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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. That's more than possible, in fact i zipped up a backup copy of everything, it's my base install. Mind you it's 38GB so far lol. Just added in New Bison Steve Hotel and Beyond Boulder, patching now :)
  2. Wow i find it funny that this became such a big issue and turned into an argument. Steam isn't that much a a detriment to the system, unless your running early i3 processors or something silly (or AMD lol). Simple answer is Offline mode, end of subject, that's what it's there for. Peace out ppl lol.
  3. You'd be very welcome my friend :). Anytime. I strongly recommend getting an SSD i'm telling you it makes the world of difference in game. The HDD is always the weakest part of the build but SSDs make it fantastic ;). It was well worth the $8K i spent on the machine to run these modded games! You ever need anything PM me :).
  4. New Vegas Enhanced content, my personal favorite mod actually :) find it here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44204 You really have to pay attention when installing it though ;) @theophantus: That'd be Bashed Patch created by Wrye bash or Wrye Flash if you like. Great little program! The MyPatch - Lite.esp is my own own patch just correcting minor things. I muck around with a few things every now and again for fun and put them in a "heavy"patch as i would call it. FNVEdit manual patching is definitely the only way to things.
  5. You'll run into all sorts of problems if you don't learn how to install your mods manually. NMM is only good for so much then you gotta get tricky with it. I recommend you Google "Gophers modders tutorial", that might be a good place to start, he's a very respected member of the modding community. I'd recommend some mods but they'd be a bit tricky for you to install. Try searching up NVEC, WMX and EVE - that's New Vegas content enhanced (a massive mod compilation + bug fixes), Weapon Mods Expanded and Energy Visuals Enhanced. All great mods that i'd say are ESSENTIAL, to me at least :)
  6. That's great. Remember to keep back ups of your merged plugin so that if you make a mistake you can easily correct it. Good luck to you my friend, go wreck some Enclave and Legion butt XD!!!
  7. My personal recommendation to you is to merge all your weapon, armor, item etc mods together, things that don't heavily rely on other mods or say mods that would require MCM. You could technically merge quest mods but be sure you know what your doing in FNVedit when you're fixing it up. Take New Vegas Enhanced Content (NVEC) for example, he merged Searchlight Airport and BOTH new vegas bounties to NVEC and patched them up and they are flawless, I use it myself. But in my opinion merging your smaller mods together is the way to go and leave the other stuff that your not sure of behind. Mods like "I fought the law" and the workaround can be mrged safely, just be sure to make sure the overrides make it to the patch.
  8. LOL What kinda rig you got? Must be pretty awesome man, do you happen to have the 3970X? I'd really like to know how that is, was thinking about getting one but then again i'm only gonna push it like this one so i'll wait for the next best. @JUSTIYT1 - LOL, it really does come down to specs when you mod hard :)
  9. Hi all, Just thought i'd make a topic about my LO, or frankly, SHOW IT OFF. I've been running this for 18 hours, no crashes (some random bugs but that's what FNVEdit is for lol) and really good on Ultra settings + Configator enhancements. Also using NMCs textures and some of Ojo's (The ones NMC doesn't cover). I've been hangin around in the tech support forum for NV and i see people have a lot of trouble when it comes to installing etc and say it can't be done. Well this is what i have to say to that: UPDATE FEB 15th: I have optimized the previous LO and this is the result. I am waiting for NVEC to be updated to 3.3DD before I go any further as that will now include EVE. I have also been faced with the stupid "magic threshold" mod limit that we all experience. You can follow my investigation into this bug here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/915951-theories-on-the-magic-threshold-mod-limit-and-an-interesting-find/ Righto here we go: FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmAmbient Temperature.esmCompanion Core.esmCaliber.esmHonestHearts-CaliberX.esmCaliberXhonesthearts.esmCaliberXgunrunners.esmCFWNV.esmCINEMATECH.esmFOOK - New Vegas.esmFOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esmInventory Access.esmMore Perks.esmNVEC Complete + NVCE.esmRedRockRanch.