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Everything posted by LarannKiar

  1. Would be interesting to see how the game handles multiple ESM, ESP and ESL files simulatenously, whether it can map every ID and initialize the forms properly or not. Personally I haven't tried to load ESLs to Starfield but I know the secondary array that should hold them hasn't been removed from the game code. And well, BGS is in the most informed position and who knows what "it just works" reason they might had to flag it as both ESM and ESL. By the way, they edited the game file structure some versions earlier. I haven't investigated how but I remember offsets were off after an update.. I had to manually to fix the affected plugins.
  2. Have you checked the Event Viewer? It may worth giving a try.
  3. Something like this should work but I haven't tested it. String DetectionText = UI.Get("HUDMenu", "root1.TopCenterGroup_mc.StealthMeter_mc.StealthTextInstance.text") as String StealthTextInstance is a Public AS3 variable that BGS added to the ActionScript StealthMeter.as found in HUDMenu.swf. StealthTextInstance is a Textfield so it must have the Public property text (as per Flash design) that you can pass to Papyrus as String. I think localized game versions send other texts to the UI but I don't know.
  4. Now that you mention it.. I made a grenade arc mod for Fat Man launchers once ("Trajectory Highlight for Fat Man and Nuka-nuke Launchers"), had to look it up how I made it and it seems I set the Alt. timer 0.6 for MIRV shells and 100 for normal shells to predict where the explosion would take place through the shader (i.e. 0.6 so the arc stops in the air where the MIRV would expload). I guess I should've taken notes during making mods.. anyway, I'm glad you remembered this.
  5. Basically, you need to extract the downloaded mods to your ..\Starfield\Data folder. Mods are typically .esm or .esp files. These files need to be in the Data folder. Once they're in the right folder, you need to "activate" the plugins to make the game engine load them when you launch the game. There are two alternative ways to activate an .esm or .esp mod: 1. go to ..\Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini then add them assign them to a "test file" like: [General] sTestFile1=ModName.esp Notes: - Only one INI section named [General] can exist. Create it if it doesn't exist. - If StarfieldCustom.ini doesn't exist, create this file. - Maximum of 10 test files can be defined in StarfieldCustom.ini (i.e. max 10 mods can be installed simultaneously). If you'd have 3 mods for example then: [General] sTestFile1=ModName.esp sTestFile2=SomeOtherMod.esp sTestFile3=AnotherMod.esp 2. Download "Plugins.txt enabler for Starfield" and follow carefully the instructions on the mod description. (I wouldn't copy paste them here as they're still considered mod installation instructions). Note: it requires SFSE.
  6. Back up your Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Prefs.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini and remove the original ones from ..\Documents\My Games\Fallout4 then open the Fallout4Launcher.exe. The game should create Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini with some the vanilla settings. (All vanilla values are defined in the game's EXE). I think it will also try to set your settings based on your GPU but I'm not sure if the Launcher recognizes a newer card. Use the Launcher to change the settings then, if you'd like to, copy over the INI settings you want to keep from the backups to the newly created ones. Some notes: - it's not recommended to copy all at once in case something goes wrong as that makes debugging more difficult - when a game crashes it's always better to try to get it working in vanilla environment first, then you can tweak the settings / add mods however you like - I don't think you really "need" to tweak the INIs on that laptop, it should be able to handle the game even on Supra et Ultra settings.. (for beyond Ultra graphics, you can use this guide)
  7. I play Fallout more than Starfield actually but every time after spending ~20 minutes in Starfield I find something that should be fixed / improved so I always end up making another mod for Starfield.. Well to me it seems Starfield was more about BGS modernizing their engine than to release "the Game of The Year". Of course they had to release a new game with the updated code as they can't just work N years without producing something but unsurprisingly they didn't risk making a sequel of Skyrim or Fallout "on the first try" rather an enterely new game, mostly to not get that many players angry if the results are below expectations. The next chapter is to implement everything that was polished during development to both Skyrim SE and Fallout. They started with Skyrim SE and sooner or later (I think sooner) they'll release the timely-announced Next-Gen update. Pretty well-thought-out plan in my opinion. Anyway, whether BGS considers Starfield "complete" and leave it that or has interest in turning it more popular will mostly deteremine its fate.. as I agree with those posts that the community alone can't turn things around.
