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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Not knowing anything of your mod install/removal history or whatever happened to your savegame during your playthrough, it's kind of hard to say. I don't see anything in your modlist which would cause this that I know of. Try it on a new game - if you level armor skills normally in that, something got borked by installing/removing mods or skyrim being skyrim.


    Removing mods - especially scripted ones - can bork your savegame.


    If you don't want to go through the whole intro sequence (personally if I see that cart one more time I will scream) consider installing Live Another Life by Arthmoor, or just console out into the world from the startup screen and run around killing things.


    As for your other question, I can't recommend using the unofficial patches enough, but I wouldn't install them on an in-progress game, I think.

  2. By default, all Conditions are set to be run with an AND operator between themselves and the condition that follows them. The OR checkbox is used to override this behavior, and replace the operator following this condition with an OR instead. In the Condition List, consecutive ORs are treated like a single block when evaluating and have order precedence over AND.

    For example, the condition items: A AND B OR C AND D are evaluated as ( A AND ( B OR C ) AND D ) and not as ( ( A AND B ) OR ( C AND D ) ).


  3. Hey, would it be unreasonable if I were to request a mod that turned Revyn Sadri, Belethor, and perhaps other kinda shady/dirty merchants into unaffiliated fences? If not, could ya' tell me how to do it myself?




    Unreasonable? Who knows. Practical? Definitely!


    Gimme a second. Suggestions welcome - Revyn, Belethor, our Khajit caravan friends, others?

  4. It only helps against a very specific papyrus function which most modders today know to avoid using.


    So in your case, it wouldn't help much. You can disable footprints and W&C via MCM menu, the respective mod pages have instructions up on their mod pages.


    In general, I would strongly advise against removing scripted mods from your current playthrough, ever. Either revert to a save before you installed them, grin and bear it for this playthrough, or start over.

  5. Something you did borked things up. Not knowing anything of your mod/game history, maybe


    player.paycrimegold 0 0 2816C


    while outside Markarth/the Reach will fix things up for you. Perhaps even add 30+ days of avoiding the area.

  6. It means your download got cancelled by the server hanging up because the nexus is busy on the weekend, or some other transient network error. Compare the downloaded filesize to the filesize mentioned on the mod page and you will see a difference most likely. Try downloading again.

  7. Okay, first things first, you will need to manually place those mods BOSS doesn't recognise. Find somewhere that seems logical. Consider installing Boss Userlist Manager (BUM) to create rules for unrecognised mods - it'll make your life easier, especially when running skyproc patches which in turn run BOSS.


    Something is fishy with your longbows mods, are you using the latest version from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29950

    (I don't run this mod myself so can't really help there - the master sort ordering is quite important, if a mod being loaded is trying to access a master that isn't there or gets loaded later, crash city. Try updating or asking on the mod page. As a test disable ALL the longbow mods and see if your skyrim starts up)


    I have the latest IA myself and don't get this error at all - I'm kind of wondering whether your file may have been corrupted by overzealous cleaning? Try installing a fresh copy and try again.


    And for the last problem, it's complaining about a record in the 8th mod in your load order, so if you have wrye open, mod listed as 08. Something wrong with it, again, possibly overzealous cleaning or corrupted in some way. Try replacing it with a fresh copy.

  8. First off, CTD on startup usually is indicative of a missing master for one of your mods. The easiest way (for me) is to start up Wrye Bash and check. See also http://wryemusings.com/Wrye%20Bash.html


    As for merged/bashed patches, these are used to resolve mod conflicts with regards to load orders, enchanted item lists, NPCs, factions and more. It won't really improve "performance" I think but it will certainly make your game run more as intended. For instance, if you have two mods altering the bandit leveled lists, normally only the last loaded mod will get to write its changes and you'll miss out on content you wanted.


    Wrye Bash can generated a bashed patch, which deals with leveled lists exclusively. They are perfectly reliable. Tes5edit creates merged patches, which has more records but may need review before loading.


    First, load Wrye and right-click the bashed patch0.esp and rebuild patch. Should not take long. Activate at the bottom of your load order, before any skyproc patches.


    Merged patch: next load up all your active mods minus any skyproc patches in tes5edit, wait for it to finish loading, right-click in the mod list > other > create merged patch (or some text like that). Should take a while and appear at the bottom of your mod list when done. Review entries and conflict resolution for validity and desirability. Close and save, give it a nice name like tes5merged. Activate after the bashed batch, before any skyproc patches.


    Then run all your skyproc stuff and activate, preferably with SUM if you have multiple skyproc patchers.


    Ultimately your load order should be



    Bashed patch

    Merged patch

    Skyproc patches

  9. It's part of the civil war quest, so both Imperials and Stormcloaks have a quest there. Maybe that's why they left it alone. I think it's also a target for one or more radiant quests, not sure.


    I use both the Populated X and Immersive Patrols mods and then use ASIS to generate extra random spawns and this place is always a good fight for me.


    Anyway, adding extra spawns inside shouldn't be the hardest of tasks but anyone attempting it should pay attention to the civil war quests and possibly hook up their adds to any enable/disable markers present.

  10. You're putting the skyrim engine under an awful lot of stress with all that stuff. Tons of NPCs/monsters being added, high-res textures everywhere, dynamic effects being applied to all those critters (wet & cold, footprints for instance). I have no idea if you've been messing with your ini files - have you? And are you starting from scratch every time, or loading old saves?


    Verify your SSME is loading correctly (log entries) and that you are getting the ENBoost red "performance blah enabled", and if all that is true and you still get CTDs, consider changing your loadout. Even with the mempatch/enboost black magic, there is an absolute limit to what skyrim will handle. Pare down to mods you absolutely aren't willing to live without, start a new game, see if it's stable then. Then SLOWLY add back mods until you find the limits of what your system will handle, or the frequency of CTDs you're willing to live with.