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmRustTownV1Master.esmMoMod.esmNSkies URWLified.esmNVInteriors_Core.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmAdvanced Recon Tech.esmDetect Traps.esmRobCo Certified.esmSelective Fire.esmSpeedyResources.esmELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Cyberware.espELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmoHUD.esmLings.esmThe.Armory.esmWMR.esmNVInteriors_ComboEdition_AWOP_SLAP_NCR.esmDarNifiedUINV.espCASM.espFairyRadar.espHUD Extended.espHUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.espNew Vegas Error Corrections Extras.espReadius_NV.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espGoodsprings Armory.espTron Home.espJUnderwaterCaveHideout.espUHNV.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espNVEC NVCE PN COMBO Patch.espRobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.espAWOPMonsterPatch.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-AWOP.espRRRAWOPCompatability.espMonster Mod Wasteland Edition.espHell on Earth - Basic + Creature Replacer.espHell on Earth - Nightmare Realm.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-MMWE.espFOOK - New Vegas.espFOOK - New Vegas DLCs.espNVEC Complete NVCE FOOK Patch.espCFW-PN-DLC.espSelective Fire - Project Nevada.espDetect Traps - Traponator 4000.espDetect Traps - DLC.espAdvanced Recon Gear.espAdvanced Recon Riot Gear Helmet.espJetpack.espchristinecos.espAdvanced Recon Range Finder.espAdvanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.espDIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL_NV.espFlashlightNVSE.espPowered Power Armor.espAmbient Temperature - PPA.espAWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.espAWOPCFWWeaponPatch.espAWOPCaliberXAmmoPatch.espJump Fall Fixer.espMore Realistic Aiming.espQuick Trade.espReactive People - Ultimatum.espWMR_Vanilla_R.espWMR_DeadMoney_R.espWMR_HonestHearts_R.espWMR_OldWorldBlues_R.espWMR_LonesomeRoad_R.espWMR_GunRunnersArsenal_R.espWeaponModsExpanded.espWMX-FOOKNV CP.espWMX-ModernWeapons.espWMX-DeadMoney.espWMX-HonestHearts.espWMX-OldWorldBlues.espWMX-LonesomeRoad.espWMX-GunRunnersArsenal.espWMX-PreOrderPackClassic.espWMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.espWMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.espWMX-PreOrderPackTribal.espNVEC Complete NVCE WMX Patch.espEVE FNV.espMail Order Catalogs.espWMR_WMX_OldWorldBlues_R.espWMR_WMX_HonestHearts_R.espWMR_WMX_LonesomeRoad_R.espWMR_WMX_GunRunnersArsenal_R.espThe New Bison Steve Hotel.espRustTownAdditions3.espNVEC Complete NVCE NVInteriors Patch_AWOP.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-NVIntAWOP_SLAP.espThe.Armory.Leveled.List.Concise.espThe.Armory.Leveled.List.Lonesome.Road.Patch.espThe.Armory.Immersion.Addon.espThe.Armory.Cabinet.Addon.espThe.Armory.CaliberX.Patch.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-ElectroCity.espNSkies URWLifiedOWB.espNSkies URWLifiedHH.espInterior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.espILO - NSkies URWLified Patch.espILO - A World of Pain.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-ILO.espELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.espDYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.espNight Brightness Adjuster.espDirectors Chair.espBashed Patch, 0.esp Total active plugins: 142Total plugins: 176 Utter madness XD, and i'm not done, this is my BASE package. Now i will also be starting a merged mod project (not to be released) where I'll be filling up one massive esm full of Nexus content. I will make a separate list for this when the time comes :). Also some mods aren't visible, they'd be in Bashed patch. My specs are: Intel DX79SR (just upgraded from Rampage 4 Extreme) Intel 3960X 4.5GHZ OC - 6 CORES - NO HT G.Skill 16GB CL9-11-11-31 RipjawsZ 2400MHZ XMP 2x Intel 520 SSD in RAID - 1x 120GB OS + 1x 480GB Games/Apps 2TB WD Black Caviar HDD Tt TP 1500W PSU LG Blu Ray 12x Burner Tt Level 10 GT LCS Chassis (Liquid Cooled - Bigwater 850GT) And running well but sometimes can et laggy with lots of NPCs in one area. like 30-50 on screen i mean lol. Let me knows what you peeps think of my mad install! EDIT: Spelling lol XD
