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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. You should probably look at the script attached to Mehrunes' Razor from the DLC with the same name:



    The most unusual aspect of this dagger, however, is the Daedric Banishing enchantment, which has a chance of instantly killing its target.

    The chance that Daedric Banishing instantly kills is based upon your luck and is not leveled:

    DeathChance = PlayerLuck * 0.05

    DeathChance is at least 1 and at most 10. The script then generates a random number from 0 to 99; if the random number is less than or equal to DeathChance, the dagger kills instantly.



  2. I. Want. A. Solution. I'm sick and tired of this problem being ignored. Someone needs to be a professional and do something to fix the problem. I'm tired of trying to be patient and nice about this. This has gone beyond ridiculous.


    And that someone is you. You mod it, you deal with it when it breaks.


    General tips for a stable game:

    - add/remove mods BEFORE you start on a serious playthrough. Use some throwaway test characters. Test thoroughly.

    - read mod descriptions carefully and follow the instructions given.

    - once you have a nice set of mods you want to run with, STICK WITH IT. Don't go adding and removing mods mid-playthrough unless they are simple texture replacements or something. You will break your save, often in ways that will only become apparent later in the game.

    - invest time in understanding LOOT, tes5edit, and wrye bash. Each plays a role in setting up a good mod list and any time invested will be repaid by a enjoyable mostly stable game.

    - don't touch ini settings you don't fully understand the implications of.

  3. Disregarding the limitations of any medium, the core question here is "should a content creator intrinsically have the right to share at their discretion or not"?


    That is, if a creator is sharing something they made, should they or shouldn't they have the right to choose who they share it with?

    (again, forget the practicalities of sharing stuff for free on the internet for a moment, this is about a general principle)


    second question: is a content creator obliged to have a valid and generally accepted reason for choosing not to share something with someone?


    The answer to the first for me is yes, and the answer to the second is no. It's their content. They can do whatever the hell they wish with it. And with thousands upon thousands of mods available to you unless you are perceived as an asshat by the majority of content creators which really takes a lot of effort, and tens of thousands if not millions of content consumers, I think the Nexus will be fine, and I don't think that is your primary concern but an attempt to shore up a rather weak argument.


    By the way, content creators can't block you unless you comment on their mods - so if you feel your comments put you at severe risk of being blocked (and don't feel a little introspection might be beneficial at that point), then perhaps reconsider clicking that post button?

  4. The last line in your logs is typically not the cause of a crash, as a crash prevents the game engine from logging anything.


    Script logs are not crash logs, at best they can give indications of things wrong with your game, given careful enough analysis by someone very familiar with them by reading though them completely, not just looking at the bit at the end. Some messages are harmless, others aren't.



    provides some insight, perhaps.


    I don't know anything about your modding practices or your particular setup so I can't really say what the cause of your crash is. Most crashes I see are either:

    1. people not understanding that you can't just randomly add and remove mods mid-playthough without negative effects over time (unless they are VERY simple mods)

    2. people who just install a whole bunch of stuff and don't pay attention to what gets installed, in what order, and why.

    3. people who completely overload the game engine with a whole bunch of script-heavy mods, the largest textures possible everywhere, a kazillion NPCs, ill-advised ini tweaks, or a combination thereof.


    Not saying this is you, but that's the common theme.

  5. BTW I'd be curious to know hotkey configs of other site members. Mine are mostly spells, no armor or physical weapons:



    After a few levels I found the limit of 8 hotkeys max too restrictive, eventually I found this mod



    It takes a little investment of time to figure out the more advanced functions but once you are comfortable with it you can quickly equip distinct gear sets, cycle through specific sets of spells under one key (think WoW macros), and generally bind a metric crapton of s#*!. I have a "wheel" set up for different outfits/gear sets, a wheel for spells and potions, a wheel for weapons, and numpad selects different arrow types.

  6. Does anyone disagree that _in principle_ an author should be able to determine how his/her work is used? That an author should rightfully retain some level of control over his/her work? That it is not right for someone to take an author's work and pass it of as his own? I really hope these are things most people can agree on.


    Now it is also true that _de facto_ the internet and very nature of digital information make it very hard to actually exercise said control. But authors still release their work on the internet, for free, for people to enjoy. You should appreciate that.


    Community happens when authors express certain wishes about their work and those wishes are respected and observed by the rest of the community - you know, when people respect each other in general? Otherwise, what you have is just a bunch of leeches and not a community at all. You will likely lose a lot of potential mods in a situation like that, as authors feel disrespected and unappreciated and will stop sharing.


    Personal views: I've set my mods (where possible) to the most liberal permissions. Take them, remix them, reupload them, share alike, port them when skyrim remaster comes out, go nuts. I'm not offering technical support on any of it, you're on your own. Don't have a console, don't care. It'd be nice if you mention me somewhere if you do something with the mods, but I don't even care all that much tbh. But some mod authors feel differently. And while you may disagree with their views (I personally think it's a fool's errand to try and control stuff you put on the internet for free), if you appreciate their works and want to see more, you should probably respect their wishes, or they will stop contributing, and I'd rather lose a bunch of non-contributing leeches with big mouths than people who produce neat things for free.

  7. I don't think that's how that works, and I've tried to explain why as best as I could. You may be better off with a couple of console commands and/or a follower mod that allows you to let people 'make their home'/idle anywhere.

  8. Well, the high-level overview would be to create a quest that runs only under specific conditions (like "serana is cured" + "dawnguard main quest is finished") which adds an AI package to Serana's ingame alias that makes her travel to the college and then idle around there, with some alterations to her inventory. Small quest script fragments may be involved to actually get her to wear the stuff, I don't recall, it's been a while since I messed around with quests and altering NPCs.


    Or you could look at the existing DG main quest and all the stages that have Serana go somewhere/do something and extend that to include the "go to college" bit at the end, but iirc the whole quest was already quite a tortured and fragile thing so I wouldn't touch it tbh.


    But you can examine the existing quest stages to understand how quests manipulate NPCs en replicate that for your own purposes - there are many quests ingame that make NPCs travel somewhere and they all use the same basic components.


    While the end result you want may be a simple state change (actor to different location), to actually get that state in-game without breaking other stuff would be intermediate/advanced. Or I'm totally overthinking it, that happens sometimes. But I don't think so.

  9. I can think of zero logical ideas of a real reason


    - scheduled task kicking off at the same time

    - depending on your OS, some kind of scheduled/automatic update

    - some 3rd party software you both use which has some kind of schedule set and which ran out of control


    that's just off the top of my head.

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