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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. <-- This random TES fan thinks it's not fair. At least they should give Skyrim early to every journalist not the selected few.

    Also about early DLC: Well Micro$oft paid for early DLC so Bethesda is just doing it for the money, right? Right?

    Of course Bethesda Softworks does it for the money, that is the reason why they are selling this game. :P

    (And don't mistake Bethesda Softworks for Bethesda Game Studios - Two very different things!)

  2. Most people who buy MW3 or BF3 are fanboys who think shooting and online are two things a game cannot go without. I'm not sure they will even look at Skyrim as soon as they heard it's not online. And remember most sales of Skyrim will be from xbox 360/ps3

    I am going to buy Battlefield 3, does that make me a fanboy? Wow, I didn't know that - seems I must refrain from buying it then...

  3. Didn't see the GTTV preview until now, and I must say it looks even more amazing than I first thought.


    And weather slows you down again, like it did in Morrowind! :D

    There are a lot more NPCs in the cities. (Around the execution there was a lot of people, as well as in the scene where you see THREE kids running around playing - no more Fallout lonely kid style^^)


    I seriously can't wait for this game! ;D

  4. Actually dragons are quite light....read this



    Actually, that's all up to the creators of the dragons, since they are fictional. ;)

    (Read the conclusion on that page: "I hope you enjoyed your little trip into the physiology of a dragon. Remember, all dragons are different, so if you dissagree with this study, no one can tell you that you are wrong. This is just one look at this wonderful creature and I hope that this might stir your imagination to make up your own mythology of the dragon.")

  5. Remember that Character Creation is only about race and appearance now, so it's not certain that you will get the chance to recreate your character since you don't need a tutorial to find out which skills you should choose anymore.
  6. Eagles are light, but Dragons are Heavy and they would need extra flapping when closer to the ground, there isent that much wind when closer to the ground and it makes them seem unrealistic for them to hover around. :P


    Dragons also have bigger wings, making it easier for them to hover around, but since they are also bigger than eagles, it's about the same. ;)

  7. Don't want your game spoiled, stop reading now! Aaaah, who am I kidding? This never works... But, you have been warned!




    The city of Winterhold is partly submerged and in ruins.

    Believe it or not, M'aiq the Liar is back!!

  8. Besides, I find it relevant. ;D


    But yes, there shouldn't be too much of a discussion on it. One or two pages is enough. :P

    (And in this thread, the topic changes at about that rate^^)

  9. It's generally a baaad idea to call your game by one common word. Scrolls... It's not a name, a title or whatever, it's a word!

    Even calling it "Magic Scrolls" or something like that would have been much better.

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