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Everything posted by 3aq

  1. have you tried searching for conflicting mods with your custom made esp? usually blackface is due to that reason. click on conflict column on the left pane and see if your texture is highlighted, if it isn't it's probably due to something else. all the best, ps post up your load/ install order, might help others asses your situation.
  2. have you moved the esp to be priority? that's perhaps the only thing I can think of that may be messing things up.
  3. T'is finished: Awakened Werewolf Rings SSE Now I don't have to glower in contempt for not picking the vampire side to get their ring of the beast, yey.\ Bad news, I assumed following the same standard as Frostmoon Bloodlust Ring would yield the proper results, unfortunately after streneous testing it would not seem to be the case. I'll try and see about understanding the structure of the rings before I rerelease this. Apologies.
  4. EDIT NOTE: Also, I referenced the ring of bloodlust from dragonborn and it used the multiply value.. so I figure it should be safe. I managed to fix my problem however I'll keep what you said in mind. the issue lies in a different area. I forgot to put a true boolean in the object magnitude associated with the magic effect. a tad off topic, I am aiming for a ring that gives buff via conditions so pc or even followers can benefit from wearing it both in human as well as shapeshifted. :smile:
  5. search up SSE Fixes on nexus and apply it to your game, you'll see a solid increase in fps if you follow the direction listed in the comment section.
  6. So I'm in the process of attaching an item which increases critical % and dmg,. However upon using it in live action, it is clear from the damage I am dealing that nothing changed. I set everything up so that it'll show at first strike, yet it isn't showing up.. Assistance is appreciated, thanks.
  7. For instance, I am modifying a Ring that gives me 5 different increases in skills by y%. The effect description will show up in the magic effect, however I wish to remove all of them because it is too wordy and causing itself to be shrinked far past the point of comfortable readability. ie. ring is showing: increases x skills by y, increases x skills by y, increases x skills by y, increases x skills by y, increases x skills by y. However I wish for it to read out: increases all physical combat skills by 25%. Thank you,
  8. save bloat maybe? have you tried clearing out your documents/skyrim/save folder?
  9. As it stands, for me I find the vanilla Werewolf rings outright bland, especially so when you compare them with the Vampire counter parts. Vampire rings have absolutely no downsides to being equipping them, and you get its benefits in both vampire and lord forms.. whereas you have the these things which only benefits you if you are in beast form. Where's the balance? What's more is the fact that there is the obvious downsides: one ring, you get 20 seconds slow time while shapeshifting.. so it's only useful when you shape shift.. pretty useless, another ring, you get a whopping 50% more damage, but you take 50% more damage as well, that's utterly pointless since even a random mook can run up and kill you with a rusty iron knife so what's the point?, etc etc. I mean what is this? And the icing on the cake, as if to laugh in front of werewolf players, Vampires get a suitable WEREWOLF ring, ironically named RING OF THE BEAST. I mean, what the f' is this? So in the heat of the moment, I was thinking, perhaps let's rework the current rings, let's make some actual werewolf rings. Hence comes the change, replace what's currently in place with: Ring of Instinct Your attack speed is increased by <40>%, and is doubled upon shapeshifting. Ring of Bloodlust Your damage is increased by <25>%, and is doubled upon shapeshifting. Ring of the Moon Your regenerative prowess is increased by <150>%, and is doubled upon shapeshifting. Ring of the Hunt Your attack speed is increased by <25>%, damage by <10>%, regenerative prowess by <25>%, and is doubled upon shapeshifting. Currently in the process of doing it myself, however I am a novice at these sort of things, so if some kindred soul can perhaps do it in my steed, you'll have my thanks. Made the mod, will be putting it up in short time.
  10. I keep my all my games and game related programs in its own separate directory. Here's where I installed my SSE. C:\z\Bethesda Softworks\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition Then I place MO2 - SSE, LOOT, SseEdit, Mator Smash, and Merge Plugin in C:\z\ I installed Steam as well as other none game (and non-vital load intensive program) on my D drive to save space on my C: (in fact I put as much non-vital programs, files, data on D as possible to maximize my SSD, as you will know modding can be extremely storage demanding) Lastly, I installed my NMM onto my E drive (external travel 2gb ssd) which acts as my mod databank as well as my overall backup (I routinely copy and archive my latest stable game; skyrim folder and mo2 - sse folder in its entirety in case something goes horribly wrong (surprise update, messed up SSEedits, drunken mishaps, etc) Note on MO2 (as well as other games) and NMM: I use NMM strictly as a download manager, and will use MO2 to install mods I will actively use via adding the files from NMM's download folder. This effectively isolates and protects my downloaded NMM files from unintended tampering as well as increasing my SSD's storage capacity what with not needed to store unused mods in the same drive. (Before I did this, I was dwindling down to 60 gb free space on my ssd, with each mod slowly chipping down on that number, what with all the mods I download; now however I though I am constantly hovering around little less than half of my current SSD free storage-- 112 gb free, and this is regardless of the amount of all the mods I am still downloading. In short it's a totally awesome method, and I highly encourage it) This to me have many benefits, to name a few: better organization, effective double redundancy, shorter directory (hence going back on better organization), increased memory performance (hence better game load times). Hope this helps, regardless though, all the best.
