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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. How many rounds does it fire before a reload? This definitely sounds like the flag has been changed by a mod, but also you might want to check if a mod has changed the actual animation file for the gun.
  2. I believe this bug is fixed in the mod New Vegas Enhanced Content. Find the link in my signature. i had a look trough the fix inclusion list and found this: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/46999. Whilst it doesn't specifically say it fixes that bug it may well do as it makes a number of changes to her quest/dialogue entries. It just might be what you need.
  3. @Rezubi: LOL I like how you recommended that haha. Great mod but far from the question @Danshow: If your looking for something like Oblivion's crash prevention mod - don't bother, you don't want it. That system can cause corrupt saves. What you want to do is this: If you have NVSR (stutter remover) open up it's INI or DLL file and change this setting: bFastExit to 1. That will permanently fix your problem :)
  4. @Xaranth: Don't we all XD @luthienanarion: It's in my prayers don't worry about that :) @Tail: Chicago would be great, more BoS and Enclave would be fantastic, NCR just make me wanna go on a murderous rampage - which I do lmao XD. I wouldn't say axe the NCR, but even it out or just make them a small part where maybe BoS and NCR can get over there difference and let BoS rule XD @jim_uk & JcHARP: Couldn't agree more, the greatest game in the world is Oblivion ;), I can't stand Skyrim personally, purely becasue of what they took away, it's a different game... I'm also as scared as the rest of y'all, in fact haunted by this now that we seen Skyrim DX lol. @Tricky: I'm hoping we get something like New York to play wih lol, I don't want to see DC again this early lol. I think the SPECIAL system is great but, I reckon it should always be there. @JcHARP: These are of my biggest wants for the game; more factions and better immersive implementation of them, MORE CREATURE VARIETY, more secret/special areas, an FCOM style system for dungeons/locations, more immersive quests as you stated - not just some shitty auto-dialogue from NPCs as you walk past them. My idea for a dark brotherhood style faction would be something like the New Vegas Bounties mod, but with some sort of anti-political movement (not insane heretics or some thing like that lol), a mob that seek to control the destiny of the wastes from a silent point of view, perhaps a group of veterans or something like that For creatures, a few things I think the Mojave could of done with is SNAKES and more flying/winged creatures (like a giant butterfly XD). Also what comes to mind that many would haven't thought about much; MORE VARIETY OF BUILDINGS. I'm making a large mod adding new areas to the Mojave but I wanted to build a small city distict and what annoyed me is the variety of houses and small buildings. i wanted to make an upper class area of ruin but of course all the house are chatty little dongers with barely any room, quite unrealistic as people do build big homes too lol. Kinda disappointing really from an immersive/content POV. @Ita: LMAO XD
  5. The one file corrupted is just a data file from the install, it's common and doesn't need to be worried about :). It will always come up in Steam, everyone has the same problem. Post your entire LO please. Other info I'd like: Have you created a merged patch with either Wrye Flash or FNVedit? Have you created any hand made patches with FNVedit? I'll assume you have archive invalidation set properly. Those mods wouldn't be the source of your problem. The deadzone you refer to is the cell in which that area loads. Somewhere along the line there is either a dirty edit in your mods or a conflict. Also could be a missing resource in a BSA or a mod is referring to a resource that is unavailable. List what ever extra BSA files you have except the default ones. This problem shouldn't be too hard to solve assuming one of these are the problem, which is likely because there are hardly any other ways it could do this, unless your system is cursed lol XD. Now a word of advice on save games: Use CASM. Creating quicksaves or autosaves (mainly quick saves) can cause your game to become corrupted after a while, a well known fact. With CASM you can use the F4 button to create a full save instead oif making a dodgy quicksave with F5. It also uses it's own full-auto save every 5 minutes or after certain events like combat. It is highly recommended if you aren't already using it. Post the info and I will help you with the rest :)
