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Everything posted by IsharaMeradin

  1. Please do not rely on ChatGPT for coding purposes. It still has it wrong. The OnEffectStart event cannot be ran on a script extending ReferenceAlias. It can only be ran on a script attached to a magic effect. And OnObjectSpawn is not an event provided by SKSE either. Why don't you just modify the existing DragonActorScript.psc to include the ModActorValue function call? Best place to put it would probably be inside the OnInit event which will be triggered each time a dragon is first spawned. Of course, this would conflict with any other mod that modifies this particular script. However, it would be the easiest way to achieve the desired goal.
  2. Where do you get this OnObjectSpawn event from? It is not defined on any of the game provided scripts. If it is from a third party script extender, you'll need to provide that information. Also, if SpeedMult for dragons is anything like the player, a value of 1.2 will be almost at a standstill. The player's default value is 100 when running, higher when sprinting and lower when walking.
  3. MCM has an OnVersionUpdate event that might be usable to call a local function to force fill any new aliases. Worth a look maybe...
  4. I've never edited a script in Notepad++ or Sublime Text while the CK was open. Primarily due to the fact that in most cases, I would need to first create the script. The CK never once recognized a new script created by a third-party tool when it was open. Thus I just got into the habit of doing my script work prior to using the CK to link it all together. If I use the built-in editor, the CK will recognize the changes (in some cases the object record window needs to be closed and re-opened). I do not know. Hopefully someone else has experienced what you have and knows the reason why and if there is a way to fix it rather than avoiding it.
  5. Ah, yes! Sneaking about trying to find that right moment to snatch something when someone rounds the corner and you quickly appear to be tightening your boot laces. Yeah, I don't know how to do that either.
  6. Do not move the mod and its requirements! You only need to ensure that the PSC files associated with those mods are available for the Creation Kit to access when compiling. What is the mod in question? No point in going down any rabbit holes without confirming the correct course of action.
  7. Sounds like a notification statement is being triggered on a script somewhere. If the mod in question has PSC files, open them up in any plain text editor and search for the specific phrase being displayed. Should you find it, you can comment out the relevant code with a semi-colon. The PSC would then need to be saved and re-compiled such that the game would have access to the modified PEX file. The Creation Kit can be used to compile if you do not already have a third-party utility set up for compiling purposes. If the mod only has PEX files, you can use Champollion to decompile into a readable and reusable format. EDIT: There may be other script source files needed in order to compile the one that needs to be changed. It can be a daunting rabbit hole to follow. Best bet is to then ensure that you have the game's PSC files, SKSE PSC files, the mod's PSC files and PSC files from any mod required by the mod in being adjusted all in the singular folder location used by the Creation Kit for compiling purposes.
  8. If you have 32 text options and you want to use the state route, you'll need 32 states each with their own set of events and code to go within. If they are similar, you can do copy paste and modify accordingly.
  9. She is popular for the same reasons that she is disliked. She sandboxes. She'll use stuff and move around when you are not busy moving about yourself. This is great, wonderful and 'immersive' until you get into a conversation with an NPC and she decides to walk between idle markers and shoves you about the area.
  10. I use Cathedral Assets Optimizer and let it handle any necessary conversion of textures and meshes. Sometimes nothing needs to be done. The tool can even build a new BSA file if desired. As far as Papyrus scripts, these can be copied over and used as-is from LE to SE. The issue to be concerned with is if the script directly references a Form ID # and the mod that that ID originated from has be compressed into a light plugin (false flagged or ESL). In a case like that, the ID# would need to be changed and the script re-compiled. Both Bethesda and SKSE kept all the LE functions for compatibility. They just added new stuff for SE specifically. Where you have heard about porting for SKSE is in reference to the DLL plugins that SKSE loads. These would need to be updated and are not something that most users would know how to do. If the author or authorized individual has not ported such an SKSE DLL plugin to work with SE, it should not be used for SE. I still get the occasional crash or frozen screen but it can usually be avoided. Save often and fully exit the game occasionally. If after reaching a certain point, you find that you start crashing after X amount of time, save and fully exit before reaching that amount of time. Some telltale signs: landscape that does not switch from LOD to normal; wildlife spawning in the sky and falling down; textures not loading in that have loaded before; etc... A good read for information on porting can be found here: https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/4633-skyrim-se-porting-a-mod-from-le-to-sse/
  11. This is from the UESP Wiki: I suspect then to answer your question, if you die while transformed, you'll be ported back to where you read the book. Whether you are in human form or transformed form, I cannot say.
  12. If you have the CK open with a plugin loaded AND you then load the plugin in xEdit, either one might prevent the other from saving the file. Probably something similar to wanting to remove a flash drive only to find out it cannot shut down because a file is still in use. Not sure why Sublime Text would be causing an issue unless you're actively editing a script that has already been loaded into the CK. That won't work out too well. The CK won't recognize the change. Shoot the CK won't even recognize a brand new script created via any third party program until the CK has been restarted. I couldn't tell you about Nemesis, never used it. Though I thought that was just for doing something with the animations prior to playing the game and not for running the Creation Kit.
