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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. In a number of Bethesda games, including Oblivion and FO3 specifically, I found when I wanted to improve FPS by taking out some junk via disable commands, the game became ridiculously unstable. It is best to use GECK to remove things, that way the ESPs remain clean, as opposed to a buggy-ass save game game. Idk the specific reasons for the crashes, but definitely something I noticed big time. If you've continued on in your save after doing this than your save game is f****d. If you have anything to revert to, do that immediately. What you want to do is load up GECK with your mod and just the masters it requires, Fallout.esm and whatever else it needs (NO DLC'S) and just edit the area to your liking. If you need any help with this I suggest you goolge some GECK guides, otherwise PM me and I will get you started.
  2. Someone mentioned this a few days ago. It's usually because the nellis howitzer rounds blow em away occasionally. If I were you i'd get Rex in my party and use his marking perk and walk around the area again. If not then you can cheat and do this: player.placeatme 0015d9d8 1 - this will place the holotape at your feet. You could technically use the player.additem (code) 1 command but I'm not sure if that will add the note that the holotape comes with when you pick it up. It may do but I haven't tried adding a note via console so just to be safe you know. No worries then, kudos me anytime ;) XD
  3. I couldn't find anything really wrong with any of the texture stes, quest ref's or initial data. Seems like the texture has taken over the body texture, I'm wondering if that a save game glitch, but you say it followed you to previous saves? I'm going tot try to replicate the bug and i'll go over the quests that ref it again.
  4. Well i'm glad your familiar with the system, you didn't mention any of it in the OP so I assumed you didn't really know, and also cos you mentioned NMM. Sorry if I semed a bit harsh, but still that last line cracks me up XD Well you could quickly change the extension from fomod to rar, that's one way. You need to find me that crash dump and post it, I can almost bet It didn't find the registry key for NV, in which case the only way to fix is to quickly open the FalloutLauncher and close it, don't change any settings or your INIs will be reset. Same problem happens with FNVedit when you get the "Fatal: could not find registry key bla bla bla" error. Try that and let me know how you go.
  5. It's said that these bugs/weird effects are also worsened/more consistent with the Water Multisampling setting turned on when full scene reflections and soften reflections is turned on at the same time. As luthienanarion said, it's because of the way the engine handles the top level transparency layers. You'd do well to look in NifSkope and Blender. Idk the exact points to look at for that armor, but as you say if it's specific pieces, start with them. There was this glass armor I remember dl'ing a while back with this problem, I remember following a fix in NifSkope for it, I'll try to relocate that mod. Unless someone knows the exact thing we need to be seeing in NifSkope to correct it..
  6. LOL that's a weird bug. Have you tried equipping something else, exiting the pip boy and going back into it and unequipping so the character is nude? I have this problem with certain scripted armors sometimes, they need to be completely unequipped and pip boy closed to disappear... Only very rarely though. I'll have a look in FNVedit and see if I can find any obvious signs of such a bug.
  7. Well I know what your problem is, it isn't much in the way of sound though it's likely that has an effect also. What you're talking about is the constant sudden drop in FPS as you move around the Mojave/Exteriors. This is caused by the processor having a lot to render in cells that are loading as you go along, not the GPU, CPU has first say. Let me tell you that my OCed 3960X (4.7ghz) has the SAME problems, even with Xfired 7970s. You need to play with the Object Fade settings and Tree fade settings in order to reduce this as much as possible. An example: Oblivion has this same "pause" on vanilla, ON MY PC. NV is worse. SOme more specific advice: Make sure the setting in the INI file ugridstolaod is at 5 (for your system). You may want to change the setting bLandLOfadetime to HALF of your selected TIMESCALE - this affects the way the landscape textures load in front of you, by default it's 15 of course, can reduce stuttering and land not not fading in. The Object fade settings I refer to can be better adjusted in Configator, for you I recommend an Object fade of 40,000 and tree fade of 35000. Also, you may want to disable AA and Anistropic filtering in game and directly override it with CCC or Geforce, this greatly improves performance at no visual loss, if not better. Another recommendation: set interior/exterior cell buffer to 12/72 respectively. reduces load on RAM and CPU can access the records faster (the highest this etting can go safely is 24/144 and has a pretty dramatic affect on FPS from what I have tested.) Change all of these settings in both Fallout.ini, Falloutdefault.ini (in root game folder) and Fallouprefs.ini. I highly recommend Configator for changing most of these things. This is just a off the top recommendation for those specs, you may wwant to experiment further. Now on another note, ENB has varying performance affects from PC to PC, it may dramatically drop FPS on some, but then not much on others. Try mods like Cinematech, Dynavision, Imaginator and Directors Chair, they've never failed me and never cost me a FPS. Also worth noting, the weakest piece of hardware you must consider, is the HDD. If you're running the game off a normal HDD than you can expect a lot more of that load stutter than if you re running an SSD. I know this first hand, hell look at my sig for specs. And well there is more you can do but this is the main stuff :). Happy testing!!!
