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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. I'd recommend staying away from CK's LOD generator altogether (or if you do use it - do NOT NOT NOT EVER save your mod after that. Close CK, reopen, reload). Oscape will do what you want but like I said, it comes with its own quirks and usage guide.


    Perhaps an underground mall? Or mall-in-a-mountain? Or find a bit of open space and build there.

  2. What you're seeing is the default tamriel LOD mesh for that part of the terrain, essentially what you would see if you were far away, and there are multiple levels of LOD (typically 4,8,16,32 in skyrim, each higher level having less detail/polygons to render quicker at a further distance and the highest level -32- being used to generate the world map). Normally Skyrim will switch more or less seamlessly between levels as you approach, but since you've altered level 1 radically, it probably doesn't know what to do so presents the closest LOD mesh it has.


    Since you've altered the terrain, you should generate new LOD files. The CK LOD generator is pretty buggy though (it works fine for object LOD, but not so good for landscape LOD), and many people use tools like Oscape to work around that. You can use this to generate a new Tamriel worldspace LOD. How to properly use Oscape is a chapter of text in itself, so I will just refer you to one of the many tutorials out there. (the one I'm pointing at is somewhat out of date but the general practice is sound - no need to duplicate every texture used though)


    However, if you do that, your mod will become automatically incompatible with other mods which also alter Tamriel and have their own LOD set for that worldspace (and by incompatible I do not mean "will crash their game" but "will cause unpredictable visual artifacts like you're having right now"). I don't know of a way to generate partial LOD for, say, just a cell. Ideally, we want a tool like Oblivion's tes4lodgen, which would enable an end-user to install a bunch of terrain-altering mods, run tes4lodgen, and so generate proper LOD for their own custom worldspace. Not sure if anyone is working on that though.


    So taking all the above into account, I can't really recommend radically altering vanilla Tamriel cell terrain right now. Well that or generate your own terrain and just say to hell with compatibility.

  3. The onequipped and onunequipped events should still fire - they do every time an item is equipped or unequipped. After that the item is considered to be inside a container and so (if a script is attached to it) can't call any member functions (unless it's a persistent ref I think). For a start/stop script attached to the item, make sure your quest is declared as a property (quest property questname auto - and fill in that property to point to your quest), after that you should be able to call questname.stop() and questname.start()


    Alternatively, I think it's fairly safe to let the quest just run, however, if you don't want your script (which IIRC has many many checks for certain item types in the player inventory) to eat processor cycles you'll probably have to move to using states, one state to do a quick check if one of your bows is equipped (perhaps use a keyword on the bows so you can just do one check) and if it is, move to the second state where you start doing checks on inventory etc. until the item is unequipped again, at which point you move to the initial state.




    I usually provide the user with a config book/spell which allows for manual control over the quest for upgrade/uninstall purposes via a menu.


    You can also cut down on script processor intensity by replacing the game.getplayer() calls (which asks the game engine "hey, which guy is the player again" every single time) by either referring to the quest player alias (which you have declared) or declaring an Actor Property PlayerRef Auto and then referring to PlayerRef.


    See alsothis interesting best practices thread.


    I'm not sure if repeated If-Endifs are less efficient than If-ElseIf-ElseIf-EndIf statements though.

  4. The map is the map. You can edit any cell on it, adding and removing as you like. If you add structures, the internal cell of the structure is not tied to the external map in any way. You can add new worldspaces.

    In short, want you want is both impossible and imho unnessesary.

  5. a) it's not your content. You didn't create it. And that, to you as a consumer, is all that matters.

    b) appeal to tradition is (1) a fallacy, (2) not supported in any way by anything resembling a fact and (3) directly contradicted by the mod permission section right here on the nexus.

    c) Blizzard said "you will not be modding diablo", so that has zero bearing on this. And Bethesda HAS a pretty clear policy on CK use (and again, the owner of the content is not you), and looking at what happened on the steam site with the unauthorized open cities copy, DOES care.


    It's one thing to complain if you actually care about your mod; but, if you are knowingly neglecting your own content, your authority over it is void.


    If I decide to go on hiatus, it's still my mod. If I decide to never update it again, it's still my mod. That I personally decide to relinquish my rights in the event that I go AWOL, doesn't mean any mod automatically becomes community property, and people like you make me rethink my community-friendly stance.

  6. That's okay, unless your quest makes quest entries, you won't see it. You can check the quest status from the console with the command




    check if it actually is running.


    Now, since your script is running on a player alias inside a quest, it will have to extend referencealias, not objectreference. So change that.

  7. Just make a quest and leave it at its default setting (which is "game start enabled" - so will start & run always), and like I said add a player alias (tab quest aliases, make new reference alias, alias name player, fill type = specific reference with "forced reference" set to cell (any) and ref set to playerref, then attach the script to that alias.


