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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. i assume you mean corrupted saves. This happens when you make to many autosaves and quicksaves over time and continue to load the game from them, the save system for them is bs. You should ALWAYS be making full saves, the one in the pause menu. What you need is CASM: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36730. This replaces the autosave system with it's own, in which it makes full saves, more often and also at more logical times like after combat. It also has it's own quicksave key, the F4 button which you can use to make a full save rather than having to press F5 to make a dodgy quick save that WILL eventually corrupt your game. It also creates an entirely new save everytime you make a quicksave so you on't have to worry about only having 2 different save files, in fact it will allow up to 1000. That's your fix. I know it's a pain having to restart a save but if you do it properly from the start it will save all this hassle in future. ALSO remember to keep a good load order because havin g bad mods/bad LO/incompatible mods can cause corruption. In which case CASM has got you covered because it made a new save every time. Go and endorse it and give kudos to the maker :). Hope this answers your question. EDIT: Oh and there is NO utility to magically fix a save...
  2. have you tried modding the weapon? As in attachments? If it comes back to normal with mods you've got the wrong nif as you suggested. If you're using WMX and others mods try reinstalling the WMX animations over the top, you may have overridden it if you are running a few different heavy mods like WMX, PN, FOOK etc. Have you also looked up the hunting rifle in FNVedit yet?
  3. No worries, this forum is my homepage so you'll see me around a lot lol ;)
  4. Oh you thought Steam was an issue eh? Welcome to New Vegas friend hehehe. Wow really funny thread this one. At least you didn't ask how to run the game without Steam, the last person to do that got obliterated by admin XD. *SMB now pulls out a FatMan and ends this subject in a mushroom cloud*
  5. Actually Fallout 4 :), it's been patented on the 13th of January by Bethesda - see my thread here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/916154-fallout-4-patented-what-we-wanna-see-brought-over-from-nv/ I hope they fix the game too, fingers crossed :)
  6. Those incompatibilities should be there. The LO is what that's for. The merged patch should show orange colored conflicts meaning it overrides the others in the end which is what we want. BTW If you didn't know, MMUE has NVCE integrated so you don't really need NVR unless you prefer NVR's NPC changes. But you probably knew that :) A common cause of this bug is making save with the wrong LO. A few people have it between PipBoy mods and WME/WMX is they are in the wrong order or the save was made with a patch that got removed or required the wrong mod etc etc. If a new game doesn't fix it we go back to FNVedit and start hunting down the cause. EDIT: Thanks for the link, I haven't seen that before so I was curious if I was missing out on something with PNxEO. All good:)
  7. Ah yes the icon for the GECK, I understand now, i thought you were adding a suitcase to the game lol. Yeah the translation is a little wrong but that's okay. Glad you found your problem :)
  8. How slack of me to forget to put a link :facepalm: XD, thanks Xaranth. Snorlax you should be right now, you'd probably want this as well: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35999 a little tool to help sort your load order and prevent future problems. Hope we have been of assistance :)
  9. Well we know one thing: Z-Fighting is here to stay on Ultra settings. Too many problems with this game, why do i still love it...
  10. I don't get what you mean by suitcase, did you add a suitcase to the game and it didn't show up?
  11. Well a few ways with FNVedit but playing the game you can identify the bug then look it up. You would find all references to Gomorrah under the worldspace category and/or cell category somewhere - that's a big block to look through lol, might be a bit scary but you could use the ID search up top of FNVedit's left pane. By the sound of it though, if you had mods in the wrong order you probably don't have to worry now.
  12. I can't remember your LO but are you using CASM? No scratch that you are, I remember your little graph. I only know one thing about this and that's if a previous save however far back got corrupted or you accidentally forgot to make a full save before you removed a mod this happens at some point down the track. On my Toshy my game would freeze occasionally on save due to the sudden FPS drop and it was like the game couldn't recover. I think the CPU drops the process if it doesn't receive a response from the memory within a certain amount of seconds. Idk if it's that technical but that's what I know about saves :)
  13. I don't understand it either but I have seen a few injected from MorePerks.esm, idk what records they were off the top of my head, I'l have a look. I first noticed this when trying to index a mod after having this problem myself only to find the record/form had been injected to FalloutNV.esm and went under the 00 block, sometimes it goes to the FF block. It's a farcical system I know that much. For example Project Nevada - Core.esm ends up in the FF block entirely lol. Arwell obviously doesn't apply to this thread then, maybe try searching the FF block for your perks XD If only we could get a text file of that block :psyduck:
  14. If you could load the save before and you have changed your load order then your save is heavily corrupted. This occurs from making too many auto/quicksaves. It always pays to use full saves, you can use CASM to do this for you, it makes autosaves as full saves. it also replaces the F5 quicksave key with an F4 quicksave key that makes a full save. Check that your Archive Invalidation is still functioning, sometimes when you reset your INI files by changing settings in the Launcher it can get stuffed up. If you happened to of added any mods recently maybe you have a conflict, post your load order and we will have a look.
