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Everything posted by IsharaMeradin

  1. What are you talking about? Class, birth sign and specialties are not something that one picks in the base game. The base game only has character appearance creation stuck amidst a bunch of scripted scenes (cart ride, beheading, dragon attack, and finally choice between whom to follow into the keep). Class, birth sign and specialties were options in Morrowind and possibly Oblivion but not Skyrim.
  2. There is a base game inn inside Morthal on the left just before the bridge in question. Not sure why a mod would have added another inn so close to an existing one. Is it possible that you're mis-remembering a separate inn in that location?
  3. When you say the north road, do you mean that you were heading towards Movarth's Lair and / or the Hearthfires housing plot? If so, I cannot think of any mod added inns in that area. But that doesn't mean that there haven't been any.
  4. You want to use the Translation tag in Content Blocking rather than every individual possible language. I have the Translation tag blocked and do not see any translations when I follow the link you provided.
  5. Make sure Steam recognizes your controller as that has been the only point of failure for me in my Xbox Controller not working within Skyrim. My steps are usually to start Steam, turn on the controller, start Skyrim either through Vortex or directly with the SKSE loader. Once your load order is setup, you can skip launching Vortex and go straight to the game. Unlike Mod Organizer 2, Vortex does not need to be running for the game to recognize the added mods.
  6. You want a script that affects ALL shrines of Talos. The base activator object { 00100780 <ShrineofTalos> } along with all the other deity shrines have a script attached to them ( TempleBlessingScript ). You could edit that script while figuring out how to ensure that only the Talos shrines trigger the extra content. Or because an object can have more the one script with the same event(s), you can just add your own script to the base object that does what you want it to do. However, the base script will still do its thing unless you remove it from the base activator object. Given the nature of this modification all instances of the shrine will be affected including those introduced by other mods. At the same time, any instances of the shrine loaded from the save file will not be affected as they already have the previous setup stored. Also keep in mind that if another mod modifies the same base record and it is loaded after your mod, that other mod if not patched will override your changes. TL;DR Depending on desires, add a script to { 00100780 <ShrineofTalos> } and possibly remove the existing TempleBlessingScript
  7. I have not used physics mods in SSE and thus unsure how they are put together. As I said earlier, I do not know the specifics that would be associated with your mods.
  8. I do think there is something to be said for uniformity in numbers. If Bethesda truly did not want any leading zeros they would have truncated the form IDs in all instances. Instead, the Creation Kit shows the entire 8 digit ID number at all times. Look up any object within the in-game console and it displays the 8 digit ID number. Even third party utilities like xEdit will display and work with the entire 8 digit ID number. Can we shorten it? Yes. Is it necessary to shorten it? No. Can we argue about this? Yes. Is it necessary to argue about it? No.
  9. controlmap_custom.txt in the main game folder is created by the game when you change any key binds within the game itself. This file will be gibberish and unable to be read. It may be possible that the game will always create a controlmap_custom.txt file despite no changes being made. There might be an automatic save upon exiting out to the menu. controlmap.txt is a file found in "Data > Interface > Controls > PC" once extracted from one of the BSA files. This file is readable but not pretty. The "columns" are separated by a single space and do not appear to actually be in columns making it hard to read. There are plenty of mods that fix the column appearance. Some go further and change the key binds for various reasons.
  10. General instructions: Load ESP files in SSE Creation Kit and save (no changes need be done, just save it) Use Cathedral Assets Optimizer to run through the meshes and textures. It will convert any that need to be converted. Specifics to your case elude me as I have not used those specific mods before.
  11. See if you have a controlmap.txt file somewhere under the Data > Interface folder. It may be possible that the back button was removed as an option to initiate the wait menu.
  12. It appears to be. I was able to build both the aquariums and the fishery at the homestead outside of Morthal. I was also able to add the fish from the fishing mod into the fishery as well.
  13. I believe the mount stays because it is being ridden. Game play evidence would indicate that riding the mount suspends the timer. If one summons the mount and does not ride it, the mount lasts for the length of its duration and no more. If one rides the mount, and then dismounts, the timer continues until re-mounted or expires. If there is a setting somewhere that controls this, I would not know where it might be. It does seem to behave like timers that pause when menus are open. This one just happens to pause when riding the mount. That said, the magic effect that does the actual summoning has the "Power affects duration" flag checked. There is a possibility that that may be related. Testing would be required to see what happens without.
  14. You have a variable xzUtil that is undefined. This means that you are using a variable that has not been properly declared. If you cannot figure out how to fix it, feel free to post the script code.
  15. An SKSE "plugin" is a DLL file that has been compiled using some other tool. I've never made one so cannot go into particulars beyond that. An ESM / ESP / ESL is a plugin created by the Creation Kit (sometimes xEdit). This type of plugin can have attached scripts which utilize SKSE. These plugins can be edited normally without any additional steps beyond making sure that all parent masters are present and if needed false flagging the parent masters as ESM files. Compiling scripts that use SKSE functions will require the SKSE PSC files to be present in the same folder as the base game scripts. If that information does not help, please feel free to go into further details.