  13. If you need to pre-populate the data in order to display it on the options page, consider calling a custom function that fills the appropriate array from within the OnConfigOpen event.
  14. Since your IF blocks are all at the same level, use ElseIf such that Papyrus will only proceed to the next block if a match is not found. You can also use Return to ensure that the script jumps out of the IF block and ceases to process. Example: Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) int MyType = (akBaseItem).GetType() If akBaseItem.HasKeyword (VendorItemClothing) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (cloth, aiItemcount) Return ElseIf Mytype ==27 self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Paper, aiItemcount) Return ElseIf Mytype ==23 self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Paper, aiItemcount) Return ElseIf ;the rest of the stuff endif EndEvent With this setup, once an item qualifies it will process and be done, giving only one item in return. With your existing setup, if an item qualifies for more than one section, it will process all those valid sections and thus give more than one item. It depends on what you want to do as to the approach you take. It may be better to have multiple containers to handle different types of objects (i.e., one for armor, one for weapons, etc...)
  15. I recall that the LE version of the CK did have a memory leak. It wouldn't properly release data after internal windows were closed (i.e., objects, quests, etc...) and eventually it would lock up or crash. I wonder if there is something similar going on with the SE version. The patches / fixes might mitigate it to an extent but probably not completely. I would recommend saving often and not keep the CK open. I know it is time consuming to load it back up, but it would be faster than recovering from a lockup, crash or failed save. Probably a good idea to just avoid running those other programs at the same time.
  16. Unsure. You will need to test it. Perhaps create a simple test with a throwaway mod and throwaway save file.
  17. It should work from within a state definition, yes. In fact, there error log states as much I think if you fix the issue with the SetTextOptionValueST, the other issue will correct itself. I could be wrong, but start with fixing the one and then seeing what happens.
  18. Have you tried to see if the problem persists when those CK fixes / patches are not installed? It is a long shot, but it is worth testing.
  19. #1 Make sure that the variable 'page' that you are using is the correct parameter variable as found in the OnPageReset event line. See example: If you are cobbling code from examples it is possible that you've gotten a mix-up. This is especially true since the SkyUI SDK provides an SKI_ConfigBase script along with several working examples that use: event OnPageReset(string a_page) While it also shows in the API itself: Event OnPageReset(string page) Just remember that parameters in a function or event are just variable names used for those passed in object types within the event or function. As long as you are consistent within the function or event, you could use anything you want. #2 All the ST set options need to be handled inside their associated ST events while inside a state. Here is a small working example: Should that information not help you find and rectify the issue. Feel free to post the compiler error that you are getting along with the script code causing the error.
  20. That is easily explained. CSS (Courier Services of Skyrim) has a central location where all correspondence goes to first. They use a moveable type printing press to re-write all correspondence before sending them on. This explains why all courier delivered documents appear to be from the same person unless explicitly stated. I am also, pretty sure they have a lucrative side business where they reprint books just to populate bookshelves that have been emptied.
  21. Yes, those separators for MO2 are quite helpful. Here are the STEP guide links with helpful information even if not using the same mods: Skyrim LE Skyrim SE with AE Also remember that the left panel of MO2 can have the mod folders shifted around in order to simulate a carefully planned out installation order. I am so glad that both MO2 and Vortex have taken away the need to carefully plan which mod gets installed first. MO2 lets you rearrange their order and hide individual files while Vortex lets you set up rules to achieve the same result.
  22. No. Bethesda did not use those slots for anything. Thus they did not give them a name. As such, tools that work with those slots do not have names for them either. That said, there is an acceptable list of slot usage devised by the community that one can reference when working with the body slots. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Skyrim_bodyparts_number
  23. What error are you talking about? If there is supposed to be an attached screenshot, it is not showing up.
  24. I know they say to test your game every so many mods. That is just a suggestion rather than a rule. In my opinion it would be better to install a grouping of mods that cover the same thing (i.e. character appearance mods) and then test to see how they function and work well together. Then move on to the next thing such as landscape and lighting mods. If you install based on what the mods do, chances are you'll end up including any necessary patches within that group. Rather than a fixed number of mods and then test, it might end up being anywhere from one mod to ten or more per grouping. Fomods should almost always be "re-installed" after installing new mods that that mod is designed to work with. But then a new game might be required depending upon the changes made. As a result, try to not keep the same character run going for the testing of mod groups. Rather start over or use the console to jump to a nearby area via the COC command.
  25. It may have been republished with a different name. Northern Vanilla Farmhouses The reason I say this is that after an online search, I found a repost of the mod at another site (contained link to the deleted Nexus page) and the description there gave the names of two of the individuals listed as having created the above linked mod. I have no idea why it was removed. You may wish to ask at the aforementioned mod if it is indeed the same one as you are looking for.
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