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Everything posted by 3aq

  1. So if you install office suites, text editors, and probably other lite programs would that dodge the problem you mentioned? I feel wronged some how. (For what it's worth I store all my games I don't play, data on it) and just transfer over the games I do play onto C when I feel like..
  2. guess I'm SOL then? =( not a fan of it myself, but atm ssd is still too exorbitant for my taste; I'll bide my time, perhaps in another couple of years (3-4 years time), ssd will go the way of solar panels, and drop drastically in price. In the mean time, I'll try and figure something out myself.. ps: what do you mean, it's good for a bit then drops like a stone? -- shelf life of it, or just performance in general. that comment has me worried.
  3. In that if one's mana plummets to zero, said character will likewise die. Mana is linked closely to one's spirit-soul/mental capacity and wellbeing; over drawing one's well directly to 0 should be the same as committing suicide. Ergo this change will now open the possibility to mana death.
  4. :0 lucky. mine is... a hybrid of both? back to main topic, what're your opinion say, just for the sake of this topic, your secondary drive magically turned into a sshd?
  5. Initially I was one who stored all apps on c (ssd) and files on d (sshd), it worked well for the most part, but I still felt the bloat croaching. I agree with you on your point, however the thing I don't like about storing exe (games in this case) are the load times associated. That being said, I took the time and ran some tests, copied over two copies mo2+sse on c and d respectively. with the help of LAL, ran a short marathon through 4 load screens. Unsurprisingly, what I noticed between c and d was load time difference of 20s all the way to a minute long. The load sequence for racial menu at start took 40 seconds longer. Changing between boundaries (not loading to a different c) took equally as long, longer if environment was heavily foliaged and decorated. So this lead me to believe that larger size = larger loads. With this thought in mind, wouldn't it be better to store the large exe that one mostly uses onto C and leave the smaller-medium ones on D. That is to say, exe smaller than 2 gb would get marginal performance increase on c whereas those larger would see great performance increases. So would it be better to move the ides, suites, and editors** onto d then? This I can see able to save a good 20-40 gb in the long run, which you can use as cache space or what ever on your C.. But I don't know, so again, what're your thoughts on this? ** sadly, graphically ides, suites, and editors require it to be on c otherwise their performance will become rather horrendous. :-(
  6. by default location you mean c? I figure putting the vital core (like drivers, antivirus, primary net browser, coding languages in c:/) office suite, ps, unity, video/audio editors, various ides and the like I am unsure.
  7. which programs and apps do you determine as vital to be stored on your main, and which do you just plain store on secondary? thanks in advance. currently in the process of full factory reseting a computer (lying out road map for a healthier system).
  8. http://www.papercraftsquare.com/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-life-size-ordinator-mask-free-papercraft-download.html then fashion a broom to the shape of the feathery mohawk of ordinator's mask, fashion your own elf ears; paint spray everything dark gold, and voila. you still have to attach it together. structural integrety is going to be a problem with the broom attachment, so gl with that. on the dragon priest mask, that's awesome man. will you be getting a matching veil to attach to the mask? I can see it go great as a convention con/ halloween custome.
  9. Off-topic game: Modern day alchemy (game developer addition) Synopsis: After a night out drinking, you woke up hungry, hung over, and depressed. You don't know where you are and what happened, but you notice two games lying haphazardly on the floor, ____ and ____. Musing to yourself, you went over and retrieved them, a game in each hand. You think to yourself, ahh, ___ and ___ , how nostalgic; I don't know where I am at, but I could do with something to drink. While in your stupor, your hands started to glow, and as if God declared it it so, the two games let out luminescent glows, shining brighter and brighter until-- *BOOM* the circuit breaker went out, and you along with it. The two games formed into one, and subsequently flashed out with the crack of thunder. How to play: Post two already published game title, next person quotes the previous poster's two combination and announce the results that is the genre and brief description of the newly combined game (title is optional), finally continuing with a combination of their own. Original poster is free to crack the thunder and reveal his/her original post by announcing his/her own conceived concoction. E.G: Poster 1: Games: EVE online , Hell Gate London Poster 2: Genre: sandbox mmo, Description: Warhammer 40k-isque mmo without the IP and dumb lore by Matt Ward. Games: Fallout 76, QWOP. .. So without further ado, who wants to start?
  10. You got here. And you must have been a really great swimmer or you never would have never been born. Unless you're a clone??? Hmm? SOooo! Another WINNER! :thumbsup: ty good sir, it would seem you were as well.. unless you are a bot :-0 I am winner of post #60021. :laugh:
  11. bump... it's just not right. I still feel the delays, I feel like something is missing in the ini but no matter what I do it isn't affecting it. I know it's not the fps issue as the lag will occur even if it's on lowest resolution with minimal plugins.. would anyone care to share their ini settings ? don't know if I can play skyrim with input being delayed as it is atm :-( thanks in advance.
  12. try moving to the area that he is "supposed" to be for when his dialogue is "supposed" to trigger, then call the ai to your location resetai. I recall this issue helped me resolve a similar issue with valdr and advancing through his lucky dagger quest.