  6. Well in turn, there may be some way to get around this but what is actually happening is that the engine is assigning blocks for the plugins at a very low/mid level rather than starting at 00 range as it should and although it tells us different in programs like FOMM and Wrye, where it blatantly says 00 next to Fallout.esm. It's not out of memory technically, just in the wrong spaces.... I see what your saying but what code do we target? What resources is the engine assigning to those mysterious blocks? Where does it go? At this point we've only gotten to diagnosis, not cure XD. Idk where java comes into it, no java launcher for my game, and I don't play Minecraft. If there is Java in Fallout's exe then I didn't find it, already tore it apart in search of a golden egg, or even goose XD. Personally i don't have the skill to write such a program but I can sure as hell find out what it is the problem lol. With a little help (from a rocket scientist lol) we might be able to develop such a file to overcome this issue. I feel Fallout 4 will be out before that happens though haha. May god have mercy on our souls and send us a coder/expert/Dr.Who :)
  7. Fallout 4 has been patented now, in this discussion I'd like to talk about what features from New Vegas that we'd like to have or would like to be completely overhauled or removed. View the patent here: http://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=85818163&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch. They have also patented rights to a TV series. To be certain that it is Fallout 4 under the "Mark Information" tab you will see they have added the general/standard mark 4 as part of the patent. Now me personally, I'd like a system like Skyrim's smelting and smithing, more elaborate then the current crafting. Also more mods for guns. Better hacking system. NO MORE Z-FIGHTING!!!! Thermal vision by default rather than modded. Fix the bloody seams on the characters/NPC's Broader weapon content All previous Fallout weapons. And more but my mind is going nuts right now XD
  8. Cheers mate :) Yeah I'm still getting used to this new design too, i think your right though it's on the profile page. NOW ALL WE NEED IS AN EX OBSIDIAN EMPLOYEE OR TALENTED CODER TO SAVE US!!! Arwell if not then at least Bethesda has just patented Fallout 4 :) - Can't wait XD
  9. I can imagine your feeling a bit daunted by the processes of modding lol. Have fun and don't be shy to post in the forum :)
  10. Lol, I'm glad to see your name pop up here my friend. I wasn't quite sure but after speaking with Xaranth it all started to make sense. Now the question is how to fix this? Also see my LO here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/896684-the-ultimate-load-order-stable-and-perfect/ It's at 142 but 3 of them are directly injected. Idk how but they don't even make the log from Mod Organizer when initializing the game. I don't use MO but this was a bit of serendipity at work finding this out through it's log XD, I was just trying to help another user figure out why he couldn't load PN through. How about that lmao.
  11. Hi all, sorry I have not updated this thread my install is on hold until NVEC 3.3DD as i don't want to waste time with too many patches. Now also I've been faced with another difficult problem that we all have, the "magic threshold" of mods the game allows before it will corrupt everything :/ You can follow my project on the matter here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/915951-theories-on-the-magic-threshold-mod-limit-and-an-interesting-find/ I will update the OP today with a new version of the LO.
  12. Hi all, Well known to the community of New Vegas players and modders, there is a magic threshold/mod limit that one can have before the game engine starts to corrupt all textures,meshes and sounds in game along with any saves made whilst playing over the threshold. I have started this topic to attract anyone who has any theories on the matter and what might be able to be done. For most people this limit is 140 mods in the LO. For some it is 150-160 or like myself, 175. I have a really good rig but I don't believe it has anything to do with this problem. Now some theories are that the object table is smaller than the actual address space assigned, even with the 4GB patch. However in contrast to this theory, if you were to start merging mods the game runs fine as long as your not over that 140-150-160-170-180, whatever limit. However I am led to believe that it may well be this theory but I think that there is a different system for the games object table underlying. Now I first noticed something rather peculiar when attempting to use Mod Organizer. I could not run the game from it's run button even with the 4GB patch executable specified in it's menu. In fact I couldn't run it from any executable. It also corrupted my FalloutNV.exe file and I had to re-verify my cache in Steam, where it told me 10 files didn't validate O.O. Now that's a little off topic but here's what I did find intersting in Mod Organizer's logs: FalloutNV.esm STARTS AT 74 WHEN LOADED INTO MEMORY. Now that's a long way down the LO considering it's supposed to start at 00. WTF. Now let's do some math. If FalloutNV.esm starts at 74 then there are 138 slots left to fill. WOW. Fits the pattern perfectly :). How we work this out? Well there are 16 combinations of bytes in the first 2 when the first is a set number, or in other words 16 mods for every 1st byte's number i.e 80 through to 8f. Consider 74-7F is only 12 slots and then F0-FE is 15 slots (as the game uses FF block for non-persistent references/temporary items like all Beth games) and then we have