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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Vortex is awesome, if you get a recent version and take like 3 minutes to figure out how to do stuff within its paradigm. Like... every mod manager I've ever used, except slicker and more aware of modern concepts and conveniences.


    But hey, crusade on *munches popcorn*

    Anyone want some? It's the salty kind, my favorite.


    to be fair - the (very) early versions had some definite issues, but it has improved by leaps and bounds (which is kind of expected for pre-1.0 versions...). You just have to approach it with an open mind and willing to learn the ropes, instead of fighting against it tooth and nail to get "your way" which is pretty much whatever way you were used to in older mod managers. It allows me to do all the crucial stuff I've been able to do with other mod managers and more. Plus it's pretty zippy.


    And rules turn out to be pretty cool since they're applied consistently over time and over many sort actions after additions/subtractions of mods, like, um... oh yeah, LOOT. And flexible, since you can change them, too. Unless you like to manually re-order stuff every time, I guess.


    You do you, YMMV and all that jazz but it's funny how one tool is cool because it has rule-based sorting and the other isn't because it has, um... *looks at notes* rule-based sorting.

  2. There is no mod which will change the game world in step with the in-game months changes AFAIK. This is mostly due to game engine limitations. There are many mods which focus on changing the game to a particular season. There might be mods which alter NPC behavior based on the current in-game month, IDK.


    In response to post #71749438.




    reptileye wrote: In other news, we are not making a profit we swear!

    Said no one on this site, ever.



    How dare you try and run a business that provides a valuable service to its customers AND makes a profit AND hires paid staff AND runs all kinds of fun prize events! For shame!




    FWIW, I still think Nexus got the short end of the stick on this sweet lifetime premium thing I got a few years back, lord knows how many mods I downloaded since that time at high speed, but thanks for all the fish bandwidth and fun :)

  4. They're not really "supporting" the game though, the updates are mostly to incorporate/support/add Creation Club content. They might have made a small update incidentally, I wouldn't know about that, but the fact that USSEP is even a thing means they've not bothered to really update the game in any meaningful way for a very long time. Hell, the Switch edition launched with all the bugs that have been around since Vanilla which is just embarrassing - and on that platform I wish you good luck on fixing that stuff as a user. The PC updates are really mostly about CC in lockstep with the console platforms which are the primary moneybag generators.


    That said, at the same time I have little patience for people who lose their mind every time they have to wait a couple of days for SKSE to catch up so eh.

  5. Dear lord all this drama just because a mod was flagged as adult at some point. Does that flagging happen inconsistently? Sure, it's impossible to review the tens/hundreds of thousands of mods by a small team. And on the flip side, people don't bother to read/understand the TOS and guidelines.


    Y'all could build a neural net to dig through textures and screenshots to flag stuff for review by a human, but even that would be a massive undertaking with many false positives. Would be an interesting project though.

  6. https://register.ubisoft.com/acu-notredame-giveaway/en-US


    In light of the devastating fire at the Notre Dame de Paris, Ubisoft wants to give all gamers the chance to experience the majesty and beauty of the cathedral through Assassin's Creed Unity on PC.
    From April 17th at 04:00 pm to April 25th at 09:00 am (your local time), you can download Assassin's Creed Unity on PC for free here, and you’ll own it forever in your Uplay games library.
    We encourage all of you who want to help with the restoration and reconstruction of the Cathedral to join Ubisoft in donating.




  7. After taking some out, like Immersive NPC's, the game works...


    I disabled some other ones as well.


    How can Immersive NPCs be a problem if I'm having no indication as such?


    It's most likely not immersive NPCs, unless in combination with some other mod. But disabling/enabling multiple mods is not much use in troubleshooting, you have to drop down to enabling one at a time until you see what the problem is. (the real problem is not with the mod most likely, but with some combination of mods that doesn't work)

  8. I usually run with https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5063 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5933 but if you don't like the vanilla meshes or looking like a farmer that might not work for you.

    Still, adds a good bit of variety to the game in terms of outfits people walk around in and fits very well into the game.



    https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4464 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4465 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4466

    from the Beyond Skyrim people will tickle your fancy.