  13. @thumbincubation I believe if they wish to do it, they'd have to start at the beginning where the game's backbone is being sorted out, so as to streamline question content with all possible field of studies, but your example does hold merit. I envision something like a 3rd party DLC/Mod - H. Mora's Knowledge ( xxx edition ) where the xxx is the subject title. When you load up the plugin, you'll be greeted with an additional menu or MCM where you get to decide which chapter of the book you'll be focused on. This way a person can pinpoint the chapters or sections he/she wishes to revise/study on. I believe it would be a big step in the proper direction. @Pippboss indeed, but why though? is there a possibility of changing that?
  14. Here's something I've always thought about, and something of a food for thought. When we are playing games, we are naturally spending our time doing things for our hobbies, in a negative light "wasting our time" for what we love. In today's culture, video games is often associated with failure and excessive video game more than often does lead to that. Unfortunately popular media and let's face it, the community as well seems to propagate this notion. So what's the point of this post may ask? The games and mods we play as well as the accessories/hardware they require, surprisingly is developed by bright minds of our generation. Ironically though, as if by some strange twist of fate, the byproducts of the work is used to propagate the continued love and hate culture associated by gamers. That games is detrimental, in this post in particular, towards learning. Gaming spurs the mind to be creative, however it does little to fostering knowledge. My question then is, is it possible to somehow twist that notion, in order to turn this stereotype around? (besides the usual, exercise proper self control, etc). The answer to my question is simply modding (or DLC -- if gaming companies and publishing companies ever hold hands, a pretty strange notion in general; two of the most cut throat industries working together, lol.) Using games, such as Skyrim and Fallout, that require some form of minigames as a testbed for my thought experiment, I thought of ways to alleviate the negative stereotypes. Say your child, or even you, are currently studying for subject A (whatever this subject maybe, ie some field of language, math, science, etc.). Load up a question package where any type of mundane task the game fires up, say lock picking or forging, would be replaced by marathon question mini game where multiple choice questions are asked instead. Your strings of success will determine the % or effectiveness of w/e mundane task it is you are doing. Ideally, if one failed and keeps failing, it's the game telling you take a break and start studying, if all's good then nothings wrong. Though, I can understand the negatives of this would most probably be the immersive factor, ie why the hell would Dohvahkin want to know haskell, or would want to know the proper procedures to perform a discectomy (first gently knock your patient out with a -Dah, then carefully place your daedric greatsword upon the nape..), that's besides the point, as it's kind of unavoidable. Would this be conceivable?-- maybe not, but rather than that, how about simple inputs? Appreciate any who leaves their thoughts. Cheers. edit note: grammar.
  15. bump. resolved it to an extent (input delay is still present, but not as obscene nor as noticeable). here's what I did to address this issue, for posterity's sake (hope it helps address issues in future) in Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini at the end of [Display]. Copy and paste the following iPresentInterval=0 iVSyncPersentInterval=0 in Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini at the end of [Main]. Copy and paste the following bGamepadEnable=0 in Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini at the end of [Controls]. Copy and paste the following fControllerBufferDepth=0.0001 bDampenPlayerControls=0 bMouseAcceleration=0 fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=0.0001 bGamePadRumble=0
  16. bump... it's just not right. I still feel the delays, I feel like something is missing in the ini but no matter what I do it isn't affecting it. I know it's not the fps issue as the lag will occur even if it's on lowest resolution with minimal plugins.. would anyone care to share their ini settings ? don't know if I can play skyrim with input being delayed as it is atm :-( thanks in advance. Anyone have the config settings to addressing Keyboard/Mouse Input Delay? In the middle of routine cleaning, I accidentally deleted my entire Document's Skyrim folder so I am once again plagued this. Thanks in advance.
  17. this should do the trick: DLC1FalmerTemple01 if not then sorry.
  18. I would like to suggest an option within our profile settings to have the ability to endorse mods that we downloaded on by default. This would help alleviate the site from prompting that I have [###] amount of mods I have yet to endorse. Pretty sure many others would appreciate a setting as well (specially for those who have less than 15 minutes of attention span to endorse a said mod). Thank you.
  19. If I didn't know any better I would say Windhelm got dragged into Silent Hill. By any chance do they hurt if they attack you? .. regardless this is quite an interesting idea for a mod..
  20. You can make a custom esp where you make an override for the Dragon Race. And go to their base health you increase it to w/e amount you wish to increase it by. And then if it is the NPC, likewise find their names and alter their hp pool. It's quite easy to do through xEdit. GL.
  21. Yeah, was referring to the front page. and trouble with your suggestion is, the average person is just plain lazy.. we would rather see something at a glance. And as the front page of nexus really does resemble something of a wiki (latest article added, yadda yadda) thought it would be neat to include something similar.
  22. Recently I've taken notice to the slowly, yet ever increasing number of game. At the moment of this posting, it's set at 566. But which of those 566 was the newest member to fallen under the nexus umbrella.. ? This brings me to suggest a simple site function; include the latest game added to the front page. I think it would help give rise to interested modders for games beyond the top 10 currently.
  23. Thank you very much the two of you. And to you Peter, not confused any more, that last part was the magic bullet. =)
  24. Alright, I've just extracted the SDK and overwritten both the path to Skyrim and MO2 overwrite, but it CK seems to have trouble locating it.. whatever I do, the CK keeps throwing up ".. unable to locate SKI_ConfigBase". I think for the time being I'll have to put this MCM side project on hold... or figure out a way to do MCM through Notepad++ instead of CK. -- is that possible?
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