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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Wouldn't it be great if you could just create a spur of the moment in game recipe with what you have?!



    I saw your previous recipe request too and I thought about it for a while, the problem is that the game engine really needs to be told in some way what ingredients combine to make a specific dish in advance, unlike real life where you can combine stuff endlessly because chemistry will do its thing regardless.


    To work around it, you'd either have to go through all possible permutations of ingredients and create the resulting dishes beforehand (herculean task), or have all non-recipe ingredients create a "mystery stew" with script-added random effects or something. Neither seems very satisfactory.


    Maybe a brighter mind than me will see a solution that works but I think this may be if not impossible, extremely unlikely given the limitations of the game engines of this era.

  2. This mod should be pretty easy for a modder to create. I think all you'd have to do is delete the town assets and lod in the creation kit and create a new wilderness landscape in place of where the town was. Oh and delete all of the town NPCs too! Villages like Riverwood could remain though giving explorers and hunters somewhere remote but safe to sell loot/hunting goods.


    Oh, you mean just delete all cities, re-landscape the whole thing, build new LODs, delete all NPCs, then all quests and other stuff related to them which is pretty much every quest?


    Yes, easy. :rolleyes: Why don't you give it a go?


    the problem i have is finding in the information for items added by mods, like the cloaks added by Winter is Coming, or the tents added by frostfall, or the waterskins added by Ineed and other basic needs mods. Vanilla items I've had no problem with, those modded items have given me a lot of problems finding them with the console. That is why the starter kit mods frankfamily has suggested don't work for me, because they don't include items added by mods.


    It's possible some kind soul will make a mod like that but not super likely (it's going to have to be either tuned to your specific load order/wishes or be a massively broad project that scans other mods at runtime and presents results in a nice searchable mcm menu which is quite the undertaking). Conversely, learning how to pick a particular item from a particular mod is a skill you'll enjoy for as long as you play skyrim and many other Beth games and costs very little time. There's more than one way to skin a cat, but since you don't like the console, we will do everything outside of skyrim, make a little batch file, and finally load your starter kit with one command.


    1) load up all your mods in Tes5edit, which I assume you have installed because mod cleaning, and fire up notepad alongside it

    2) when your mods have fully loaded, click the [+] in front of the mod you want stuff from. The FormID of items (that 8 hex character string you also use for player.additem commands) is what you're looking for, and the items you want will be under specific subsections. Armor, Misc. Item, Ingestible, Ammunition, Weapon are all places where mods store that fun stuff you want - maybe other places too, you can't break anything just by looking. Poke around a bit. Jot down the full formID in notepad for each item you want to add to your starter pack (this works for mods and the skyrim main file and the DLCs)

    3) once you have a set of items in notepad that pleases you, add the familar player.additem in front of the FormID and if you want more than one, the desired amount at the end. For instance, to start with 500 extra gold and a nice bow from immersive weapons using MY particular mod load order at the time, your notepad file would look like


    player.additem 0000000F 500 (starting two digits are "00" or the mod in the first load position or skyrim.esm)

    player.additem 2D0076C4 (starting two digits are "2D" or the mod in position 45 when converting from hex or in my load order "immersive weapons.esp")


    Be aware that if your load order changes, you may have to review this file because the mods will have different places and thus starting digits.


    4) save this file as starterpack.txt (or whatever you prefer) in your main skyrim folder (where TESV.exe lives)

    5) run skyrim, open the console, and type


    bat starterpack


    Finished. You can build a ton of different starterpacks this way. I hope that made sense.

  4. Finding all the commands to add all the items that I want to start with is very, very hard.


    1) open console

    2) help "leather armor" or whatever vanilla or mod-added item you want

    3) player.additem [whatever code the game throws back at you]


    repeat steps 2-3 for any item you want, add to batch text file if you like for quick recall, done.

  5. One of the problems is the many mods adding recipes and prices at whatever the author thinks is reasonable or fun or whatever; leads to almost needing a skyproc patcher afterwards.


