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Everything posted by AnkhAscendant

  1. There shouldn't be any problem. Back it up just in case something goes horribly awry, but honestly, if you don't change anything else on accident it shouldn't break anything.
  2. I concur. When I saw the splash screen about legendary skills my immediate reaction was "why would I want to reset the skills I use often to 15 when I've gotten it so high"? Having a permanent bonus from it is something I can get behind. I can't immediately think of how to enact it without scripting though, so it may not be a easy as one would like.
  3. I use Interesting NPCs, which is pretty much the alpha and omega of adding named NPCs to the world. I had a long, interesting conversation with one of them just last night... Nothing for expanding cities though, since I don't do that.
  4. Forsworn/Reachmen fo' sho'. They're an oppressed ethnic and religious minority that I wish I could play as :)
  5. SKSE will in no way break your game (and isn't done through NMM anyway). Since SkyUI is amazing I think you should go install it. When you start using the Nexus Mod Manager you don't need to import the other mods... it will automatically see them in the load order section, because it detects all .esp and .esm files. They won't show up to be activated or deactivated in the mod list section, unless you have .rar/.zip/.7z files to import them from, but it does't really matter that much. You could either uninstall the workshop version and install the Nexus versions, if they exist, or you could do nothing, because they'll run just fine. I've installed mods from both Steam and Nexus, and actually I run the Workshop version of SkyUI since it has an .esp file and the Nexus version doesn't. So because I'm long-winded, in short, it won't break anything in any way. You can just keep using the mods you have as they are and install new ones with NMM.
  6. You have to go to the Greybeards to be named as Dovahkiin before it starts, so if you haven't done that you won't see anything. I don't know if there's a level requirements, but if there is it's probably ten? I would guess that because I think that's what it was for Dawnguard.
  7. Well, I'd ignore the previous answer if I were you, you don't want leveled encounters if you're using a deleveler :P I would get Economics of Skyrim (I noticed it's on the compatible list). It might not play completely nice with it, but it doesn't seem like it would hurt if they say it's compatible. It basically changes prices and availability of things based on region, which I really like. Frostfall, which is a hypothermia mod. This is definitely hardcore and I don't play without it, although I haven't tried version 2. I would probably get Subliminal Traps, as the Requiem page said you could use to over write the completely invisible pressure plates, because I feel there should be some choice there... You should have the slim chance to avoid them with care. Also, I always play with food mod, and since Realistic Needs & Diseases was listed on the compatible list there probably that one. (The one I use hasn't been updated in almost a year, so I need to find a new one myself.) Skytest and Realistic Wildlife are ones I use because I like to hunt and craft, and they make the world less empty. 'Less empty' is good. I'm glad I saw this, I didn't know about Requiem before, and now I'll have to get it for when I play with an overhaul.
  8. I'm really not an expert at all (I had no idea how good my card is before I did a search on yours), but Google tells me that your card was "no good" in 2008... I found this graphics card hierarchy that puts your in the 20th tier, like 8 from the bottom, in 2010. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/best-graphics-card,2521-8.html I'm sorry to tell you that, but I think that's a pretty serious problem.
  9. I'm going to get a Supporter membership now that it's going to be ad-free, mostly because I use an adblocker and feel guilty about it, but not guilty enough to buy something that recurs and premium membership perks mean nothing to me. But anyway. I had a couple questions. The Supporter seems to have been left out of the talk of bandwidth. Does it start at the "not viewing ads" base of .75, or at 1.0? Will the site skin ads still be a factor? Honestly I don't think download speed matters to me, but I'm curious. My other question was what happened to the old idea of offering ad space to members for mods? Not that I'd use that either, but in the forum thread it sounded like a viable idea, and I'd like to see those ads.
