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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Looks pretty awesome. I have zero experience with 3d printing. How durable or strong is that?


    It's pretty strong thanks to an outer shell with an inner lattice, you could use it as an actual mask for event and parties. I expect it will hang on my wall for years. It's neat stuff and biodegradabe+made from renewable resources like corn starch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polylactic_acid


    Will you apply enchantments before or after painting?

    heh :smile:





    then fashion a broom to the shape of the feathery mohawk of ordinator's mask, fashion your own elf ears; paint spray everything dark gold, and voila. you still have to attach it together. structural integrety is going to be a problem with the broom attachment, so gl with that.


    on the dragon priest mask, that's awesome man. will you be getting a matching veil to attach to the mask? I can see it go great as a convention con/ halloween custome.


    I think I will print up a "wall of masks" - interesting videogame and other media masks.


    I stumbled across that papercraft ordinator mask but it's a bit too low rez (I will totally be stealing the broom idea though :D ). I'm looking more for something like this:



    I think I will start messing around in 3d software myself, since I also dearly want a Dagoth Ur mask print but the sources are too low rez.


    edit: oh wow - found while looking for Ur mask


  2. Found a model at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:370069 and decided to give it a go.


    I'm well pleased with how it panned out. Now if only I could find a good clean ordinator mask model :cool:


    Straight off the printer, no cleanup or anything done:



    Printed on a Creality CR-10 S4 in draft resolution (0.2mm) over the course of 14 hours, no supports used. I guess I'll start finding out how to best finalize and paint this stuff.

  3. "virtual memory" in this case is a file on your hard drive. When your PC runs out of physical memory, it will start offloading data to this virtual memory when it can. This increases disk activity/wait times. It seems likely this is your bottleneck - disk access. You could verify this by using performance monitor or similar tools to see if your drive is maxing out on loading cells.


    Adding more memory is a good idea - 4GB is a little on the low side and increasing it would reduce the need for virtual memory/paging operations, but swapping out your laptop's slow HDD for a SSD would improve things more I think. Of course, you'd have to reinstall OS etc.


    In response to post #57024776.




    cc19980623cc wrote: Is Java/C++ no longer a thing? That's what they teach in my univ... Not JS, not even Python. I'd be grateful if 1/4 of my knowledge will be useful finding a job in near future.... :sad:

    Most Computer Science degrees still teach Java because it's an example of OOP that, if learnt properly, basically means you can learn any other language pretty quickly.



    I'm old enough to remember the school I studied CS at went from Pascal to Java virtually overnight. It was a little jarring. In hindsight, they were more teaching me how to think like a programmer and break down problems into discrete steps rather than teach me any particular language (whichever was the fad of the time). Which has served me well muddling with various other computer languages depending on the task at hand and with computers in general.

  5. being on that list -usually- means you've earned it


    I think you are confusing your personal and subjective notions of "worth" with the objective metric in use both in the current hotfiles and in this proposed system. It's actually one of the few metrics that make sense - because everyone and their dog are going to have a different opinion on what is "worthy".

  6. Is he still going? I put him on ignore after it became clear he has no idea about what making mods for either Skyrim or Minecraft entails or why the internals of one game would be more complex than the other, he just wants his one-click toys and to hell with what anyone else wants, even the creators of those toys. What a great member of the 'community'.


    But of course, 20% traffic is from mobile devices, so they have to make these 20% happy, but not the 80% others.



    I'm pretty happy with the new site, I'm sure many others are, but complain-y people on the internet tend to make more forum posts. So I think your premise is false - you can make both mobile and desktop users happy and just because they've accommodated the mobile users doesn't mean the desktop users are now all pissed off. In addition, I would expect 100% of mobile users to ALSO be desktop users because why else would they browse the nexus?


    I've grown to like the new layout - once I got more comfy with it.


    To me, it sounds like you are quite the selfish person incapable of understanding other peoples different circumstances and seem to expect everyone to think and be just like you.

    Which is sad.

    And yet you're perfectly willing to ignore the wishes of content creators while telling me I'm selfish and force my values on others. Hilarious, as funny as the "I have time to game but no time to read instructions" BS.



    If anyone is agaisnt this, then they really need to give a pretty good reason as to why they wouldn't want this.


    Well, if the authors don't want it, that's their choice. Right?


    Personally I don't care much either way, I put my stuff on the internet and wished it bon voyage. But not everyone is like that, and if you appreciate the works of those people and want to see more of their output, you should probably respect that.


    One thought I have is that minecraft and TES games are very different beasts in terms of complexity and if you think you can load up 150 mods and go off on merry adventures in any TES game just by clicking a button and then everything will be fine then you are deluding yourself. For reference, see the skyrim tech support section of the forums. And that's before even considering different versions of mods and patches being released and older versions becoming unavailable (unless again you are prepared to disregard some author's wishes and just reupload at will). And THAT is just the least of the problems I can think of with TES modpacks.




    Not everyone has the time to create extensive load orders checking for problems and such reading through tons of documentation just to make sure one mod is compatible with another,


    Nobody who pours hundreds/thousands of hours into playing videogames should be able to say this with a straight face. It's laziness and nothing more.