  11. I just finished my run through the mages quest line, and I have to say I am pissed off at the fact that one of the few best looking objects was simpily robbed from my game.. Aesthetics wise, the Eye of Magnus is pretty freaking sweet, to me it's enigmatic and mesmerizing, a beautiful fixture which should be fit to stay in the game, and it's a damn shame it wasn't. For those that think it's not lore friendly, I argue that it is, perhaps instead of simply robbing the eye from the college, the Psijics placed a replica in its place, which merely looks like the real thing but isn't, after stowing away the original ( I mean they have that power as clearly demonstrated throughout the questline; eg. awkward mage randomly popping up after whilst stopping time, etc etc). So here's a request, would it be possible to have a mod replay the trigger that brings the Eye of Magnus from Saarathal to the College.
  12. request to port this mod: Expanded Bound Weapons ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29259/?tab=posts ) forward into SSE. I tried doing it myself by extracting BSA, nif optimzing meshes, and re-saving it into form 44, but game would CTD upon sheathing or expiration of any of the added bound spells. If there's anything that Skyrim SE needs, it's more bound weapon variety (why must we be stuck with a battle axe if we are 2handed). Covered by Bound Armory Extravaganza ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14063/ ) if the mod does not work (game doesn't start up, etc) be sure to extract the BSA.
  13. yup using loot, and then manually dragging specific esps that needs to be placed above/below other esp (patch related such as ZIA-MLU patches.)
  14. I think i've tried nearly all settings, however I am still doing the bite neck kill cam. I wish to turn it off because this particular kill cam always stalls for 1-2 full seconds which is a real game killer for me. Thanks for the help,
  15. sounds like a save bloat issue, have you tried using a save cleaner-- it might work. Also go into your save folder and clean out the files not save related that the game leaves behind. courtesy of cdcooley: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6095248-skse64-leaving-save-fragments-in-save-folder/ save that as the title and keep that in your save folder, use it routinely. // CleanLeftoverCosaves.js - a WSH script to clean leftover SKSE cosave files var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var folder = fso.GetFolder("."); var subFlds = new Enumerator(folder.Files); var files = {} for (; !subFlds.atEnd(); subFlds.moveNext()) { var n = subFlds.item().name if (n.match(".ess")) files[n.replace(".ess", "")] = 1 } subFlds = new Enumerator(folder.Files); for (; !subFlds.atEnd(); subFlds.moveNext()) { var n = subFlds.item().name if (n.match(".skse")) if (!files[n.replace(".skse", "")]) subFlds.item().Delete() }
  16. As title says: I have no exterior shadows at night and during rainstorms with or without enb. I was wondering if there are any kind souls that know how to rectify this issue. thank you in advance. what i see: load order: skyrim.ini skyrimpref.ini
  17. speaking from personal experience, ymmv: I was in similar situation as you; I figured out how to find the causes of my ctd by using mod organizer 2 (I know I know, I sound like a fanatic at this point, but it's true). First I went to the left category pane, and selected conflicting mods and disabled them all and all mods associated with those mods that do not show up. Fire up the game, if it crashed then it's not due to the conflicting mods; I would re-enable them. Then move down to contain textures, disable them all and all mods associated with those mods. Fire up the game again, and if it crashed it was not due to textures, rinse and repeat down the category selection until I find the category that caused me to crash. In my case, it was texture. At that point, I would disable all textures and mods associated with them and activate a dozen at a time, fire up the game, see if it crashed; if it doesn't crash good, keep reactivating a set of a dozen until I found the mod causing the crash. Once I stumble upon the set, I would activate the set by halves; first by 6, then by 3, or until it crashed, at that point I was able to pinpoint which mod was causing me to crash. From my experience it was due to immersive armors. Once you pinpointed the cause, you have 2 options, removing the cause or fixing it; to fix it you use Nif Optimzer on the mod. But I opted on just removing it completely as I was not confident that problems would still arise. Hope this helps, all the best.