  10. Not necessarily... I love the Elder Scrolls series and RPs are the only kind of game I really like, but I've never finished the main quest of any of them... I tend to get about 2/3 of the way through and just never go on. Mostly I feel like I'm rushing things too much and I don't want it to be over, or I get distracted with modding and... well, just modding. Hundreds of hours of modding. x_x Maybe people who go through the main quest multiple times are just powergamers who don't appreciate it properly :P
  11. Ooh, I hate this. For me it was the fact that the Falmer had animal souls. I found that so 'offensive' I made a mod for myself to fix it ^^; Seems like giants maybe should too, but I didn't go that far. If you want to rationalize the standing water, it's not so immersion breaking... We didn't know about germs and diseases until, what, the seventeen hundreds? I'm not going to give Skyrim that much credit :P
  12. Followers just standing there quietly while I eat people. It somehow doesn't seem right that knights and housecarls have a morality of 0. :/
  13. I remember seeing a thread about this before, after Dawnguard came out... I didn't read it, since I didn't have that problem, but maybe you'll find the solution here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/746373-oh-joy-of-joys-i-cant-attack-anymore
  14. Yeah, there are always Forsworn or dragons in the way :P
  15. I've started three, but really only play my first one. 1: Lashacrimos (I'm unoriginal, that's the name of a character I write about) - a Reachman (i.e. Breton - is there a Reachman race mod yet?) unarmored mage assassin cannibal vampire Daedra worshiper who kills thieves and people who deserve it (like people who succumb to bribery) and murders Vigilants of Stendarr on sight. Chaotic Good. ^^ He's an honorable dude who just happens to hear voices from the Daedric realms which tell him to murder. He's married to Jenassa, his best friend is Cicero, and his favorite house is Hjerm because it comes with its own decorations. ;) 2: A female Chaotic Evil Altmer thief, whose name I don't really remember. I enjoy playing against type, so she's embittered and has zero magical talent. Not a spell on her. I only played her a little bit, but I'm not counting her as retired, just in stasis. She's my only female character and my only thief, so if I feel like sexy armors and being a cad, it'll all be through her. 3: Arnandre, who was supposed to be a revamp of Lashacrimos, because that's the style I like to play, but I do consider him retired, for all he only ever got to level 8 or so. For one thing, I gave him a Breton name instead of a Reachman one... :/ Lashy's the only one I really play... He's level 55ish but I'm only about halfway through the main quest and have 6 or so daedra left to do. I am a bit slow....
  16. Fallowstone Cave. The first time I walked in I was all wibbling in awe.... I adore that cave. I want to live there. (I need craftable and placeable chests and barrels or something for that, but it's a fantasy.) It's a gorgeous cave.
  17. I completely understand where you're coming from (lone voice of dissent here :P) When I first got Skyrim I managed to play vanilla for about 3 months. Then I stopped playing, and since coming back some six months later I've spent at least three times as much time modding as playing >> I want to just stop and play because all of the modding is tiresome. So instead I go playing games that don't really support modding. My Civ V time is really racking up :]
  18. Thank you very much ^--^ I've been looking through there and links from there for most of the day.
  19. I don't know how difficult it would be either, but I like the idea. I'm in favor of anything that lets you have more interactions with NPCs.
  20. There actually is one already. :) Real Time Reading: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17559
  21. What about just using the Uncapper, which lets you keep leveling past 100? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1175
  22. Heck yes, I want these (as long as they're available for men too, of course).
  23. I was wondering if anyone happens to have the mod Cannibals of Morrowind. I want it so badly, but the PES link is dead and it's not on the Nexus. :< Anyone help me out? Edit: I'm looking for most of Qarl'smods, too. Gothic clothes I & II, miscellaneous item replacer, bottle replacer...
  24. I don't think so... I'm thinking that not using potions was a weakness of all NPC AI. although maybe friendlies did and I never noticed.
  25. Draugr deathlord on the way to get Potema. To be honest, I probably Firebolted her while she was down from him, but I didn't get incredibly torn up about it; I paid her a moment of silence then looted her corpse :P Up until then I'd always reloaded if I lost her, but I had had to reload ten times or so to kill him and I figured hers was a noble sacrifice. And like half of the other respondents, I no longer use followers (or, as I always and up calling them, "Damnit Getoutoftheway!")
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