  8. Does it work with another .nif as 3D for the weapon form? The arc is casted somewhere from the grenade equip slot and while before throwing the grenade its 3D is not visible the mesh may still block the arc.
  9. If you want to copy certain inventory items, you can try the console command DuplicateAllItems. It's a really old command to copy the content of a container or actor inventory to another. I don't remember whether it's buggy in Fallout 4 but I do remember in Starfield this function is seriously broken.. can't work properly with the new implementation. Both for Fallout and Starfield I made functions to copy inventory items if you're interested. The Fallout ones are available in Garden of Eden SE. CGF "GardenOfEden.PickUpObject" ActorRefID ItemRefID Count PlayPickUpSound Example: CGF "GardenOfEden.PickUpObject" 2F1F FF012345 1 False ; Piper would "pick up" an item with RefID FF012345 (without it getting removed from the game world. I.e. item would be duplicated) CGF "GardenOfEden.CopyNthItem" SourceRefID ItemIndex TargetRefID Count Example: CGF "GardenOfEden.CopyNthItem" 2F1F 3 2F1F 1 ; the 3rd item in Piper's inventory would be copied (to Piper's inventory; count = 1 so only one) But as I said, if DuplicateAllItems works then you wouldn't need these. Just make sure to check that the duplicated items have proper 3D, drop and pick them up to verify all the modifications remain intact and modify (at a workbench) some of the duplicated ones and the duplicates to verify that the items in the two groups are properly "unbound" from each other by the code (e.g. modifying one shouldn't affect the other).
  10. Are you sure the all vanilla grenade Weapon form data match? The keywords, Equip Type, Anim Type?
  11. If you have F4SE plugins then I think most are tested on the Steam version so one of them could be a source of the CTD. Or do you have another computer to test the game on? That may help if you suspect it's some kind of driver issue. Buffout 4 with PDB support may produce more readable log files if that supports the GOG version, I don't know. You can also try the Crash Log Scanner.
  12. 2^21 (2097152) is the reference limit but there are many other limits as well. What exactly counts toward the reference limit depends on the mod's plugin type too. (The engine treats differently ESP and ESM mods). References are stored in hashmaps in save games by the way but even one single broken reference data could cause corruption. Leveled Lists' "Leveled Object count" which is 255 was mentioned above. (I haven't tested it for infinite load screens personally but the count is indeed an int8_t value and INT8_MAX is 255).
  13. Unlikely the issue would return but it's hard to tell. You mentioned the playthrough has >1000 hours which could mean it's not even caused by "one particular mod". I mean, unfortunately, the developer BGS has never taken this matter seriously. Even during normal operation, the game marks more and more data to be saved, without cleaning all unecessary data. This is a "rather save everything then miss anything" design { (save everything > miss anything) == (infinite load screen on older saves > more frequent crashes any saves) }. Sadly they didn't change their perspective in Starfield either (which uses their most recent code).
  14. It's usually caused by a version mismatch. Game version must be 1.9.71, SFSE version 0.2.4 and Address Library version 8. Launch the game with sfse_loader.exe, it should be in Starfield's root folder where Starfield.exe is. If SFSE prints an outdated plugin error then you'll need to update those plugins as well (one after one unfortunately). As for deleting SFSE plugins, I don't know how well mod managers handle this but these plugins by default are installed in the folder ..\Starfield\Data\SFSE\Plugins.
  15. Well, technically one can add Forms to Leveled Items with a Papyrus script which is callable from the Console but editing the records in SF1Edit should be easier than making a custom Papyrus loop with AddForm.