  16. Not something that I want to tackle, but it might be doable by using a trigger volume box around each designated patch of tall grass. The trigger volume box would use a script to cast invisibility onto any actor they enter and dispel it when they exit. If the actor does something to dispel the invisibility early, it might even be possible to re-apply the invisibility. Might have to consider different methods on achieving that last bit in order to be the most efficient.
  17. Skyrim LE is setup to function as follows: There are 256 total slots within the "load order" field. 0 - 255 or 00 - FF in hex as most mod managers and utilities will report. The break down is as such: 00 = Skyrim.esm 01 = Update.esm 02 = Dawnguard.esm 03 = Hearthfires.esm 04 = Dragonborn.esm 05 - FE = 250 available slots for any combination of mod added ESM and ESP files regardless of their category. FF = Active memory including anything created or spawned in-game as well as loaded from the save file Skyrim SE is the same except that the ESL plugin space takes up slot FE and thus the total potential number of non-light ESM & non-light ESP files are reduced by one. If there are more active ESM & ESP files than the limit, the game may randomly choose which ones get loaded. The game will crash with too many ESM & ESP files in the Data folder including those that are not activated via a mod manager. With MO2 as long as you keep the unused mods unchecked in the left pane such that their plugins will not be exposed to the data folder, you can have as many installed as your heart desires. Keeping the plugin tab (load order) under 248 as you have been doing is probably good practice. Also, just because you manually installed 9 plugins, MO2 should be aware of them and include them in the plugin tab.
  18. You can rename the plugin the same way as any other file, with the File Explorer (aka Windows Explorer back in the day). Just locate your plugin, right click on it and choose to rename.
  19. You can use Modwatch to share your load order among other things. It may be hosted on a Skyrim LE page but it also works with Skyrim SE.
  20. Vortex has LOOT built in. All the necessary sorting should already be done. As far as conflict resolution, Wrye Bash can be used to build a Bashed Patch which combines leveled lists among other things. SSEEdt has some conflict resolution features but those probably should not be used without a decent understanding of how plugins work and what each mod intends to do. But those just deal with conflicts between plugins. Loose files such as meshes, textures and scripts all need to be dealt with on a one-to-one basis. Vortex should inform of loose file conflicts as mods are installed and suggest a decision to be made at that time. Often times the default is the correct one. Other times it may not be, but those are usually when you know that you are purposefully doing something with a specific file or set of files that have already been installed. There are also hard caps to the number of plugins that the game will use. The bit that handles plugins has a range of 256 entries (0 to 255 or 00 to FF in hex which is how Vortex and utilities display load order position). 00 = Skyrim.esm 01 = Update.esm 02 = Dawnguard.esm 03 = Hearthfires.esm 04 = Dragonborn.esm 05 - FD = 249 available ESM / ESP spots for mods including any Creation Club or AE Upgrade mods. CC / AE mods will always start at 05. FE = ESL plugin space (theoretical limit of 4096 ESL flagged plugins) FF = Active memory (object references spawned or created during game play as well as those previously saved and loaded from the save file) If you have more active ESM / ESP plugins than the allowed amount, the game can randomly choose which ones it loads each time. If you have more active ESL plugins than the allowed amount, the game will crash or have corrupted data. If you have an excess of inactive plugins in your data folder, the game can crash as well. I mention the plugin limits in case part of your issues may be due to an overabundance of mods with plugins.
  21. It is safe to update SKSE and continue playing with the existing set of mods. Adding LotD to an existing character run may not be a good idea. If you are starting over, including LotD with the updated SKSE should be fine.
  22. The quick answer: Put a semi-colon in front of each of those lines, save the PSC and recompile into the PEX The long answer: Make sure you have extracted the source files from the scripts.rar or scripts.zip file depending upon game version (LE or SE) Make sure you have SKSE's PSC files overwriting the base game PSC files Put a semi-colon in front of each of those lines, save the PSC and recompile into the PEX If the compiler fails, locate the script source(s) that contain the function, event or variable tripping up the compiler and place in the correct source folder for your game ** Repeat the above step as much as necessary until the compiler compiles without error Default source folder locations (PSC files): All 32-bit Skyrim editions: Data > Scripts > Source All 64-bit Skyrim editions: Data > Source > Scripts
  23. I used to use Notepad++ but I do not remember how I had set it up. Currently, I use Sublime Text and it has no need to edit the SkyrimCompile.bat file Sublime Text Setup
  24. I was using MO2 pre-AE release. I decided to give Vortex another shot. MO2 -> Vortex is easy. Just install the mods in Vortex and don't do anything in MO2 if keeping it installed. This works because MO2 creates the virtual links inside its program and thus Vortex saw a nice clean game folder. Vortex -> MO2 is going to require extra work. Vortex creates the virtual links using Windows commands. Thus most programs can find the files in the game folder even when Vortex is not running. Because of this, those links need to be removed or MO2 will think that those mods are installed. Easiest way to do this is to uninstall the mods from within Vortex. You do not need to delete the mod files unless you want to. To save on downloading mods again, go to the Downloads Folder shown on the Download tab of the Settings page in Vortex. Copy any of the 7z, zip or rar files that you want to continue to use with MO2.
  25. Backup your save file(s) or ensure that you do not overwrite them. Then give the mod a shot. I do not think that any harm would come from using it based on reading the description.
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