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Everything posted by 3aq

  1. depending on how serious you are, EVE online.
  2. really?-- I am mainly after the tabulator. cdcooley says otherwise..hmm? *confused
  3. apologies for the stupid question; not on my main set up to test it out and it has been on my mind for a while. why do I ask this? in order to align the second half of my text better with the rest of the displayed text. eg. hello how are you? i'm fine atm I am putting in 7 or so spaces inbetween ? and i'm, in order to give it some alignment. however the thought struck me I could also use /t escape sequence inbetween the ? and i'm to make it more accurately aligned... assuming it works that it. that being the case, I'll assume the worse and take it that papyrus doesn't
  4. go up to him, hit the tilde key (`), click on him, type "disable" (without quotes), hit enter. poof, off to oblivion he goes.
  5. Hold my beer and watch this.
  6. I feel bad for requesting this, but I was wondering if it is possible to put kids up for adoption; for roleplaying purposes. You're dragonborn, sometimes you just gotta leave the house unattended, and a desertted home in the middle of the wilderness is definitely a place for kids to be. Sadly, the kids aren't Kevin McAlister, and even then, I don't think they would be able to fight off real bandits while the house steward is away.
  7. Completing the final stretch of the Companions questline; Vilkas tells me that we will free Kodliak, everything's all well and good, I follow him out the door mid speech, he is still finishing his dialogue and while turning around he literally glides into the horizon. If the door frame was the orgin point, his trajectory was y = x. He literally flew off into the horizon. --Todd Howard: It just works.
  8. if you know C or Java you can pick up Papyrus scripting quite easily, if you don't, picking up C shouldn't be that hard (takes less than 2 hours a day for a good month and you should know 70% if not more of the core ins and outs of it). By then just use Notepad++ and script through it; Lastly, despite what you say, there is quite a bit of helpful advice, knowledge, and guides to scripting for skyrim. Google is your friend (it was/is mine.)
  9. my eyes are open now, you have my sincere gratitude, thank you. =)
  10. welp, I'm still stump. I assume papyrus would function somewhat similar to java and c... but I can't seem to get this to work despite the angle I look from. String x[] = {"hi", "hello", "how are you", "goodbye"}; int i = 0; while(i < x.length) { int temp = i+1; System.out.println("[" + temp + "]" + " - " + x[i]); i++;
  11. well damn, stupid question; how do I attach FISSES into a script? The furthest I was able to do is extends SKI configbase. I wish to perform that example posted in the spoiler. apologies, and thanks.
  12. still stumped solved--stupid me, should've used string array properly.
  13. Hate to sound like a buzzkill, but no, I don't want to see myself getting molested by Skyrim's wildlife or any game's for that matter. Further, it puts me at a disadvantage when I think, well damn if he can do it, why can't I, sort of mentality and gets rather damn depressing comparing yourself to your digital self. That said, if I started to want to replicate myself in a game, I will just pour more effort into Life .
  14. Sadly, has to be toggles, I don't think I'd want to scroll through a small listed window. I'd imagine the same goes for the people who would use this. Sadly it's got to be a fill out and move on out. I'll look more into it when I am given the free time, sincere thanks IsharaMeradin; it gave me a lot of ideas to work.
  15. eureka, I figured out how to reset the bool so the problem initially was because I set toggle state to false within the option select field this would work, but only during the page instance, sadly it would still save the bool state. so instead, I place the toggle state to false within the page field.. this meant when person clicks on the page it'll always set the bool back to false. now I have to figure out how to make the toggle act like a multiple choice selection field (ie you can only select one of the toggle), this has me stumped.
  16. glad you found it in the end and posted it as well =) gj
  17. here you go. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5564
  18. looks like lzaar's replacers (but don't quote me on this.)
  19. As strange as it sounds, yes that's what I wish to do. And I know, it isn't how it's supposed to behave, however that is because I am unable to make it the way it ought to behave. I've encountered three issues with toggle. 1. it wouldn't remember what was toggled when I switched pages or exited out of MCM, but it would still remember the bool true/false. 2. my toggling is like a multiple choice check mark one; that being if you check marked a second toggle, by design it should untick the previously clicked toggle. This is something I still am unable to figure out. 3. As it uses bool true/false, and as mentioned in #1, returning to said page i previously toggled, would start the toggle off as true, instead of false, meaning it would require an additional click, now multiply that on all toggles I have and it becomes quite annoying (what with it looking like the initial click did not register with bool remembering its true/false; though this sounds like a small issue, I am sure there will be people who would think it is a bug or glitch if it was implemented. I added that false check so that the bool would reset back to initial state when switching to a page, this is to avoid #3. But that didn't quite work as I intended because I was unable to retoggle it afterwards, though like mentioned before it would still read/write regardless. edit: this is what I mean note, in the video after the forcepagereset I was unable to retoggle that toggle2. the first two option used what I mentioned previously, whereas the final two are the defacto because with the window prompt they do not need the display of toggle to know if it's on or not,
  20. As toggles rely on the fact that !toggle is used.. I've noticed that it requires the toggle be clicked twice in order for it to switch false to true upon switching to a new page and back. I assume this is the case because it uses the same bool without it changing upon switching to new page. I've tried, and unable to crack it so that bool would reset back to false, but was unsuccessful. That said I am curious if there's a method to make it so there's no need to click twice for the toggle to resume it's usual operation. here's my code, it's the usual (using the example the MCM Faq included) bool toggleState1 = false if(a_option == pt_1a0) toggleState1 = !toggleState1 SetToggleOptionValue(pt_1a0, toggleState1) getTxtValues("1a0.txt") writeTxtValues_1a() endIfI've tried the following methods with mixed results.. bool toggleState1 = false if(option == pt_1a0) toggleState1 = !toggleState1 SetToggleOptionValue(pt_1a0, toggleState1) getTxtValues("1a0.txt") writeTxtValues_1a() toggleState1 = false // what's changed endIfit fixed the toggle so it's untickable after it's been clicked; though the toggle will still commit the get/write lines regardless if it was clicked or not I've also included a wait --> forcepagereset, but didn't quite like it as it'll freeze the page too long, even at 1 second it felt more like 5.
  21. ty for the helpful informative IsharaMeradin. I overlooked FISSES, this changes things. In meantime I'll be sure to give that last function a try.
  22. Actor Count: Modify your actor count. It's useful in addressing idle/standing NPC/actors.
  23. welp I figured out what I did wrong, I forgot to incase it in a function(), note to self, take breaks and look at what you code from different angles (you might catch something better).
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