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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Ok, if they show up, they are in the right spot, and they should work as advertised. :D
  2. Game installed to the default folder? (somewhere in program files)
  3. Script error, running any mods?
  4. Do they show up in your mod list in wrye, or OBMM?
  5. Boots, berets, and sub-machine guns? Ok, I'd be down for that........ :D
  6. HeyYou


    I think we're talking about the same thing here, just not quite in the "same dimension," if you will. People should indeed stand up to bullies, since god-knows the school system won't do it. Parents will try to help, but of course, they need to go through the school system first (that or the media, but that usually just brings more trouble than it's worth). Self defense and sticking up for someone is how humanity should work; unfortunately people tend to care about themselves first, and others last. What I'm getting at here, is that one should not actively seek out vengeance. When your head gets clouded with emotions such as anger and the revenge (I know, I know; it sounds like I'm quoting Star Wars), you make irrational decisions. When you make irrational decisions, those around you can very easily get hurt. The "Jedism" talk aside, if you want to stand up for an ideal, stand up for it; don't lunge for it. Reason for edit: The "P" in "parents" wasn't capitalized, and it was bugging the crap out of me. Yeah, I think you and I are on the same page. :D
  7. HeyYou


    That's all about personality. I had always thought that part of the martial arts training was self-discipline..... seems that part didn't stick with your friend. I know folks that have stood up to bullys, even though they were not the ones being bullied..... they did not 'turn to the dark side' as it were..... vigilantism certainly isn't the best option, but, sometimes, that is all your are left with. In my experience, the bullies have more rights to get away with what they are doing, than school authorities do to stop/prevent it. There are also those in the schools that simply choose to ignore it, as THEY are not the ones with the problem.... and it is 'too much trouble' to actually DO something. Not to mention its getting legally dangerous to do so. (and has been for the last decade or so.....)
  8. I think the whole "the party of No" moniker is pretty common knowledge. Not to mention the the many rumors of republican obstructionism, simply to prevent ANYTHING from happening, that Obama could potentially use as campaign material. He has zero foreign policy 'victories', in fact, he fell flat on his face there as well. Bowing to various heads of state, apologizing for some perceived wrong to others... etc. Quite frankly, as a 'head of state', he really doesn't make much of an attempt to portray himself as the leader of the worlds most powerful nation..... (well, militarily at least....) Of course, the dems really aren't any better. They sure aren't going to let the republicans pass anything either. Giving them any campaign material would be 'bad' from their perspective as well. So, whatta we get? A do-nothing government. The only things that actually pass are those things that are absolutely required to keep the government going, without pissing off EVERYONE in BOTH constituencies. Not to mention the stuff that goes thru with very little fanfare, as everyone in washington is well aware that the american people would be unhappy if they knew what was really going on. (Free trade agreements with Columbia, Panama, and S. Korea, for example......) At this point in time, the american people are so divided, and KEPT THAT WAY by the folks in washington, that I am amazed anything at all happens. We cannot continue in this manner for long, before the pressure is going to burst the dam. At that point, it is going to be too late for 'appeasement', or 'cooperation', and life is going to become really interesting, really quickly. Both sides are entrenched in their positions, seem to be fully convinced that their course is the ONLY course, and the other guys are loony tunes for believing anything else. No one will cooperate, no one will compromise. There are no solutions, only more problems.