blocks starting with 8,9,A,B,C,D,E with 16 possible combinations for each, so do the math it's 12+112+15=139, including Fallout.esm. Now why do some people go above this limit? I have found that I can go to 175 because several of them are merged or injected at the end and after closer examination, in reality i'm running 139 mods. I have found that despite theoretical sensationalism (lol) that BSA files do not count toward this limit, although loose esp's seem to. I tested this theory with Wyre Flash ghosting technique, when I disable ghosting on several unused merged esp's the game goes to crap again. Now I may be entirely wrong but this is the closest I have gotten to a reasonable theory, but in saying that think about it for yourself, it makes sense ;) Please leave your comments on the matter if you know what you're talking about and FEEL FREE to express your opinions and theories. It would be great to have some people that are experienced in these kind of things comment on this page. Thanks all, happy modding - well at least up to 140 mods XD P.S - Everyone should give kudos to Xaranth if you spot him - He's mostly behind what started my investigations that led me here and gave me the motivation to pursue his bug :) If your reading this your a legend :) and I'd like to see the seal of approval lol XD
  13. I'ma bring the dead horse back but I think it's worth it. Can anyone confirm a solid fix or at least identify the root cause of this whole stupid bug. So far seems these are the theories: 1. Game can't read past a certain number of mods - likely but not my favorite theory 2. Game has a limit on the total number of RECORDS/OVERRIDES that it can process - again not my favorite 3. Game has a fatal flaw in it's code that prevents the game from using past "x" amount of memory even with the 4GB patch - my favorite for sure, makes perfect sense since the rest of the game is so badly implemented 4. Conflicts - AS IF. Now from my experience - I'm up to 175 mods active - can't go any higher - BUT HERE'S THE CATCH - I can go higher, as long as the mod or plugin DOES NOT CONTAIN Worldspace data or cell data. HOW VERY INTERESTING. This bug just killed my FNV experience and my hectic and getting better LO. My whole perfect NV project has come to ruin OVER A STUPID BUG. F***K OBSIDIAN AND THE GAMEBYRO ENGINE. PATCH IT PLEASE (that's just wishful thinking now lol) I've gone to extremes and extracted out the NV.exe. Whilst I can't find all the sections necessary nor view it properly I can see enough to see how bad they have made this game. I can't believe it runs. It's like a whole port of TES4 with null ref's added to most of the original content and the new stuff whacked straight on top. Now I am definitely going to change my opinion as to which theory I believe in: Has to be a hard limit of mods or it has to be the number of records in total that the game loads. I have tested memory and I can get the game up to 3gb. With another large mod installed of any kind I can sit at 2.3gb and the game's resources go nuts, no menus etc etc etc. We need a disgruntled player to go in to Obsidians office and put them at gun-point for this s*** XD. f*** that, but still....
  14. You're talking about some pretty simple stuff I must say, but essential stuff at that. The FNVEdit cleaning features are fine one should clean all identical records aka dirty edits out of their esps so the games not loading the same records twice or many more times. You can merge 140 mods into one - IF you know what your doing. Checking each mod first and knowing a mods entire content + CLEANING each one before merging, which is good practice, then merging them is common practice and really needs to be done if you don't want to exceed the MAGICAL 140 MOD LIMIT - that's right you can only have a max of 140 mods or if your lucky your system might let you have a little more, like mine, 175. All it takes is much patience and knowledge of your plugins.
  15. I HATE this bloody bug. I got it right after I decided to install WARZONES. Random crap just starts disappearing. Mind you i'm at 175 mods now and my threshold seems to be 176. I'm going to try add some smaller mods and see what happens. F'íng Gamebyro, hurry up FO4!!! Well i got to 180 with some small armor/weapon mods as test esps. Game runs Okay again. Seems it's something to do with larger mods in my case at least. WARZONES is perfectly clean and compatible, just the engine wants me to kill myself or something lmao.
  16. Okay as of today i'll be working to add this mod: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40980 - That's WARZONES byMGE - An utter hectic mod - But i feel i am going to have a lot of fun with FNVedit over the next couple of days :O
  17. Yeah i'll have to get into my other Windows on my other SSD but next time I do I'll post it here.
  18. Now we're talking, if possible you should make some sort of alligator or crocodile O.O lmao. Will there be many flying beasts also? I always thought there was a general lack of those, being only Cazadors or wasps from MoMod. @People with Level List problems - Learn how to use FNVedit and make a quick patch yourself, takes 5 minutes really.