  15. That load order looks MUCH better! I'd leave it actually it's great. Well if there are no animation files conflicting or overridden then it's likely a bug with your save, maybe even something in the LO that hasn't patched properly. I know that someone had this problem after having WME and upgrading to WMX and then all the saves were bugged. It would pay to have a look in FNVedit under the PipBoy mod just to see if it has any conflicts, if it doesn't then it's going to make it harder to identify. MAKE SURE you put that meshes folder back in, in fact redownload the mod and reinstall it just to be sure. Let me know if a new game fixes this problem and if not we'll delve further into your LO. One thing I'd like to know; WHERE did you get that patch for PN extra options and MCM?
  16. I've heard it rarely causes problems but that's news... Didn't think it was like that. Arwell there's that out the window...
  17. Remember to clean your mod with FNVedit anyway for good measure :)
  18. I'm not sure this applies to you fully but my MorePerks.esm has a lot of injected entries meaning they are injected into FalloutNV.esm upon loadup of the game. In general: If a mod is completely injected or a specific form is completely injected it's LOA changes, also note that any mods that are entirely injected to FalloutNV.esm or not present in the index as they are skipped upon injection (usually only smaller mods and are very rare instances where a mod does this but I was very surprised to find this actually occurs).
  19. I've seen a few people have this error in a few different ways and all with different but typical fixes. First things first post an LO. Then go to the meshes folder in the data directory and search .kf and .ks - these are animation files. Cut and paste them somewhere for now. So the game crashes in vanilla on loadup or after play? If loadup reverify the cache and reset your ini files by deleting them - FIRST MAKE SURE THAT YOU COPY ANY CUSTOM CHANGES LIKE FONT TO A TEXT FILE TO SAVE PAIN LATER. Now attempt to run the game and report back to this thread and we will go from there.
  20. Ah yes probably should of mentioned that lol XD. Thanks for saving another thread in the tech support forum XD
  21. For s\a strat your load order is waaaayyy wrong. Run BOSS. Or see my LO for an example here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/896684-the-ultimate-load-order-stable-and-perfect/ What you have here I suspect is one of the following: Your pip-boy FOV is wrong, A mod in your LO modifies a setting or animation that pipboy 2500 does and has overridden it. My strongest theory is you have WMX which has Weapon Animation Replacers and as you have pipboy 2500 down the bottom you are having a animation conflict. Do the following: Go to Pipboy 2500 mod and recpoy the meshes folder to data folder. Then put pipboy 2500 under MCM.esp Then report back.
  22. This is something I've never heard of before, perhaps you were unlucky and the game just randomly didn't add the guns to the apprioate places/lists, which i have heard of. You should you CASM (save manager) to avoid such save overrides in future :). If you want to find out the codes open up FNVedit, find your mods, select them and find the "weapon" category and it will give you the 8 digit formID so you can do just that. While your in FNVedit it would pay to have a look at Gomoorah's references just to check if a conflict or dirty edit isn't creating a glitch. Ifyou are unsure how to do this I will give you a step by step guide. It isn't all that hard though, just open up FNVedit and see what you can find, you don't have to change anything but if you can confidently identify a problem then you should be OK. Otherwise just say the word :).
  23. Well matty it might be your lucky day, I happen to of uploaded privately for my private ring of friends. Ask me nicely I might give you the link, but not on this website. Send me a PM. EDIT: Look at my signature for recommended mods ;)
  24. There used to be a bug on older browsers that when you start a DL it would stop someway through. Try deleting your cookies and relogging in to the site. Also try another browser like Google Chrome, much better than IE. EDIT: Try checking your Java and Flash settings too, if they don't have permission they might not run, I'm pretty sure that Nexus requires them, or at least Java. maybe just update the both of them to be sure.
  25. How many rounds does it fire before a reload? This definitely sounds like the flag has been changed by a mod, but also you might want to check if a mod has changed the actual animation file for the gun.
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