  9. HeyYou


    So, in a way, you were actively (and knowingly) participating in a form of bullying. Not that they didn't get what they deserved, it just seems that "an eye for an eye" is not the right thing to to in a situation like that. As for being bullied... I've taken martial arts since I was 8 years old, which helped me practice self-discipline. If someone was making fun of me (or "verbal bullying"), I would sit there for a minute, analyze what they said, and either respond as if it were a normal conversation, or just looked at them until they went away. In high school, a prominent bully from middle school came up to me one day, and I was expecting a long drawn-out stare-down, but he actually walked up to me and apologized for being a jerk all those years ago. I always find it really odd to see someone you know visibly mature over the years. It's nice, but odd, nonetheless. Good grief... I feel old. :ohdear: Reason for edit: Grammatical error fixed Why not? Seems perfectly reasonable to me. If the bully is well aware that there is indeed someone out there watching out for his/her potential victims, and has demonstrated that bullying is not acceptable, and can bring on unpleasant consequences, to the point it deters the behavior, where is the problem? Kinda like training your dog NOT to do something..... the whole "If I do X, then "something bad" happens."... If you want to avoid the something bad, don't do X behavior. Simple. Call it deterrence.... or aversion therapy. And, I wouldn't go an eye for an eye, I think it would be more like an eye, an arm, and a leg, for an eye.
  10. That's definitely an option, and in most cases, a good idea.... for the dlc though, shouldn't be an issue. They don't overwrite anything. :D Hi!! Been doing halfway decent at least, hope life is treatin' ya good as well. :teehee:
  11. The secret cabal is made up of the folks with the naked power and money. :D
  12. "His continuing attempt to a be a Uniter"..dear god so that is what you all someone who pits one sector of the population against the other? This campaign bears no resemblance to a unification theme, largely due to the fact that his ACTUAL record is something that he can't run on. Vice President Biden "They don't get us", no we don't get you Joe...you having been living off the taxpayer dime your entire life as career politician and who by the way has a million dollar home in my state..not his. This country of roughly 350 Million has over 3 million people whose net worth exceeds a million, out of that roughly 44% inherited it the other 56% EARNED it. These filthy capitalists pay 40% of the taxes whereas almost 49% of the great unwashed pay NOTHING. The level of BS in this campaign requires even higher hip waders than usual. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama hold assets worth between nearly $2.6 million and nearly $8.3 million, according to financial disclosure reports released by the White House. Us versus them? To quote Pogo "We have met the enemy and they are us", to say that the administration's campaign is disingenuous is an understatement. (Tax stats from Forbes) Sounds just like any other political campaign to me...... :D Yep, I have millions, but, I understand the "little guy" line is getting truly old. Romney was born to wealth, made a pile of cash as a corporate raider, (and yes, I will grant, he DID do some good things as well....) and has absolutely no idea what most americans are having to struggle with just to make ends meet. Of course, that story is EXACTLY the same for ANY presidential candidate....... No wonder the middle class is disappearing so quickly.
  13. Better not be a hoody, neighborhood watch will get you.
  14. HeyYou


    I had a run in with a bully at one point.... but, I was not who he thought I was, and got a rather rude surprise.
  15. Oh great..the Prezinator...now I am looking more benignly at Sky Net. :wallbash: If you are carving notches into your monitor, or any other suitable place, for the number of times you have caused me to have to clean my screen.... Time to carve another one. :D
  16. Have you tried switching bloom for HDR, or vice versa?
  17. Well, lets see, you need to learn papyrus if you want to script, need to learn flash if you want custom menues.... beth just made modding skyrim significantly more difficult. In the overall scheme of things, if you have a team working on something, ok, I can see that.... but, most modders do not have all the skills that seem to be required now. I know it certainly turned me off to doing anything with the CK.....
  18. AV uncapper does more tricks though. :D I think elys version requires complimentary mods to make use of the values over 100.
  19. Yeah, editing your post would be a really good plan.
  20. Something else to consider is, the installers on the downloaded versions of the DLC..... (snicker) are not compatible with 64 bit operating systems. Which almost all PC's are getting these days. You can download Universal Extractor, and use that to open the installers, and pull out the files you need. (most times, it's just an esp, and a bsa or two.)
  21. In Hawaii. Had the Republicans been able to prove otherwise, I am thinkin' they woulda sprung that one by now. There were rumors of nixing that part of the requirements in any event. (don't recall which party put that one forward.... I think it was the repubbies, as the wanted Arnold to run..... or some such.)
