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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. I like that this is the last week of school! By the nine, I really like that a lot.


    I like that too, for it means there will be no more kids on the morning train for a good while. Don't get me wrong, I like kids, but I could never eat more than 2 or 3 of them. And they're really quite loud in the morning. Must be all that sugary breakfast cereal they eat *shakes cane* and stay off my damn lawn! *cough* *hack* Now where was I?


    Oh, right. I like turning into an elderly curmudgeon, I think I will be excellent at it.

  2. If you have modified these objects in any way (moved, etc) in your game, they might be baked into your save file.

    ^^^ this


    When you're testing your mods, always start from a new game and never from an existing savegame. When modding for skyrim I usually just open the console at the main menu screen and coc to wherever the mod action happens.

  3. many mod users, such as myself, sometimes have ideas for a mod but have no modding experience.


    Every single mod author has started like that.


    I think if you're going to request help from others it would be beneficial to do the groundwork first, very few people are going to spend their valuable time and effort on something that's a complete unknown. You can read instructions and watch youtube videos all day but at the end of the day you'll be no further in actual CK experience. You need to dive in.


    Therefore: work through the tutorials on the right-hand side of this page: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Tutorials - just boot up the CK and start working through them. They will help you understand how the CK works, how certain game concepts tie together, and get the basic skills needed to build a mod. Then you can start working towards what you want to build, and if you're missing knowledge along the way (and you will), THAT would be a good time to ask on the forums, google for answers, or look at youtube videos.


    One thing to remember: you need to be able to walk before you can run. People have the wildest ideas, I see them on the request forums all the time, but they don't have a clue about the immense amount of time and effort it would take to implement them. Think big, but start small.

  4. In response to post #37050885. #37050930, #37051390 are all replies on the same post.

    Jokerine wrote:

    I seem to be unable to check my notifications right now, the dropdown menu is just stuck loading. Dunno if it may be related but figured I'd mention it.

    femshepping wrote: Mine too.
    Nazenn wrote: I had this as well, but if you go to your inbox via a link it works fine

    If this happens you are probably not loading the HTTPS version of the page. Look at the URL, change http:// to https:// , load it, and all the notifications and tabs will start working.
  5. In response to post #37051480. #37051520, #37051585, #37051605, #37051705, #37051765, #37051780, #37051795 are all replies on the same post.

    darkranger1021 wrote: All Files and downloads display just a Capital (E).
    In fact every tab on a mod page displays just the (E).

    elina666 wrote: Also having this problem!
    AfroGamerNinja wrote: Same.
    Elvani wrote: Same here; I also can't see my notifications or any of the new bugs posted on my mod pages.
    thestoryteller01 wrote: Same. No matter if I use FF or IE

    My bookmarks work but tabs go to "E"
    Kryzaa wrote: For me that happens if I am on the http version of the site, cant see downloads and other tabs. When adding https manually it works. Or when browsing a mod from the site, not old bookmarks.
    Madpleasure wrote: Same for me as well.. also, the notifications will not load
    monycast wrote: Same here.

    If this happens you are probably not loading the HTTPS version of the page. Look at the URL, change http:// to https:// , load it, and all the notifications and tabs will start working.
  6. I like that it's getting close to the weekend, that first work week after holidays is a doozy.


    I like that AraFox now has incentive to get to 501 posts ^^ (but wonder what other titles she will come up with aside from "newbie").


    I like my meat and wine red.


    why wouldn't they allow porting from Oblivion to Skyrim? i'm pretty sure i've seen people port stuff from other games to Skyrim before.



    Because of a mess of different IP rights holders prevents it. Some other game makers, most notably CD Projekt RED (the Witcher series) have explicitly allowed porting.

  8. I like that I have found a kindred soul in the most random of places.


    I like that I'm having what is easily in the top-3 of best holidays ever.


    I like strong coffee in the morning, and green tea in the evening. Because I also like sleeping well.


