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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Okay, so for the past two weeks I've been spending way too much time looking at different texture packs available on the nexus, mixing up my own preferred look for things. Overall I'm very happy with the result. A poor model can look amazing with a good texture, but a good model will still look terrible with a poor texture.


    There are only a few things I haven't been able to find a satisfactory replacement for, and as a result these things have turned into eyesores. I will list them here, if the community has other annoyances, add them here and I will update the list. If a kindly texture artist takes up the challenge and retextures one of the objects, I will update as well.


    - Dwemer ichor barrel


    path: textures\clutter\dwemer\ichorbarrel01.dds


    512x512 res, and these things are frigging EVERYWHERE


    - Serpentine dragon (DLC02)


    path: textures\actors\dlc02\dragon\*.*


    You'll have seen this on one of the loading screen at least if you have the Dragonborn DLC. Miraak sitting all pretty on some kind of ill-defined dragonish blob. I think it's actually using the low-res LOD texture.


    - Dwemer centurion bust


    path: \textures\actors\dwarvensteamcenturion\steamcenturion.dds


    Another loading screen favorite, look at the horrible "rivets"! Note this dwemer clutter model uses the regular steam centurion (actor) textures. An improvement over the default can be had by using textures from this mod, but I still feel it could look even better.


  2. About 90% of soul absorption problems I've seen were load order related.







    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

    Unofficial Hearthfires Patch.esp

    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp


    Is the load order you want.


    The other 9% were other incompatible mods. Like "Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious" which states on the mod description page "not compatible (yet)". If your load order is correct, other mods which alter dragon behavior are likely suspects.


    The last 1% were stupid things like loading dragoncombatoverhaul.esp either without the dragonborn patches or with the patches loaded before the main mod (again, load order).

  3. I always have those two options checked, yes (and the relevant meshes/textures/sounds tickboxes)


    And I never try to update\repack - it always messes up for me. I just delete and build a new one.

  4. How big is that BSA?


    Mine break if I go over the 2GB limit. I rolled my own texture pack and ended up having to split it into three files.


    Also, the names have to match exactly -> modname.esp >>> modname.bsa

  5. I don't know if the CTD happened immediately after the save or not - keep an eye on exact CTD time and last line in log. It may be worth it to disable the autosave feature in game settings.

  6. 1.06.13 does this automatically? Also I seem to have thousands of files in my data/scripts/source folder, with most of them named "TIF__00060974.psc" (with varying numbers) could this have something to do with it?


    No, those are source scripts. Of vanilla quests and other stuff.


    Honestly, loosely reading through this tread, people have been installing and removing scripted mods. Pulling scripted mods from in-progress game will lead to orphaned scripts, weirdness, and general bloat. Do not do this. Install a mod - especially with scripts - and leave it in place for the duration of the game. If you want to remove it, go back to the save you made before you installed it.


    TLDR your save is borked, start over, and this time, decide on a mod loadout and keep it stable.

  7. Try going to the kid's house in windhelm and telling him Grelod is dead. Then fast travel one or more times, preferably to a city like whiterun or markarth. For me the courier only appeared after I told the kid - and I know the courier is ativated on travel/cell change.

  8. Whenever I bump into something or disturb a set piece and some oaf says "hey, watch it!" or something along those lines, I load up Kyne's Peace (an otherwise eminently useless shout) and make EVERYTHING fly. But only if the line is said.


    That'll teach 'em.

  9. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alteration_Ritual_Spell


    MGritual05dragonscript is a vanilla script attached to every dragon and used for that ^^^ quest.


    Don't bother staring at your papyrus logs for hours, when the game CTDs it rarely gets a chance to write out the crash reason anyway. And even a vanilla skyrim will throw a lot of errors. You may as well turn logging off and save yourself a few cpu/disk cycles, because the issue with your dragons is... with your dragon mods. Load order, mod conflict, one of these - as it happens on your old save and a new game.

  10. You... cleaned skyrim.esm?


    I'd do a verify game through steam if you did.




    Cloaks.esp Active
    Cloaks - No Imperial.esp
    Note: Use only one cloaks*esp
    Cloaks - Player Only.esp
    Note: Use only one cloaks*esp
    1nivWICCloaks.esp Active
    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
    Warning: Use only one WICCloaks esp.
    Warning: Use only one WICCloaks esp.
    Incompatible with: Cloaks of skyrim (even with compatibility patch). To fix this use another WICCloaks esp or uninstall cloaks of skyrim.
    1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Active
    Contains dirty edits: 4 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
    1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-No Imp.esp
    Incompatible with: 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch esp


    Is a bloody mess.

  11. There's a mod somewhere on the nexus which adds an NPC who can "suggest" quests to do (small ones)/places to go by giving you a map marker to an undiscovered location. I can't for the life of me find it anywhere or recall the name. If anyone remembers, I would be much obliged.

  12. Works fine for me, both the thief and the mage version. Are you sure you were in sneak mode? People can still hear you when you blunder about in walk/run.


    Oh wait, you realise that, you just don't like it. Well, tough. I think there is a perk high up the sneak tree which allows running/walking to not affect detection.

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