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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. hehe, that's something everyone goes through - mod crashes the game if not installed correctly or if it is incompatible with something - That is why I suggest you to always read the ReadMe. :)


    If you can't figure out the problem with the crash, copy your load order and paste it onto a post, so we can attempt to help you.

  2. To add a little to ub3erman's post:

    Do move the Readme as well - This is because of one simple rule: "Always read the Readme!" - That is why it's called Readme, and not DontReadMe^^


    And also, are you using Windows Vista or Win7? If so, and Oblivion is installed to the default location, some more steps are needed. (Just so you know before you try installing mods)

  3. Being polite in a message helps greatly (both to staff and members) - if you were polite, you will probably get an answer soon. But remember, the staff on this site does not sit on their computers all day long, they have a life beside it, just saying. :)


    Also, explaining your problem in detail will help the staff, and thus giving you a quicker and better answer.

  4. Console Command:

    (Target).AddSpell Vampirism100


    If you want their skills and attributes to reflect their vampirism as well:

    (Target).AddSpell Vampirism100skills

    (Target).AddSpell Vampirism100att


    If you want them to be able to infect people as well:

    (Target).AddSpell VampDisease

  5. Great, thanks! :D


    That's enough lines, so expect an update later today. (It will be without voice acting to begin with, but I'm hoping to get someone to do voice acting later on - These are hard lines, since one have to really get into the role if it's going to be any good at all, so it's probably not an easy task.)

  6. Thank you very much guys! Will be adding all those dialogues! :)


    And Esscex, I'm not quite sure really.. when I read these lines, I do it with some kind of crazy/drunkard voice, so it would be funnier with voice acting, that's for sure.


    EDIT: Voice Acting it is! :)

  7. @mrboobz: I really want this mod to be simple, and since the prisoners spawns from leveled lists, that idea might be hard to accomplish. :/

    But thank you very much for the suggestion non-the-less. :)


    @ub3rman: Yeah, some prisoners are ghosts of people who have died in the prisons.


    Anyway, I have lowered the chance of prisoners spawning even more, now down to 40%, so the chance for every prison cell to host a prisoner is now minimal.

  8. Populated Prisons

    Current Version: 1.1

    By Randomcoyle & Zaldir


    This mod populates the prisons in the cities of Cyrodiil. There is a 50% chance for a prisoner to spawn in a cell.

    Each prisoner have their own greeting, and some will tell you a tale of their life, while others may talk nothing more than poo.


    In the Prisons, you'll meet anything from Vampires, Ghosts, Lunatics, drunkards, murderers and rapists!



    Next Version

    The Next version will feature voice acting, and perhaps some other new features like random encounters and minor quests.

  9. hehe, thank you for making me happy! :P


    Anyway, the Premium features shouldn't really be the reason people upgrade to it, it should rather be to support Dark0ne. This was the main reason I upgraded to premium (+ faster downloads....).

    And he is not blocking users from content to make them pay, he is blocking users from content because there was too much of this adult content in the image share section, and thus the whole point of it went away, to be able to see cool shots from a mod, a dungeon or a great battle - something related to the actual game.... Premium is also a way to show that the user is an adult (in most cases), since they have access to a credit card. (This is not the case for me though^^)

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