  10. Well it wouldn't be 15GB without the Fallout files, and i don't want those it might be seen as pirating. I have all DLC anyway from steam ultimate edition. Anyhow buffer the RAM by restarting the PC. Corrupt saves are big problems, especially with PERSISTENT REFERENCES. What this means are things that move around like NPCs and creatures that get stored in your saves and also quest items or any items or NPCs that have scripts or scripts reference them and they need to be in the same place so that the script can run perfect. When mods move them and you use an old save you tend to have crashes. If we really need be i can give you the link to a place that you can upload instantly for free and just give me the private link. let me know if a new save fixes your problem. Just to tease you here's my LO :) - Also theres patches here that aren't visible as they are imported to MyPatch or Bashed Patch. Oh and still more to go, this is just the base install. FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm Ambient Temperature.esm Caliber.esm HonestHearts-CaliberX.esm CaliberXhonesthearts.esm CaliberXgunrunners.esm CFWNV.esm CINEMATECH.esm FOOK - New Vegas.esm FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm Inventory Access.esm More Perks.esm NVEC Complete + NVCE.esm AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm MoMod.esm NSkies URWLified.esm NVInteriors_Core.esm Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm Advanced Recon Tech.esm Detect Traps.esm Selective Fire.esm SpeedyResources.esm ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm oHUD.esm Lings.esm DFB - Random Encounters.esm The.Armory.esm WMR.esm Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp NVInteriors_ComboEdition_AWOP_SLAP_NCR.esm DarNifiedUINV.esp CASM.esp FairyRadar.esp HUD Extended.esp HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp New Vegas Error Corrections Extras.esp Readius_NV.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp The Weapon Mod Menu.esp Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp Project Nevada - All DLC.esp NVEC NVCE PN COMBO Patch.esp Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp AWOP-MoMod.esp AWOPMonsterPatch.esp NVEC+NVCE-Expansion-AWOP.esp Monster Mod Wasteland Edition.esp NVEC+NVCE-Expansion-MMWE.esp FOOK - New Vegas.esp FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp NVEC Complete NVCE FOOK Patch.esp CFW-PN-DLC.esp Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp Detect Traps - DLC.esp GRA - The Right to Bear Arms.esp Advanced Recon Gear.esp Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp Advanced Recon Riot Gear Helmet.esp Jetpack.esp christinecos.esp FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL_NV.esp FlashlightNVSE.esp Powered Power Armor.esp Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp AWOPCFWWeaponPatch.esp AWOPCaliberXAmmoPatch.esp Jump Fall Fixer.esp More Realistic Aiming.esp Quick Trade.esp Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp WMR_Vanilla_R.esp WMR_DeadMoney_R.esp WMR_HonestHearts_R.esp WMR_OldWorldBlues_R.esp WMR_LonesomeRoad_R.esp WMR_GunRunnersArsenal_R.esp WeaponModsExpanded.esp WeaponModsExpanded_FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp WMX-FOOKNV CP.esp WMX-ModernWeapons.esp WMX-DeadMoney.esp WMX-HonestHearts.esp WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp WMX-PreOrderPackClassic.esp WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp WMX-PreOrderPackTribal.esp NVEC Complete NVCE WMX Patch.esp EVE FNV.esp Mail Order Catalogs.esp WMR_WMX_OldWorldBlues_R.esp WMR_WMX_HonestHearts_R.esp WMR_WMX_LonesomeRoad_R.esp WMR_WMX_GunRunnersArsenal_R.esp NVEC Complete NVCE NVInteriors Patch_AWOP.esp NVEC+NVCE-Expansion-NVIntAWOP_SLAP.esp The.Armory.Leveled.List.Concise.esp The.Armory.Leveled.List.Lonesome.Road.Patch.esp The.Armory.Immersion.Addon.esp The.Armory.Cabinet.Addon.esp The.Armory.CaliberX.Patch.esp NVEC+NVCE-Expansion-ElectroCity.esp NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp ILO - NSkies URWLified Patch.esp ILO - A World of Pain.esp NVEC+NVCE-Expansion-ILO.esp DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp Night Brightness Adjuster.esp ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp Directors Chair.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp MyPatch - Lite.esp Total active plugins: 136 Total plugins: 167 Runs like a wet dream in a dope field LMAO XD. I've played 16 hours no crashes but if i might say even with my system and Ultra settings, the wasteland can be a bit laggy when you have 30 or more NPCs in one place and fighting lol.