  8. @Dweedle - Nothing wrong with using FOOK and Project Nevada- at all, but FOOK wants to be well before PN. I run FOOK, PN, WMX, NVEC, AWOP, NVI, ILO and plenty plenty more with very minimal hassle, thanks to merged patches and manual patches done via FNVedit. @Nazguleater - If your going to use AWOP with NVI then you need NVI Combo+AWOP edition. Really. Also, a note, IWS isn't all that stable, no matter what you will get some crashes with the game, all we can do is attempt to reduce this to once every few hours or more, in my case I'll get a CTD anywhere from 2-8 hours, mostly after 4-5. I have NV Stutter Remover to blame for that also ;). For the best part, this LO is broken, actually, something shocking. Go find the BOSS tool (auto sorter) Then get FNVedit and load it up with all mods (they will be automatically selected) then right click on the mod list when it's loaded and select Create merged patch With that LO, BOSS will sort it out fine, they are all recognized plugins from what I can gather. Then as Dweedle suggested, you'll be up and running real soon, but by no means expect a crash free game, hell, it crashes on vanilla ffs XD. Good luck!
  9. Bought Assassin's Creed 3 today LOL. Need a break from NV for a day!
  10. Your LO is pretty god, but in saying that you need to learn that the game is as stable as a straw hut. You can make various changes to INi settings for performance which will reduce CTD's a bit, and also NV stutter remover, butat the end of the day you need to manually patch your LO, as in create your own patch in FNVedit. It doesn't happen overnight. You need to look into the FNVedit training manual, find the link to it on NVEC's home page, it's in my sig.
  11. You answered your own question My favorite line here is the last one. If you downloaded the mods manually than you could of installed them manually. For some of the mods you mentioned, really you need FOMM. You have to run it as administrator also or you get that message. If you're going to heavily mod NV than NMM is going to make things more difficult, it's not as comprehensive as FOMM. Not all mods come as FOMODS but you can turn a downloaded archive into a FOMOD by using Package Manager tool in FOMM and just selecting the archive. I don't know what the problem is with NMM but I don't use it anyway, but my advice to you is to learn how to use the proper programs like FOMM, FNVedit, BOSS, Configator etc etc and if you wanna get real tricky you can look into Wyre Flash also.
  12. I highly recommend this after you reinstall Readius: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44400 Won't fix your problem now, as Rezubi said just do those things, but fixes and minimizes lots of little problems with Readius.
  13. Mod limit is here to stay unfortunately, however a newer much better project has begun! In fact I'll be making a release of it on Nexus! It will be a massive guide on how to build it it (won't be an all in one package sorry, too many permissions) with links to all mods and my supplied patches! BTW I got rid of Powered Power Armor. It only covers so many variants of PA and is very unrealistic when playing with NVEC and Project Nevada as they make changes to all new power armors + more vanilla. If it were to be patched for every mod it would be great, but sadly it's just too big an effort. Other than that it's a great mod. Also I have had to stop and debug the AWOP-Monster Mod patch, seems there is something about it causing ctd's non stop, something up with the spawn system and various patches that affect it. I have been given permission to re-release the mod once it's cleaned ^^ I will post a new thread soon in this thread,
  14. Try running as administrator. You probably already have though. Weird problem for sure, must have done something wrong somewhere... So you 100% sure that NVSE_loader.exe is in the same root folder as FalloutNV.exe? Maybe try quickly opening FalloutLauncher.exe, and closing it, that works for FNVedit not finding the reg key, but I think NVSE doesn't work like that. Try anyway just to be certain.
