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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. I think that's a pretty good-looking volcano/mountain thing. Why not a volcano? Go with it ;)


    Beth's workflow sort-of-described (external software for heightmap gen, then hand-editing)


    Someone with a lot of experience in that sort of thing (this is somewhat outdated but the general principles still apply)


    just one of many terrain-generators (I know this one because it actually produces workable and very nice heightmaps)



    I guess what I am saying is at that scale, automation is probably going to save you a lot of work/headache. I'm not sure if I've ever come across a freeware terrain generator or I would link it.


    And speaking of automation, if you're looking to fill all that terrain (it's a LOT!) by hand you may want to look into the region generator


    (fallout post but the same mechanism applies to skyrim)


    it will take you longer to set up but at that scale it will save you time.

  2. That's why I said forget your current game, start a new save.


    Here's what I consider a basic rule of the skyrim engine: for any mod more complex than a texture overhaul, you're essentially stuck with that mod for that particular playthrough. It's not 100% true, but it's close enough. And it's especially true when there is scripting involved. Nothing wrong with papyrus or using scripts in mods, just the way the engine is set up.

  3. As a final tip and to add to the others' advice, when you go and test, do not load a previous save. At the main skyrim screen, just open the console and "coc whiterun" or wherever, then do your testing. God knows what kinds of variables and other bits gets baked into your savegames, but there's a lot of it and it's always best to test from a clean slate situation.

  4. The short answer is your mod load is so heavy it makes the skyrim engine explode.


    What your machine specs are is less relevant than what the skyrim engine is: 32 bit and aging a bit.


    Warzones, by itself (aside from not really being maintained anymore - I think, I haven't checked) is a stupendously heavy mod. I love playing with it but when I do it's without any other mods running, or a very light sprinkle, in an isolated game.


    Open Cities brings all previously separate worldspaces for cities into the big main worldspace. It's a great mod, but there's both system load and potential incompatibility to consider.


    I haven't played skyrim recently but I think the civil war overhaul, by its very nature, is going to touch on a LOT of skyrim assets and bend them in interesting ways.


    My advice: remove warzones and open cities, forget your current save, start a new game. Check for stability.

  5. Three requests, three esp files (CHOOSE ONE), relevant changes highlighted in blue box. Won't work on in-progress game where the cultists have already been triggered (i.e. you've already done the Way of the Voice). Not meticulously tested either, but it's two records change.


    Use at your own risk, no fitness for purpose implied, no warranty etc. etc.



  6. I figure Skyrim could use some more tree diversity. The pine forests, fall forest and reach are okay (even if the reach trees seem a little skinny) but the tundra and marsh are reduced to re-using pines and reach trees.



    The fall forest is okay, just add some colour touches.



    Loads of overgrown stuff in the swamps to make for a dense and claustrophobic experience



    A greener reach



    A major overhaul of the tundra which previously borrowed pines and those godawful driftwood trees. Fun fact, nearly all the pines are facing the same way, which becomes painfully obvious when replacing them with more asymmetrical trees. They also tend to be clustered in groups (like a bunch of pine05s together). Tons of rotating and scaling fun for all.




    While the scope of this mod is strict (TREES), I'm also working on a complementary mod for grass diversity








    But it's still in the early stages and needs heavy tweaking.







    (with massive thanks to Ga-knomboe Boy and Elinen, without whose resources this would be a non-starter)

  7. Now that everyone is playing nice again, what helped me a lot when having to place a lot of items quickly were CK's OPALs.




    Make a custom palette of objects, set basic rotation/translation/scale options and optional random variance for each object, observe the amazing "conform to slope" option, and quickly clutter a worldspace. Well, quick-er anyway.

  8. Yeah wouldn't recommend checking the "is full LOD" flag.


    But yeah, you can generate object/terrain LOD for Tamriel. ALL of Tamriel. I don't know of a way to do this for just a section - haven't tried isolating the mesh/textures at the various LOD levels for just the cells I'm touching (by doing a full gen, then deleting the stuff I don't need). So other mods doing the same means last mod in wins.


    How I long for a tes5lodgen so we can leave this in the hands of the users, where it belongs (each user generating LOD for his particular modded version of Tamriel).

  9. So many ways to skin a cat ;D


    I temporarily rename the data folder to data.old, create empty data folder, extract archive using whatever (bsaopt, bsabrowser, whatever you have handy), make changes (if you change source scripts you'll need to compile them!), boot up archive.exe, dump the modified archive folder into it and check the appropriate content boxes (meshes, textures, misc for scripts) and "retain file names"+"retain dir names", and zip it up. Delete the data folder, change the original one back, and off I go. Never had a problem.


    I never tick the "compress" option because disk space is cheaper than extra CPU overhead IMO.

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