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Everything posted by Gruffydd

  1. Extract away. I've got a mod that has hundreds of loose files in it (per request ages ago from people who wanted to be able to pick and choose which parts they used), and it works fine.
  2. There is no main part of the game, or at least not one that you're required to choose like it or not. It's really up to you and your playstyle as to what the focus is. I mean, sure, if you want to "finish" the game you need to complete certain quests, but you're not forced on them. Do you like the settlement building? It's there for you and you can spend hundreds of hours on it. Hate it? You can ignore it entirely. Are you a lore fanatic? There is so much to read and discover it's ridiculous. Hate reading that stuff? The vast majority can be completely ignored. Love exploration? Feel free to just wander around poking your nose into things. A simple hatch in the floor of a shack may cover an entire underground tech complex. There's a lot out there to find and explore, and not all of it is marked by a map icon. Hate it? Just follow that main quest. I mean, personally I don't see what the point is of playing this kind of game if you're only going to do the main quest, but to each their own.... Do you love story? No, I'm not talking about the main quest, I mean the story of the world. Look around, follow those radio signals, open each door, and see what little nuggets of story have been left everywhere. This isn't stuff that is forced on you; there's nothing to click or that gets highlighted. It's the way a few skeletons were positioned, and maybe a journal or an unsent letter, that kind of thing. Some of it is downright heartbreaking. But little of it affects the game, and if that's not what you're into you can pretty much ignore it. Like combat? Blast away. Very little can't be resolved by blowing it up one way or another. Hate combat? Well, you probably can't avoid it, but there are certainly ways to minimize it. Add to that the possibilities that mods provide, and you can make the game pretty much whatever you want it to be.
  3. I'm pretty sure Ennio Morricone's estate (he died last year) still owns the copyright on that (especially after he won a lawsuit two years ago to reclaim copyright on some of his scores). Which means that a mod that makes the requested change likely wouldn't be allowed here. However... It looks like the main theme may be in Data > Music > Special, named MUS_MainTheme.xwm. So, in theory, if you got a copy of the track, converted it to an xwm file, renamed it MUS_MainTheme, and overwrote the original with it, you'd be playing that music as the main theme on your game. It looks like this is what most and maybe all of the main theme replacer mods are doing, although as I said I'm not familiar with this so I can't say for certain. It also looks like there are multiple mods already on the Nexus that will convert a regular music file to an xwm file, so that part should be pretty straightforward. it also looks like there are a number of modder's resources out there on the topic of how to replace the main theme music. Watching one or more of those might be helpful if you decide to do this. As with any modding, I highly recommend making a backup of whatever was in the folder originally before you go overwriting anything, so that you can put it back how it was if it goes wrong. Good luck!
  4. I'm not sure what kind of radiation sign you wanted, since your pic didn't work, but there are a few in my mod Gruffydd's Signs and Posters. If those aren't what you had in mind, let me know, and I might be able to add something.
  5. Wanted posters are now available in my mod Gruffydd's Signs and Posters. Hopefully it's at least similar to what you had in mind.
  6. And yet when you come along, suddenly with the kind of workbench that just seems to be laying around all over the Commonwealth, and despite your origin story from the game's intro, you're able to take a handful of pencils and an old hat and make a couch. Or take an old camera and some scrap metal and make a laser rifle. Or... Apparently once you thawed back out you became MacGyver on steroids. Maybe it's like Demolition Man, and while you were frozen odd crafting skills were piped into your skull.
  7. Snappy Housekit. Snappy HouseKit at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community Some truly old school skills seem to have been lost as well. Sweeping, for instance. Also, why does nobody know how to knit? Or make clay stuff, like pots or bricks? Or weave baskets? Didn't a single ghoul with skills survive who can tell people how to do this kind of stuff?
  8. I don't think radiation, or drowning, is a problem for NPC's...... I've roamed around the Crater of Atom and other hot zones with unshielded followers, and they didn't seem to be affected in any way other than suggesting we might want to be elsewhere. I know radiation weapons seem to make a difference, but I don't think radiation itself does. Or at least, not without a mod.
  9. Okay, wanted posters for those six (plus probably one or two more I'll add before I upload) will be included in the next update to Gruffydd's Signs and Posters. This will probably be around the middle of the month.
  10. Which 5 or 6 people would be your first choice to be on wanted posters?
  11. I thought it was only the indigenous ones as well, but then Nuka World added two-headed gazelle, along with the indigenous bison mixed with non-indigenous African buffalo and Asian water buffalo (making the Brahmiluff). From the limited sample it does seem to be only hoofed herbivores (cows, deer, gazelle), which made me wonder if every such critter was affected, or if only a few survived enough to flourish (or at least reproduce faster than they die), and - since according to the FO bible the FEV was involved somehow - how long it took to spread, since the two-headed brahmin seems to be the standard coast-to-coast for basic cattle/oxen. I'm trying to pin down when they did become the standard so I can use a reference to it in my mod.
