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Everything posted by IsharaMeradin

  1. Might be too late now. But for the future: Go into Settings, Vortex tab, Update section, change the dropdown to 'No automatic updates' You will still most likely be informed of updates but they should not be forced upon you.
  2. Hmm... Change time scale from 20 to 1 prior to sleeping. While your character sleeps off their 8 eight hours, go sleep yourself. A time scale of 1 in game means that 1 hour of in-game time equals roughly 1 hour real time. Not sure if it will work as I haven't tested it and timing might be off but you could try the same thing when your character eats and performs other necessities depending upon mod load out.
  3. This. Plus the game engine automatically assumes that BSA files will be in the Data folder with their respective ESP / ESM / ESL file. Moving them will completely break their ability to be loaded.
  4. Part of that is there. If you do decide to take the sap, the pilgrim who follows you there turns hostile, spriggans awake throughout the sanctuary. If the spriggans do not kill the pilgrims, they will be hostile as well. The atmosphere of the cave even changes, it does give the feeling (somewhat) that the entire place is out to get you. But that is it, the tree in Whiterun gets better over time. And nothing else changes in the overworld.
  5. Since there is a 'loadingmenu.swf' file, I suspect that the loading screen is technically a menu. Would stand to reason if the use of TM prevents the loading screen from appearing. I wonder if it would reappear if you turned TM off during the transition.
  6. You will need to look at how AOE spells are done in the game. Pretty sure that the spell casts a projectile that makes an impact on any surface and triggers an "explosion" which can place effects or objects. But beyond that, I am not certain off the top of my head. And in any event, those functions that you have require a specified target. So you would need to run those functions for each actor caught in your AOE. And I am not certain how to do that either.
  7. Alternate Start: Live Another Life (link goes to the AFK Mods forum page where the mod is explained and download links are available) I recommend saving the game after making the character, set up any mods with MCM menus, save the game again and then proceed to pick your start option. If you are looking for a 100% completion run, some starts due to certain quests needing to be completed for that start to make sense may potentially cause some items to not be available.
  8. No idea. I have never seen what you describe in the game. I would surmise that it is being provided by some mod that you might have installed.
  9. Use SKSE's GetName function and apply it to the cell or location. If there is no name in the name field, it will return a NONE value. Examples: String myLocation = myObjectRef.GetCurrentLocation().GetName() String myCell = myObjectRef.GetParentCell().GetName() How to get the string into the message box itself? Not sure. I have rarely worked with message boxes.
  10. There are three locations to check: NIF file Armor Addon record (where the NIF file is assigned) Armor record (where the Armor Addon is assigned) The NIF file usually uses only one slot (can use more if there are multiple NiTriShapes) The Armor Addon and Armor records can both have more than one slot assigned. The slot that is the same on all three is the primary slot. Any additional slots are secondary and are intended to be used to hide other parts of the body as necessary. Other armor items that use one of the secondary slots as their primary may or may not be viewable depending upon how their priority value compares against the priority value of the first armor item. You can remove secondary slots as needed or adjust priority value of the offending items as needed. More information: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Skyrim_bodyparts_number
  11. Typically, newly discovered locations appear in the upper righthand corner. I wonder if there might be a mod with some sort of quest that displays objective text when certain locations are discovered. If that is the case, you would need to look into quest records.
  12. No follower has ever been able to enter the Thalmor Embassy. I've used followers with their own system and followers that used the stock system. I have always been alone when within the embassy. That said, I have had followers arrive to the outside when I was fighting in the courtyard and I would find that they were fighting the Thalmor that were at the front. I suspect that Bethesda did something to intentionally prevent followers from entering. It is tricky enough to distract everyone for just the player to slip away. Imagine trying to ensure that one or more followers slip through unseen.
  13. Try using IdleVampireLordTransformation. With Dawnguard loaded it can be found in the Creation Kit under the Gameplay > Animations menu option. Open the Actors\Character\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx category. Open the LOOSE category and scroll the listing till you find it. But I have no idea if it is a valid idle animation for PlayIdle. FYI - The source files for the Dawnguard scripts are included in the scripts.zip / rar file found in your Data folder provided you have installed the Creation Kit. It should also have been extracted the first time you ran the Creation Kit. Unless your LE CK install was done prior to the update that put all source scripts in a zip / rar file. Defaults: LE -- Data > Scripts > Source > Dawnguard SE -- Data > Source > Scripts
  14. Saving and exiting in SSE is the same as it was with the original Skyrim: Open the journal (default key binds are J or ESC and the Start button if using a controller) Switch to the System menu (RB & LB to cycle through the menus if using a controller or use the mouse to select) Save and Exit are both options on the System menu. No idea where 'H' comes in. It is not a default key bind as listed here: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Controls
  15. The best use case for articles that I have seen is here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11802?tab=articles The mod in question is a large mod touching on a lot of areas with a lot of integrated and supported mods. The articles are provided to give more detailed information than is possible within the single description page. There are a lot of reasons as to why an author might want to use an article instead of the description page. Here are just a few that I can think up: If the mod is well described, adding information about getting X mod to work with it, might confuse those who would not ordinarily use X mod into thinking that they need to use X mod. Putting such information into an article can keep it accessible without causing undo confusion.If there is a bug or conflict that can be worked around fairly easily by the end user, an author may opt to use an article to detail the steps rather than the description page or a sticky post. Making it easier to send the user straight to the detailed article rather than trying to get them to read a specific part of the description page.Articles get promoted in one of the site's new feeds. Posting an article may help keep the mod at the forefront for a bit longer.The description page does have a character limit. It is pretty big but it is still a limit. An author with a big mod might run out of room detailing all the conflicts, compatibilities and work arounds. One or more articles can help them keep the description page within the character limit.
