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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Since you don't have that many mods, try disabling them. Is the problem now gone?<br><br>Then go back and re-enable them in groups of 4 or 5. If with one group the problem suddenly reappears, you can narrow it down. I doubt CoT or the lighting mod will turn out to be the problem, more likely one of the lesser-known mods you're running, looks like an accidental edit.
  2. There is not even a SINGLE toilet in those games


    Buckets and straw heaps, my man, buckets and straw heaps.

    What did you think all those buckets in the corners were for?


    Don't know if s*** would stand out with all the brown textures ;)


    To make city streets clogged with dirty steaming mud, rotting corpses of animals and people, large heaps of fermenting vegetables and herbs. With rats and insects and an ongoing fear of plague, hell I want to make areas of plague infestation where if you enter them you get infected and take damage per second like with fire. And most importanty a whole lot'a SH..T and P..SS.


    Well, Solitude and Riften have sewers. But it would be interesting in the smaller towns. Overall I like the idea (save for the s & p, not really into that). More filth, though, would totally work.

  3. Try it. I see Beth has done it in several cells. Even a single cell is pretty large if you're on foot and on ground level - I often forget that when I'm messing around in the CK and use my god's eye view to zoom around cells like it's nothing. And if you're running through them in-game you're not going to stay around long enough to say "you know what, I never saw it rain in this particular cell".
  4. You could edit the weather region for the cell the mod is in - most weather systems have a "noprecip" variant, probably because Bethesda encountered the same problem with exterior structures.


    Menu world > regions, dropdown Tamriel, weather in the list starting with "weather".


    How to effectively use regions is a bit of a long discussion, this postmay be of some help if you're unfamiliar with the region editor.

  5. Now, before you get the wrong idea, in my main game I'm really careful with my horse. Except for those awkward times when I'm surveying my surroundings on a narrow ledge, turn to leave, and forget my horse has a turning circle rivaling that of a boeing 747 at cruise speed. And down she goes.


    In my mod testing (especially when making new terrain/features), however, I often console in a horse to do a quick survey of my surroundings (player.forceav speedmult just feels wrong though I contend that you could make a great racing game out of skyrim - it would also give the loremongers a heart attack. See? No downside), and if there is a sharp drop and I need to be on the other side of it, I see no issue with steering it right down the cliff since I'm in god mode and well, I can always console up another horse. Also the player bounce animations are funny. But when I hear that last NEIGHURGH I always feel a slight pang of guilt.


    So out of nowhere and slightly random, I was wondering, how many horses have you gone through?

  6. Books are essentially pointers to html, text or images. But you could prepare a few books containing various stages, give them all the title (for example) "[playercharacter's name]'s exploits in the Thieves Guild" and swap them out as quest stages complete to make it appear as if the book is being updated.
  7. I'm sorry, I don't have an answer nor am I going to build a mod but I do have a question for you:


    since I'm building a different mod right now which uses A LOT of grass and it renders fine on my aging 5770 without noticable slowdown (I just tested with fraps 60 fps before, 60 fps after, then turned on a resource-hungry ENB to get it below 60 and the difference was 1 or 2 FPS on average - in a scene with at least 5 different land textures visible each with 3 different grass textures) I was wondering what graphical card you use?


    Also: Skyrim without grass looks sad :ermm:

  8. tfc 1

    to pause the game and get the free camera (move around with movement keys, left mouse = go up, right mouse = go down), open console and type it again to turn off


    sucsm 4

    (or other value) to control the speed at which the free camera moves - it's set for rather quick movement by default and you may find it hard to position it right.



    to remove all onscreen HUD crap

    You'll have to "blindly" open the console and type tm again to get it back.


    fov 80

    (or other value) to extend the field of vision


    set gamehour to 8

    (or other value between 0 and 23.9) to control in-game time so you can get a nice sunrise or sunset in the background


    fw [weathercode]

    to set the weather - a full list of codes is here


  9. COast

    Fall Forest



    SNow (winterhold, windhelm, etc - I think it stands for "snow", but it's used in those regions anyway)


    Volcanic Tundra


    A is an alternate option. You'll see them listed in the region stated with a low chance of occurring (5% or thereabouts)


    Look at menu World > Region. Change the region for Tamriel. Scroll down to the list beginning with "Weather", click one, then select the tab called weather. Make changes, go back to the first tab (General), click apply. Not sure if that last step is strictly necessary but I had some instances where CK "forgot" my changes.