  9. Are you running your mod on vanilla/unmodded skyrim?


    If not, it is going to be a crapshoot as it could be interaction with any other mod you have installed that is causing crashes.


    Second, if you are, NPCs take up a lot more resources than just cost to render - every NPC is running AI packages, evaluating navmesh when moving, etc.

    Active travel packages and quests (with the NPCs aliased in the quest) make the load even heavier as the NPCs need to be kept in memory as otherwise the game has no way to track their progress.


    This is computationally very expensive. At some point your PC specs will not matter, the engine will not be able to handle it.


    I have not seen mods that add hundreds of fighting civil war PCs in a single cell, even Warzones is quite conservative with number of NPCs in a single cell at any given time.


    in my own testing once you go upwards of 80-100 total NPCs - including animals etc which are all NPCs in the 5 cells loaded around the player, you typically start seeing floating NPCs and other fun stuff. I have not pushed it further as that already was a bad state. I have my doubts about whatever mod you are talking about.


    The fix would be less NPCs :)


    Reading your post in more detail, that plus the vanilla wildlife and NPCs really sounds pretty heavy. Occlusion planes just alleviates rendering cost, not AI etc cost.

  10. It's somewhat related - I use Warzones, which with some tuning is still absolutely spectacular IMO, I frequently pause my travels to watch the factions going at it from a distance. But it leaves a lot of dead bodies around. Dead, lootable bodies. And as it turns out, I can't stop myself from looting them.


    So after my 55th overencumbered waddle back to town to sell my excess gear, I realized I needed to do something.

    I ended up installing trade and barter - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34612

    which has an option to have NPCs loot other NPCs for useful object with values above a configurable amount of gold.


    Now I have lots of naked dead bodies and "winner" NPCs with insane amounts of stuff in their inventories.


    I joke but it's a lot better, I set the NPCs to loot anything above 5 gold and never get off my horse on a battlefield anymore because most of the 'free' loot is gone.


    I do think your example is good game experience - I mean, it would annoy me but at the same time sort of please me at the complexity that interacting game systems can have to make for that true "WTF just happened" experience.


    In response to post #62910351.




    qeissoneguin wrote: someone help me? I downloaded the creation kit but when I start it looks like this: "The program can not be initialized because steam_api64.dll is missing on your computer. try reintaling it to resolve this problem"

    did you ever figure out how to fix, i have same issue.




    As the name suggests it's part of Steam. Is your Steam software operating correctly? Try reinstalling it. Also, are you downloading the correct version for whatever version of skyrim you are using?

  12. I just got a new PC, so I abandoned my rickety old NMM install with too many mods to count and started over on Vortex.

    Very slick interface, very user friendly, it makes managing mod installs and conflicts nearly effortless. And fast too, deploying new mods is like *snaps fingers*. Awesome.


    I have two requests/feedback items:


    - Mods > manage rules: this page could use sort options (name/order/etc) & a search filter, even with a modest modlist the amount of rules quickly grows very large.


    - Circular dependency resolution: very neat graph, would like to be able to explore this graphical representation of mods whenever I want! One minor peeve is that when I flip a rule or otherwise act on the graph, the new configuration comes into effect immediately and the graph either jumps to highlight the remaining issues or disappears. It would be nice to get a preview so I know if this is a sensible course of action or not, sometimes the effect of a change is not really in line with what I think or intend.


    cheers for a great piece of software!

  13. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Optimization


    room markers and portals are absolutely essential when creating very large homes/dungeons, and imo an absolute annoyance to work with. You get used to it, kinda.


    For the lighting issues you mention, see


    and note the limitations on lights especially shadowcasting ones. Also worth reading, the best practices section of the earlier link, it also deals with lights.

  14. This is a bit of a long shot but years ago I had the same problem in Skyrim, and knowing how beth likes to recycle engines and assets and vertibirds are essentially the dragons of the fallout game...


    This is how to generate "don't fly though me" geometry in skyrim, I bet there's a similar menu option somewhere for Fallout. You will need to regenerate it every time you make landscape/architecture changes:


    load up your custom world, and then click menu World > Generate max height data for world. Select your custom worldspace from the list provided, click OK. Done!




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