    You know what I like? I like that picture you posted :smile: I am also not ashamed to admit that I'm incredibly jealous.


    I like your profile :smile:


    I like that I've prepared for this trip by walking a minimum of 8 km a day for a month, and even still its not enough, I've averaged something like 18km a day here so far. My poor feet.

    I like standing around the big square at Shibuya and just watch the masses stream by. When the traffic lights change there's this huge surge of people going every which way and it NEVER ENDS. I've stood there sipping coffee in the morning, around noon, and in the evening and it's crazy busy at all hours.

    I like coming back from Roppongi on a Friday night and watching drunken salarymen stagger home. It's a miracle nobody ends up on the subway tracks.

    I like the freaky game shows and commercials on my hotel room TV when I'm done running around for the day.

    I like all the bizarre manga and anime related stuff for sale at Akihabara (the endless maid bars not so much, it's a little creepy).

    I like that I've prepared by grabbing this offline map app and this tokyo subway map app because I would be utterly lost without them. They have great internet here but it's kind of hard to get at, wifi is spotty, and I suppose I could rent a 4G/wifi modem thingie but it's fine like this.

    I like that they have an actual rainbow bridge here (yessss Mario Kart).

    I like that with my modest 1.83m I tower over people here. I pretend I'm Gojira on the subway.

    I like ignoring all of my work mails, even the high-priority ones. I just push "mark all as read" at the start of each day and then forget about it.

    I like the endless street food I've been nomming and the best sushi ever. And that restaurants here have weird themes like "Coffee and Spaghetti".

    I like the bizarre Engrish on menus and everywhere. I mean... do squids even have livers? I think that one will remain a mystery because I'm ordering something safer. I'm generally open to trying lots of things but I guess I've found my limits. I'm fine not trying something called "beef guts". Because I suspect that'll be exactly what it says on the tin.

    Speaking of Mario Kart, I like that you can rent a cart and Mario costume and drive on the public roads around Tokyo. I'm doing that next week because OH YEAH (and yes, you can do a route that takes you over rainbow bridge).



    (I swear I'm not trying to work that jealousy, I just need to share and gush a little. I hope you like it).



    OMG how fun for you! Take lots of picks for us!



    It's REALLY amazing, I made it here just as the cherry trees are blossoming (which was part of my master plan but it's hard to deal with variables like weather, either way I got it right on the nose by sheer luck). It's quite the event, they have "blossom report" on the news every day lol. Unfortunately pictures don't do it justice. The contrast between how crazy busy it is in places like Akihabara and these parks is a little shocking but it's nice to have somewhere to flee when the crowds get a little overwhelming.



  11. I also like cursing people's sudden but inevitable betrayals.


    I like that I actually have this shirt, and that normally it leaves most people slightly mystified.


    I also like that I packed it for my 2-week Japan trip. My flight leaves in 15 hours. Oh, I am REALLY liking this.


    Oh I also bought the HTC vive which ships in May and I'm super stoked about that too but seriously, Japan. It's been on the bucket list for nearly two decades.

  12. It's been a while, but I remember I looked at that while doing my springtime overhaul and it was a no go. could be wrong, it's been a long while, but I remember I ended up just texturing the worldspace to be greener to match my springtime because I threw up my hands in disgust at what they did to that worldspace.


    IIRC the WhiterunWorld landscape geometry is a weird hack-y cut and paste job by Bethesda and more like a giant static object than landscape elsewhere, I don't think it allowed any painting on of the usual landscape textures. I hope I'm wrong, though.

  13. It's entirely possible to take control away from the player and have the game AI control it, I did it here:


    However, there are limitations to this and the stuff you're hoping to do would be very out there.


    Fun fact: that mod I linked is the released version of my private experiment "SaaS", or "Skyrim as a Screensaver". The AI-controlled player character doesn't actually do anything though, it just endlessly wanders around Tamriel. And gets stuck a lot.


    Anyway, the mod is fully open with sources included, so have a look.

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