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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Please note that while a particular musical score may be in the public domain, someone's arrangement and performance of that music still has copyright unless explicitly waived.


    For instance, on your last link, the Greek Byzantine Choir would have copyright to their performance of that song. Unless they say "go ahead and use our performance of this music anywhere", you cannot.

  2. I would highly suggest that you have permission from the author to modify the files before continuing. Even if it is for personal use.


    Um, what I do with a mod on my PC is my business and my business alone. (re)publishing, now that is a different kettle of fish.

  3. Not sure what you mean. If you mean remove items like trees or rocks, doubleclick the object and check the box "initially disabled", then change the z coordinate to -30000 or something like it. This (as opposed to just deleting the object), will make sure that if any other mod tries to modify the same object, the engine won't crash. Deleting objects bad, disabling objects good. You can technically delete them and then use tes5edit to do the undelete and disable job but that would require an explanation of tes5edit and mod cleaning. Google those terms if interested.


    If you mean change the actual landscape, you want the landscape editor; pressing H with the render window focused will activate it. See also http://www.creationkit.com/Landscape and http://www.creationkit.com/Landscape_Hotkeys

  4. Last lines in papyrus log =/= reason for crash. Most of the time, when the game CTDs, it will have no time to actually write a log.


    You could have been running out of vram because high-res texture packs. Or warzones tried to load a ton of NPCs somewhere nearby (extra load plus vram spike from loading a ton of armors from immersive). Or warzones just threw a wobbly. Or you have been plugging and removing mods on this savegame earlier. Or, you know, skyrim just crashed. It happens.

  5. Also, I haven't been able to get much done today. I'm having a couple of issues with CK including the render window not showing anything. Until I can get the render window working again, I can't make much progress. I'll keep looking for a solution.




    a) you're trying to run CK with ENB loaded, this can cause problems (temporarily rename d3d9.dll to d3d9.dll.old or something to fix)

    b) your skyrimeditorprefs.ini have gotten messed up. Delete it and restart the CK to regenerate.

  6. I like it - took a bit to grow on me. Maybe even add some more accents on the main armor piece. The ringmail is awesome!


    I do enjoy most if not all of your textures in my game. If you're still in the mood for requests - you know those falmer tents and pods and totems? Those look atrocious, even with the high-res DLC. If you could get around to showing those some love sometime, that would be amazing.

  7. Oscape works well for ground, whether it's ocean or not - it doesn't care about that.


    I've discussed oscape settings and use in this post, a full copy of all needed TGA textures can be found in this mod, and no, there are no "hidden textures" nor do you need to create a LOD folder below the tgatextures folder.


    I've had no problems getting a working LOD with pretty textures using this method, even using my own custom land textures.


    For completeness' sake, this forum post is the best guide I've found to generating object LOD using the CK.

  8. If you check every sack and barrel on your travels and in dungeons, you will end up with tons and tons of salt.


    It's easy enough to change the mining script to deliver salt and retex some of the ore vein meshes, I did it as a test once, but placing them around every mine and dungeon got real boring and like I said, unless you ignore all the sacks & barrels, it's really hard to run out of salt. So I scrapped it.

  9. Kinda confused - it's already in your load order? Or would you revert to an earlier save?


    It's a great mod, I've used it on several playthroughs but once you run with it I wouldn't uninstall it for that particular playthrough. I don't know about new patches, if you want to play with it now, why not use it? I've even upgraded it while playing without any noticable problems.

  10. don't see dragonborn in your load order, do see "DragonCombatOverhaulDragonBornPatch.esp"

    That is the problem more likely, the mod runs fine. Also, it's your game, but I would never yank mods with scripts from a game. Once they're in, they're in. Too much potential for unforeseen problems down the line, and good luck troubleshooting then. Unless you can revert to a pre-install state.


    I wouldn't install SkyRe on an in-progress game but that's just me.

  11. Since the heart would presumably be in the player's inventory when the eating happens and objects in inventory don't run scripts afaik (because it's inside a container - you), you are probably better off creating a quest with a script tied to the playerref alias and then running the script from there.

  12. There are 10 used in the entire game, one is in the wareshouseambushes (resource cell, not playable), one inside Labirinthian, and one is locked up in blackreach. So 7 dotted around skyrim (not counting the pale lady). I've found four while playing - the weirdest coming out of a well in the middle of nowhere in the fall forest area with no prior warning. They're also tied to a levelgate so won't appear until lvl 15.


    So yeah, Skyrim could use some more wispmothers. I'm kind of tied up right now but if nobody else has picked it up in a few weeks I'll have a go at placing some more in interesting locations. Maybe even add a little quest and some backstory - the book The Wispmother found ingame offers some interesting hooks.

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