  16. It works like this: - vendors are member of vendor Factions (Fallout 4 wiki), see in SF1Edit: Vendor_ShipServices_ParadisioFaction "Ship Services Vendor Faction" [FACT:003D264A] - In SF1Edit, every faction has an element "VENC - Mechant Container". In the example, this would lead to: Vendor_ShipServicesContainer_ParadisioREF [REFR:001CF7E5]. - This Mechant Container is the object reference of the base form: Vendor_ShipServicesContainer "Ship Services Vendor Storage" [CONT:0012DF01] - This is the Container form that contains all the items the vendor sells. - Usually, these items are placed in "Leveled Items" (like LL_Vendor_Credits_ShipServices_Small [LVLI:00006E0F]). It is a special collection of items that allows the developers to condition and randomize the spawn chances of items. Any of the forms I mentioned above can be edited in SF1Edit as needed. Basically, you either need to add your items to the Leveled Item or add them to the Container itself (i.e. skipping the Leveled Item). Note: in vanilla, vendor container reset time is 48 ingame hours. The harcoded timer starts after the barter menu is closed if I'm remembering right.
  17. I haven't heard about this plugin but I hardly keep track of mods released for Fallout so it's not surprising.. there are so many... Well, from the looks of it seems like it overwrites base form data in the memory, similarly to script extenders. As such, full names (TESFullName) are supported but object and references may have a "custom name" or "override name" (BSFixedString if I'm remembering right). Automatrons however are game created references whose RefIDs cannot be defined in an .ini or .txt before they exist ("built"), only afterward. Also, they don't have a full name as far as I remember (empty string), the game code (hardcoded function) gives them a random name when they're built. So they necessarily have a custom name (which by the way was a pretty bad idea by BGS because their code may purge it during normal operation causing the well known "Automatron loosing their names" issue...). As for the question, whether this patcher supports game created, built automatron references and allows you to add/change their override name data on event PlayerRef.OnPlayerCreateRobot, judging by the articles it doesn't seem so but you can request this feature, the author says in the description he's open to requests. (If the author wouldn't like to implement it, one function to add/change such names was decoded ages ago by registrator2000 in his Rename Anything mod which you can use to rename automatrons without the Robot Workbench in the console. He also exposed the functions to Papyrus so you can even write a script to automate the process).
  18. When does it happen? Upon opening the game? (Could be GPU driver or Windows update related or even a mod issue (F4SE plugin for example, or something that replaces a vanilla game file like the Bink video decoder .dll)). Upon loading a save or randomly ingame? (Bad texture (.dds files) and mesh (.nif files) maybe (the game may crash when tries to load them)). Does it happen on vanilla game? (If not, then it's a mod issue. To find the culprit, you need to disable all then reenable them until the crashes start to happen again).
  19. If you call MoveTo on one the parents to teleport them out to the city (I'd try both New Atlantis and Akila City) and non of the citizens and security NPCs there turn hostile then I think it should be fine.. but I've never had this issue on any playthroughs so it might be a mod issue.. in which case it's hard to tell whether it changes something later.
