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Everything posted by 3aq

  1. so I am trying to compile some fnis scripts-- but realized I am not able to due to first character of the string being a number (which is required); would anyone happen to know of a way to know of a way to allow it to compile/ ignore the numbers as first characters? without numbers (but then would be ignoring scripts for a multitude of animations) with numbers as first character in variable
  2. I prefer the 1.5.62 version myself; I can't play without Skyrim Souls RE. It's an entirely new Skyrim.
  3. so i've encountered an issue where my custom created item is unhotkeyable , in that after putting it into favorites, and assigning a number and closing quick menu, the hotkey 1-8 will not work; on opening the quick menu, the item in question would be unassigned.unsure how to go about it.the item is a duplicate of a generic silver ring with a different name / id so it shouldn't be having the issue its having.. assistance is greatly appreciated.
  4. obviously there is not enough skimpy armors; if this were the stock markets, skimpy outfit is ever rising, infact it's so high up the chart that you probably won't even see the line. Sex(y things) sells, and that won't be stopping any time soon.
  5. oh, mind if i join this group =)? my main interest is in coding, but if things go accordingly, I am also plan on breaking into animation.
  6. pics? :huh: -- seriously I don't know how that is why I ask. :happy: but really, I heard it gets messy dealing with FormList :mellow: or that's what esl'ing leads me to believe.
  7. generally because it's slower for larger lists in game from what I heard, but more importantly because with arrays I can easily make modifications through SSEEdit, formlist needs CK.. I don't want to touch CK if I can help it (5 minutes to load up, another 5 minutes to load the esp list). checked the i = new armor[128]inclusion/exclusion of it didn't have any effect. :confused:
  8. so here's my script armor[] property i auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) int n = 0 while n < 127 if (i[n] != None) akTarget.AddItem(i[n]) endIf n += 1 endWhile endEvent so the goal of this script is to allow the user to add as many items (in this instance armor) into inventory. this script can be adopted for other things ofcourse. so hypothetically you can have upwards of 128 items listed to be added through a spell or some other interaction. I am unsure if it's problem due to scripting or the problem with the esp. alas, the script doesn't work -- I feel I have overlooked something. doing it without array (as seen below) works of course, but my goals is to adopt and push forward with cleaner/ more efficient scripting. input is appreciated, thank you. armor property ArmorToAdd01 auto armor property ArmorToAdd02 auto armor property ArmorToAdd03 auto ... Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) if (ArmorToAdd01 != None) akTarget.AddItem(ArmorToAdd01) EndIf if (ArmorToAdd02 != None) akTarget.AddItem(ArmorToAdd02) EndIf if (ArmorToAdd03 != None) akTarget.AddItem(ArmorToAdd03) EndIf ... endEvent
  9. how to turn a headgear (wig) into a hairstyle and vice versa? thanks in advance
  10. So I've had my hands on 2019 3dmax for a while, but... I am still clueless on it. For the record I am using Bergzore's animation tutorial supplementing the things that are missing along the way. Yes I know it's for SLE, but I figure it should apply roughly the same for SSE as well. So yeah, how the hell does one start doing animations for Skyrim this late in the game? related sources: havoc content tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U88C9K-mSHs niftools for '15-'18: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84041/
  11. edit the skyrim ini google up camera speed and use those parameters, or alternatively you can install Customizable Camera and adjust your camera speed through its easy to navigate UI.
  12. how do you preload or buffer sound/visual? edit: solved. answer: utility.wait(1) the miracles that is publicly humiliating yourself asking a question and momentarily figuring it yourself thereafter.
  13. ahh, the wonders of asking questions and figuring it out just moments later. figured it out, I used visualeffect's play (seem to have glimpsed over it) and timered it to stop to 6~ seconds.
  14. would anyone happen to know how to attach a visual fx to objects via script? was able to get sound fx to attach, but can't quite get the same to work. ex if npc wears test sword, a fireball explosion visual fx will go off on him/her/it on equip
  15. Late update: I figured out the reason for my issue and embarrassingly it was because I was referencing Base ID rather than Reference ID. On separate note, I've also did test with both function and event and noted that both works, though for sake of following convention I've opted and used event. I would once more thank soupdragon1234 for the help, appreciations!
  16. Appreciate the the response, I will be sure to implementing those changes when time permits. the function/event thing and the nnb I've simply reused scripts that I got functioning previously. The structure of the script worked in another mod script which I applied onto this test script. I figured it may work just the same, unfortunately .. you may be right on the labeling of event. for the set angle, apologies I put that there in order to avoid wiki's "MoveTo doesn't take uneven terrain into account."
