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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. We do not support cracks on NexusMods. However, we do tolerate them - it is not illegal, and it can serve extremely useful purposes, as jim_uk pointed out. We will not host cracks on NexusMods, because cracks are so often used by pirates. So, when someone mentions that they are using a crack, we first ask if it is a pirated copy. If it is indeed not a pirated copy, then we tell them that we do not support cracks here, and that if they want help with their issue, they should revert back to the original files (certain exceptions can be made, like KOTOR, where it is practically necessary to use some sort of crack, whereas Skyrim, for instance, is a good example of a game that throws a hissy fit when cracked).


    I hope this clears it up a little bit.

  2. First off, you should go back to the Steam version. Anything can go wrong with cracked versions (and we do not support them here).


    As for what to do after that - I do not know. Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable on the subject will come along and give you a few hints. :thumbsup:



    Obviously he means an illegal version else he wouldn't talk about 1.9 since steam doesn't show what update it's on..

    1.9 is the official latest Skyrim version.



    Do you honestly think someone who doesn't know how to install mods, would know what specific update his non-cracked skyrim is on? Again, it doesn't show that anywhere on steam so he must have illegally downloaded Skyrim, because when illegally downloading it shows the version number. Him saying *not a steam version* is also a dead giveaway that he did not buy the game.


    Open Skyrim, and it will show you your version number - it is pretty common knowledge that 1.9 is the latest version.


    And now back to the question, and lets let darksoldier speak for himself.

  4. Hi guys i'm trying to install Skyrim HD - 2K Textures , i tryed to use NMM with no results and then a manual installation but the mod won't work anyway, i have windows 8.1 with skyrim 1.9 (not steam version and not legendary edition) and skse 1.9.

    There is something similar than archive invalidation for fallout that i have to use? Or it's something else?

    Thanks for the help and sorry for my bad English.

    Skyrim is a Steam-exclusive game - how is it not a "Steam version"?

  5. Yrdemis has received a formal warning. This user has now received 0 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Inane ramblings and swearing in a mod comment section.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, Yrdemis has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days

    This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  6. golem653 banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Non-constructive, rude comments. user was warned on the 17th of February that continued behavior of this kind would result in a ban.


    "What about presentation on video only with tamriel reloaded mod and not another 800?

    I dont care about your mods , I just wanna see how THIS mod change vanilla skyrim.

    So hard? :)

    I am so bored of this , EVERYONE pretty everyone in nexus doing this , doing the same s***. "


    "OK a question , what is realistic on this?

    Remove that stupid green colour and it will be realistic. "


    " lol i dont understand mods like this , wtf is glass on this mod? its more metal than glass , unrealistic as hell "


    "Difference bethwee silver and gold gives ma a cancer

    Because there is almost no difference , in that video. "


    - Note that each comment in and of itself is not what causes this ban - it is the continued rude behavior.


    Reference post


    Reference post


    Reference post


    Reference post


    Reference post

  7. My cousin got me skyrim for my birthday and turns out it was priated and im trying to access my skyrim data folder (not skyrim data files i have that) and ive tried the C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data and its not worjing please help


    1. Delete the pirated copy from your computer.

    2. Buy Skyrim on Steam.

    3. You are no longer being a criminal.

  8. In response to post #23243514. #23244789 is also a reply to the same post.

    There are already a lot of developers/publishers who allow their content to be ported (http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Porting_content).

    We have in some rare cases contacted developers/publishers about rights to use assets, but again, this is in rare cases. Whether or not we will do that more often in the future, I can not say.
  9. KaiColebrook has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Copyright infringement: uploading 24 music files from artists such as Ellie Goulding and Selena Gomez (among others), as well as music from Halo and Sonic.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, KaiColebrook has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot upload files for 14 days

    This user cannot use file tools for 14 days




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  10. Closing this one. Had I caught it earlier, it would probably have been closed earlier as well.
    Note to everyone: Please be civil in your posts. You are talking to other human beings.

    although i disagree with you that if someone treats me as stupid i cant call them a condescending pr#ck.

    And I disagree with you. You cannot call someone a condescending prick. That is just rude. If someone is offending you, report them.

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