  11. My theory is there's a mistake in either your installation still or something that needs patching hasn't made the patch. If i had your install with FNVedit in front of me it could probably tell you what it is but seems though I can't well it's a lot harder, and will be for anyone. i will try to devise a way to make it easier but your probably gonna have to learn some more FNVedit. Also have you tried starting a new game and just backing up your old saves? A broken save game can cause CTDs and FREEZING ESPECIALLY. I run 10 times more mods than you and I only ever get crashes wyhen my RAM or VRAM really needs a restart to buffer, after 8 hours or so. There's definitely something up with your install, whether it be a patch missing or a dud mod or something missing from the patch.
  12. That just sounds like you haven't activated any of the DLCs with either FOMM or the Launcher.
  13. Sorry for the late reply, i've got a cold atm. If there's crashes quite often with that small a load list there's probably something wrong somewhere still, although at least we've eliminated other bugs. The 4GB patch will definitely give you some stability while running high graphics and more mods, get it here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35262 To install just extract all the files to the game directory, not the data folder, then add a FNV4GB.exe as a shortcut to your desktop and Launch the game from that. Be sure to have steam open before trying to run from it, that way the launcher won't pop up. It will automatically run NVSE 2.12 for you so don't worry about that. Also try running NVSR (stutter remover) to help prevent crashes, I can help you to set it up for a maximum 60FPS (by default it limits to 30FPS). It's just a quick change in the INI file of NVSR. That will automatically run with the 4GB patch.
  14. I couldn't find it either but i have one in my Moald Order, i wonder where it went? Perhaps it's in the WMX Patch Grab Bag available from WMX's page? I've got all the archives on my computer let me extract them and find out which DL to get for the patch, (mind you i'm not sure if it will work with the updated version i'm still testing it, just upgraded it myself, in theory it should be because all the FormIDs should be the same as the original). Now you see the joys of modding lol.
  15. Ok is this the version of MOC you've got: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/47712 I personally don't even have that one, i've got the old one here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39490 Tell me which version and i'll see what i can find. EDIT: If you have the Updated version make sure your LO looks like this: WMX Core WMX DLC Patches in correct order Mail Order Catalogs Mail Order Catalogs WMX Patch Then merged patch. The updated version would be better for you if you don't already have it, as it requires all the DLCs so that will save 5 patches off your LO. EDIT: I'm upgrading mine to the new one myself, i had a flick the the read me and it looks really good.
  16. Have you got the GRA patches for Mail Order Catalogues? This could be the conflict but i feel there may be some missing resources from some mods as well as typical crash on load and menu is missing resources. I'll just go to into my install and see what GRA says about MOC. I'm sure i don't have that error though.
  17. It's bigging me too lol. That is the exact same code, mow whatever mod is at place 01 and 2F. Have a look at which ones they are and post back.
  18. Check your load order and see what mod is number 31, that's the one with errors.
  19. Okay this is odd. If those errors came from the 1camon PPSH mod then get rid of it. I don't know the mod individually but a PPSH is a type of gun so it's obviously a weapon mod and probably dodgy with Leveled lists that are wrong etc. Disable it and run FNVedit again. Rebuild the patch and test again. Just launch from NVSE loader. That would ensure it's correct, i wouldn't launch from anything else personally. Also have you tried using the 4GB patch? It could be good if you are running at high settings. Look if this is still going bad and if you have a good internet connection with unlimited or high data i'll get you to upload your entire Data folder on the net and i'll go over it myself. That's if you want. That way i can see all the mods upfront and work with FNVedit filters. Don't worry it won't destroy my own game :) I'll even implement FOOK for you if you want.
