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New Nexus Mods design launched


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Is there a reason the "new site" that's suppose to be so much better, is currently slower than the old site? When I clicked around a few times just to look at things such as the popular 30 days or all time, that gear cog would spin for quite some time before loading anything. A few times (especially when clicking all times section), it would just keep spinning and spinning and spinning... couldn't take it anymore. Nothing would load. No, it's not my internet nor my computer, so don't even try that. I went back to the old site and clicking around on the old site, everything is instant.


Is anyone else having an issue with the new site being slow or not loading things you're trying to view? Reloading the page sometimes helps, but it's annoying. Is it because it's currently on an "rd" of the old site? Will it speed up once the old site is gone?


I'm also not sure how the popular "all time" section on the new site is suppose to work. I though it would be like "top files", but if it loads, the files are not in the same order of "top files". What is suppose to be the difference between those two sections? Ooh and... I seem to have to click on top files twice (or anything in the drop down menus at the top of the page) before the new site recognizes my click and loads it.


I also don't understand this "media" section. If someone would like to explain why it is there. What is it suppose to be and the purpose of this section. What if I don't want this strange "media" section showing, can I disable it? I don't want it there. I know for a fact that I will NEVER look at it.


Side note rant that doesn't matter and has nothing to do with my question(s):

I honestly don't care for the new site design. Everything being white, light or dark gray is... I don't even have words for it. I never cared for Nexus's choice of gray on gray tbh lol. It's easy to miss things when you don't have more contrast or colour to make some titles a bit more obvious to see. It's a little cleaner in some sections, I'll give it that. For instances, the files sections show you the main files while the old ones are tidied up under a drop down menu instead of all showing in a long list. That's umm... better. I guess. Overall the whole site is still a cluster f**k, just... a modern looking cluster f**k. XD.


Not that any of this matter, since the old site will be obliterated and everyone will be forced to use the new site whether they like it or not XD. Which is like... whatever. Everything changes people. I "just accept" change. It's easier that way. Meh.

Edited by Baibaihe
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In response to post #54733298. #54735548, #54736033, #54739363, #54739518, #54740983 are all replies on the same post.

Rex7Dragon95 wrote: pardon my french but it seems like theres a lot of bitchy people that have came out of the wood works, you guys need to chill out, this isn't even the finished lay out, it's just a test for feed back instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better.

i'm going to say this i love the new tabs at the top of the page so much more info then before and love the new tracking center much easier to track the mods i fallow but i don't like all this empty space as some people have said it would be cool if you could be able to minimize sections of the page like

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skepticck wrote: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to insult other people just because they may have a different opinion than yours?
Contrary to what you seem to think your opinion is just that, no more or less important than anyone else's.

You like the new design then good for you, i like parts of it too but contrary to you i don't feel that i my opinion is all that matters or that i should calling names to anyone who dares not share it.

Here's a word for you "Egotism", look it up.
Rex7Dragon95 wrote:
In response to post #54733298. #54735548 is also a reply to the same post.

Rex7Dragon95 wrote: pardon my french but it seems like theres a lot of bitchy people that have came out of the wood works, you guys need to chill out, this isn't even the finished lay out, it's just a test for feed back instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better.

i'm going to say this i love the new tabs at the top of the page so much more info then before and love the new tracking center much easier to track the mods i fallow but i don't like all this empty space as some people have said it would be cool if you could be able to minimize sections of the page like

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skepticck wrote: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to insult other people just because they may have a different opinion than yours?
Contrary to what you seem to think your opinion is just that, no more or less important than anyone else's.

You like the new design then good for you, i like parts of it too but contrary to you i don't feel that i my opinion is all that matters or that i should calling names to anyone who dares not share it.

Here's a word for you "Egotism", look it up.

how am i insulting other people?, i'm not even insulting any one.
if you think bitchy people is a insult then you really don't know what an insult is.
and your missing the point of what i said

"instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better."

I'm trying to encourage feedback instead of people just saying i don't like it and not tell why they don't like it.

as for Egotism i'm far from that and i find that more of an insult if any thing :/

Ethreon wrote: "how am i insulting other people?"

"seems like theres a lot of bitchy people"

Basically everyone that disagrees with the new website look is "bitchy". I think you need to shut it and sit down.
fredlaus wrote: This is a large change for many of us fans, Rex7Dragon95.

The process has been very "undemocratic".

The design as we see it today is not new, neither as a graphic design or as a web design, and we accuse the creators for being ignorant.

What you see know is what we are critizising.

Why is Jokerine "leaving the premises?

She has been the most colorful designer on this site for many years - delivering top designs all the way.

There are many more questions to ask and I will not ask them here in the open.