    It's hard for me to have sympathy with a culture where an author spends countless hours on their work but a consumer can't even be arsed to take 2 minutes to read a description page to understand how to install something and just wants "teh modz". And for me that is the opposite of why I mod games - I mod because I want something changed in game(s) according to my tastes, not a whole slew of changes that are good according to someone else's taste. It's a very personal thing, not a "press button to make good" thing. Unless you're lazy AND unimaginative.


    In response to post #56212271.




    FrankFamily wrote:

    Modding is a hobby, not a job.

    Huh, you seem to have no mods published in the nexus. Very interesting...

    Hate to break it to you Frank, but one doesn't need to upload mods specifically on Nexus, or even at all considering they mod for themselves to make a statement like that. Hell, not even mod at all if you've been around the mod scene for a long time. This only makes you look like you are riding your high horse and belittling anyone who doesn't have a mod released for the public on Nexus. Surely I could be wrong, right?


    And modding is a hobby. The people wanting money of course thinks of modding as a job. Which makes me wonder why they even do it at all if modding is such a burden they require money for motivation at all.


    Here's an idea, if you crave money so much, find an existing hobby out there that involves money. Once greed chimes in, it's too stubborn to go away. But what's more funny the very same modders who want money had no problem in the past taking in mods for free by others but surely enough when they do it, oh no, no, no. I demand to charge people because I deserve to be paid for my hard work. Even if I gained resources and knowledge by others for free.


    Another person with zero mods published on the nexus and a whole 7 endorsements given in two years who's here telling people their time and effort is not worth anything and should never be worth anything because... they taught themselves how to do it with free online resources? Wow, that is the dumbest thing I've heard all week and I work in IT, I hear stupid things all day long.

  11. In response to post #56116056.





    lazman555 wrote:

    Right now nexus is perfect, the mods here are of very high quality, and as a modder this site provides a very laid back approach to mod development. I think if you add money to this process you will break it. Atm i have no problem with people taking my mods and changing them, and i can do that to other mods, but when money is involved this will change everything.


    This x1000. We see people already getting hurt by the lack of endorsements. Bring money into this and that negative feeling will increase two fold. Plus we will soon realize that the points will mostly be hogged by the top 10 most popular mod authors and their supporters who promote their content through video. Pure popularity contest. A simple retexture by a popular mod author will far outweigh a DLC sized mod made by an unknown newbie in terms of unique downloads. I've seen it happens numerous numerous times.


    Getting my popcorn ready to see what will happen with this.

    Please list the numerous times where DLC-sized mods were released and ignored. Make it easy, name five. No, make it really easy; name three. It happened numerous numerous times and I do miss a lot of things.


    You had nothing and are entitled to nothing; you have the potential to get something on a mostly even playing field - why complain? Even if you get nothing you are no worse off than before. Do you want a fair marketplace? If this is not it, what would be according to you?

  12. I like to look at it in terms of absolute numbers versus percentages. The site has grown, modding has grown, so the absolute number of asshats has grown. However, the percentage of asshats is about the same as it ever was. There's just more of them around, and they're loud and annoying so they tend to stand out more.


    Ignore, block, or report as the case may warrant, but don't let them ruin your day; not worth it.

  13. must be there for us anytime we need them


    ah ha ha no. No, publishing a mod does not oblige anyone to help you with your broken game, with or without this system. Perhaps you should adjust your expectations and will then find mod authors are friendlier. You should maybe also reread the post, there is no voting, it's based on downloads.



    Nexus crew, awesome development, thank you.


    In response to post #55865556. #55876431, #55886026, #55887056 are all replies on the same post.




    schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
    Graslama wrote: Why?
    schnubbel76 wrote: I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f***ed by nexus.

    I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do.

    slippyguy wrote: Give some proper feedback and your opinion will be taken into account.

    Define "proper feedback" then because it's not like the numerous complaints aren't pretty clear! Didn't ask for it, don't like it, can't search properly, etc etc etc Just because people disagree with something you want to force on us doesn't make 'em wrong!



    With millions of users, any type of feedback is going to be "numerous" when you take "1000 people said they didn't like it" at face value and don't keep in mind "of the 5 million total users". Compared to the shitstorm of paid modding and some other shitstorms I've seen over the years this is a fairly minor tiff.


    As for feedback, most of what I see in this thread falls in one of four categories: "this does not suit my personal tastes", "I don't like change", "I'm too lazy to spend 2 minutes figuring out how the dropdown menus and filters work", or "my personal/obscure use case is the only important use case".


    Which is fine, venting frustration (within the bounds of civil conversation) is perfectly normal but almost none of it is actionable for the designers. Actionable feedback would be something like :

    - "using browser X on platform Y at resolution Z and normal zoom, action blah is broken because the results are blah and instead I expected blah"

    - "the placement of elements X and Y on page Z is not great because [reasons], perhaps it would be better to [alternate suggestion]".

    - "when using the search function in default mode with no filters within the correct game environment, if I look for [search term] I don't get the results I expected [screenshot with search query/filters/result]"


    You know, something that can be actually looked at, considered, and/or tested rather than just "I don't like it".

  15. I'd say get one of the jukebox/music replacer mods and add some silent tracks so they will be mixed in.

    Or convert some of the existing tracks to wav or mp3 (plenty of converters around) and add a few minutes of silence at the start/end.

    Note that Skyrim has different music sets for exploration and regions and combat and whatnot.

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