  16. I recommend that you use a mod manager. A mod manager will ensure that your files get installed to the correct place or set up symbolic links in the correct place. Mod Organizer and Vortex are two good options to use. Other mod manager options include: Wrye Bash and a community edition of the deprecated Nexus Mod Manager To answer your question directly: On the whole mods go to the game's Data folder. This is easy to do for mods are just ESP files or ESP and BSA pairs. Mod's with loose files still go into the data folder but all the loose files need to retain a specific file structure within the data folder. There are more complicated mods that really should be installed with a mod manager and that is because they take advantage of a scripted setup that offers the user choices of what components to install. Additionally, some mods which extend the capabilities of the game or modify other third party tools that affect the game (SKSE and ENB are examples) will need to be placed in the main game folder rather than within the data folder.
  17. Use the Creation Kit or xEdit, either one will work. Locate the Armor and Armor Addon records of the two offending items. Make a note of the body slots assigned to each one. Load up the associated NIF files in NikSkope and see what body slot(s) are assigned to each one there. There is a primary body slot that needs to be in all three locations or the item will fail to appear. Secondary body slots are used to hide other parts of the body when the item is equipped. On the Armor Addon record there is a priority value for both the male and female biped model. The lower the priority value, the more likely it will be overridden by another equipped item. Two things to adjust and test until it behaves as desired: Set the priority value of the gloves to a higher value than the dressMake sure that the gloves' primary slot is not a secondary slot on the dress One or both may be needed to ensure proper appearance of both items when worn together. The following should help guide you: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Skyrim_bodyparts_number
  18. You can set up a condition on the magic effects that require the void gem item to be present and you can add a script to the magic effect to take the void gem away. However, the magicka may still drain even if the spell "fails" due to lack of a gem because the spell itself doesn't fail. So... not sure how to achieve exactly what you want.
  19. All objects usable by the game will have a base object with an ID that can be used to spawn in new instances, which will provide a separate reference ID. If you know the name of the item, you can use 'help' in the console to obtain the ID#. You can also load your entire load order in xEdit, locate the Armor record for the desired item(s) and make a note of the ID#(s). The below is from: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console#Commands
  20. That is not quite true. I have some mods that do add items to the player inventory either on game start or when turned on in an MCM menu. Those items have remained in inventory even after using the bed. I would need to delve into all the mods involved to know for sure what is going on. I know that some of the items are flagged as quest items while others are not. I know that some are scripted to be returned to the player if they get removed (cause I made that particular mod) but am unsure about the others. It is also possible that LAL uses a pre-scribed list of items to remove rather than a straight up RemoveAllItems command. All that said, LAL has a framework for adding additional starts. Thus, for the OP, it may be better to ask for an optional bandit start that equips the desired set of gear.
  21. None that I know of. And if there were, how would you get the materials to make the armor? If you would console in the materials to craft the armor, why not just console in the armor to begin with?
  22. If you pay attention to their compiler error quote, they are working with Skyrim Special Edition which does indeed use Data > Source > Scripts by default. There are some who feel that this change between versions was a "bug" and have changed their own setups to reflect LE. However, it is not necessary to do so. As long as one ensures that the PSC files that they need to work with are in the directory specified in the Creation Kit's INI file(s) then compilation will be successful.
  23. Please double check your source file locations (PSC). They should not be mixed in with the PEX files. Default locations for PSC files are as follows: All 32 bit Skyrim editions: Data > Scripts > Source > PSC files go here All 64 bit Skyrim editions: Data > Source > Scripts > PSC files go here The only non-PSC file that should be present is the single FLG file that was include in the scripts.zip / rar file. If everything is in the correct locations, please post a screenshot that shows the CK window where you are setting up your script and the data that you are putting into said window.
  24. Those functions I linked are for a Papyrus script. They will not work in a batch file or in the console.
  25. The default meshes are packed inside the game's BSA files. They need to be extracted before being accessible by any third party utility.
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