    A few mod suggestions




    somewhat related





    and also






    when I was doing different playthroughs I did the merchant/craftsman thing, economics of skyrim was a good mod at the time; it has not been updated in forever now though and is actually hidden on the nexus but still available on darkcreations.org - there were some issues with it at the time, I usually disabled the "services" modules for blacksmith/enchanting services by NPCs and it ran fine for me.

  6. Guys, this is someone asking for a mod, not opinions on whether something is OP or not, while I agree it probably is, it's not relevant to his request. You don't have to use it.


    I had a quick look at the CK, but (for instance) the bound bow is classified as a weapon which has an enchantment which tests for the perks. The spectral arrow is just a projectile. They are treated differently and I can't apply the same effects without reworking a lot more than I would for what should be a 5-minute mod. Maybe someone else can help you out.

  7. I'd like them to move the setting to somewhere completely different like Akavir. Monkeymen, tiger-folk, and snake-people, oh my!


    ...but it's probably going to be hammerfell or valenwood+elsweyr.

  8. hmmm, I've always used Oscape to generate LOD for my custom worldspaces, but messing with the entirety of Tamriel, eesh.


    Not to mention the CK's LOD generation is a horrible buggy mess. You can tell it to build a specific chunk by specifying coordinates and dimension but I've never really messed with it, nor do I know if you can just plonk the bits you just generated into the game folder and get a consistent whole. I kind of doubt it.


    If you do go that route, you will also need to extract the LOD nifs from any structure meshes in that section from the original sources to be able to generate successfully (if I remember all this correctly, it's been a year since I've last pulled out hairs over this particular nonsense). I've always built my houses somewhere where I didn't have to do a lot of landscaping, and if I did some, I made sure that my structure would completely overlap any LOD weirdness. Not the prettiest solution, I know.


    Discworld is a 32x32 cell (I think it's been a while like past 4 days) and has 340 .btr files in the meshes for the LOD of just the terrain, and I have no idea how to decipher what is what in that s***, they are named crap like discworld.8.8.-8.btr discworld.8.-8.8.btr and kind of so on and so forth,



    Chunks of LOD meshes/textures/tree stuff at different LOD levels (0,1,2), if I recall correctly the first number has to do with the LOD level used, the second and third are starting cell coordinates for that chunk. Not sure anymore. This was one of the least fun things about worldspace building. I mean, when the CK wiki itself states:


    At the moment, the Creation Kit's LOD generation doesn't create fully-functional results, including broken color maps and inaccurate meshes


    You know you're in for a rough ride.

  9. I don't think dragons and interior cells mix very well (though you could just create a worldspace and build in that, would need an awful lot of space for a dragon to fly around without looking awkward though), but as to your specific question I figured out how to not make dragons fly through mountains/other stuff in worldspaces and documented that here.


    The TLDR version is:

    1. Load up your mod with the worldspace in the CK

    2. click menu World > Generate max height data for world.

    3. Select your custom worldspace from the list provided, click OK.

    4. Save your mod and load it up in Skyrim because you're done.


    I don't know if this will fix your death animation/soul absorption stuff, that sounds more like mod issues, but one step at a time.

  10. If you mean the window itself is just a tiny sliver, I had that a while ago, either your SkyrimEditor.ini or SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini is borked (in the main skyrim folder), fixed by deleting (maybe make a backup if you customized stuff in there) and starting CK again which recreates the file(s).

  11. Great feature!


    Bug reports

    Mod authors can also manage and move bug reports made in the file comments into the bug reporting system. This will help to keep your file comment system more tidy while providing obvious signs that you've recognised what the user has commented on is a bug with a link to the bug report in question.


    I tried this, but the item in the comment thread remains. You say "move", should it automatically move the bug thread+replies or should I hide/delete the comments myself? Because as far as I can tell they're copied.


    I would like to request to extra bug "statuses" - "Not a bug" and "Unable to reproduce" for I hope obvious reasons.


    edit: Also, after my test I deleted the bug report but the "open the bug report" link remains; not sure if that will sort itself out over time like the images.


    edit2: also also, can we change the name "bug" to "spontaneous extra fun feature"? :P

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