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Everything posted by 3aq

  1. whoops forgot to type the ones in (lol) regardless it still isn't.. I'll probably have to start off small again and figure out how to put out multiple pages the mcm.with nested functions I suppose..
  2. a snippet of the code: int n = 1 while n < 3 n += int o = 0 while o < 7 o += int pt_1[n][o] endWhile endWhile what it's supposed to do is to put out the inner most int pt_1## 24 times. it works in c yet in papyrus, it keeps spitting out that I have an E0F at the first while (while n < 3). just what am I doing wrong and what can I do to correct it?
  3. In order to get toggle options to "work" with my MCM. The MCM I have is a dispenser of txt files, user has options to pick w/e they want pretty much, ie it's very configurable. Problem with that is, it's impossible to separate the settings between saves because the settings are altered via txt; so if I am understanding this correctly ... it means that in order for MCM to know which type of txt is being used it'll be required to scan numerous txt and pair it with the one currently being used, then match it to a number. There's also the challenge of figuring out how to script a function that disables all toggles within a group before toggling the one being clicked. This is seems far too technical for me.. So instead, I've opted for a simpler, you get to see which option you ticked then the tick will be cleaned off from the page after x seconds.
  4. Was wondering if it's possible to put a time delay for a line. Something I was thinking about Toggle (Click this to toggle and toggle will appear, but will reset in 10 seconds due to page resetting.) Delay (10000); ForcePageReset()
  5. I am roughly familiar with the workings of MCM and its structure now that I got to tinkering with it. However I am currently stump on overcoming my present obstacle. I wish to replicate something like this: Say you have multiple toggles within the same page and group; you select one toggle, it gets checked mark normally; if you check mark the toggle next after, the newly checked toggle will check while unchecking any other toggle in the group. I know it's possible, but I feel like I am missing something critical, like some sort of if !toggle postfix function.
  6. it's the latest from CK from Beth. regardless I found a work around, where I take a random mod's esp and wipe it clean with tes5edit and then re-enter the parameters I need for MCM to hook onto player. It's actually much better too as you can completely disregard the long loading times and unnecessary hoops and hurdles CK requires you to do just in order to establish a simple hook.
  7. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: +1
  8. Insomnia, it's what's for dinner.
  9. such a convoluted method, but I suppose if it works, whose to say is wrong. So the question now is, what is the max allowable size for a logo typically, or rather the typical norm?
  10. So I got to making MCMs, did a bit of a workaround involving using TESVEdit to do it, so I made quite a bit of head way.. Question now is... How to get the splash page images center aligned? Thank you in advance.
  11. yes, and also running as admin and in compatibility w8.
  12. after wasting some 4 hours on and off, I am going to throw in the towel. CK just doesn't like my laptop for whatever reason. this being the case, does anyone know if it's possible to make MCM without CK? -- I need to make the esp, to attach the mcm to pc, but that's not possible when CK keeps crashing on me.. *sadface
  13. often times we come across a mod so good we wish to have it saved and remembered and displayed, this is different from tracked mods which is not displayed in the profile. this would make sharing with and seeing other individual's personal selection of mod more accessible. This could also then be used in future site overhauls which can use individual favorite mods (using w/e algorithms) to display recommended mods for person to person, rather than the newest mods we currently have. it would kill two birds with one stone, helps individual display their top favorite mods, as well as possibly help in site based sorting algorithms. just based on favorite mods, I hope it gets implemented as often while I am logged off I will browse my own profile only to remember I can not view my tracked mods (not that there are many). That being said, I am almost certain this implementation would help everyone on the platform.
  14. yes, but to people who come to the forums, and just use the bold, italics, image, url, and probably center align button; going into those other fancy button function is just far too much to comprehend/care to do. At the end of the day, it needs to be a highlight text + 1 click button, not a 4 click while navigating through a scroll one.
  15. I don't see it though. :-( if it is present, then it needs better labeling.
  16. But it requires you to be in full mode, (almost) no one has time for that apparently.
  17. First suggestion: As I've been on this site, whether on my account or simply lurking logged off, I noticed the dire lack of spoilers. Whether this may be because denizens here are spoiled (bum-dum-tssh!*), or because simply it's too cumbersome typing out "[ spoiler] <your text here>[/ spoiler], I feel it's the latter. But whatever the case maybe, there are often times I will see huge lists or content (ie pictures, videos, media, etc). which would be better off contained within its own separate collapsible window, which the spoiler functions brilliantly as. Sadly though, it isn't included within the current bbcode bar, so we're off straining ourselves through long TL;DR ending credits like load orders and error logs because users don't know or again as mentioned earlier type out that cumbersome spoiler tag. Second suggestion: In that same mind of thought, I feel the comment tab section of nexus, site-side, would benefit in having a small bbcode bar. It doesn't need to be much, just need bold, italics, size, color, size, and spoiler. Hope these suggestion gets implemented, cheers
  18. I am using DarkFox's brilliantly made tutorial however CK keeps freezing and crashing upon hitting the OK I am constantly stuck at the 7m15s mark.. CK is located on main SSD so cache and processing speed shouldn't be an issue... Would anyone know how to resolve this?
  19. granted, enjoy fo76-- wait a minute..
  20. the only thing we got for hair going for sse is yundao's hair sse which you can find on nexus. for more info and details go to its mod page, it'll do a better job explaining it than me.
  21. skyrim version, skse version, install order (if using mo2) it may be save bloat, try a previous save, one fairly long time ago, make a clean save and reload it; play around see if it ctds as frequent. if so, I recommend using a save cleaner on your latest save. gl.
  22. If you want a magic themed fantasy based DnD/Gauntlet-esque adventure, might I suggest Magicka series as well? It's pretty much DnD for wizards on steroids, easy to pick up and can be played both alone or co-op. It's also not performance hungry to boot.
  23. copy your latest save as a back up, then use a save cleaner on your latest save. it's probably residual scripts.
  24. Hmm, yes with those specs I'm sure you shouldn't have any issues running on ultra. Have you applied SSE fixes? Try a using savecleaner, perhaps you have bloat built up in your saves which is causing you to crash after playing on that specific character for so long. I recall the longer you play, the larger the save file becomes.
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