  22. Is about the stalemate within the two party system. The collapse is not about the country collapsing but my concern with the rytoric that is coming out of Washington, combined with the financial situation, so many in the country are suffering that what I call Social justice vigilantes and militia groups might start up something that will have to be put down as violently as they are. What will suffer from this is the same thing that the country has suffered from, but on a accelerated path than it was after 9/11. I was talking about our freedoms and rights are vanishing, under a cover of a security blanket that is dubious at best. Then we are looking at a debt crisis of major proportions and that seems not only to be effecting the US, but the rest of the world, as well, which pretty much sums up this. My concern is with those who have placed their hopes and dreams on the financial situation of their perspective countries and are now seeing their dreams of a comfortable retirement go up in smoke as our leaders try to correct that abuses that have lead us to this crisis, in the first place. I'm more worried about the little man, losing everything, because they seem to be the ones that everybody uses, promises everything to and then are the first things discarded, when the crap hits the fan. I look at Greece and Italy and I don't see the governments there, but a window, or a retiree, or a mother, with children that is seeing their support structure crumble beneath them, while the banks and businessmen get bailouts and get million dollar bailouts. The hatefest is between the far left and the far right and the sacrifices are to do with these people who say, "Go ahead and fix what needs to be fixed, but don't you dare touch what I have." You can't make sacrifices by targeting certain people, when the whole country is hurting. We are all in this together. Someone once said, "This is a huge S*%T SANDWICH and we all are goiing to have to take a bite out of it!" We're all in this together and the sacred cows of the left and right need to be deposed, so we can find a true middle ground and start moving this country back into a prosperous nation. I think, from what I've seen on the news, that this strategy would work well, elsewhere, as well. Trouble is, neither side is really willing to compromise. Prime example: The 'committee' that was supposed to come up with some serious budget cuts, or, automatic cuts would be implemented instead. Guess what, they couldn't come up with the middle ground...... Now, they are passing legislation to get around the "or else" clauses that were put into the budget balancing bill in the first place. Nice huh?
  23. Given your current circumstances...... I am surprise they let you have anything at all to help you sleep... some of them work too well..... and most of them will NOT allow you to wake up at the snap of the finger, and be combat ready in any reasonable amount of time. (if it became necessary..... you'd prolly be dead......) Not sure if there is much to be done there...... have you chatted with a 'head doctor' about these things?? It only hurts for a day or two.... is sensitive for a few more, and after about two weeks, you don't even notice anything other than the hole.... I didn't take any painkillers after having one of my wisdom teeth out. I did for a day when I had two removed at the same time though...... but, after that, it was annoying, but, not overly distracting. Gotta be careful how you eat for a while, as you do NOT want to get an infection.... that would just be BAD.
  24. Explosives ordinances vary dramatically from state to state... I have been blowing things up since roughly 6th grade.... (11 years old) My friends basement floor had pocks and burns from some of our experiments.... there is still a crater in an empty lot from where one of our experiments worked a LOT better than we though it would....... THAT was a surprise......... I still love blowin' s**t up. :D I enjoy shooting things too. Ask my younger brother. :D (no, I didn't shoot my brother... much as I may have wanted to on a few occasions.....)
  25. Elder Scrolls: VR. :happy: Who knows? Only time will tell. The one thing I don't want is for the ES series to turn into a fantasy action game (a la Mass Effect 2). Please keep my ES games in the RPG format, thank you very much. I've been getting a vibe ever since Skyrim came out; when does something have too many sequels? Some of the worlds most memorable games are memorable because of just that: there were very few of them. If you have multiple products that are so similar, they start to lose their uniqueness (a la Call of Duty/ Every multiplayer FPS game within the last 10 years; regenerating health, chest-high walls, etc.). Oh, and it's 7 atoms across, not one. That would be impossible to create. :thumbsup: Cheers, IndorilTheGreat Skyrim IS a fantasy action game with some RPG elements. That's about it.
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