    Note that cities with their own worldspace will also have their own weather which applies to that worldspace - if you open windhelmworld in the region editor you will see at the bottom of the list a weatherwindhelm which dictates the in-city weather.

  10. To have an RPG you must have stats


    It's Role Playing Game, not Baseball Statistics Manager.


    My first RPG was Bard's Tale on the C64 and I've been playing tabletop D&D since forever. In computer games, the stats are the measure of your character - but they are not the core of RPG. People obsessed with stats were often the least fun people to have at your D&D table.


    (I'd group KQ, SQ, and HHGTTG in the adventure games group, but that's just me - if others see them as forerunners to RPG, I can live with that - problem solving, exploration, there are a lot of commonalities)


    Also, to stay mildly on topic, what I miss most about Oblivion is all the people complaining how much better Morrowind was. :rolleyes:

  11. Wrye bash can help you with that but it has a bit of a learning curve. But it does allow for multiple profiles with different active mods.


    Disabling your other mods isn't strictly necessary, but if your mod is going to mess with the weather system and others do too, it'll be hard to tell what is actually happening. You could just disable CoT for starters.

  12. Any idea on what messing with these values will cause Climates of Tamriel to do


    No idea. All skyrim weather systems are essentially alike in that there is a definition for it, it has an imagespace (sets up colors and other things), and possibly a shader particle system. They are defined for Dawn-Dawn-Dusk-Night and arranged by regions (those are the two-letter abbeviations added, MA for Marsh, TU for Tundra, FF for fall forest and so on) Then a region is set to have a X% chance for that type of weather. How CoT goes about defining those, I've never looked into it.


    Here's a list of weather codes


    You can call them from the console with

    fw 0010E1F2

    (which is SkyrimClear_A)


    And with

    set gamehour to X

    where X is a numerical value from 0-23 you can set the time - fractions allowed, 23.5 would get you 23.30.


    Final tip, if you're testing a mod disable all other mods first and don't load your active savegames, from the start screen (skyrim/beth logo and menu) open the console and type

    coc riverwood to go straight to the gameworld so you can mess around.

  13. If you run that many mods, you'd better learn how to because your load order is probably a nightmare. If you can figure out how to install mods, installing and running boss should be easy enough. Mostly it's a matter of grabbing the software, installing the standalone version, running it, letting it update, reading the resulting log and acting on it.
  14. Triggerboxes are invisible objects which you place in a scene to make stuff happens when something (the player, another actor) enters them. The cameraeffect ones apply different kinds of visual effects to the screen. If you set the blowingfog effect to "none", all places which use that effect will now go without it. Can't recall any such place aside from winterhold right now, but I'm sure there must be more. They seem to use it a lot in mountains/snowy/coastal areas.


    Personally, I won't miss it.

  15. Not aware of such a mod exactly but we always welcome another modder to the crowd ;)


    The snow itself is defined in skyrim's particle shader system which is pretty straightforward:



    Then that shader definition gets called upon from certain weather types (there are a lot of weather types). The weather types then get activated for certain regions but that's not really relevant for what you want right now. Obviously, you'll want to edit the weather systems with "snow" in the name.



    The blowing fog (which is annoying as F*) like you get around winterhold is actually a triggerbox with a fxcameraattach effect - you'll either have to go through each triggerbox or just destroy the particular effect by setting the effect art to NONE (this will also effect other areas but hey)



    Should be pretty easy to start off with. Bonne chance!

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