  18. I would recommend you start using MO2 and use it alongside NMM.. here's a quick copy paste with a few modification of what I type sometime back.. Here's how, assuming you haven't done anything, go into your NMM folders and locate the category and profile folder/files and delete them; those categories will do you more to confuse you more than anything. Fire up NMM let it do its things, when prompted to associate categories click no, again don't use the category. Make 3 separate categories: 1. Main, 2. Additional, 3. Questionable, 4. Patches. Put files that you consider core, very important files in that category, then put additional supplementary mods into Additional category, with the last category used to store your questionable content (things you wonder if it's worth installing, questionable content), 4. Patches, place your various patch files in this category. You should end up with 4 categories in general: 1. Main, 2. Additional, 3. Questionable, 4. Patches, Unassigned. Use your NMM as the main download manager / file bank, and your MO2 as your game manager. Port only the files you will be actively using to MO2 and remove those that you don't from it. When used properly, becomes an especially powerful and equally beneficial to you because you will no longer be forced to store all your files, both file bank (aka the originals) and vfx (the virtual copies) in the same drive, effectively doubling your storage capabilities. It also has the secondary effect of improving your overall file integrity if you should mistakenly f' up along the ways with SSEDIT/the like and mistakenly (quite easily might I add) wipe out your file bank's files. (And should that happen, MO2 will still show your install folders regardless of whether the files are inside them, so you simply have to rightclick and reinstall, no huss, no fuss, whereas if you were just MO2, you'd be pretty much be s*** out of luck). I personally been using this method. I store all my mods into my external backup SSD where Nexus mods is located, and port the mods I use to MO2 which is stored on my internal SSD. And as of late, since I have a fairly big external SSD backup (2tb), I've been routinely making backup of my MO2 folder, common/Skyrim folder and MyDocument's skyrim, skyrimpref inis by means of copying and 7zipping them. The process takes about an hour but it's a very useful insurance to fall back on should something really go bad. I mean it would suck very much if you lost your "perfect" Skyrim etc.
  19. This usually happens to me when I do not use the 4k-4k+ textures when playing on a screens higher than 1920x1080 resolution. Perhaps go from there and see if it resolves your problem.
  20. Sanguine, the guy know's how to party and make a good time.
  21. Strange, increasing actors solved my stalled npc issue. As for flickering shadows there's no right way to address it-- you'll have to sacrifice something in order to reduce the flickering (key being it'll still flicker regardless). lastly, if you can't find the "..bias" in your config, then you have to manually add it; if it's not added within the config it's still there, it's just set at default settings.
  22. try using mo2 for your next run. it lets you easily swap out the mods by seperating each individual mod into its seperate partition leaving your actual game in its original state. mo2 as opposed to nmm lets you also arrange the install order (simply by dragging one above or below) giving you more power while modding (since you aren't merely overwriting your files as the case of nmm)
  23. search for it in your skyrimpref.ini it's fShadowBiasScale= for skyrim.ini it's fShadowDirectionalBiasScale= try this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13428 and use 30-50 actors, personally using 40 myself.
  24. Yeah that sounds like an engine limitation of shadows. In order to lessen that issue, you'll have to reduce the shadow draw distance, but doing so would mean that you'll not have luxurious outdoor object shadowing (but to be honest, I would rather not notice the flickering). Also try increasing the shadowbias you'll probably have to modify the one in skyrim prefs as well (that isn't altered by bethini.) I don't use Wyre Bash as I use Mator Smash, and even then since I'm actively modding, I don't even use that as it's just time wasted since I'm actively adding and removing patches. :/ Best bet is to use MO2 and actively order your install order and load order, it's multitudes more easier than using NMM.
  25. I don't know whether it will stop hovering actors but perhaps it might? Personally speaking, actor of 50 should be enough if you're running with skybirds and a lot of immersive mods. If you use skytest no spawn plugin (it removes additional spawn locations) you can do with much less. You have to choose your poison; great shadows but disco lighting shadow effects OR alright shadows. Personally I was never a fan of epileptic attacks coming from shadows no less, so I opted for lowering my shadow draw distance. To be honest, it works out for the better too as your GFX card will be less taxed, so it's a win win situation at any rate, though if you're running a 1080 you really shouldn't be having any issues with rendering but hey, it gives you more power to ramp up the gfx details on other things I guess. If you want good shadows without the shadows ping ponging you'll have to sacrifice any mods that adds shadow sources, which means all those lightning mods as well as lowering the shadow draw distance as I've mentioned earlier. Below is my shadow configs, note feel free to adjust the shadow resolution to however high your gfx card can handle it; shadows become more fluid starting at 1280. One thing of importance, ideally I would go for shadow resolution being 1.5x the amount of my standard body textures, as I have found the overlay to be less blocky if you do so.. So if you use 1k textures, 1536, if you use 2k, use 4k shadows, etc etc. However again, this is if your pc can handle it, don't fret if you can't push it high enough, 1280 shadow resolution is the absolute bare minimum for semi-realistic shadows. My shadow configs:
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