RobRoger wrote: this isn't a democracy tho, is just a website, and bitchy is not even an insult, he s just saying some users don't even try to like the new style, feel betrayed and stuff, instead of give proper feedback.

holy crap! thank you for understanding at what I'm trying to say where in the hell did politics even come from. O_o
this is why i keep to my self and don't talk to people much,
people make everything too serious nowadays.
i don't remember people being sticks back then when the site was like this :/
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In response to post #54735783.

pacfish wrote:

Once again, the mobile minority ruin an entire website for everyone else just by existing. I'm not even going to keep trying to make my point, it'll just fall on deaf ears anyway.


They aren't a minority, not at this stage of the internet.


forum.nexusmods.com still works like it used to.


Though there is a valid point here... m.facebook.com vs facebook.com <- huge amounts of data, free hosting, no limits on viewing content, completely different sites and designs, able to download massive files (yes you can download your profile, all of it multiple times for no reason). unlimited 'private' messaging, voice chat, group chat, bunch of features, news feeds, following, friends, forums (in the form of a wall) and theyve been around for a similar length of time (they might be 5 years older, but this is a community of resource hackers, texture creators, configuration tweakers, ui developers, and coders - someone out there has to have a real solution.


This update is free mandatory dlc by the looks of it.

Sorry, they are a minority, 18% according to Dark One, that is most definitely a minority, get your facts straight pacfish.
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Yesterday they changed the font:


Set weight to 300 (lightweight) instead of 400 (normal) and increased font spacing to 0.3px.


I found this to be less readable and uglier on Firefox, ok on Chrome (because chrome makes all fonts thick and blurry) and actually better on mobile devices (which have higher PPI).


I'm curious if people prefer the 300 or 400 version. Fhaarkas and Ousnius find 300 to be more readable even on Firefox.


Edit: Actually Fhaarkas is saying he likes 400 now.

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Okay, here's the thing.


This new design is pretty clearly following the trend of making things simpler, more square, and mobile friendly. That by itself is fine. I completely understand the appeal of making the forums and comment sections mobile friendly. HOWEVER:


1. the lack of color contrast, the lightweight font and the wider layout make comments much harder to read, which makes me less likely to read threads.


2. Browsing is now a disaster. I want to be able to browse mods by game. Not most popular, not random, not latest - I want to browse all of the mods of a game, with search terms, to see if anyone has made what I want. If I'm trying to find a knife throwing mod for Dragon Age 2, I can't find it anymore because it's not popular and was posted 6 months ago, so it's not under 'latest'. If I dislike some aspect of gameplay and want to mod it, I want to be able to browse all the mods that affect gameplay to see if there's something that might change it.


3. Like I said, I understand the desire to make forums and threads more mobile friendly. I get that. But who the f*** uses mobile for nexus? It's a file sharing website for pc games. When I get on nexus I'm going to be looking to download and upload files to and from my pc, because that's what it's FOR. "Oh, don't mind me, just going to download a fallout mod onto my f***ing iphone!" It's completely senseless.


oh, and the comment boxes are way too small to write a decent sized comment, and the design doesn't even effect the forums, just the comment threads. So once again it's not great for forums, which I'm pretty sure is what this redesign was trying to improve.


in summary:


Edited by bisexualzuko
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In response to post #54733298. #54735548, #54736033, #54739363, #54739518, #54740983, #54749788 are all replies on the same post.

Rex7Dragon95 wrote: pardon my french but it seems like theres a lot of bitchy people that have came out of the wood works, you guys need to chill out, this isn't even the finished lay out, it's just a test for feed back instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better.

i'm going to say this i love the new tabs at the top of the page so much more info then before and love the new tracking center much easier to track the mods i fallow but i don't like all this empty space as some people have said it would be cool if you could be able to minimize sections of the page like

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skepticck wrote: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to insult other people just because they may have a different opinion than yours?
Contrary to what you seem to think your opinion is just that, no more or less important than anyone else's.

You like the new design then good for you, i like parts of it too but contrary to you i don't feel that i my opinion is all that matters or that i should calling names to anyone who dares not share it.

Here's a word for you "Egotism", look it up.
Rex7Dragon95 wrote:
In response to post #54733298. #54735548 is also a reply to the same post.

Rex7Dragon95 wrote: pardon my french but it seems like theres a lot of bitchy people that have came out of the wood works, you guys need to chill out, this isn't even the finished lay out, it's just a test for feed back instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better.

i'm going to say this i love the new tabs at the top of the page so much more info then before and love the new tracking center much easier to track the mods i fallow but i don't like all this empty space as some people have said it would be cool if you could be able to minimize sections of the page like

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or at-lest be able to hied them
skepticck wrote: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to insult other people just because they may have a different opinion than yours?
Contrary to what you seem to think your opinion is just that, no more or less important than anyone else's.

