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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro, of the 10th division of the Gotei 13. His blade? Hyourinmaru. Bankai? Daiguren Hyourinmaru. You've just captured the eye of one of his biggest fans here. I'm not a modder by any stretch, but I have a few ideas to throw in here. There's a Bleach mod available on the Nexus that allows you to use Ichigo's blades and powers (for as much as the game engine will allow). You can find it here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28586/ Now, the original author of this mod has apparently poofed, and nothing is said about permissions in the reupload, so I don't know how much of it, if any, could be used, but the special lesser powers used for shikai, bankai, and the getsuga tenshou could probably be changed to work for HItsugaya. [i'm not entirely sure why there's a shikai ability for an Ichigo-based mod, as we all know Zangetsu is always unsealed...] As far as being able to throw ice around, the getsuga tenshou power could be adapted with new effects to fire ice blasts...and if the Ice Form shout could be incorporated, it would be even better. Well, I'm off to search for more Bleach weapons now that I've gone on my little nerd-rant. As I said, I'm no modder, but maybe this post will inspire someone to pick it up. EDIT: Posted the wrong link, fixed.
  2. I had a much different idea of what this would look like when I opened this thread. I don't normally play archery-based characters, but with this badboy, I'd definitely take an interest.
  3. Looks to me like the Dragon Priest mask would be a great base for this. I'm no 3D sculptor, but if anyone's watching this thread, I do believe the DP mask would be a good start.
  4. I, uh...I doubt this will go anywhere, with Twilight's growing anti-fanbase. I'm not bashing you or anything, I'm just saying...Twilight's...not that popular. Though, Kristen Stewart as a companion wouldn't be too hard...wouldn't have to worry about her expressions! Lmao, sorry, had to. EDIT: Not that popular ANYMORE. Not from what I've seen, anyways. Sorry to have just put that out there like that, should've been clearer.
  5. I have to agree and disagree with that first sentence. While it's true that in a year's time, one could teach oneself...it's definitely not for everyone. I'm a pretty decent artist, I've designed lots of stuff on paper, but I just can't wrap my head around Blender. I learned how to downgrade items from Oblivion to Morrowind, but now I can't even remember how to do that.
  6. I wouldn't mind a Dwemeri motorcycle. Being a biker IRL, this would just make the game that much more awesome while sticking to lore. That reminds me...need to get back to farming gold for my Chopper on WoW...lol
  7. You may be interested in this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28079 It changes all the arrows to have the same damage rating, so that you only really need to have one type on you at any given time. Since Dawnguard added arrow crafting, there's no longer a need to fret over damage with this mod active. Your arrows will always do the same damage; material is now just cosmetic. That's my input for the day! :P
  8. I wouldn't mind their helmet either. Reminds me, in a way, of the helms the messengers in Bleach wore, that basically looked like a roof over someone's face...and goofy though that sounds, I think it's cool.
  9. Babette is also absent. I suppose that in itself is due to Bethesda not wanting you to have to kill a "kid", even if she is a 300-something-year-old vampire. As far as Cicero and the Night Mother, I agree that this should be doable. I think, though, that what Bethesda is aiming at with this is: Before you start either of the DB questlines, Cicero is on his way to the sanctuary with the Night Mother's coffin. If you burn the sanctuary and kill everyone in it, then word gets around, and Cicero goes into hiding. Perhaps there's a way to script it so that you can track his sorry butt down and bash him around?
  10. That fixed it! Thank you so much for that! I never use the Ebony Mail anyways.
  11. So. I'm using a mod that adds the Ebony Mail's black mist to a custom included item. I want to remove the black mist, but haven't a clue how to do so in the CK. I've tinkered with literally everything, and have had to reinstall the mod twice now due to game-breaking whoopsies on my part. I'm completely freaking lost.
  12. Got it opened up properly...now if I could just figure out how to get rid of that shader effect...I have no idea where to begin looking.
  13. Let it be alive...please let it be alive!
  14. There is a Black Knight armour mod on the workshop...but I'd love to see more.
  15. I'm trying to tweak a mod to better suit my personal tastes, but the files are all packed into a .bsa file. I tried opening it in the CK, and it gave error after error during loading. Finally loaded, went to access the items I wanted to tweak, and found out that there's absolutely no way to edit the contents of the .bsa file. I downloaded the .bsa unpacker utility, but I'm not 100% sure what to do with it from there. Help please?
  16. I'm seeing a couple things with this mod...first, the shunpo ability is...glitchy, at best. Sometimes I move two feet, sometimes I move ten, sometimes I get launched a hundred feet into the air and fall to my death. And the hollow powers...it puts on a great rendition of the mask, but it also bathes your character in the Ebony Mail shader...which makes the mask pretty well pointless.
  17. Yeah, my character is currently outfitted in that particular kimono set. Short of the spikey orange hair, I'm all set. The voice files are a little loud, but they're in .bsa format, and I haven't anything to unpack-edit-pack them with, so I'll live with it. Besides, it may result in my parrot learning to say "GETSUGA TENSHOU!"...which would be a laugh riot. And yeah, I have to agree that some things should work cross-gender. Heck, I'd even be interested in armours/clothes that gave the same model on both genders. Crossdressing would be quite a bit of fun :D
  18. I also wouldn't mind a decent hollow mask (and not the one that replaces the dragon priest mask, I've got an epic dragon priest mask replacer that I don't want to overwrite). The only other one I can find adds what is, in my perfectionistic opinion, a slightly poor quality mask that's positively dangerous to use because it drains your health while you wear it.
  19. I tried using a CBBE item on a male once. My torso disappeared! :hurr: Besides, I can't see a girl screaming "GETSUGA TENSHOU" in Morita Masakazu's slightly surly voice...though it would be hilarious.
  20. Yeah, I found that shortly after posting this thread >.< Wouldn't happen to know where to get decent Japanese clothing, would you? I'm not having much luck on the nexus.
  21. "Oh gods, another anime mod request" Yep. I just watched a video demonstrating Bloodskal in action...and I've got to have that sword. I don't have Dragonborn yet, but I will be acquiring it shortly (I hope). I couldn't help but notice the power attack...it makes me think of this: I'd like to see something like this implemented. I already have a Zangetsu mod, but once I get Dragonborn, I'd like to see someone adapt Bloodskal's power attacks to work with Zangetsu.
  22. D/L'd, going to add it on and test it out in the morning.
  23. That mod's iffy on my computer. Graphics card makes the shadows look all weirdish, makes it very hard to create a character in that particular cell due to horrid lighting. I'll look into what I can do about the shadows and lighting situation though.
  24. Would like to have a mod like that. Kudos for the pic of Saren, too. Love the Turians. :thumbsup:
  25. Well, as the title suggests, I"m looking to live in one of these two cities...without being Thaned. It's not that I don't want to go through the quests, it's that I'm trying to play an "everyman" character, one who doesn't really quest unless she sees or is confronted by someone in need. It's a weird playstyle, I'm sure. I've got a few player homes downloaded, but none of them are in these two particular cities...which just happen to be my two favourite cities. I'm using the Real Cities mods for these two locations, so compatibility would be preferred...though I'd willingly disable them for the right home. I know I could google or search the nexus, but I like getting help from the community, as the suggestions of others are more...personal...than just sorting through a cold list. That, and I wanted to introduce my "everyman" play style, and get critiques/criticisms on it. How do y'all think it'll work out?
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