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Everything posted by HeyYou
Would you buy the next book in a series though???
There will never be an effective form of DRM. The pirates can crack it faster than the companies can plug the holes. It is an added expense for developers, and an added headache for folks legitimately trying to play the game. Instead of combating piracy, DRM is actually DRIVING IT. As for "losing billions of dollars per year because of piracy"..... that's a farce, and a null argument. Because companies insist on putting draconian DRM on their software, that requires a constant internet connection, or wrappers around various hardware, and the complications that causes...... truly frustrates the folks that buy the game.... It's this frustration that is driving UP the popularity of piracy. There is no way to completely eliminate software piracy. The companies would be MUCH farther ahead just doing a simple disk check, or some such, and calling it good. Their games would not require serious hoop-jumping on the part of legitimate buyers, eliminating the need for them to pirate the game instead. Not to mention it would make their customers happier.... but, seems the company stockholders would rather the company blow money on useless software, rather than take care of their customers.
Why do we need Pakistan? They cut off our supply routes, and made us shut down the drone operations from within their borders. They don't put much effort into chasing down taliban in their country, they actually have ties to a terrorist organization that we are directly fighting...... So far as I am concerned, we should stop ALL aid to Pakistan...... not to mention getting the heck out of Afghanistan..... No permanent presence either, not even contractors that are paid with tax dollars. PULL OUT NOW!
That's a problem here too, to the point where many employers have begun listing "Bachelor's/Associate's Degree Required/Preferred" for jobs that don't even remotely require one. they're so worried (some of them) that high school didn't do the job right that they think a degree is going to fix that. Companies are just hiring based on what the market will bear. They get so many applications for so few jobs that they can demand applicants have a bachelor's. If they could, they'd demand a doctorate. It doesn't mean they think you need a bachelor's or doctorate to take phone calls. It reflects nothing on the quality of schooling. This is just a way of culling the herd which is just slightly less arbitrary than saying "REQUIREMENTS: Last name must begin with letters 'A' through 'G'" or "REQUIREMENTS: Candidate must have perfect kindergarten attendance record and blood type O-negative." Sadly this is the case and it's terribly short sighted, once the economy picks up and more jobs become available they're going to find a large number of their staff leaving for better jobs. Instead of having a workforce who know their job and the company they'll have to hire and train new people who will take time to get up to speed. I remember years ago being over-qualified for a vacancy was nearly as bad as being under-qualified. I can't count the number of jobs that I DIDN'T get, because HR figgered I was "over qualified"..... (I have near 20 years in the PC tech field, and was applying for entry level positions, as that's all that was available....) Even though I TOLD THEM that I wasn't expecting top dollar for an entry level job...... I suppose being over 50 didn't help me any either......
And Pakistan is supposedly our ally......... I am wondering why in thunder we are even still there..... The paki's have closed our supply routes, were harboring Osama, support the haqqani network (however that's spelled), their military doesn't always do what their government wants them to..... and on and on and on. In return, we give them billions in aid...... both monetary, and military. Once again, we are arming our probable future enemies. Are we really that stupid?
I got to shoot at all sorts o' stuff in the military....... I much prefer being able to go out in my back yard, and crank off a couple mags. Most of the places I have lived, I could do that.... not at my current residence though. (well, maybe one or two shots... but, the neighbors would be annoyed, and I really don't need the cops showing up......) Hope to be moving here real soon, to a place that I can once again just step out my back door, and fire off a few. (and not worry about visits from officer UNfriendly.
That's a problem here too, to the point where many employers have begun listing "Bachelor's/Associate's Degree Required/Preferred" for jobs that don't even remotely require one. they're so worried (some of them) that high school didn't do the job right that they think a degree is going to fix that. Companies are just hiring based on what the market will bear. They get so many applications for so few jobs that they can demand applicants have a bachelor's. If they could, they'd demand a doctorate. It doesn't mean they think you need a bachelor's or doctorate to take phone calls. It reflects nothing on the quality of schooling. This is just a way of culling the herd which is just slightly less arbitrary than saying "REQUIREMENTS: Last name must begin with letters 'A' through 'G'" or "REQUIREMENTS: Candidate must have perfect kindergarten attendance record and blood type O-negative." Not to mention it gives them the ability to whine about "Not enough qualified candidates" to make it appear as though they WANT to hire, but, there is no one TO hire........