  20. As far as I remember, Piper has a custom Facial Morph Intensity value which makes her face somewhat incompatible with certain target NPCs unless the code that applies new facial data changes that as well accordingly. I've seen the source of LooksMenu ages ago but I don't know if it does. Either way, LooksMenu presets are simple JSON files, human readable and editable. Interpreting them properly is very handy and saves a lot of time. I don't know if there's a guide on how to edit them, but basically you need to go to the folder ..\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\F4EE\Presets and open the preset so the .json. As for the JSON: Gender: 1 = Female. 0 = Male. HairColor: Source plugin name | FormID. This ID is in hexadecimal or "Hex". If this ID is 19EE60 for example, then if you open Fallout4.esm you'll find the form HairColor13JetBlack "Jet Black". HeadParts: similar to HairColor: Source plugin name | FormID. Morphs: Presets: well, those are Hex IDs as well but not FormIDs. Those are Morph Keys and Morph Values (FO4Edit >> Non-Player Character (Actor) >> "MSDK - Morph Keys" and "MSDV - Morph Values". Regions: FMRI Index in Hex like { 186A3 = Cheekbones }. FMRS Values: Position, Rotation and Scale values. Values: MRSV - Body Morph Region values I think. TintOrder: Face Tinting Layer's Index in Hex. Tints: Face Tinting Layer data. Color: RGB in decimal. (Technically, the order is Blue Green Red. Just use an online Dec to RGB converter to convert them). ColorID: Template Color Index. Percent: Value. Type: Data type. { LooksMenu >> Type = 1 means Color/Value, LooksMenu >> Type = 2 means Value } Weight: MWGT - Weight, Thin, Muscular, Fat values. You can use FaceRipper to import a JSON preset to an ESP mod file, then edit the facial data in FO4Edit especially to edit the Facial Morph Intensity. Finally, see FMIN - Facial Morph Intensity at the bottom. This is the value that must match on both the source and target NPCs so their faces won't differ, given all the other values mentioned above match too. (Supported facial data of the source and target NPCs' Races must match too; easiest if they have the same Race).
  21. "Infinite loading screen" could be a result of all kinds of errors. Generally speaking, it means the game can't load something from the save and get stuck in an infinite loop. The save loader should be able to determine whether the save file is corrupted or not but it doesn't do a perfect job.. Unfortunately, since saves are binary files, it's very difficult to restore it (almost enterely depends on luck). Try "cleaning" it with Fallrim Tools. It has some automatic "clean unattached instances of (...)" features as far as I know. You can also try contacting the author of Fallrim Tools in a comment. In past he was known to be quite helpful with save game issues. You'll probably need to upload a save somewhere. If nothing helps, then it's not much you can do.. you'll need to back up your important data and start a new game.. it's not worth going back to the last save that can be loaded either. Issues like this are mostly a result of "cumulated errors" unless you installed a mod recently which alone caused the corruption so there's a high chance it'll reappear later. You may also need to revisit and sort your mods, "heavy" load orders with many scripted mods can make saves more vulnerable.
  22. It's not easy but there's an Universal Stash mod you can try. If you'd like to make your own mod, you'll need to get acquainted with SF1Edit and Papyrus first.
  23. Quite right, optimization was clearly not a priority. I saw in October there were even videos made by hardware reviewers about the game's CPU intensive nature.. The game code is not a "dead end" (I think) but the workload needed to run a game released in 2023 on it makes it very demanding. Not to mention some long existing bugs are still present, like the buggy FaceGen... they just tried to cover up the unwanted effects with custom crowd race and such (ironically, it backfired...). I decoded the native "IsTrue" functions recently for condition forms and condition items which gave me the idea to find a way to implement a condition runner for Fallout 4. And I have to say this is one if not the of most helpful bool function in Papyrus, allowing to perform boolean checks with predefined sets of conditions on any subject and action target refs. Edit: just to clarify, I didn't port any code from Starfield to Fallout as that's not allowed. Fallout 4 has pretty much equivalent native IsTrue functions that weren't exposed to vanilla Papyrus. Should be updated for the new data structures but unless BGS has really high hopes from the modder community to make Starfield more popular it won't come with "Next-Gen" features.. (Though somehow they made all the vanilla ships in their development kit so the CK should have some kind of Ship Builder).
  24. No, and I think it'd even add a bit more data to it as you complete the quests. A lot of things are stored in save games beyond object reference data and there are all kinds of "modders' techniques" to help with the adverse effects but completing vanilla quests should be as safe as possible.
  25. As far as I know, resistance values affect only body part covered by the armor piece but its legendary effect applies to the wearer actor (including the player and NPCs). Such effects can be cumulated and mixed, as mentioned above. Certain effects don't do anything on NPCs I think, such as the Resolute effect ("Slows time momentarily as the last round is chambered") but S.PE.C.I.A.L. stats for example are actor values and are applicable to NPCs too.
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