  17. Please read the requirements and be sure you have all the required mods, failure of doing that and the mod will not work. :happy:
  18. I'm currently trying to move a follower mod which I moved to its own empty cell. I attached to a ring that upon equip will fire a moveto script moving said follower to the player. the script works, as in everything is referenced yet the line for moveto isn't being performed accurately. I am thus stumped on what is causing this problem. here's the script scriptName _MovetoPlayerOnEquip extends ObjectReference {script moves follower to Player on equip} actor property aaaaFollower auto actor property PlayerRef auto function onEquipped(actor akActor) if (akActor == PlayerRef) debug.notification("AFTER TEN THOUSAND YEARS, I AM FREE! ITS TIME TO CONQUER EARTH!") aaaaFollower.MoveTo(PlayerRef) aaaaFollower.SetAngle(0.0,0.0,0.0) elseIf (akActor != PlayerRef) Return endIf endFunction I am unsure if the problem is stemming from the cell that the NPC resides in as it's literally a new cell with the follower's name, or it's due to improper procedures during referencing (I attached the script to the ring which references the follower's refID, or both. Help is deeply appreciated. Thank you.
  19. Yup, but in my particular case, what I wanted to do at the end is/was for it to run a particular function that parses and puts an array after been it's equipped. The data and main library functions are mainly consolidated within the mcm so.. yeah. Regardless it works at the end of the day so no complaints. That said, I'll go and try to decipher those two mods. Thanks,
  20. thank you Mera, sadly I was unable to make it work regardless, I need a working mod example and examine the esp in detail. I am sure I have the scripting down properly, I am almost certain it's due to the esp. If anyone happen to have any working samples, please allow me the privilege of examining it, thank you. but on the brightside, I was able to perform it though it's a tad more complicated. The process requires OnEquip and using a data reference back to the main script / library script to call a function what should occur. This method has the plus side of drastically reducing the script bloat as well as it works on armor/weapon/spell array. example: scriptName testEquip extends objectReference _testLib property DataRef auto armor property RingRef auto actor property PlayerRef auto Int property iNote auto function onEquipped(actor akActor) if (akActor == PlayerRef) akActor.UnequipItem(RingRef, false, true) DataRef.fNotify(iNote) endIf endFunction scriptName testLib extends SKI_Configbase function fNotify(int iNote) debug.notification("The ring is preventing you from equipping it. Perhaps you should go hurry and throw it into a volcano or something.") endFunction
  21. here's my suggestion. remove all your weapons and combat and spell overhaull mods. do a new game, then console your character up to level twelve. abuse crafting to near close to level 13. make a clean save. THEN start testing all of the mods you think is causing it. start with all mods then go on a town killing spree with tgm enabled zone out two or three times across 2-3 dungeons, see if you're able to replicate the error. if error occurs dwindle down the list, if it doesn't occur well you've found the issue; on that note if it doesn't occur in the first place I am thinking it's due to script leaving artifacts in your saves somehow, in which case you should use a save cleaner periodically starting at level 10 onwards. this will undoubtly take a while, but I assure you you'll be able to find what's causing the issue and be able to resolve it. have patience, and good luck.
  22. I am trying for onobjectequip to work for a specific item. for example sake a copied Valdr's Lucky dagger that onobjectequipped will debug notify "You're feeling lucky" likewise a copied Savior's Hide that onobjectequipped will debug notify "You're feeling ravenous" I've tried time and again on both for what seems to be ages (3-4 hours) but regardless of what I do it doesn't work. Just what exactly is the secret? I've extended to Actor and after that didn't work I've tried SKI Configbase, that too did not work. I've referenced it to the item via their editor's ID, is that the reason? If that's the case, how do you call it then? I am stumped. Help is deeply appreciated. Kind Regards,
  23. No, it's not that the font is small, it's that the font lines sometimes seem like they're only one pixel in width and get eaten up by the background Exactly!! I found it disturbing that the first reply I got was "just zoom in" :] lol, imagine a "dentist" telling you to not chew on one side of your mouth instead of just fixing your tooth (or removing it) xD That's not a solution, it's a half-assed workaround (no offense)... ah a watcher of Angry Joe, so you are a man of culture! Well I'm glad recognize me as such. :happy: As without culture.. we may as well be beasts. Eh, it works for me; I use the forum side of the platform for my posting/editing needs as can see from the image below. And on the off chance I do post on the site side of the platform I have a dark mode plugin which automatically adjust the text body from black to white (I am pretty sure you can find similar alternatives with a bit of sleuthing).
  24. Have you gotten ahk to work with the latest version? -- I noticed that ahk refuses to work. Whereas when I rolled back to previous 1.5.2x-1.5.3x versions it would work. I feel it may be one of the engine fixes or may just be versions anti-cheat protection but I am unsure. Really missing the ability to animcam on hotkey :-/
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