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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. My Dogmeat wont wear his armor, idk why. Another -1. It would be all well and good to have him wait while sneaking, if he was in distance to talk to 95% more often. He really made a nuisance of himself in Cambridge, settings off traps and alarms everywhere. Once i told him to wait, he somehow attracts ghouls to himself and blows the whole show anyway. Not having fun with him it all.
  2. I like F4 more than F3. Am i a kid now?You get the idea. Back on track, once a mod for NV like this was underway but im not sure how far it ended up. Basically they did away with auto aim, had bullet arcs for long distance Snipering, jamming/overheating etc. But then we already had equipment degradation.
  3. Lol looks like he put a lot of effort into that, mine is a bit more "realistic" for the amount of settlers, he must/might of used that cheat engine hack to get more, idk. I gotta lot of turrets around mine, they take up a bit of the size limit compared to building parts. @Boombro - I have no idea yet, been working a lot lately so i havent had much time to fiddle around with it. I dont expect to find anything definitive though.
  4. I want to believe they are already in the BSAs, judging from the size. I was thinking about BAE, didnt know it had issues if any. There are some settings in the master ini relating to these bsas and how the game uses them, even one that toggles whether the game uses the new texture structure or not.
  5. I dont see why terrain editing was such a hard thing to implement, look at the CK. Maybe theres reasons why it cant be done while the game is running although i am unsure if thats the case. Like, you can obviously edit a character head mesh, albeit this has a different sorta system to it, but yeah you get the idea. In this INI I found, there are somexsettings related to object limits, but i havent looked into them yet. Im not even sure they relate to settlements yet, mainly ove been looking for settings that "unlock" some of the cut gfx from the trailers. yhey would of had to have been using a normal yet powerful PC to make them, i suspect a HD pack isnt far off but still they clearly cut it down quite a bit, as you say, for the Pentium crowd. Yet their reqs are so high lol. Dont even talk to me about followers. They are lucky they are essential, put it that way. The system itself has potential, i know one guy who has some bright ideas for it.
  6. Yeah that one gets my head itchy too. There are a number of script geniuses around though, so i wouldnt put it past them to do it. Why do i get the feeling that Beth plans DLC for this though?
  7. A game that is about survival and scavenging should have all these features by default, but like it was mentioned, they have to cater for the kiddies so they dont even include such things even IN SURVIVAL MODE. I honestly cant wait to see what mods come out for this. Given this is Papyrus, i reckon a port of iNeed from Skyrim will likely be very easy. Probably a lot of mods at that.
  8. Copper, screws, adhesives and oil have proven the most precious items for me. Cork wasnt far behind. The rest i have an abundance of.
  9. Its more like Dogmeat against you. I have never come across a more annoying follower. Weak as piss, always in the way, wrecks most sneak attempts and always walking off when trying to access his inventory. Hes lucky hes essential, i would have done away with him. Sure the animations and blah blah are good, but he has proven hopeless for me. Really disappointed in him, i really do want to like him :/
  10. Bethesda are clearly paranoid thier crappy engine wasnt gonna run 60fps on most hardware at Ultra. My 980ti could run this game underclocked to 600mhz no sweat.
  11. There is a new tool to extract the files. Ihonestly believe Bethesda is going to release one themselves, these textures are clearly half the res of the trailers leaving us high tier gpu owners with much potential. Also, i half wonder if there is already HD assets there, a lot of settings in that INI i found suggest there is more to the story than whats in the release.
  12. Problem with New Vegas is that half the material is owned by Obsidian, your not even allowed to upload modified NV content from what ive seen. It is possible, but it will likely be an underground project and like many other attempts, it likely will never make it outta beta/alpha status before the next game hits us.
  13. Just the fact the system is there is exciting, despite how clunky it is, like everything else in the game it is apparent this game was meant for the modders. Basically just a "mechanical" overhaul with a bit of a game built on top.
  14. Im not sure what you're meaning to do, were you looking to take out this code, or is there some problem its causing for you?
  15. Have a look at my post, The Master INI, this file has lots of VATS settings you might tinker with.
  16. Its 24GB. Not all the data is on the disk.
  17. Ill have to check if I am opted for beta, there must be aome people that have this file because i have seen people post they couldnt get retextures to work. All in all you can copy these settings to a new text file and change the e tension to INI and then you will definitely have it. To prove that this file overrides the normal INIs, remove /TEXTURES from that one line and your retexture mods wont work anymore. I am yet to check if my shadow settings are overridden too.
  18. At this stage I don't know enough to say what should and shouldn't be there, or how to make them appear. I am super happy to see this many settings, but we need more advanced users like FOSE team members to decode some of the settings. One thing though, I wonder of you can configure this INI like you would an ENB, given all the new settings and deferred rendering. Seems there is enough settings, but I don't know much about GFX settings, only things that are hardware related are my kettle of fish. Remember, this is NOT the FaloutPrefs file you see in thier, this file is actually in the DATA folder and it's called Fallout.ini.
  19. Modders are going to have a ball with this. I hope it doesn't get too out of hand though with one mods that does one thing well then 2 other mods that do them things well but can't use together. Lol. I just think of Skyrim and it's many competing mods. I miss the FCOM/FOOK days :/
  20. Contents of the file is posted in the OP. So as can be seen, I am not a troll XD
  21. Ignore him, dudes trolling no such file exists in the data folder.Calling me a troll eh? Known for the opposite actually. Ill post the INI when i get home in 2 hours. It is in the data folder with the bsas, not in them. I dont know if it is part of the beta, i did not opt for the beta but instead it just told me there was an update, i assume the beta because of the file size being 59.9mb. I also wmailed Bethesda about a few things, maybe they gave it to me via steam? Lol that is farfetched but hey, nobody knows this file. One setting in it crashes my game, bUseWaterHiRes which is 0 by default, 1 makes me crash loading the save.