  20. Rig is still fine, well above average. With the 4gb patch all you need do is install NVSE as you probably have then extract all content from the 4GB mod to the game directory and then add a shortcut to the desktop from "fnv4gb.exe" and all you need do is load the game from that and your done! And it loads NVSE with it so you won't have any trouble there. Your load order seems fine to me so perhaps something more sinister is at work lol. Let's do this: Revalidate the game cache in Steam, then test the game. If still problems then lets load up FNVedit and just see if any error messages pop up while it's loading the mods. If not then we make a merged patch. To make a merged patch simply right click on any mod after it's loaded and select "Apply filter". You might know this from TESedit. Then just selet OK as all settings there should be fine by default then when your LO turns lots of pretty colors right click again and select "Create Merged Patch". It will do it by itself after you name it. Remember to o this every time you add new mods that alter the game. It will ensure all your mods data shows up in game or at least 99%. It misses some things but it's not that big a deal. This can also help with freezing problems if a mod is trying to load something that is being overwritten by another or replaced etc etc, scripts are usually bad for this and also quest altering mods. Now if all that fails, which i doubt, there is human error somewhere (and that's ok) but w will have to do some more advanced troubleshooting. Like giving me remote access to your computer. Just kidding, stuff that lmao. But there are things we can do to narrow down the problem without reinstalling everything. You might want to look at another thread i've been replying to in this section (NV tech support) with Lunatech666 having camera problems because of human error with a certain mod installed. You might find some of the methodolgy useful. EDIT: The other thread i mentioned is still having trouble. So scratch that about it being fixed - njew errors arose from a dodgy mod but we're looking into now. Just TBH. I'll be here when you need me, Tech support is my homepage atm, I too am heavily modding atm.
  21. Mad as, thanks for the link i'll have a look at that right away :) Hows the game going now?
  22. BTW, where'd you get the cannabis mod, I'd like to have a look at that one ;)
  23. Very nice LO. Let me if any issues arise now that it's all sweet, shouldn't though. Now i would recommend adding the patches for WMX and DLC's and rebuild the patch and you should be 100%. Remember everytime you add new mods that edit default parts of the game or make addition to game lists like leveled lists etc to just quickly rebuild your patch. This will ensure stability. Now you know the "method" anyway, should help you to troubleshoot in future :). Hope i've made a positive impact anyway.
  24. Did you reset the INi files as well? That might help. CTD at menu is missing resources so yeah put the KF's back in, in fact should of done that when uninstalling WME but WMX should fix that as it will likely replace them with it's own. Could you please post your new LO? Just to check. So just delete these: Falloutdefault.ini in root directory Fallout.ini and Falloutprefs.ini from My Games folder in My documents. Then Revalidate with steam as i mentioned before, yes that can help. You should be good to go :), I'll be around if you need me again. EDIT: Just missed your edit. Try what i just said, and also, didn't you say you were starting from scratch? You don't have to reinstall the whole thing, as i mentioned before you can delete all the folder from Data folder then revalidate to get them back. Easier than reinstalling and deleting the INI files will ensure a clean slate, they will regenerate when you run FalloutLauncher, then you can re-enter your settings, close that and run from NVSE. Then create merged patch again after you einstall the mods. This is only if you are doing the clean slate without having to reinstall the game. Remember to revalidate after deleting before reinstalling the mods.
  25. It is only really bad when it comes to adding more mods. Not many major mods support it these days. That's the only reason why. Plus i think personally WMX is better, more control and options and extra plugins. Pn is Project Nevada. It's great with WMX. Well it would definitely seem you made some mistakes there, if you are looking for an easy way to start from scratch just delete all the folders in your data folder, not the primary ESPs and BSAs from NV and then Re-verify your game cache with Steam. It will replace those folders and give you a nice fresh slate to mod again without reinstalling everything. Well let me know if you have any more dramas after that and feel free to PM me for any advice. I'm actively playing NV and Oblivion and always happy to help.
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