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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. So you can't move at all? Maybe what you could do is the setstage command. BACK UP UR SAVE FIRST. The enter in the in game console: player.setstage 01000FC1 100 - that will cmplete the quest. Idk if it will get you out of being stuck, try it and report back :) I haven't played through it yet, still modding the Mojave so i don't know that bug explicitly but maybe that command will fix your problem.
  2. So I gather your using New Vegas Error Corrections Complete plugin for the weapon wheel, you've probably installed it over PN, as it has it's own xml file. You need Unified HUD - get it here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38961 Install it with FOMM not NMM and select your options. BTW your load order looks stuffed up. Try search and dl the BOSS tool to auto sort your mods.
  3. Read this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/928440-modifying-script/
  4. Idk this mod TheRailHead but it must be full of errors or your missing a master for it. Amongst other things you could have a really good rig and really high settings and you could need the 4GB patch. Or you are installing all your mods incorrectly and maybe you didn't activate Archive Invalidation properly. If you could list some more details we could help you better :)
  5. This is where i'd paste my seal of approval, if I had one XD
  6. The missing models are probably from the fact that the engine is newer on Skyrim as suggested and the model can't be handled by New Vegas. bad place to discuss it anyway.
  7. Look on my signature for PROJECT HIDEAWAY. it's very nice, made by a friend of mine :smile:
  8. Hi all. So I've been fiddling with FNVedit today and I've decided to make a standalone patch for CaliberX and the said mods, which would be great for anyone using them. It however does not require them!! It is a standalone patch and fully mergeable with Wrye Flash or FNVplugin. The reason why I set out to do this is becasue CaliberX tends to stuff up the bashed patch when you have it selected in the bash menu by making all it's records override everything elses and either way requires manual patching. I have designed the patch to merged with Wrye Flash seamlessly to the bashed patch, cleaning all the conflicts between all the mods, but not actually require any of the mods. I will make a log of all the individual overrides but in short here's a few things done: Leveled lists corrected, ammunition names from CaliberX now get imported correctly without making a mess of the bash patch but NOT changing unique names given by NVEC, PN and FOOK (only a few of these edits apply anyway), ammunition models corrected to use CaliberX high quality models but NOT override any from NVEC, PN and FOOK, animations and muzzle flash effects to use CaliberX in most cases however some are left for NVEC, PN and FOOK where necessary, containers now have the loot merge properly into the bashed path, etc etc etc etc XD So in short it's a patch designed to have at the bottom of your LO and merge to the patch seamlessly so you don't ever have to worry about conflicts with the said mods :). Works well for me but I have only 50% patched it so far. Let me know if y'all think this is a good idea and if you'd be keen on it :)
  9. I'll add you as a friend, I will need some voice actors a little down the track, my mod is currently at the stage of having the interiors and exteriors done (about 50% complete) and looking for someone to help with the quest stages. Not sure for dialogue yet but we have the plot and architecture part covered. All depends on what quests we end up having to do. So yeah a little while from now but glad to know we got good people like yourself ready to commit :). Kudos to you :) BTW the mod is basically expanding the empty parts of the Mojave, like the WARZONES mod, but in a different sense. It's a bloody lot of work to XD
  10. You soon learn that NV is the most unstable of all the games. Don't bother with EMB series get IMAGINATOR or something like that, I use Cinematech, Imaginator, Dynavision and Directors Chair and have to say i'm very happy with those.
  11. You'll probably want the 4gb patch off the NVSE site as well, in that case run the game from FNV4GB.exe, it will run NVSE as well and prevent crashes whilst running on high settings and/or lot of mods.
  12. Electrocity esms want to be below PN and CaliberX esms want to be above PN, put them right below the DLCs. Other than that your LO looks fine. I have heard of this bug before, perhaps it is something to do with corrupt saves, I just can't remember off the top of my head. HOPEFULLY someone else knows it straight up ;) ;)
  13. Uhm I don't think we are allowed to talk about that here, you need to goolge TTW (Tale of Two Wastelands). It's banned here. You cant just inject Fallout 3 into NV. EDIT: Actually it is possible to convert something like weapons or basic stuff in an esp with the right files from the BSA so maybe look into that too.
  14. The actual animation or just the setting in game? You can change the weapons reload time in the DNAM section of the Weapon. Perhaps there may be a mod that has some sort of global settings for most guns but idk. If you're talking about the actual animation then idk but I can't say that in game i've ever seen animation glitches with guns that have had their reload time decreased, just goes faster. Try that and see if it works for you. BTW I have a big LO so probably some of my mods make this better for me.
  15. Look at my specs. I'm running 5-60, that's normal. 30 fps drops as your walking through the Mojave is common when cells get loaded into RAM. Their is a very delicate balance with the setting you use to get it right, for me 8x SSAA with CCC is better than the game engines 4x AA, that's just for example. You really have to fiddle with the settings to get it right. Google NV tweakguies guide and download NV Configator. It will take some time to get right, good luck and don't get too frustrated with it :)
  16. You may want to find that mod that delays the starting of each DLC. Idk where it is, just google it. You should have all the DLCs there anyway for your mods sake :)
  17. Selling Enclave prisoners as slaves at the Legion markets. Eating a blowfly-steak sanga on the way there.
  18. Have you googled how to mod new vegas or read any guides? You probably should, it's not just a simple process. There are a heap of Youtube videos you can watch and plenty of threads you can search and find advice and tutorials. BTW your game probably doesn't start because Archive Invalidation hasn't been set correctly and plus your Load Order is probably wrong. Again it is best to read guides. You can't expect to be told off the mark how to mod in the forums. It's not a place of tutorials, whilst yes it is a place for advice, us good people who know what we're doing don't have to simply train you up, you need to do your homework too. There are plenty of gides out there that people have spent enormous amounts of time compiling for people who need them, like yourself. I wish you the best of luck.
  19. LOL. I have a new unofficial title for this game: "Fallout 3.5 - Back to front" XDXD
  20. Are you using the steam version of the game or the standard?
  21. If you're going to go on talking like that it's best your got done with this "nexus crap". You haven't even supplied any details like what mod you installed or your LO or if you used any programs? And then you demand help? See ya.
  22. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/928440-modifying-script/ Read this. That was a few topics ago. Explains everything :)
  23. Not necessarily true: Radar Mod requires 3 beta 2Yeah true that. It's said to be slightly unstable though bet meh why baffle him even more XD
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