  22. I do an it is absolutely loaded with settings. Steam forced the Beta down my throat so i took it, guess it came with it. Ill post the contents of it in my other thread when i get home from work
  23. Thats really annoying me, setting up fences in they cant seem to go ob a slant. And its a mess building a second story on your main building too. Im reasonably happy with how i set up Sanctuary, but those junk fences dont click together, so ill pretend they are holes for shooting out of ;)
  24. Ive posted about this a couple times, but has anyone realized there is a new, master INI in the data folder (presume came with the update)? A few people like myself cant get texture mods to work unless this file is edited, it overrides the INIs in the my games folder. It also contains more settings than both of those combined.
  25. I just noticed this rather large INI located in the data folder. I couldnt load any new textures unless this file was edited and not the ones in Documents folder. Is this file new with the update? It has an absolute buttload of settings in it. EDIT2: WHAT IS THIS SETTING: [bethesda.net] sBethesdaEAISecretKey=4c70bd64a8bc5b0ab2e273d2c8ffaafcc5186e0c41fd417231685f39500aac892683b31abb13baef54af57653c2465034205ce087d4119c1d36baff802b1ecafiBethesdaEAIProductID=2sBethesdaEAIURL=http://dev-usl.ei.bethesda.net:80sHydraStudioKey=c0bfe6d800734ecfbd50cc2f980ccb7bsHydraStudioURL=https://bgs-api-studio.bethesda.agoragames.comsBethesdaAccountKey=hXyytIxVKuz5EN9uSpLLEnhSsOAOuMS0wgECB8tUhoX6rnXKV9F4Kt8hG5CSHJfsBethesdaAccountURL=https://staging-api-accounts.bethesda.agoragames.combEnableAnalytics=0bEnablePlatform=0 EDIT: Here are the contents of the file. Not to be confused with "Falloutperfs" folder, this "fallout.ini" is in the data folder. Again I do not know the origin of this file, whether it is part of the beta or whatever, but as stated above, it appears to override the INIs located in the my games folder. Some of the settings appear to represent higher quality options not seen in the Ultra version, however the ones I have tried crash the game (maybe the resources are not included?). Anyhow this is a HUGE file with tonnes of settings relating to everything from what I can see. Apparently the game is set to iNumThreads=4 but is able to have 32 max job threads at Ultra. For now I recommend leaving these settings alone for anything over 4 cores, however you might try upping them with a 4 core HT enabled CPU to see if you gain any FPS. I don't have a quad to test this so all I can do right now is use logic from prior experience for most of these settings. I just wish Skyrim had one of these :wink: NOTES: buseWaterHiRes crashes the game. bCompileOnRender is an interesting setting, I wonder what happens if you separate papyrus from the frame time? If that is indeed what it does buseSunbeams is set to 0 by default. No idea if this affects Godrays? bUseHardDriveCache is 0 by default, some users may benefit from this being 1 as seen in Skyrim and for logical reasons I need not explain These settings are as default, curious if there is problems threading the morpher and particles, but otherwise set to 1 if you feel the need. bUseThreadedMorpher=0bUseThreadedParticleSystem=0bUseThreadedTempEffects=1 bAllowTextureFallback=1 - No idea what this does, but I wonder if it has anything to do with getting textures like the trailers... 28GB seems like something is being hidden from us... Looking for more. sIntroSequence=GameIntro_V3_B.bk2 - delete the video name to avoid intro videos.sStreamInstallVideoPlayList=STRENGTH.bk2;PERCEPTION.bk2;ENDURANCE.bk2;CHARISMA.bk2;INTELLIGENCE.bk2;AGILITY.bk2;LUCK.bk2 - seems you can add videos to the startup with this setting. uExterior Cell Buffer=47uInterior Cell Buffer=3Interesting values for these settings. Im interested to see the math for this, 47 is a prime number. None of the typical settings for this are here, but these new ones are interesting:[TerrainManager]fLODLandSpecScale=0.0600fLODLandSpecPower=0.2200fFadeSeconds=1.0000bEnableCrossfading=1bKeepLowDetailTerrain=1fCameraAboveMaxHeightThreshold=2048.0000bDisplayCloudLOD=1bUseNewTerrainSystem=1uDistantTreeBlockCacheSizePerCell=1 Under [water}, these reflection settings are off. Resolutions for ripples/wading can be chaged here too, but a lot of these settings crash my game. trying to find culprit of this crashing, I suspect water has some performance killing things here. bReflectSky=0bReflectLODTrees=0bReflectLODObjects=0bReflectLODLand=0 Settings for loading loose files. I wonder if one could add their own folder and have any mod load files from their own loose archive rather than ever having to override a single file? That would be great. Obviously won't work for replacing vanilla assets but you get the idea.sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\,sResourcePrefixList=TEXTURES\, MESHES\, FACEGEN\, INTERFACE\ , MUSIC\, SOUND\, SCRIPTS\, MAXHEIGHTS\, VIS\, GRASS\, STRINGS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, MISC\, SHADERSFX\, PROGRAMS\
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