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Everything posted by 3aq

  1. Thank you Qwinn for that quote (it still amazes me how there aren't more people taking advantages of its powerful features) as well as your popularization of ESPFE. As a recent user of this ESPFE feature, it really relieves a lot of bloat for people who'd rather not merge their mods. Anyways before I end up going off tangent, I wish to congratulate you mate; here's a stranger wishing you all the best-- cheers to you edit note: removed the added line breaks and odd bits added by bbcode forum conversion that occurs when posting through forums.
  2. thank you Ishera, and appreciate the corrections/tweaks greatly. apologies, in my haste and as I don't really have a working compiler atm it seems I have mistaken declaring with assignment.. :facepalm: note on array to check, I forgot to mention I used strings to check to demonstrate whether the MCM will properly show version 1 string or version 2 string if a_01 did or did not get assigned between the two versions.
  3. so if I get what you said correct, version 1 string a_01 = "hello world" event OnConfigInit() Pages = new string[1] Pages[0] = a_01 EndEvent event OnPageReset(string page) if(page == a_01) draw_a() endIf endEvent function draw_a addHeaderOption (a_01) endFunction version 2 a_01 not declared outside Results: MCM "Pages" titles will still show version 1 "hello world" due to OnPageReset not getting its a_01 updated which is caused by the lack of declaration (?) The string added by "draw_a" will show version 1 "hello world" (?), The string added directly will show version 2 "goodbye world" (?) version 2 a_01 declared outside Results: MCM "Pages" titles will show version 2 "goodbye world" due to a_01 being both declared outside and assigned in OnConfigInit (?) The string added by "draw_a" will show version 2 "goodbye world" (?) The string added directly will show version 2 "goodbye world" (?)
  4. so for the record in order to update instances of string a_01 from version 1 to version 2.. let's say example first version string a_01 = "hello world" second version string a_01 = "goodbye world" I would have to put the following string a_01 = "goodbye world" into OnConfigInit this being the case the proper method would be to omit the lines? if that's the case, then it makes sense to me. sincere thanks cdcooley for the indepth explanation on this.. this really does help me digest and understand the nature of this. (asking these questions helps to clarify and digest info I am uncertain of; apologies for asking/restating what seems to be dumb question/statements)
  5. this is perhaps the most look forward "mod" I will be looking forward to this year. and coming from the man himself; shoot-- at this point all I can say is, *to the staff* : here's to you and the future, cheers edit note: grammar
  6. this is rather a multifold suggestion which eventually boils down to allowing users to store mods site-side similar to how install orders are stored in mod managers. I know this is a long shot, but for those who are new or are coming back to a game that don't know the most optimal mods, or simply wish to try out other people's game build, or like me recently suffer from a catastrophic drive failure, losing all of my nexus mods cache in the process, I think this would be a tremendous QoL feature, so *fingers crossed* please nexus make this a thing. part 1: next to the current vortex and manual button; include a button that stores mod to a list, which functions similarly to how nexus adds friends. part 2: mods added through this new button is stored into user's profile, in the new category let's call it stored mods. part 3: have the stored mods listed and sortable, the mods will have a vortex and manual button besides the title. good template for this is the my download history javascript within settings > download history. part 4(optional): on the top, add a export mod order to txt, which will export the listed mods titles and source url to txt. part 5(optional): at the bottom, enable profile swapping for supporters and premiums which will allow users ability to devise and store multiple mod orders. edit note: included further reasons as to why this feature may prove useful.
  7. from my own files that I made and deleted from nexus; I am unable to untrack from it.