    Tulsa: papyrus logs are not crash logs. You will rarely if ever see the reason for a ctd in papyrus logs - the game engine won't get the time to write out the problem. You can use it to troubleshoot other issues, but it's something that requires patience and understanding/experience and most people should just leave it turned off because it will just confuse them and they will bother mod authors chasing ghosts.

  11. Usually when I don't have a clue I open a similar cell in the creation kit - in this case pick WhiterunBreezehome. Right-click the cell in the cell view window, edit. On the first tab you notice under location it's a "WhiterunBreezehomeLocation" (in these tabs you can also select music to play, the imagespace, lighting, and under "interior data" you will see the zone NoResetZone which exempts your cell from a cell reset (which would empty all containers etc which is bad).


    But getting back to locations, you now know you will need to make a custom location to your home, or copy an existing one. In the object window, go to WorldData > Location and find your WhiterunBreezehomeLocation. Doubleclick and look - it has the keywords. Okay, so we'll make our own. Close the breezehome window, create a new location. Give it an ID (MyHomeLocation or similar), a name (My pretty home), and right-click in the keyword pane to add your desired keywords.


    Finally, in the cell view window, right-click your cell > edit (also available under menu world > cells), and set the location for your cell (MyHomeLocation).

  12. In the time you fellows spent talking about immersion, you could have already fired up the CK and adjusted the relevant leveled lists. Open CK, load skyrim and any DLCs you want to adjust, look for "chest" under all, look at the merchant chests, open the leveled lists & adjust to your heart's desire (but note some leveled lists may be used elsewhere, too) or just add a ton of stuff to the chest itself without bothering with leveled lists. Repeat for all vendors you wish to change. Save mod, load game, profit. Publish on nexus for extra points.

  13. Well, if I _am_ messing around with papyrus it's usually in notepad++, your software seems to be on par with that in terms of functionality (at least for papyrus).


    CK wiki integration might be nice to have, or general googling, right-click any given bit of syntax and see the corresponding wiki entry, perhaps locally cached after the first lookup? Or perhaps automatic lookup in a special pane. I find myself flipping back and forth to the CK wiki all the time.

  14. Quests and dialogue were always some of the trickier bits of the CK, I thought. And HF, small as it may be, makes some pretty advanced changes of its own. Just follow the tutorial step by step and you will by experience gain the knowledge to build a more advanced follower and from there, ways to add/change dialogue for all types of characters and understand quests (which are at the heart of any conversation in Skyrim). Start small, don't try to run before can walk.

  15. I'm amazed by this patch. My system is pretty humble in its specs, and I would NEVER have considered touching ugrids, ever. My modload isn't the heaviest I've seen, still, around 100 mods which add a lot of NPCs and gear and has the accompanying patches and skyproc patchers to distribute all that goodness over the leveled lists and across Skyrim.


    I've installed the skse plugin, cranked ugrids up to 9, and rode around skyrim on mah hoers for a few hours until I got tired of it and the game just ran beautifully. Even stranger, my GPU temp remained 10 degrees C lower than it normally would and my framerate was markedly improved. It's.... wow.


    edit: ugrids up to eleven, played for three hours, back and forth to Solstheim, generally messing around, not a hitch. AMAZING.

  16. Here are my 10 mod commandments, they have served me well and are the result of many hours of frustration and patient learning. YMMV.


    1. Read mod description/stickies carefully and act accordingly when installing (re: compatibility, install procedures, special notes), and don't install a ton of mods in one go.

    2. Run BOSS, manually order unknown mods (consider using Boss Userlist Manager), and act according to what the boss logs tell you.

    3. Use tes5edit to clean any mods that require cleaning.

    4. Understand what you're installing - while in tes5edit look over mods you're putting in, what records they affect.

    5. Use wrye to create a bashed patch, tes5edit to created a merged patch if needed (and if you have more than one mod which messes with leveled lists for instance, it's needed).

    6. Do NOT remove any mods more complex than a texture overhaul mid-playthrough unless you revert to a pre-install save, especially when it comes to mods that use quests or scripts.

    7. Recognise that even though you may have a wizbang latest-gen machine with ridiculous amounts of ram and the latest and greatest graphics card, skyrim is a 32-bit app. Test a given modload for stability before commencing a playthrough.

    8. Do not mess with ugrids, especially if you're adding tons of NPCs, texture mods, and other fun stuff. You have no clue what is happening the next cell over in a 5x5 grid load, let alone when you're loading a grid of 7x7 cells or heaven forbid, 9x9.

    9. Do not mess with ini settings you or whatever internet berk you got them from don't understand (especially when it comes to stuff under the [Papyrus] section)

    10. Remember that even under pure vanilla load Skyrim is kind of a fickle beast and stuff can and will go wrong. Save early, save often, and monitor the size of your savegames.


    Also, remember to have fun ;)

  17. I agree that the ENB is likely the issue but at the same time, removing some foggy weathers from vanilla or a mod is easy enough in CK, but without knowing what you're using nobody can help you. That was the reason for my question. Custom weather may also be the reason clear skies isn't working.


    If you don't want to give up your shiny ENB (or temporarily disable it as the weather occurs), using a mod like STATUS http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32657/? you can pinpoint what exact weather is giving you problems. Then you can open CoT in the CK, strip that weather from the ones listed (not sure if it's actually CoT or vanilla but this works for both), and Bob's your uncle.


    As a lazy alternative, you could just use sw/fw from a console to change the weather manually when so desired, here is a list of vanilla weather codes


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