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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. On one ASUS 7970 DCU2T I get hardly any noticeable difference with 4x SSAA than with 8x SSAA. I still get a lag when cells load occassionally which NVSR was good for sort of, but with fake fullscreen and Vsynce + Triple buffering in CCC NVSR gets left for dead and there's no point having it. I noticed having the games AA on at the same time at (x4) improves the visuals but costs about 5 fps. Game will never cease to amaze you will it XD
  2. There are a number of mods in the wrong order. Go find the BOSS tool to sort it and then make a merged patch with FNVdit. Game will run a lot smoother for you.
  3. A couple of people just asked that same question today, go back and read some of the threads just posted in this forum, you'll find the answer.
  4. Just tell me how to replicate it cos that would be great XD No idea really, see if it stops at 45, never heard of it tuil now.
  5. Few problems: Get rid of AWOPDeadMoney them plugins have a lot of broken records. I have emailed DJmystro and he said I could upload a fresh patch, but at this point it depends on the amount of time I have. Just get rid of it for now it won't make a difference in the Mojave, not that you have AWOP 5.0 anyway The weapon mod menu wants to be at the top of the esp list. EVE wants to be under WMX and needs patches. Put PN patch for WMX before EVE also. You will need a merged patch and you probably want to manually create a patch of your own. Electro city want to be at the bottom of your LO. CaliberX patch is in the wrong order but that wouldn't have much impact anyway as far as CTDs. And there are probably a few others but that's about all I can see straight up. Fellout wants to be just before Electro city for best game play. DLC are in the incorrect order - another reason why AWOP dead money is giving you hell. You don't need Perk Every level - there is an options menu in the Mod Configuration Menu. You don't hve Mod Configuration Menu.
  6. Just to be sure download 2 beta 12 from here, not 3 beta 2 you won't need that. http://nvse.silverlock.org/
  7. They are in FOOK and PN, mainly FOOK. You could use FO3 Weapons Restored mod instead of FOOK if you wanted to though. The cabinet is there for bug testing, and there are problems with the armory let me tell you :(. Lots of animation bugs etc etc. There are 320+ weapons in the armory btw, and i was using that LL patch BUT it's full of errors with 2.9 WIP - so much so the game menus disappear - same goes for HHv2 patch for 2.9 WIP, have to use the old one :/ Yes the concise patch is heaps lore friendly and I quite like it. Doesn't require the LL patch though, nor does it contain any unresolved error messages anywhere because of it, so i'm happy with that. Just my preference thing I guess :) Anyhow I have a new LO now, this one is very much similar but i have done a lot of patching and merging and a few new big add ons. Coming soon ;)
  8. Haven't heard this one before... Have you tried redownloading NVSE from silverlock.org?
  9. Yeah tried that same result, I definitely flooded the FF block with content. There is a difference that's for sure cos I can definitely run 140 if I take away a big one. Now further supporting the 140 limit, If I load 140 null esp files, well not null but with a single edit etc etc like add a rock somewhere via GECK, Game still won't pass the 140 threshold. It corrupts everything. With this, no corruption but the game won't load any data from whatever mods get injected there. It will show up again and correct itself when I perform a PCB in an interior, try that ith 140 and you get nowhere. Either way we'll never know how to fix it, but again we can only work around it.... I keep testing my stuff everyday....... Oh and scratch that question about where the other slots are going, I doubt they even get reserved at all, they work differently to the FF block as that is hard coded.
  10. Well they are geting closer, I remember when I was repairing ASUS F3 series notepads and they were like the only lappies to be 64 bit, everyone was like "WTF", couldn't get proper drivers, many bugs, no app support, but still a great idea. Now look most of them are 64 now, you'd be hard pressed buying a decent new machine that's not 64. Oh and as far as the F3 series - they still don't have any drivers or proper support XD. @Stormbringer - no your quite right, not derailing, it is a relevant thing to bring up, just not likely XD And yes I can't believe PS4 is going to have worse specs than my machine but I do understand the design, they do have to consider the heat it would produce and acoustics whilst keeping it all in a affordable/lower cost package/chassis.
  11. Easy solution my friend, open FalloutLauncher just ONCE, DO NOT CHANGE ANY SETTINGS - If you do it will reset your INIs. By opening the launcher your reg keys will restore :smile: No worries then EDIT: Spelling XD - Oh and FNVedit will work fine after you do this.
  12. Read this: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Old_World_Blues_(quest) WARNING - Spoilers! I actually haven't completed the DLC yet XD but that tells you everything about it.
  13. Yes yes these are a lot of great suggestions, I hope Bethesda reads this thread. I agree with all of the above, and yes a Fallout game based somewhere else other than the US would be a great idea although I can see why they don't do it, biggest market is America XD. Would be nice if we had a game with multiple Wastelands like go from the US to somewhere in Europe, to the UK or where ever, that would be great. Or even the Arctic/Antartic, where we could see some mutant penguins and killer whales XDXDXD Overall Bethesda, we want a more enhanced game, keeping along the same track and scope the game previous are already on!
  14. LOL Xaranth you beat me to it XD Yeah it's probably a NVSE script and yeah what Xaranth said, if you mess up a script it won't save but won't give you a message eithe so get that fix. Just had to put my 2 cents in, didn't come all this way for nothing.... (one click XDXDXDXD)
  15. Running from Cazadors again
  16. Then I let them in the NCRCF XD
  17. Got flattened by 20 Bighorner
  18. GECK sucks but at the same time it's great, if you get what I mean lol. I hated that problem when I first set out in TES CS to make a script effect on an armor, should just be there by default. Another great piece of thinking by Bethesda....