  12. Does anyone know around what year the two-headed variants of larger herbivores (brahmin, radstags, gazelles, that kind of thing) became the norm throughout the Commonwealth? I know according to the FO bible, the new form for the brahmin was influenced by the FEV, but I haven't been able to find which strain, or where it was first used to change cattle to brahmin, or how they ended up being everywhere in the US with no regular cows left anywhere, or pretty much anything else to help me figure out when the two-headed version became the one everyone accepted as normal. Also, other than in the Nuka-World DLC, have two-headed versions of animals from other continents (presumably from zoos or private collections) been seen or referenced in any of the games? Two-headed giraffes or elephants or suchlike? If so, where and when? Thanks.
  13. I know this post was from long, long ago, but I just now stumbled across it, and I have the answer if you're still looking for it after all this time. It comes from "Business Settlements" by Tamayo.
  14. Any mod that uses vanilla meshes most likely does.
  15. New locations? I'd love to get more high-quality new locations. That means added play time, and not just screwing around with settlements and outfits. Personally, I think we need those much more than we need the 9,314th sexy armor mod. Can't wait for one of the really big ones - Cascadia, Miami, etc. - to finally come out.
  16. My understanding (unless they've changed it since early on) is that powered armor SETS your strength (to 11, I think) rather than increasing your current strength, and also cancels some bonuses (such as +str and +carry cap) you get from your regular armor while you're wearing it. This means that if you've maxed your strength, and have pocketed armor or are using mods that increase strength or carry cap, putting on powered armor effectively lowers your strength and carry cap. There are various mods out there that fix this in one way or another.
  17. Figured it was probably something like that, but the CoA were kind of an odd lot, and I didn't poke around the church in FH as much as I probably should have, so I wasn't sure....
  18. Does anyone know if this logo comes from in-game (and if so, where), or if it's a fan work? It's on all sorts of places in Google, but none of them very official-looking, which makes me wonder if it's something a fan made that's just been stolen over and over again. If it's in-game, I'd like to use it in a mod, but I won't without knowing its provenance.
  19. I didn't have that issue at all with Snappy Housekits. I've mixed-and-matched with all sorts of stuff using it. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to build using all those nifty bits of architecture that were in the game but not available in the vanilla build sets. I regularly use it in combination with vanilla assets and a number of other building mods, including Homemaker, Snap-n-Build, The Master Plan, SOE, and others. I guess experiences vary. Mine has been very positive.
  20. Should there really be a big difference once the Institute is destroyed? This isn't like NV where there was an actual war going on that could really change things. This is a relatively calm area, where a bunch of people are farming outside of large settlements, and their main worries are raiders and the boogeyman (Institute). The conflict facing the Commonwealth is more of a minds-and-hearts battle than a physical one, so once it is "won" by one of the factions other than the Institute or Raiders, life just goes on. The Minutemen are a fairly hands-off faction. They aren't about telling people how to live, they're about protecting people and taking out the bad guys. So, if they win, no big change for most of the Commonwealth, other than being a little bit safer. The BoS didn't fly in until mid-game. If they accomplish their mission, there's really no reason for them to continue to hang out in Boston. I can see them leaving behind a presence (about the size of Danse's original group or a bit larger), but other than that, with the "synth problem" dealt with, I would expect them to fly on back out to wherever they perceive their next big mission to be. So again, if they win, no big change for most of the Commonwealth, other than the elimination of the boogeyman. The Railroad I would think would be one of the biggest changes, because their victory is a sociological one, not a military one. They are fighting for the preservation and acceptance of synths. As with the BoS, the Institute is gone, so that's a plus to most of the Commonwealth, but now the same guys who did that should be pushing for everyone else to accept the remaining "peaceful" synths. Good luck with that. Decades of strife, prejudice, racial violence, discriminatory laws, etc. are in the future, assuming the Commonwealth as a whole doesn't turn on the Railroad. For me, this would actually be interesting to play through, but of course nothing of the sort was implemented. Regardless, for Farmer X out in the rural Commonwealth, nothing really has changed.
  21. Lots of great stuff in Homemaker. Good building parts in Snappy Housekits and The Master Plan. Old World Plaids has some good furniture in it. Settlement Objects Expansion Pack has an assortment of good stuff. Wall Pass-Through Power Conduits is very useful. If you want signs or posters, my own Gruffydd's Signs and Posters adds a few hundred new ones. Do It Yourshelf is great for shelving, especially for shops. Modular Kitchen is great for kitchen creation (everything snaps). OC Decorator is great if your settlers tend to knock over your carefully placed stuff.
  22. Hrm. Okay, so someone liked my mod enough to want to set up a recurring donation. They used the donate button, followed the steps, etc. The payment got denied by Paypal, because 1) I don't have a "business" Paypal account, and 2) I am not enrolled in "enhanced recurring payments" for $19.99/month. Has anyone else received a recurring payment and found a way around this? I'm not a business, so don't see any need for a business account, and I'm sure not paying them $20/month....
  23. Found it, thanks! (Not on my own page, because it apparently now realizes it would be silly to donate to yourself, but on someone else's page).
  24. I'm sure this has been covered before, but I have been unable to find it, so I'll just ask... In the new format, where did the donation button go? I've got someone who wants to donate to me, and he couldn't find the donate button. So, I went to look at the page to see where it is, and no longer see it. Am I just blind? Or is it no longer there?
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