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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. Do you mean an editor capable of highlighting papyrus syntax? Notepad++ http://www.creationk...pad%2B%2B_Setup Sublime text http://www.creationk...lime_Text_Setup Ultraedit http://www.creationk...UltraEdit_Setup Also, the official skyrim pex scripts should have their source counterparts in \scripts\source
  2. Don't know, I can't see your scene from here :biggrin:, but probably one of your temple exterior pieces, or an invisible marker - be sure to check if there aren't any markers where you're trying to build (press M to turn markers on and off) Anyway, glad it helped - I run into crap like this all the time too. Just fiddling around seems to solve most of it... most of the time.
  3. Okay... try moving the exterior door to a completely free area nearby, just for testing. Somewhere in open space (but on the floor). Then see if you can open it.
  4. And both have proper yellow teleport markers (in "free space", not stuck in a wall/door?) does the door give you the (E) open door message at all? Are you sure you've selected a proper door and not a static? If all else fails, just delete the teleport, delete the doors, and set up again.
  5. Ah well, no changed records = no issue. Right? CK and it's weird error messages at odd times... :wallbash: I shouldn't complain really - mine has decided to stop all odd messages recently except for one about a navmesh having no parent (when loading skyrim.esm - without anything else loaded).
  6. I'd say first make sure the outside door isn't marked "inaccessible" in CK. Second would be to check if the outside door isn't being blocked by some other object.
  7. You should start your sound with the following construct: int instanceID = myLoopingSFX.play(self) and then you can stop it with Sound.StopInstance(instanceID) Or so the creation kit wiki says. http://www.creationkit.com/StopInstance-_Sound
  8. Maybe a more experienced modder can correct me, but until we have a tool like tes4lodgen for Skyrim I would recommend against making radical changes to existing terrain in Tamriel. Adding stuff, great (if it doesn't turn invisible at random), changing or removing stuff or radically altering terrain - tricky.
  9. Open your mod in tesvgecko and see if you really haven't touched those records by accident. http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/files/file/388-tesvgecko/ If not, I wouldn't worry about it. I think :P
  10. Here's how to get it installed: http://www.creationk...Getting_Started Launch Steam and log into your account. Ensure that your Steam client is up to date. Visit your Game Library Set the drop-down filter to "TOOLS" Locate the entry labeled: "Creation Kit". Right-click and choose "Install Game..."See the wiki page I linked to for more details and a screenshot.
  11. Easiest test would probably be to remove skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini (make a backup!), then start the skyrim launcher. If everything works like normal now, you've messed up the ini files.
  12. Dwemer power armor: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23530 Dwarven mechanical dragons http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24587
  13. Vote for both, seconded :biggrin:
  14. This happens when you're altering the Skyrim terrain (adding/removing bits, altering the landscape itself) but do not update the LOD, which are essentially low-res versions of the terrain/features to be used at various distances (for quicker rendering). Now I'm not altering skyrim itself, only new external worlds at the moment, but you will have to update the LOD. In the CK, this is a total PITA. Luckily, there are other tools available for free. Oscape (just one of them, but my fave) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4727/ Howto http://hoddminir.blo...eation-kit.html Maybe someone else can chip in on how to efficiently do this for Tamriel, because I don't see you regenerating all of Skyrim's LOD for changing just a little bit of landscape.
  15. Have a look at Misty Grove (the sanguine rose quest), DA14interior in the CK. The 8 NPCs near the table all run a package which you should be able to adapt to your needs.
  16. What kind of AI packages are your NPCs running? Do you have the defaultmasterpackage set? Actor > ai packages > default package list You may also want to define custom packages in the package list above that.
  17. a) make sure you don't have any objects selected (with the render window active hit the D key to deselect everything) b) make sure you're not messing with the recast navmesh settings unless you know what you're doing (reset to defaults to be sure) c) be patient - it may take longer/shorter depending on the area, number of objects, scene complexity and your PC specs I'm not sure that resizing CK parts to >2 is a good idea, it may start to look blocky in-game but that's a different discussion.
  18. Wearable lanterns might be a good mod for you? Ps. Are you running ENB? That can really mess with the lights.
  19. I bet you have an ATI card, maybe with crossfire enabled. I do too. Open enbseries.ini in the skyrim main folder (where TESV.EXE lives) and set EnableDepthOfField=false (it's in the section labeled [EFFECT]
  20. If you're SURE you don't have any actual followers you could try opening the console and typing set playerfollowercount to 0 save, exit, restart skyrim, load, carry on.
  21. You mean you don't see any debug messages in your papyrus logs at all? For easier troubleshooting, you could temporarily replace the debug.trace with debug.notification so you get an onscreen notification if it fires.That way you can see if it's firing as intended at least. (and remove the ; comment marker)
  22. So you have a full skyrim install in two places now? Consider looking into skyrim installation swapper http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19034 Also, I think if you launch tesv.exe through SkyrimLauncher.exe it sets a registry key to point to that current install folder (after which the CK would also load from that folder) but I'm not entirely sure - just say my firewall throw a log entry a few times.
  23. whoops - ghaunadaur you are absolutely right. Pretend I didn't say anything. :whistling:
  24. From the creation kit wiki: For interiors, it often looks like this event fires whenever the player enters the cell. It doesn't. If you leave a cell, the cell may or may not have unloaded by the time you return, which means this event may or may not fire again. If you need a reliable event every time the player enters a cell, try the OnCellAttach Event instead. Why not just give it a whirl?
  25. I don't think you'll find any mention of it in tes5edit. Do you have any earlier backup files you could go back to? These days, I make a backup every time before I start working on a file. Some random ideas which may be useful OR completely useless; - Are you using any custom objects in your mod (not in the original skyrim)? You could try removing them - Are you using complex light arrangements in your mod? You could try removing and placing them again - have you tried copying over all objects in your current cell to a new cell and saving that as a new mod, then continue working from that one - this may or may not be feasible depending on how far along you are and how complex the scene is. That last trick has solved some of my more arcane error messages for me on more than one occasion when working on a home. Don't know what got corrupted, but moving everything to a new cell in a new mod file sorted it.
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