  19. Only games i have an extreme LO for is NV and Oblivion sorry, I don't play much Skyrim, i'm one of those people that prefers Oblivion lol. But i will support FO3 eventually, either in ToTW or by itself, depends which will be easier, but i'd really like to have ToTW. As for now the next update will come AFTER the update to NVEC is released, version 3.3DD which will now include EVE so it will be a little bit of work to get the LO sweet again, but not a whole great deal as there will be patches released with it for WMX and PN. On the other hand FOOK might have some problems, but i'll get around that if a patch isn't released. For a quick update though - I've added several new home mods such as UHNV, HiVE, Tron Home, Project Pheonix, Goodsprings Armory (this mod is unavailable anywhere for some reason, had a copy of it from ages ago), Red Rock Ranch, Red Rock Canyon Revived, Hunters Lodge, Underwater Hideout, Jaysus underwater Hideout (yes it's different from the other one). Then some other great mods too - The Inheritence, Hell on Earth, RobCo Certified, Beyond Boulder Dome, Angels park 2 (this one is a bit buggy but fun), Badlands, Rust Town, Enclave Commander, New Bison Steve. Couple mods that won't be making my list that i considered recently: Goodsprings Tidy Home, Goodprings and Jacobstown Vaults, Area 51, Airship - all are either buggy or not supported and incomplete, or just plain conflicting and a matter of preference. Adding TODAY: Coca Cola factory (needs some patching too), Cornucopia Grocery store and factory (2 separate mods that is), Visual drugs and Useable toilets lol. The last 2 i will be asking if they can be included with NVEC. And that's all folks!! For now at least.
  20. Going good, we had some big storms in the past week so a little slow. I don't have FO3 modded, just vanilla as i haven't been playing it but eventually i may support TOTW - Tale of Two Wastelands. But that will be while i'd say. I'll be posting an updated LO within the next 48 hours. Also thanks to Spartan for pointing out FO3Weapons being included with FOOK and PN, i had a good look through the editor and found they actually are all incorporated. Will be removing in the next update. And yes PPA will be staying, and @ OutKas post an LO if you can, PPA is probably getting badly overridden as it does, i needed to patch it heavily in my patch.
  21. They updated ILO about a week ago to 6.5 stable and it's working good for me so far, can't say i've used many companions as of yet in my testing nor noticed any NPCs going nuts. Mind you i'm still umming and arring about the actual interior lighting, on extreme setiings it's kinda dodgy and ILO seems to bring out the worst of it. EDIT: @Xaranth - Just seen your little house mod there, I'm adding all new house mods and locational mods etc in my next set of mod installs so i'll give that a look :). Looks nice so i'll come back and leave my endorsement this afternoon.
  22. Cheers for the reply Spartan, i didn't realize the first two were in NVEC already, but as for GRA i done this on purpose as it's not the most compatible part of NVEC. That will be going soon. As for FO3 weapons i noticed a few aren't included with PN and FOOK so that's there until i create my own plugin with all the missing stuff, likewise with the patches, just to make things easier in FNVedit. PPA on the other hand, i haven't ran into any trouble with it yet, in fact it was one of earlier mods i've been testing in game and seems to be running fine as i do love my Power Armors. Do you think it could break the game because it was released before the 1.4 patch? Should i be expecting corrupt saves? I've had a look in FNVedit for errors, UDRs and conflicts but seems fine so if you know something idk please post! Thanks a bunch!!
  23. @ Camerican: +1 respect for the AlChestBreach statue lol :). I don't see any mods on that list that would cause your game to become insanely difficult but have you checked that the difficulty bar isn't set to 100% in the options menu? 50% is the sweet spot in my opinion so set it to that. Otherwise one of your mods contains hidden edits if that doesn't fix it. About the issue of the NPC not dying - this means that NPC is set to essential and won't die no matter what - it's not a bug, just a flag set in the editor or GECK. Please let me know which quest this is and the name of the NPC.
  24. Given the OP i'm gonna be a wise guy and ask what this mod is that your making?
  25. Well i had a gaming laptop before, a Toshiba Qosmio X500 with Nvidia 250GT but my modded installs of Oblivion and Fallout 3 and NV killed it bigtime. The only game that struggles on my system now is Oblivion, but i modded that to 120GB+ and it's ridiculous lol. SSD is definitely the way, speeds up load times and drops crashes by a big amount.
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