We're talking about grade-school students here. How many of them use clothing to "express themselves visually," beyond saying I have X money and I belong to X clique? That is exactly what they are trying to avoid. @Granny: We the willing, led by the unknowing, have done so much, for so long, with so little, that we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing. @HeyYou, I'm pretty sure MB is with us on this one.. I might just reverse a couple of words in your quote at the end to the following: qualified to do nothing with anything... :biggrin: Referring to politicians no doubt. :D
We're talking about grade-school students here. How many of them use clothing to "express themselves visually," beyond saying I have X money and I belong to X clique? That is exactly what they are trying to avoid. @Granny: We the willing, led by the unknowing, have done so much, for so long, with so little, that we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing.
We have the same problem here..... universities are being forced to offer more remedial courses due to the fact that the 'graduates' lack in reading and math skills.......
You are confusing the statement. IT was not, are animals equal to Human, its is should other animals be considered equal... parathensis, to humanity. That means the entire species and as a fundemental compartement of the homosaipens, Humanity is at the top of the food chain! What is the only species that has the ability to wipe out every single other species on Earth? The fact that we even have this capability or have the thought mechanisms to enumeriate this capability makes us the food chains top. Also, the food chain, while were on it. The food chain dicates which organism will consume another for sustance, unless you can name another organism/animal that activally hunts and kills Humans with effeciency and in numbers, im afraid you may have to re-state your arguments because they will become null and void. In regards to the dog concept. It is all cirmstantial. It has been previously said that on this thread that all current animals and bio-organisms are created through years of selective breeding and natural selection. Domestic dogs are designed not to be aggressive by nature, inversely to their wild counterparrts, the wolf. The fact that they can be aggressive is merely a hard back to their orgininal nature. When you see a dog bite someone, you are seeing thousands of years of slective breeding unravel. Also, induvidual dogs will vary. So the capability to wipe out entire species in short order (including our own...) puts us at the top of the food chain? Guess what, if you walk into the tigers cage at the zoo, and try and explain that to him, he will yawn, and eat you anyway. Sure, most animals have a healthy fear of man, and for the most part, will avoid us. However, if a wild animal is hungry, and given a choice between the fast, four-footed horse-like thing, or the soft, squishy, SLOW human, guess which one winds up on the menu...... To me, top of the food chain implies that other animals don't eat you. Depending on circumstances.... that just ain't the case for humans. Just ask the sharks. No. Scientifically, top of the food chain implies that the animal above can and will activeally hunt all species beneath in in order to sustain itself. AT no point in history have tigers been known to activelly and prgressive hunt humans for an extended peroid. Furthermore, your tiger point is invalid. Reason? If every human on earth were to engage war with every animal on earth, I can tell you now, all civilians would be decimanted, but ultimately, Humanity is the most powerful and domineering species. And besides, tigers do not choose humans. In middle africa, there are many many tribes that loins could hunt from, tribes of people, but yet they choose fleet antelope, this is because their hunting instincts decree that they hunt other animals, NOT BIPEDS Why would they wanna hunt the skinny humans, that would barely feed one of them, when there are plentiful larger animals to eat? It is all circumstantial. Humans only appear to be at the top, as we are the ones with the better weapons. I still like my dog better than most people. :D
You are confusing the statement. IT was not, are animals equal to Human, its is should other animals be considered equal... parathensis, to humanity. That means the entire species and as a fundemental compartement of the homosaipens, Humanity is at the top of the food chain! What is the only species that has the ability to wipe out every single other species on Earth? The fact that we even have this capability or have the thought mechanisms to enumeriate this capability makes us the food chains top. Also, the food chain, while were on it. The food chain dicates which organism will consume another for sustance, unless you can name another organism/animal that activally hunts and kills Humans with effeciency and in numbers, im afraid you may have to re-state your arguments because they will become null and void. In regards to the dog concept. It is all cirmstantial. It has been previously said that on this thread that all current animals and bio-organisms are created through years of selective breeding and natural selection. Domestic dogs are designed not to be aggressive by nature, inversely to their wild counterparrts, the wolf. The fact that they can be aggressive is merely a hard back to their orgininal nature. When you see a dog bite someone, you are seeing thousands of years of slective breeding unravel. Also, induvidual dogs will vary. So the capability to wipe out entire species in short order (including our own...) puts us at the top of the food chain? Guess what, if you walk into the tigers cage at the zoo, and try and explain that to him, he will yawn, and eat you anyway. Sure, most animals have a healthy fear of man, and for the most part, will avoid us. However, if a wild animal is hungry, and given a choice between the fast, four-footed horse-like thing, or the soft, squishy, SLOW human, guess which one winds up on the menu...... To me, top of the food chain implies that other animals don't eat you. Depending on circumstances.... that just ain't the case for humans. Just ask the sharks.