You like the new design then good for you, i like parts of it too but contrary to you i don't feel that i my opinion is all that matters or that i should calling names to anyone who dares not share it.

Here's a word for you "Egotism", look it up.

how am i insulting other people?, i'm not even insulting any one.
if you think bitchy people is a insult then you really don't know what an insult is.
and your missing the point of what i said

"instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better."

I'm trying to encourage feedback instead of people just saying i don't like it and not tell why they don't like it.

as for Egotism i'm far from that and i find that more of an insult if any thing :/

Ethreon wrote: "how am i insulting other people?"

"seems like theres a lot of bitchy people"

Basically everyone that disagrees with the new website look is "bitchy". I think you need to shut it and sit down.
fredlaus wrote: This is a large change for many of us fans, Rex7Dragon95.

The process has been very "undemocratic".

The design as we see it today is not new, neither as a graphic design or as a web design, and we accuse the creators for being ignorant.

What you see know is what we are critizising.

Why is Jokerine "leaving the premises?

She has been the most colorful designer on this site for many years - delivering top designs all the way.

There are many more questions to ask and I will not ask them here in the open.

RobRoger wrote: this isn't a democracy tho, is just a website, and bitchy is not even an insult, he s just saying some users don't even try to like the new style, feel betrayed and stuff, instead of give proper feedback.
Rex7Dragon95 wrote: @RobRoger
holy crap! thank you for understanding at what I'm trying to say where in the hell did politics even come from. O_o
this is why i keep to my self and don't talk to people much,
people make everything too serious nowadays.
i don't remember people being sticks back then when the site was like this :/

bitchy is not even an insult, he s just saying some users don't even try to like the new style, feel betrayed and stuff, instead of give proper feedback.

While this analysis is generally correct, the people in question will still feel insulted. Not just because "bitchy" is inherently an insult if said to anyone outside your circle of friends. But because in their perception, their own opinions and habits are the only acceptable point of view which entitles them to rudely bash and stomp everything that differs however slightly.

And this is not limited to this thread, but most likely a result of the echo chambers that people live in - Facebook & co who only give you news that you want to hear and opinions you already share. With this delusion of being part of the "righteous majority", everyone trying to bring change, questioning, or merely approving of something you don't like, is automatically an enemy.
Brexit, Trump, Catalonia, Neonazis in the German parliament and the Austrian government, that's the current trend which i also see reflected here. People want to lock themselves up with what they believe are equal minded others, and turn back time to live in a harmonious past that never existed.

Anyways, here's the actual non-fake news:

It is the year 2017, and the old Nexus design looks like something from the 1990's optimized for 1024x768 monitors. No offense to the folks who designed that back in 2008, but a redesign was long overdue.
A few users actually took the time to analyze what exactly bothers them about the new design, like which parts of the layout are distracting, which features are missing or don't work as intended, and also presented possible solutions. That is called constructive feedback.
While many others just plain dismissed everything including fecal language, now THAT is insulting. And the threats to leave the site or even delete their mods - in case the old design will go away - is not helpful either. Which also brings us back to the OP's impression. Edited by ScrollTron1c
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You are so off the bat here that it is just laughable.

No user test (for those who can't handle bright white or huge shifts in colour flips)-

Uploading of shots, not able to comment, not able to endorse.

....unless it is uploaded via the "old" site, then it maybe works.


This is amateur night.....

What the fcuk am I paying premium for?

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In response to post #54751523.

DjinnKiller wrote: You are so off the bat here that it is just laughable.
No user test (for those who can't handle bright white or huge shifts in colour flips)-
Uploading of shots, not able to comment, not able to endorse.
....unless it is uploaded via the "old" site, then it maybe works.

This is amateur night.....
What the fcuk am I paying premium for?

None of this made any sense to me.

If you're trying to tell us something is wrong, can you clarify your points please? Thanks.
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It was a bit much for me, and extremly hard to understand. Like Deviantart use to be for me. But it is extremely cluttered and triggered both my ADHD and anxiety . Why can´t you endorse mods or is that something that will be replaced with something else? I also think mods should be larger thumbnails then pictures. The layout personally does not flow very well .
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In response to post #54751878.

zhoulia wrote: It was a bit much for me, and extremly hard to understand. Like Deviantart use to be for me. But it is extremely cluttered and triggered both my ADHD and anxiety . Why can´t you endorse mods or is that something that will be replaced with something else? I also think mods should be larger thumbnails then pictures. The layout personally does not flow very well .

The endorsement button is still there, on the bottom-right of the banner image. It also works, i endorsed a mod from Fallout 4 hotfiles earlier today.
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