    This is also a requirement of "onplayerbowshot", since the CK wiki page states that


    Event called when the actor is the player, and the player has fired a bow. If this event is handled in a script that's not on the player, the event will never be hit.
  8. Read the book, Battle of Red Mountain. It paints a pretty good picture of what happened to the Dwemer. Basically they created a device that was suppose to transform them all into ethereal beings in theory; but, instead it vaporized every last one of them in an instant, leaving behind piles of ash where they stood.


    Yeah, no, it's not as clear-cut as that.


    Yes, all the Dwemer disappeared, no, it's not in any way clear what happened - there is only conjecture. Yours is based on a quote from a book which itself quotes Dagoth Ur, who was neither all-knowing nor particularly reliable.


    Direct quote from said book:


    [Only later did we hear from others present that Dagoth Ur had thought the Dwemer destroyed, not made immortal. And no one knows for sure what really happened there.]


    See also Calcelmo's work on the topic, as well as a number of other sources.

  9. Congrats on your first script :)


    ...what is this script attached to? Because if it's the bow, equipped objects are essentially treated as being inside a container, and as per this page, objects inside containers are outside of the reach of your script-fu.


    Attaching scripts directly to the player is bad form, but what you could try is creating a quest with just an empty startup stage, an alias pointing to the player, and attach the script to that alias.Of course, if you only want the script to react to a specific bow, you'll have to build in a check for that.

  10. I think the problem in your first (now binned) script stems from this:


    When an object is equipped it is inside a container, which means that you cannot call Member Functions on it. (Unless it is a persistent reference)


    From the CK wiki.


    So the moment you equip your item, it fires the onequipped event, after that for all intents and purposes it is inside a container.


    In defense of papyrus, while it has frequently infuriated me, 100% of those issues were caused by my lack of knowledge on the subject, and if used correctly it seems to be pretty reliable. Of course, using it correctly has often been beyond me :tongue:


    even instances when the scripts do pretty much the same damn thing as a script that seems to work but in a different context


    But the context is very important :)

  11. I will repeat


    If those permissions are left as the default, you are free to fix or alter whatever mod to your heart's content for personal use, but you can't plonk it on the nexus (or anywhere), end of story.


    The type of changes (big, small, fix, whatever) are completely irrelevant to the permissions.

  12. Upload permission (to other sites), conversion permission (to other games), modification permission (making changes), asset use permission (taking bits and pieces). These are the permissions which get set on a mod, and they default to no, no, not without permission, not without permission. They are set like that for a reason. If a modder chooses to change those, that is his or her prerogative.


    If those permissions are left as the default, you are free to fix or alter whatever mod to your heart's content for personal use, but you can't plonk it on the nexus, end of story.


    I'm all for the nexus adding some kind of "modder's will/abandon contingency" option, but that should not be a default setting, and that should not retroactively apply to all mods made before it was put in place.

  13. Permissions are not "yes unless explicitly no", permissions are "no unless explicitly yes". It sucks that a mod is broken, but you have to respect the rights of modders, few as they are.


    I'm adding this blurb to the permission notes of every mod of mine, just in case I ever lose interest in Skyrim or move on or whatever:


    Modder's will: If I ever disappear and fail to respond to three consecutive pms or mails over a period of three months, all rights to this mod revert to the nexus community and you may all do as you see fit - update it, delete it, fix it, change it, republish it, go nuts.


    Not that my mods are impressive enough that I think people will want to update them after I go (which will happen eventually) but it's nice to have such a thing in place just in case.


    But unless something like that is in place and the default permission is set on the mod (which is "you have to ask before...") - no reply means no.

  14. Not sure what you're trying to do, Jalynn. That file comes with 1 (one) mesh exactly, a morrowind-style urn. The rest are retextured vanilla objects. You should be able to work out what is what by looking at the esp that was supplied with the archive. And of course it's a modder's resource, not something you "make work" in an ongoing game. Dropping it in your load order isn't going to do anything at all, unless you coc to tfmwclutterzone where it's all on display.


    You can extract the nifs from the vanilla game BSAs by using any kind of BSA browser/extractor like this one.

  15. ...the TOTAL 4gb memory restriction. Of your entire machine. I am not talking about 64 bit games. I don't know why you keep going on about that. My entire point is, and has been for this thread, is that if you're going to share your total of <4GB RAM with a game addressing up to 2 OR 4 GB (LAA, which many newer games are), your performance is going to be hurt by RAM restrictions.


    And its very possible to drive windows into swapping, you see it in his dx log.


    As for win7 x64 costing $100, you don't need super-ultimate final edition or whatever. In fact, THAT (much like his current ultimate edition) is a waste of money. Home premium provides everything most people need, and can be had for around $70. A generic stick of 4 GB RAM can be had for around 40, putting him around his $100 price target.


    That is, assuming he has slots free - which I already mentioned earlier.

  16. I'll join the others in saying "learn to walk before you try to run". Actually run through the tutorials instead of just watching, build a quest, build a dungeon, then try your hand at some small projects like a home, and by then you'll have a decent ideas of all the triggers and other stuff found in cities. And there are lots of them.
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