I like my dog better than most people....... My dog is smarter than a fair few folks I deal with on a daily basis. (I work at staples.......) Dogs don't bite people for no particular reason..... well, ok, there are those that do, but, those would fall in to the 'dangerous' category. Based on what I have seen, dogs bite folks that provoke them. Is that the dogs fault? Heck no. Should the dog be put down for doing so? Not just no....... Unfortunately, where I live, if your dog bites someone, you are automatically at fault, and the dog is ordered put down. Which I find absolutely stupid..... but hey, it's the government, so, it's not like I should be surprised.... Humans are NOT at the top of the food chain. That all depends on circumstances. An unarmed human in the jungle is food for a fair few creatures........ even ARMED humans have become an afternoon snack for various critters......
Government regulation, lack of funding, and basic busy bodies are killing creativity in schools. What are some of the first programs that are cut when the budgets get tight? Is it sports programs?? Oh heck no. It's the arts...... Thank our federal government (US) for that.
Opening books crashes Oblivion
HeyYou replied to redrummurder62's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Turn off kyoma's mod, and test. See what happens. Do you have the latest version? Latest version of OBSE? Does kyoma's mod require something else that you don't have?? (menuque, for instance?) -
That would make an awesome mod.......
128 GB thumb drives will be on the market in the next couple weeks....... That's bigger than two out of three of my harddrives.....
We are not in control of anything..you are getting sleepy..very sleepy... :whistling: Ya know.... bed IS sounding pretty good about now.......... :D
Should Rush Limbaugh be losing sponsors for the things he said?
HeyYou replied to Deleted472477User's topic in Debates
He never really did contribute anything of value. Ever. Why can't we bring back the time honored tradition of tarring and feathering people who abuse their public position to spout lies, sentiments of treason (unfounded claims about the President), or create a climate of chaos, ignorance, and fear? Then we could remove those people who make a living from this crap on both sides and just try to get on with our lives. Mainly because we would be tarring and feathering most of the population of DC. Oil companies would like it..... initially at least. :D I'm not sure what the problem is... Maybe environmental? Drawing and quartering instead perhaps? You'll only need to televise one or two before the rest decide to make amends. I was thinking flaying alive.... or maybe, pulled apart by four elephants? Tossed into a tank of piranha? Gators? Rabid Red Wings fans??? -
Something IS happening behind our backs. It's also right out in front of us for everyone to see, but, no one will believe it, because the media tells us it isn't true. The rich and powerful are (have) taking (taken) over the world, to make very sure that they STAY in control
You're dating yourself ya know....... :D
Should Rush Limbaugh be losing sponsors for the things he said?
HeyYou replied to Deleted472477User's topic in Debates
He never really did contribute anything of value. Ever. Why can't we bring back the time honored tradition of tarring and feathering people who abuse their public position to spout lies, sentiments of treason (unfounded claims about the President), or create a climate of chaos, ignorance, and fear? Then we could remove those people who make a living from this crap on both sides and just try to get on with our lives. Mainly because we would be tarring and feathering most of the population of DC. Oil companies would like it..... initially at least. :D -
I don't see things like twitter, or facebook.... as "advances" really....... :)
There hasn't been a major scientific achievement for quite some time. The government is only doing research on weapons, and exploration has fallen by the wayside. (space exploration is responsible for quite a few tech breakthrus....) If automotive technology had advanced as quickly as computers, we would be driving 200 MPH, and getting 100MPG while doing so...... Greed has taken over, and the mentality of "what will make me the most money RIGHT NOW." Long term planning is gone. Long term consequences are ignored. It's all about getting rich now, and staying that way......
Ok, if they show up, they are in the right spot, and they should work as advertised. :D