  8. in my early days of modding I've haphazardly made mods, in the spirit of spring cleaning, I went and deleted said mods. unforutnately I am unable to remove or rather untrack these mods from my tracking centre. this brings me to my suggestion; allow users ability to untrack files that no longer exist. ex: add an "x" column right after the topic column, something similar to endorse/ do not endorse column. https://www.nexusmods.com/mods/trackingcentre?tab=comments
  9. thank you for the info Ishara and cd. @cdcooley your note on string function vc() if (GetVersion() == 3) return "1.1.0" endIf endFunction so for every additional version update, I will simply change the return "x.x.x" ? this brings up an issue that I've been meaning to ask. Whenever I reuse a string, it would never display the updated string, only displaying the original string. As I do not know the proper way to update strings, I've thus been creating new strings (ie. if original was a_01, updated string will be a_11, I would replace all a_01 with a_11.) atm it's "alright" but I am afraid if I keep this up it'll cause potential problems in the future. I am unsure it'll be the same for string function vc(), but my past observation with string a_01 tells me that it might require me to do the same, ie rename vc() to vc1(), replace all instances of vc() with vc1().
  10. well there is no instances of xxx_MSUS() it's something that I added, so I am pretty sure it probably wouldn't work (ie the function just returns a number and that's it) the SKSE psc has GetVersion() but that only checks SKSE's version. I am rather more curious as to where the a_version is getting referenced to instance the script to autoupdate itself.
  11. I am using this github page as a reference, it seems to compile fine; however as I am unsure whether or not it'll work (don't have a working station to experiment with), I'll assume that I am not doing it properly (ie it's not working). So here's the meat of the topic, my test script: sections and questions are commented, thank you. Scriptname _MySelfUpdatingScript extends SKI_ConfigBase ;---VERSION CONTROL ;---v1.1.0 ;---QUESTION ;is returning 3 on all 3 portion correct..? int function GetVersion_MSUS() return 3 endFunction int function GetVersionMinor_MSUS() return 3 endFunction int function GetVersionBeta_MSUS() return 3 endFunction string function vc() return GetVersion_MSUS() as string + "." + GetVersionMinor_MSUS() as string + "." + GetVersionBeta_MSUS() as string endFunction ; PRIVATE VARIABLES ; -- Version 1.1.0 -- int myVar = 0 ; INITIALIZATION event OnConfigInit() Pages = new string[2] Pages[0] = "Page 1" Pages[1] = "Page 2" myVar = Utility.RandomInt(0,100) endEvent event OnPageReset(string page) if (page == "Page 1") addHeaderOption("3aq@nexusmods - v" + vc()) elseIf (page == "Page 2") addHeaderOption(myVar) endIf endEvent ; -- Version 1.0.0 -- ; event OnConfigInit() ; Pages = new string[1] ; Pages[0] = "Page 1" ; endEvent ; ; event OnPageReset(string page) ; if (page== "Page 1") ; addHeaderOption("3aq@nexusmods - v" + vc()) ; endIf ; endEvent ;---QUESTION ; where is a_version referenced to make script autoupdate save from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0? event OnVersionUpdate(int a_version) if (a_version > 1) Debug.Trace(self + ": Updating script to version " + a_version) OnConfigInit() endIf endEvent
  12. ---05 feb 2019 update--- request fulfilled by pixelhate, thanks bud :happy: ------ I wish to extract the script from J3xified driveable motorcycle [link] as I wish to study the scripts to help better my understanding of coding in general. permission is: sadly my travel computer does not have fo3 installed and geck nor does it have the capacity to run it (my other one does).. thank you to anyone who is willing to help.
  13. moderators, staff, admins have access to view unpublished / hidden files.
  14. your best bet is posting this in https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4050-skyrim-special-edition-technical-support/ as I use mo2 my advise may or may not be helpful to you, but here goes: check your overwrite files, archive it, then chuck it out. go into all your body textures (cbbe, unp, etc) archive it, and chuck it out. rerun the game, check if its still showing, if it is then one of your mods are installing those body textures over, go into the right panel column and click the containing textures see if you can locate the culprit by disabling and rerunning skyrim. once you've located the mod that's installing it, archive it (optional but recommended as it may be needed for another mod) then delete it, congratulations you've resolved your issue. if all else fails, then hope the next poster haves the answer, gl.
