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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Mod configuration menu wants to be at the top of the esp list. Other than that your LO looks much better. I'd say start a new game cos your previous save is likely broken now anyway...
  2. And on top of that if you wanted to find out what the specific problem with Repconn is then you could run a filter in FNVedit and quickly identify any conflict with that area, if you wanted to. @luthienanarion: Did you actually count the plugins? I din't see him write down the total XDXDXD
  3. Your LO is a bit out of tact, you may want to run the BOSS tool on it.
  4. Thank f*** finally getting ready to go back to the Mojave!
  5. My recommendation: reinstall the game and reinstall NMCs then reinstall FOMM and under the Tools menu in FOMM recheck AII and try to play again. (Here is your OP for convenience sake): I Followed the instructions on the NMC to the tee. (also the invalidation thingy) and it worked at the strip, but no where else. So I deleted the invalidation thing, deleted the text inside the Fallout_default configuration file. and then went another way to do the activation invalidation thing. Deleted old text, copy n pasted the (This is what it should look like) txt under [Archive], and saved it. But to no avail, it still doesn't work. And I believe somewhere along the line I messed it up. Also FOMM does not work for me when I click on Package Manager. Comes up with this: "Something bad seems to have happened" Here is the error message(crashdump): Sunday, March 10, 2013 - 9:59:42 PM Fomm 0.13.21 OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at WebsiteAPIs.NexusAPI.get_LoginKey() at Fomm.PackageManager.PackageManager.WebsiteLogin() at Fomm.PackageManager.PackageManager..ctor(MainForm mf) at Fomm.MainForm.bPackageManager_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) I have no idea what to do, because Gopher's video would have saved me a lot of hassle, but I've been dealing with this for 4-5 hours trying to get this NMC Texture pack to work (Medium). I would really like help. Plus I would try to uninstall it, but the author says to use some program that does not exist. And I don't want to uninstall Fallout New Vegas and all my mods, then reinstall them just to get old texture's back. So can I please have help in trying to get this NMC Texture mod to work :smile: P.S. If you have Avast! Premium, Ill let you assume control of my laptop so you can show me. And also I am using Windows 8 64bit PLEASE HELP :biggrin: Edit: System Specs: 3rd Gen i7 Intel 3630QM Processor 6gb RaM 2gb Nvidia GeForce GTX 660M 750 gb Hardrive My recommendation: reinstall the game and reinstall NMCs then reinstall FOMM and under the Tools menu in FOMM recheck AII and try to play again.
  6. Decided to go to Utah. Wish I never, what a boring little waste. Looks nice though, when there's not a sandstorm...
  7. Preparing to eliminate an Alien invasion...
  8. Wow. That load order is a mess. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35999.
  9. It seems to be fixed now. Yeah I liked the search box being there too :(
  10. The only conflict I have with Imaginator in my entire LO is DOF multiplier and that's only with Dynavision. That is very weird indeed, I use it all the time and never heard of that :/
  11. There is also a problem where the GECK won't load an entire area IF FULL/BRIGHTEN LIGHTING IS TURNED ON. Click on the light bulb in the main window to toggle it or just press "A" whilst in the render window. I know this first hand because I have that bug all the time working on the Mojave with it turned on. If that doesn't work for you than you have different problems.
  12. Dying of radiation in a toxic cave, and getting killed by swarms of giant radroaches! Can I get a win?! XD
  13. You'd be the second person I know of to report that problem today. I can only suggest you log out of the Nexus, delete your cookie cache and try log in again. The other guy who had the same problem said that everything else but the search was fixed by doing this so no guarantee but give it a go anyway.
  14. You've probably got a mod that is overriding the GREETING or GOODBYE entries. You could find out with FNVedit pretty easily. Post an LO anyway if you can.
  15. Sprinted through the Quarry, got raped 1st time and then got to sharecropper farms and CTD. Did well to sprint that far though at 60 fps
    1. SMB92


      Couldn't of done it wihout Project Nevada :)
  16. What version of NVSE are you using?
  17. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35935 Just Install that if you don't have NMM. Alternatively if you had FOMM their is a setting in the tools menu to set it also.
  18. Ok so the WMR default esps want to be above WMX and then the WMX patches after WMX is per normal, the 3 Project Nevada esps under ILO want to be right under the Project Nevada extra options esm, Project Nevada - WMX wants to hbe just after the last WMX preorder esp, but before EVE. I suggest you get NVEC (llok on my sig) and get More Perks Merged, there is a description on how to install it there. Also NVEC includes EVE now.
  19. Get rid of the dll fix for the graphics - it's redundant now. Windows 8 is about as stable as straw hut also but you should be at least able to boot it, don't bother with compatibility settings it will crash the game anyway (I've been there ;) ) and are you absolutely sure you have no mods cos a crash at start up is usually a missing master also. Try going back into FalloutLauncher and upping the settings again after you get rid of the d3d9 fix. What is update 7? is that for windows 8? I'm back to win7 you see, 8 is f****d
  20. Oh I see what you mean, the site is in a bad way. I didn't realise they updated it right now LOL. Yeah there's no search box for me on mod pages and most of the banners are mis aligned. Wow what a crappy update, it looks terrible too, prefer the old one :s
  21. Log out and clean your browser, then log in again. Should work, did for me :)
  22. LOL. I couldn't believe that LO. You will have to make a clean save and redo dead money, deactivate it, open game, save without it, then reactivate, then play again.
  23. Your load order is so bad it's not funny. Go download BOSS and have it sort your LO and recreate your merged patch. OMG you have one of the PN esps above a esm, I know that one is flagged as a master but whoa, not meant to be. You badly need BOSS. You will probably have to start a new game also.
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