  15. Well that's why I recommended a quick reinstall - if you have FOMM then a quick reactivation of the mods would be the same. Let us know if it works anyway :). BTW If you were using CASM you'd have a lot more saves to play with ;)
  16. For the most part the patch fixed it, but I've seen it reported still, on fresh and old saves. i was assuming this was with the latest patch though.
  17. Cool and no worries. Yes it definitely has something to do with the collars. Just another one of those things we learn to live with :/ Do post back if you manage to get rid of the bug via previous save.
  18. Well besides FNVedit, a more comprehensive patching tool is Wrye bash or Wyre Flash as it's known in NV. It takes a bit of practice, but once you know how to use it you can't live without it, and I know that first hand cos I can't live without it XD. You can never really get a perfect merged patch, it's always best to make your own patch with FNVedit and enter the overrides in manually. Me personally? I got pretty good with Wyre bash so now I make all my own mergeable patches after bashing (bashing is the term given for merging). It doesn't use Windows, it needs Python (which you can get for Windows of course). Look into further on google, it would take me all day to write a tutorial of it XD EDIT: I'd be happy to explain some basic about it if you can manage to get it all installed properly. Here's what you need: Wrye Bash - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35003 Wrye Python - http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionUtilities.Detail&id=44 Instructions: Install the Wrye Python. This version I have linked you to is a bit old, was for TES4 but should all be the same. I lost the exact link but this should do. It comes with a all in one installer, it will install about 5 different things, just keep clicking install until it's over. Follow install instructions on Wrye Flash page, pretty easy. Now go to your data folder where there should now be a folder called "Mopy" if you installed correctly. Find the file "Wrye Bash Launcher" and send a shortcut of it to desktop. If Python is installed correctly it will have a yellow and blue document style icon. Double click to run it. If by chance it doesn't run and nothing happens then I've linked you to the wrong Wrye Python. I think this is the right one though. (only difference is Python version, this one is 2.5 but it may need 2.7) If so go here: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/22368 and download the last file in the files list, Wrye Python 08. And there you go :smile: - @Everyone - feel free to add your 20c
  19. This is a very old demon of the game, let me assure you. There are a number of theories into what causes this but the most evident cause are Slave collars. Seemingly there is some bug where quests or events involving slave collars trigger a glitch, likely in hard-code more than script, where the PC's head explodes. It got better with the 1.4 patch but not entirely. For a while it was believed that DM caused the bug, it probably has something to do with it or is a trigger, like BoS missions, it involves a slave collar. Evidently, there is no known fix, perhaps there is one hidden away on Nexus somewhere, but I doubt it. What you can do is load a save from before the bug appeared, delete your other saves as they are inflicted with the bug and it seen that other inflicted saves can make the game inflict the clean save with the bug. Another thing you might try which had a few reports as a fix, completely disable Dead Money, as in remove all it's files from the data file temporarily (BSA, .NAM, ESM), and load the game up and make a fresh save. You could then try reloading DM, but in my opinion, just keep playing for a couple hours without it and see if your bug gets fixed, that'll tell you for sure. Be sure to have a correct LO and that your running v1.4 of the game, all files verified. Probably want to be loading from NVSE or FNB4GB also. Just an interesting thought, perhaps try play with NV stutter remover (needs NVSE), it might have some impact on it, for some reason i'm inclined to think it may help. Post back when you've tried doing that :smile: EDIT: For the record, I've never experienced this bug, in a whole 3000+ hours (accumulative) of play over 5 different saves with an extreme LO.
  20. Try quickly re-installing Unified HUD or PN if no uHUD. I haven't heard of it, just making a recommendation :). If you have any previous saves you can test, back up your current ones and play through until it breaks or again, or hopefully doesn't.
  21. Are you using any mods or a previous save game? If so try a fresh, clean, new game. Make sure to be running the 1.4 patch from Steam.
  22. So you're just trying to play FO3 then, okay. Well have tried fiddling with the INI files manually? I dunno off the top of my head head what else causes this, will look into it further.
  23. What other mods are you using? It's only a good idea to back up the files that are really necessary, otherwise you might as well not bother reinstalling.
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