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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Don't want your game spoiled, stop reading now! Aaaah, who am I kidding? This never works... But, you have been warned!




    The city of Winterhold is partly submerged and in ruins.

    Believe it or not, M'aiq the Liar is back!!

  2. Besides, I find it relevant. ;D


    But yes, there shouldn't be too much of a discussion on it. One or two pages is enough. :P

    (And in this thread, the topic changes at about that rate^^)

  3. It's generally a baaad idea to call your game by one common word. Scrolls... It's not a name, a title or whatever, it's a word!

    Even calling it "Magic Scrolls" or something like that would have been much better.

  4. Just finished reading all the delicious previews...I don't want to spoil them for anyone, but let me just say I'm leaning closer and closer to playing a Conjuration mage now.

    This whole thread is about spoiling the game, so please... spoil it! ;D

  5. The first thing I thought when I looked at the third image was.. Akaviri!! :P

    But then I looked at the other concept art from earlier, and realized that these ones seemed rather fake. And then you guys confirmed it. ;)

  6. I have no idea why there's no dynamic rain if there's dynamic snow, but that's what they said.They didn't specifically say there wasn't any dynamic rain, but whenever they walked about how "dynamic" their weather system was, they would only talk about snow, how it would fall on objects and accumulate realistically....dynamic.

    It may be because snow is the most noticeable though. When rain accumulate on objects, it doesn't really make much of an effect, other than a splash and then it's wet - So, maybe they just didn't talk about it because it wasn't as significant as snow. Here's hoping at least. ;)

  7. 2 hours doesn't mean anything. They were level 4 and 7 when they finished it. They experienced a few % of the game during the speedrun. Probably no more than 5% of the game were experienced through it.


    If 2 hours means 5% of the game, then Skyrim will be 40 hours before you fully finished everything. But yeah, my reaction on the speedrun was slightly exagerated.


    EDIT: My posts were retarded, I fully apologise :D You were right and I was wrong.

    5% of the main quest was what I meant, sorry. :P

    Yes, they say 30 hours, but who in their rights mind goes through ONLY the main quest without any sidetracks? ;D

  8. 2 hours doesn't mean anything. They were level 4 and 7 when they finished it. They experienced a few % of the game during the speedrun. Probably no more than 5% of the game were experienced through it.
  9. Good to hear, Dark0ne - I won't even think of the horror of changing thousands of links to direct to the right site... ^^



    And Syrcanus, TESNexus won't become misleading, as it is still a Nexus for TES games, just not all of them. The instant you load the site, you know which games it supports by looking at the skin. So no, it should not be changed. ;)

  10. @AltreU, I totally agree. I may have seemed a little bashing on Dark Souls, but that was mostly because I wanted to find out exactly how it worked. (And that the article writer ticked me off by being more fan boy than I've ever seen before ;D )

    I can see that Dark Souls is a very challenging game, with lots of cool aspects.


    But what I am looking for in a game is to be able to continuously play the game, most preferably without ever dying on that character where I try my best, because when I die, and reload, I get "de-immersed" (new word?^^).

    But Dark Souls seems to have some awesome boss fights! :D


    But yes, moving on to Skyrim again, less than 5 weeks remaining! :P

  11. About all the Dark Souls Vs. Skyrim bs, I've been playing the hell out of Dark Souls since I got it at the midnight opening and the only real thing it has that Skyrim probably won't have is that hair pulling, rage inducing difficulty. I love Dark Souls so far, but his point on multiplayer is null as said before, his point on DLC is null because DLC doesn't make or break a game (updates might, but those aren't always included in DLC), the Collectors edition point is null because the you actually get some quality stuff with Skyrim (Dark Souls has an art book that started losing pages after it had been opened *THREE TIMES* and all the rest of the content is download only, with the guide only being for the first section of the game....), EPIC SCOPE is an overstatement for the size of Dark Souls landmass (it's an open world game with multiple LINEAR paths to follow, so it's still not a sandbox game like Skyrim), the combat is obviously different (but neither seem to have bad combat, so that point was bs), and the dragons in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are nothing like the free roaming badasses in Skyrim (that Dragon God was really a puzzle boss that a low level character could beat...).


    Yeah, he's a fanboy.


    tl;dr: the article is totally bs. ;D


    The guy also calls the Alduin statue "small"... I bet he haven't even seen it. :rolleyes:


    I haven't played Dark Souls, but something is really bugging me. That talk about difficulty. A quote from a player

    This is the hardest game I have ever played on the 360 and I am loving every minute of it. Just do what I do, go into it expecting to die anytime you come near an enemy, that way you don't get too upset when you fall to the ground in your own blood

    Is this really "difficult" or is it just creating a fake sense of difficulty? To complete a level or whatever, you HAVE to die sometimes because unexpecting things happens that kills you? How is that difficulty? That is more like hauling out a game because it is too short, so they have to make you die many times to make it longer? Then when you try again, you know exactly what will happen at that stage, then you die on the next stage because you don't know how to do it?

    Please, I need someone to explain this to me, because I want to try this game, but if it is like this, I really don't want to. I want difficulty, not fake difficulty. I want to be near death many times and having to play my best to complete something, but I don't want to expect to die the first few times.

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