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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Have you got a mod that potentially changes the texture or material of the weapon? Some mods change the textures of things in a way that affects the metallic texture of the guns, which can make weird lighting problems. I can't recall a mod that has a description of this problem but I read it a few times before.
  2. Haven't heard or seen it be much of an issue with this iteration of the Gamebyro engine, but in previous games if FPS is over 60 then physics goes insane and things often fly all over the place. Maybe if this is the problem its not so bad in this game but perhaps objects are still falling over etc.
  3. You disabled preculling? What settings you run? Sometimes people forget to up the actual RAM amount in ENBlocal etc. Probably their problem too. I can confirm that I am seeing 5200MB of VRAM and 7900+MB on RAM downtown. I think I set mine to 10240 in ENBlocal (max). @Ravanche. Interesting, I wonder if they bodged precombined system again. Remember reading that on a UFO4P post on Bethnet a while ago.
  4. I would say delete every file in your fallout folder that isnt a ba2 archive or default ESM, delete all your INI files, and revalidate in steam. Could be a left over loose file that didnt go away or setting/corrupt INI.
  5. My CPU (i7 3770k @stock) never broke/breaks a sweat at that location, but RAM/V-RAM use goes through the roof in small bursts and peaks (monitored through MSI Afterburner on the display of my G19 keyboard).Grab an ENB, hit shift+enter, drop down profiler while your facing towards boston, just a bit back from their camp. Move around a bit until you hit highest number under draw calls. You'll find it'll vary quite wildly depending where you look. Bethesdas previs/precull system hard at work :D VRAM spikes likely attributed to sudden loading/dropping of Boston buildings etc, also shadows are hard on the system. Try playing at 7 grids here ;). 3960x here' @ 4.5ghz, went back to 5 grids still found high score of 18,000 in a very small window. Not sure what rigs these guys have
  6. Throwing out a BSOD was it? 0x50 etc, probably problem with memory corruption. Rare to see the entire system go, I'd be running memtest on your RAM overnight.
  7. That location is incredibly performance hungry, I've recorded a whopping 18,000 draw calls here, abiut 3 times as many as most places, barring the main city district. This is incredibly CPU taxing, although I've not experienced a crash here. If all else fails, turn ur gfx settings right down, well mainly draw distances, AO and God rays, and see what happens.
  8. Ah, just like Beth net should have looked like. At least how I imagined it... My feedback? Well despite how many years I've been on Nexus, I still forget where the search bar is XD. I'd like that to be more, well, accessible.
  9. If there is a Fallout.ini in with the esps, delete it. Or if you want to keep it, move it elsewhere. This is an INI dump, but it overrides your other normal INIs.
  10. Is there an INI present in the fallout data folder by chance?
  11. Did you uninstall and reinstall all mods after updating? Im not sure if thats still necessary but there was a write up on the front page about it.
  12. Updated NMM to 61.22? Should fix the problem for most
  13. So for you its strictly just True Storms and Dark nights not working? Any other mids you cannot see in game? Try to wait 24 houra in game and see if weather will kick in?
  14. Well, theres no real way to get old mods out of your save. Its something that is unsupported by Bethesda and modders alike. Which mods did you get rid of? The only real way is to go back to a save from before that mod. I will post my LO, when i am at the pc
  15. Probably save game is affected by mods you may have removed, or if you experienced load order issues after patch 1.5 and went in game and made a save with missing mods.
  16. I've found since the 1.5 update, some older mods with leveled list changes crash the game. In one instance i removed to identical leveled list entries from a patch and the game loaded and played fine. It seems two me that if you have identical level list records between two mods, the game won't start, at least for me. When i say identical, i mean two mods that have the same changes to the list, no new additions or subtractions from it.
  17. So definitely textures working... mmmm. Just for run, go to your data folder and see if there is a Fallout4.INI present. If so delete and try again. If not go back and delete plugins.txt and DLClist.txt then launch the game and exit. Then try to reset mods in NMM.
  18. Well i dont have half those mods but that load order is definitely messy. LOOT not helping you there. The craftable ammo and gun mod mods, disable them temporarily and see if the game loads.
  19. If you dont like NMM maybe youll be interested in Wrye bash for your installs. Similar but more control IMO. If the asterix are listed then the games playing tricks on you. Maybe try opening plugins.txt, copy the list to a new document, delete original and place new one there. Might eliminate any corryption issues. Worked for me once or twice.
  20. Well you just go back and remove or change broken/updated records from your patch. Depending on how many things from a mod you patched, this could be an effort. Its a good idea to follow what updates modders make so you have an idea of what you need to fix in your own patch before playing. After a while this will become second nature, i tend to have a look in FO4edit when adding any new mods
  21. You might try redownloading them as well, in case theres missing resources. I know theres a patch out for CBBE neck seam problem, i'm not familiar eith those other mods though. Basically for the shadows, set it to ultra, then go to your falloutprefs and look for the two distance settings that are now set to 20000, and lower them to 8000 or so, maybe a little less if your rig is a bit weaker.
  22. Damn i forget how this works but you can place an audio marker from memory. Like an invisible box that activates when you pass through it. Been a good while since i played with the tools. Edit - I had a brief look on Google, you might want to look into audio markers that are placeable in the cell list. I can't recall if they require a script for the event or you can just make them play once (but then logic says you need a script for the event to trigger again after cell reset?). Anyway I'm just replying to this as it seems no one else is so hopefully this gets you on track.
  23. Thats interesting, ill have to test that. You could try SSEX, settlement expansion mod
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