  19. XDXDXD @Jim - I findthat AF and AA are best set in game but Vsync turned off with fake fullscreen but set in CCC. No tearing but I did notice the in game Vsync is taxing but CCC is better. The worst one is Anistropic filtering, the in game one is the only one that works though it won't have any effect if set in CCC....
  20. Can't say I even get that, I use CCC to lock it at 60, sometimes it goes to 61 in fraps but not often. Lowest fps in the last 2 hours without NVSR has been 28 during a CASM save and 21 during a cell transition and 44 walking around the wastes. With NVSR I'd barely ever see the full 60 and it went down as far as 30fps walking around the waste. Now I even bumped up AA to x8 and still better performance XD Idk maybe my machine doesn't like these things and just has RAW power without them XD
  21. Anyone find that their game runs better without NVSR? I just took it off and my fps went up a bit from around 45-50 to 55-60 outside, and always 60 flat inside..... Now I even upped the settings from 4x AA to 8x AA and performance is still the same as 4x XD. I've got the fake full screen but I find FPS is better with CCC having Vsync on rather than off and Triple buffering on, it seems to lag more without it. I guess NVSR hasn't got all that much support for 1.4 version of NV....
  22. Furthermore I have a question for anybody who may have any idea - If the game can reserve the FF block for all it's data THEN surely it will index and reserve every possible slot, in which case, WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM!? Probably cos that's the way it's coded idk but I figured it was asking.
  23. Hi all, Okay after a few days of testing I was interested to find that there are 2 limits or rather 2 thresholds that one can run into in NV. Here's what we know so far: The first is as previously found - the game loads it's plugins starting at block 74 allowing for only 139 plugins. We also know that this limit can be exceeded with mods that are entirely injected to their master i.e Weapon Mod Recipes and the WMX version - some of it's plugins entirely inject themselves into WMR.esm which allowed me to get to 143 plugins. To confirm this I removed all those patches and replaced them with normal mods and presto the game wigged out at 143 but stayed stable at 139. Second, BSA's don't count toward the 139 limit however they are most likely loaded into the blocks above the 74 block. We know that BSAs are ordered alphabetically upon load with the exception that any BSA specified in the SArchiveSection of the INI are given priority and loaded in the order specified. We also know that in order to order your BSAs in the correct fashion we can put a prefix mapping on each BSA, evidently the game does not care about the name of the BSA - as an example the ultimate edition comes with a BSA named "Update.bsa" and is loaded without a plugin although it is not specified in the INI, it is designed to that as it was intended to load last. Also evidently the game prefixes each BSA anyway - this is how I suspect the game gives the INI specified BSA's priority. Furthermore prefixing is the same method that Mod Organizer uses to order the BSAs - this is what first prompted my investigation. For good practice always prefix a BSA with 3 characters, starting at aaa, aab, aac etc etc, never use numbers, only letters. Now the FF block - this one I've been trying to get my head around. Now if one exceeds the 139 limit he can expect the engine to start corrupting alot of things and also a lot of menus begin to disappear, which I believe derives from the game not loading the extra plugins and/or half loading it. With an FF block overflow, you don't get the full blown corruption or menus disappearing however you start to lose resources randomly, sometimes coming back and disappearing again (which I believe is because that block is changing all the time as the game loads more temp objects into it and removes some as well. That is the most logical and obvious theory anyway), but you'll never lose the menus and YOU WON'T GET CORRUPTED SAVES. Now how did I find this out? Well I got my LO down to 135 plugins, with an expectation I could go another 4. I have added some larger mods lately like Monster Wars and Skunkwater Gulch and I was surprised to find, what I just wrote, happening in game. So I go back and disable Skunkwater Gulch and play again, problem goes away. Activate it again and start playing, problem returns. This time I play for a couple hours, noticing that the menus hadn't gone and everything was working still. I exit and reload the game, game loads fine. Plays for about 15 minutes, problems arise but game is still playable. So I start checking the indexing of my mods and find a number of masters are loaded directly into the FF block. I am not 100% yet as to why they get loaded in there, especially when a number of dependent plugins still require them to load before them although those plugins remain at their normal index position. I do know one thing - the game does preserve the original indexing of those mods but somehow redirects it to the FF block. I don't understand why they designed it like this, previous games didn't do it i.e Oblivion and FO3, although my theory is the game wants to make the FF block like a master block for all other referncing plugins, perhaps the idea was to make it so all other plugins could just read from it but hey idk. So now we know that it's more than possible to flood the FF block causing temp items to completely go missing but return depending on he number of temp items/cells/master records loaded into it. We also know that it won't cause major corruption of memory and missing menus as opposed to exceeding the limit. EDIT/UPDATE: I forgot to mention that one can lower the amount of objects in the FF block by lowering their uGridsToLoad value and also lowering their cell buffers. I tested this out and it does work but it's a bad sacrifice to make if you have a good rig and would like the higher settings :/ At the end of the day there is no solution to these design flaws and likely never will be, but at least we know our limit and how we can go about our modding. Hope this helps, would really like a moderator to pin this for everyones sake Happy modding folks XD
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