it stands right now, China could destroy us without firing a single shot, simply saying "We are calling your loans due." and it would be all over. America, as it stands now, would cease to exist. Now, China doesn't have any real motivation to do that at the moment, because we are their number one customer..... that isn't going to stay the case forever either. They are expanding their markets EVERYWHERE. When they decide they don't need us any more, they can sink us at their whim. Then THEY will OWN US. If you are considering studying a foreign language, I am thinkin' Mandarin might not be such a bad plan. The worst part is, the folks in Washington are very much aware of all of this. But, do they do anything about it? (aside from whine and bellyache....) Nope. They make too much money from things just the way they are. THEY are doing fine. It's the rest of us that will take it up the nether regions. And they don't care about that either. Corporate American runs the US government. They have the money, they have the lobbyists, they can speak the loudest, and make threats that the good folks in washington listen to. (vote for this bill, or next election cycle, we will be supporting your opponent.) The average citizen has no power. They have no voice. Soon, you will have no rights, as the government of the incorporated states of america will legislate them away. Perhaps it's time for a good revolution? Seems most countries are forgiving debts of nations that dramatically change governments......
I don't like any of the factions...... Stormcloaks, Empire, Thalmor...... The empire wanted to execute me for simply being in the wrong place. The thalmor send assassins after me, and I don't even know why. The stormcloaks are racist thugs, that want skyrim just for the nords. Their behavior in Windhelm is atrocious. Screw 'em all. If I see a thalmor patrol, I make it a point to go and kill them. Ruddy idiots hiring the DB to kill, and sending assorted thugs after me, when I haven't done ANYTHING to justify really grinds my gears. :)
does anyone mind dragonborn is delayed because of ps3?
HeyYou replied to lolozori's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Because we don't play on xbox...... -
Skyrim removed a lot of the RPG features that I always like about the TES games. More action/adventure that role-playing now.... just wait till the next one.... three skills, combat, stealth, magic, and that will be it.... The assorted FO games.... I like NV the best. Much better combat mechanics.
Not to mention it was the board that made the decisions that caused AIG to need the bailout in the first place.... but, hold someone responsible for crashing our economy so they could make a fast buck? Oh hell no.....
Do you see yourself as mindless drone, as animal without any rights or freedoms untill a government let you have some? You get rights by taking them. They are granted against a group of people. I can say what i wan't no matter if the other ones like it or not. You have a basic wrong philosophy and i see no point in debating on this. See, another one who thinks people ain't anything untill government decides else. What do you think the Bill of Rights was about? They jotted down a few basic rights as securitization. They said people have way more rights than that, given by god(or nature) than this. All men are created equal by god, not by government. And they knewd, someday someone will show up and say "Oh these are the only rights you have and not one more". This is wrong and a sick philosophy which makes it total meaningless debating anything based on self-determination, because for you people doesn't exist such a thing as self-determination. Now that is outright funny. Why don't you go ahead and start advocating violent overthrow of the government, and see how far your 'rights' get you. As I said, you ONLY have the rights government grants you. If the government suddenly decides that you no longer have the right to drive a car, guess what, if you get caught driving, you go to jail. The government has the power. You have none. You get the illusion of power in some societies with the opportunity to vote, but, who decides who runs? Certainly not you. You supposedly have the right to keep and bear arms. But, you need a permit to carry a weapon in most places. And in some places, you don't even get that. So, will you exercise the 'right' that you 'took', and carry anyway? If you decide to do so, hope you enjoy prison. The bill of rights is a fine example of the GOVERNMENT DETAILING just what rights you DO have. If it ain't in writing, guess what, you don't have it. You can't "take" rights in any event. Unless of course, you are some military power, that can enforce your will on others, thereby, denying them THEIR rights. In any event, I am going to take a wild stab in the dark here, and conclude that no one here is going to pull you out of your delusional view of the world, so, I am not going to bother with it any more. Back on topic: The repubbies seem to think they are in a position of power at this point, and plan to hold the entire country hostage by NOT increasing the debt ceiling. Thereby potentially causing a government shutdown, and the US defaulting on it's debts. That should make for a wonderful economic boost. I would guess, that if the repubbies actually carry thru with that threat, there won't be a single republican left in washington come 2015.
