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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. If you're still up for a bit of modeling, I'm busy building the classic wolfenstein 3d maps in Skyrim. I'm also adding in the OCD treasure seeking but while I have found some objects which can stand in for the old-school treasures, I would kill for the jewel-encrusted cross and chalice.


    Only ref image I have is



    ps. I've seen a modder's resource which adds sausages and fruit and more but I can't find it offhand. Though more sausage is always fine ha ha. Wow that sounded weird.

  2. Undoing accidental edits is part of learning how to work with the CK - it's pretty easy to accidentally move something and have a cell marked as changed. This is a post showing you how to revert edits from within the CK itself using the file > open and then Details dialogue. This the general article on the CK wiki describing the same process but using tes5edit and going into more detail. It also has Gopher's "cleaning with TES5edit" video embedded in the page. I generally prefer tes5edit because of the ease of use, but the CK details button will allow you to undo small accidents just as well.


    Your follower story is a little unclear - any actor in the game is by definition found in the CK when you have your mod loaded - perhaps you're just not using the right search terms or looking in the right place. Use the filter box on top of the object window to enter part of the name (editor ID) and then in the box on the left-hand side scroll all the way down and select "all".

  3. I've gotta say, a vanilla skyrim (updated to the latest over steam) for me always has been a fairly stable experience. It's only when I started wantonly modding that things went pear-shaped :thumbsup:


    The latest skyrim versions are already LAA aware so the 4 GB mod is obsolete anyway, and 3 GB of RAM - OS and other running programs = not a lot of breathing room for skyrim (although I've rarely seen it go over the 2GB mark on my rig, even with lots of mods). What's more crucial is plenty of video ram - especially when you've installed texture packs/mods. On lower-end systems tweaking the game quality settings to more moderate standards also helps.

  4. Howdy Slains,


    hope you survived the holiday excesses relatively intact :)


    Maybe this modder's resource will aid your quest to place stuff?




    Unless that's the mod you found, but it still seems like it should be adaptable to whatever decorating needs you have. Or you could considering turning the miscobjects (with collision and the famous skyrim bounce-around-the-house) into statics and using scripts to place them; there is a candles and lanterns modders resource somewhere out there with a placing script you could adapt.


    Not big on decorating myself, but I know a lot of people seem to enjoy doing it.

  5. I'm guessing that last part should be "function TryActivate()" and you were hitting the eggnog last night ;) (I know I was)


    What is preferable in terms of speed/efficiency, one script using registerforsingleupdate() or three scripts but without updates? Because I would tend to go for the single script option, so I was wondering.

  6. Well, for starters, you've declared a function which is fine (but rather useless if you're not going to reuse it and it contains only one statement) but you never call on it. So the update loop never gets started, I think.


    Instead of

    Function StartChain()
           RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) ; Give us a single update in one second




    Event OnCellAttach()


    Also note this extra "a":

    Bool bKeepUpadating = False


    Generally, if a script doesn't work as expected I add lots of debug.notification("we're in stage X now") statements to see what is happening.

    (on that note, you don't need to import debug if you then go on to call debug.somedebugstatement <- the debug. part calls on the debug script)


    Finally, I'm not sure if this script will act as you expect even with proper event calls, but get that sorted first :)

  7. Water Triangles (Blue) allow you to indicate an area of deep water. Some creatures will behave differently while in or around water.


    Note that, in areas of deep water, the Navmesh should always be placed on the ground surface (underwater) instead of on top of the water plane.


    To mark/unmark a triangle as Water, select the triangle(s) and press the "O" hotkey.




  8. Believe me, if "generate" bugged out on you, you would know it because you'd have missing/floating/otherwise messed up landscape all over the place. But most likely it failed to run/complete because you ticked some boxes at random and didn't have the source object textures in TGA format and/or landscape source DDS textures in the proper places.


    This post should help you get an idea of how to reliably generate object LOD.


    Which leads to my second tip: whenever you're going to start working on a mod, make a manual backup. When you're done, make a manual backup. If you find you've been working for 4 hours straight, save and make a backup.

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