  15. basically wish to be able to run SSE on an i3, intel 4000 hd run of the mill laptop. doesn't matter the quality of the game so long as it is able to run skse and stable enough to last 10 minutes skse script testing. thanks in advance,
  16. I am glad you got this resolved and shared your process while doing it. Kudos to you. Hopefully (though it would be better if it doesn't happen) it helps other people down the line should similar occurances happen. knock on wood*
  17. Did you clean your official DLCs? Post your mod install order and plugin load order in spoilers and we can go about addressing your issue.
  18. I am unsure, perhaps your issue is different from the one I was experiencing. I will have to look back to the post I made ways back, in which case you'll see another edit. so I found the topic, use this as reference(?), ymmv: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6561331-mo2-parameter-87-error-code;-unable-to-start-sseedit/ edit: found the topic.
  19. Append a .bak to both your skyrim.ini and skyrimpref.ini and then open up SkyrimLauncher to generate new ini files. Retry your SSEedit. If it doesn't work then my only other advise is to use MO2 and run your mods and games and every other program through it instead. In regards to mods installation and plugin order, MO2 is as safe and idiot proof as it gets. After thinking it over more, I recalled this situation did happen to me. The way I fixed it was deleting the entire SSEEdit path and unpacking a new copy onto a different parent directory. After I reinstalled the SSEedit path in its directory. Bit convoluted to follow but it did resolve my issue. My particular issue was something messing with the directory pathing. Hope this helps. edit: added more
  20. food for thought, mostly for myself: In the land of Skyrim, even with all the ice, the concept of sliding on ice is entirely foreign and lost. truly strange. From my understanding, looking around the web, it seems to be mostly a game engine issue (?), however with SKSE it may be possible. AoE momentarily TAI/TCAI to prevent npc action + an invisible Fus Ro Dah shout in the direction the npc is facing (how to implment this, unsure) sliding on ground as mean of transportation (like ice skating): unsure as to how to implement something to mimic the loss of traction. what're everyone else's thoughts? -- think this is doable?
  21. My two gripes with w10, is the retarded start menu remake. Is it so difficult to implement a native w7 startmenu? Also, I don't like Cortana. It's pretty much clippy dialed to 11.
  22. There are often times when browsing a mod where upon opening the Requirements collapsible I would unknowningly open the floodgates to an undeniabily long list of "Mods requiring this file", to the point I feel my web browser slowing down. Which brings me to my suggestion: Put "Mods requiring this file" into a collapsible field. Thank you,
  23. --uncapped courtesy of http://www.togglecase.com/convert_to_lower_case so i wanted to play new vegas with mods and i downloaded the nmcs textures and i keep running on up with this problem and i really dont understand it at all. i thought i needed to buy fall out 3, but my friends tell me that's crazy talk to buy a game to make other mods work. idk could you guys help me im lost and i got a glimpse of this game with this mod and i love it. (sorry for caps but after i finished the first sentence i just kept it going) --- If you a legit copy of the game you shouldn't have issue with modding said game. exactly what type of problem are you running into?
  24. TBH, it's simplier just programming your own autohotkey program and you don't need to worry about SKSE and what not. On that note, I made an autohotkey program not to long ago and published even; however due to it continually being flagged as a bitcoin miner I ended up shelving it.
  25. i would like to chime in, as I don't have any adult mods per say.. the furthest being body physics and that's bout it.. the only places I experience CTD is in Whiterun, primarily when exiting an entered building. Like exiting the smithy or the inn or the halls of the dead, there's always a 30-40% of me CTD. As far as I can tell the physics mods aren't the cause for my CTD in large holds.. it still eludes me would really like to fix it, but alas it's neigh impossible to find figure out. The best solution is habitually using the quick save prior to exiting the buildings. Besides that though, the game runs smooth, much better than LE.
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