I want my ROTFLMAO emoticon. :)
AIG decided they didn't wanna do that. :) Imagine that.... LOL
Rights ain't something who get managed or declared by Government, i have rights already. On which base of knowledge i'am debating here? Yeah. If the population from the village nearby the dump gets sick from these waste, they will sue(possible even without government) or just declare war and burn the place down. Rights are given to you by the government. THEY get to dictate just what rights you have. You ONLY have the rights that they are WILLING to give you. There is no such thing as "God-given rights", that is an illusion, or a pipe-dream, take your pick. Ok, so, we have the village of somejobs. Unregulated corporation has a factory there. Said factory dumps all their industrial waste into the river that passes across THEIR property. (imply they have all the rights to it.) Given the above situation, are the good folks Somejobs going to bite the hand that feeds them? Will they burn down the source of their livelihood? If Unregulated corporation doesn't have anyone stating that what they are doing is illegal, on what grounds would they sue? What they are doing would be perfectly legal in your world. And even if they DID sue, who do you think has deeper pockets? The villagers? Or the corporation? (that happens to have a slew of lawyers on payroll, for just such an occasion.....) I don't care if you have 2 million forum posts.... I have over 2000 posts just on this forum alone. (I have over 20K on another forum I moderate, and over 50K on the beth forums.) Does that give me ANY real world experience? Nope. Sure doesn't. Please don't try and use that as justification for you position, or as a claim of knowledge that you really don't seem to have. Your views are unrealistic in the REAL world. Just have a look at what happened to Bhopal India. (union carbide) A place where there was little, if any, regulation of business. THAT is what you would have happening everywhere if there weren't government agencies making sure that corporations did NOT do some of the things that, left to their own devices, they would have no problem doing. (and actually HAVE done in the past, before there WAS a government agency to tell them they couldn't.)
Noooooooo waaaaay..... :rolleyes: Ever saw a Merchant who starts fights with his customers? Don't tell me to talk a walk around the world, i didn't spend my last years not wroteing over 2000 internet forum posts but didn't learn anything. Every place i where, where there is huge poverty, its because people don't have property rights to themself. But the funny thing is, in these banana republics you get more left alone by the police than in western nations. Yeah, bribes are something awesome. For what did i just wrote the post before? These are not employees, these people are slaves. They are slaves on a government plantage and got rented to apple. The factory itself is under the controll of the government. Is this so hard to understand, to accept this simple insight? Thanks for the CPUSA talking points. A dollar bill can't force me to do anything. A government can force me to everything. But money, modern day paper money created by government sanctioned institutions such as central banks, poisoned the free market. The root is always Government regulations because its an unnatural intervention in the business of someone else. Yeah because they have nothing and can't do s*** by themself because communism socialism collectivism always kills invention, creativity and the creation of wealth. May not be able to get you to do anything for a buck, but, I bet a larger pile would certainly make you reconsider. And I am almighty curious just what it IS that you are arguing for. On one hand, you don't want government regulation, but, when I suggested doing away with it, you don't want that either.
Can you give us a list? :)
If there are dll files associated with those mods, they may load anyway..... try moving any such out of your skyrim folder.
any mods that affect lighting?<br>
Boss, or Wrye Bash can export your load list for you. Will the game run with NO mods enabled?
Tis a bit dark..... what platform, any mods? what hardware?
Install Wrye Bash. Check to see what mods your saves are expecting. Look at what mods you have actually loading. See if anything is missing.
Yeah, yeah i know these pictures where the area around the Hwang Ho river look like Mordor and right and left people have more cancer tumors than fingers. What caused that? Government. Government dumps the toxic waste in the river that comes out of government factories like Foxconn where Government forces people to work as slaves. Government, Government, Government. Have you seen these footages where Government officials go around in the factory with a clipboard to notice which female worker had there period on which day so that they can enforce their one-child policy? Its GOVERNMENT who does that. Compare East and West Germany to each other. In the west there was untill 1970 a small government and in the east everything was government. The West hand't even a sales tax before 1968. The East was a toxic wasted dump. Is this so hard to get? How many times do i have to wrote this just to get the next "Yeah but..." answer? They dont need to justify. Why should they need to justify? Its not your company, its theirs. Its their business and if they just get restricted on one place, they move to another. I can't blame them. And what you spend your time for at a university i can get for 5 bucks at the liberary. Antony Sutton wrote many books on western technology transfers to the Red Chinese made by Bechtel. Here we go again.... the public good... So you think we should de-regulate business? Do away with the EPA? OSHA? NHTSA? Etc?? Because business, given their altruistic nature..... would NEVER do anything to harm the people they are trying to sell too? That's farking laughable. Why don't you take a walk around in the real world? Have a look at labor/environmental practices of AMERICAN companies in China. They are just as bad, if not worse, than the Chinese government owned factories. (Yes Apple, I am looking at you.)
Many factors contributed to the offshoring of american jobs. The government giving tax breaks for doing so being right up there on the list. What was intended to help developing nations, hurt the USA. Big time. That most certainly was NOT in the "best interests of the people", it was in the best interests of corporate america. Business won't regulate itself for the public good. They will do what makes them the most money. If lead-based paint is cheaper, that's what they will use. If dumping their waste in the back yard is cheaper than dealing with it so it doesn't poison the environment, (and thereby kill off their target consumers....) that's what they will do. They have more than adequately demonstrated that FACT time and again since the beginning of recorded history. None of this has anything at all to do with 'people demanding free stuff'. That is just a red herring to push the argument away from the real point, which is: Government is controlled by big business, via the lobbyists.